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情态动词的特殊用法 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

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下面是小编整理的情态动词的特殊用法 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文),本文共20篇,欢迎大家阅读借鉴,并有积极分享。

情态动词的特殊用法 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

篇1:情态动词的特殊用法 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)



1. _____ fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.

A. Would you be B. Should you be

C. Could you be D. Might you be

解析:答案为B。Should you be fired = If you should be fired。英语中should是一个常用的情态动词,但它可用于条件状语从句中,表示语气较强的假设,意为“万一,竟然”。

2. -What’s the name?

-Khulaifi. _____ I spell that for you?

A. Shall B. Would C. Can D. Might

解析:答案为A。Shall I/we . . . ? 是用来表示征求对方意见或建议的常用句型,它不表示将来。注意:shall的这一用法也适用于第三人称的疑问句中。例如:Shall he come to see you?(要不要他来看你?)

3. John, look at the time. _____ you play the piano at such a late hour?

A. Must B. Can C. May D. Need


4. -Must I turn off the gas after cooking?

-Of course. You can never be _____ careful with that.

A. enough B. too C. so D. very

解析:答案为B。can/could not(never) . . . too是一个固定搭配,意为“无论……也不过分,越……越好”。

5. Some aspects of a pilot’s job _____ be boring, and pilots often _____ work at inconvenient hours.

A. can;have to B. may;can

C. have to;may D. ought to;must


6. -When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.

-They _____ be ready by 12:00.

A. can B. should C. might D. need


7. When he was there, he _____ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.

A. would B. should C. had better D. might


8. -Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report.

-You _____ have my computer if you don’t take care of it.

A. shan’t B. might not

C. needn’t D. shouldn’t


9. You can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _____ be so rude to a lady.

A. might B. need C. should D. would


10. Many people agree that _____ knowledge of English is a must in _____ international trade today.

A. a;不填 B. the;an C. the;the D.不填;the


11. How _____ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?

A. can B. must C. need D. may


12. The fire spread through the hotel quickly but everyone _____ get out.

A. had to B. would

C. was able to D. could

解析:答案为C。was/were able to表示经过努力而成功地做成某事,相当于managed to do/succeeded in doing;而could只表示过去具备某种能力。

13. There’s no light on - they ____ be at home.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t


14. Tom, you _____ leave all your clothes on the floor like this!

A. wouldn’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. may not


15. _____ we never forget each other.

A. May B. Can C. Must D. Should

解析:答案为A。此处may用于祈使句中,表示祝愿。整句意为“愿我们彼此永不相忘。”又如:May you return in safety. (愿你平安归来。)


1. Mr. Bush is on time for everything. How _____ it be that he was late for opening ceremony?

A. can B. should C. may D. must

2. Naturally, after I told her what to do, my daughter _____ go and do the opposite!

A. may B. can C. must D. should

3. It has been announced that candidates _______ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.

A. can B. will C. may D. shall

4. “The interest ___________ be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides,” declared the judge.

A. may B. should C. must D. shall

5. You can’t imagine that a top student ______ have failed in the college entrance examination.

A. might B. need C. should D. would

6. Football, as is known to the world, _______ be exciting and inviting.

A. should B. might C. can D. will

7. -_____ he open the door?

-Yes, please.

A. Shall B. Will C. Can D. Would

8. The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it _____ be very slow.

A. should B. must C. will D. can

9. -Isn’t that Ann’s husband over there?

-No, it ______ be him-I’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses.

A. can’t B. must not C. won’t D. may not

10. It’s nearly seven o’clock. Jack _____ be here at any moment.

A. must B. need C. should D. can

11. What should we do if it _____ tomorrow?

A. should snow B. would snow C. snow D. will snow

12. You _____ use my bike on condition that you give it to me before I leave here.

A. should B. must C. ought to D. shall

(Keys: 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. A 12. D)


篇2:情态动词和不定式完成式的用法详解 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)



表达意义的类别 情态

动词 具体意义 例句




当时有可能 Tom hasn’t come back yet. He may have missed the bus again.

Sorry I’m late. I might have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.

They might not have gone to the movies yesterday evening.



当时可能 She can have failed again.

Jack can’t have arrived yet; otherwise he would have telephoned me.

My sister met him at the Grand Theater yesterday afternoon, so he couldn’t have attended you lecture.


/ought to

当时比较可能 He set out early in the morning, so he should have arrived home by now.

They started at nine o’clock this morning. They oughtn’t to have arrived there by now.



当时很可能 You will have heard the news, I’m sure.

The police would have gone through every room last night.

His brother would not have been elected as president.


当时肯定 I didn’t hear the phone. I must have been asleep.

The children must have watered the tomatoes yesterday, didn’t they?

The minister must have arrived in Shanghai, hasn’t he?

They must have been very tired yesterday, weren’t they

需要 must 必须曾经 Any candidate for the job must have practiced for no less that three years.






mightn’t 本来可以/可能而实际没有;本来/可能可以不而实际做了 You might have been more careful

He might not have bothered her.

You are lucky enough. You might have been killed like that.

could 本来能够而实际没有 You could have come earlier.

---I didn’t go to class last night because my car broke down.

---you could have borrowed mine. I wasn’t using it.



ought to /ought not to 本来应该而实际没有;本来不应该而实际做了 We should/ought to have studied last night, but we went to the concert instead.

They shouldn’t/ought not to have let you out of hospital so soon; otherwise, you would feel better.

needn’t 本来不必而实际做了 There was plenty of time. She needn’t have hurried.

We needn’t have watered the flowers for it is going to rain.




should 当时居然 It’s wonderful that you should have achieved so much in these years. (赞叹)

I can’t think why he should have said that; it wasn’t my fault. (惊奇)

To think that should have happened to me! (吃惊)

It is a pity that he should fail in such exam.




/couldn’t 当时可能/不可能

当时居然 Can she really have behaved so badly? (惊奇、怀疑)

Tony can’t have done that, he hasn’t the strength.(怀疑)

I’m surprised that he could/should have left without telling a word.(吃惊、不满)

申辩 would 本来应该、愿意、打算 Oh, what a pity. I would have been so easy for me to bring those photographs. I wanted to show you but I’ve left them at the table at home.

I would have come to help you with your work yesterday, only I was rather busy.

I would have visited you but it rained yesterday.

虚拟(与过去事实相反) might 可能当时 Had he come earlier, he might not have missed the train.

If I were you, I might have bought that car.

could 当时能够、可能 Had you attended the meeting last night, you could have met her.

If she hadn’t learned English hard, she could not have passed the examination.

should 当时可能、应该、愿意 If I had met you yesterday, I should have told you about it.

If he were wise, he should have come to see me.

I should have joined you yesterday evening, only I have been rather busy.

would 当时很可能、愿意 If he had caught the first bus this morning, he would not have been late for class.

He would have come and worked together with us, but he was not here yesterday.

I ought to have done so sooner,it would have saved me numerous misfortune.



1. Some women _____ a good salary in a job instead of staying home, but they decided not to work for the sake of the family.

A. must make B. should have made C. would make D. could have made

2.It is not like Jack to be unfriendly, so he _____ you when you called.

A. can’t have seen B. should not have seen C. must not have seen D. need not have seen

3. Bob_____ to Norfolk yet. He knows nothing about the place at all.

A. can’t have been B. mustn’t have been C. shouldn’t have been D. needn’t have been

4. ---I’m told that John had another car accident this morning.

---I believe not. He ____ so careless.

A. shouldn’t have been B. wouldn’t have been C. couldn’t have been D. mustn’t have been

5. My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he _______ your lecture.

A. couldn’t have attended B. needn’t have attended

C. mustn’t have attended D. shouldn’t have attended

6. ---Did you go to the movie the day before yesterday?

---No, We ______, but we decided not.

A. should have gone B. could go C. should go D. could have gone

7. The room is in a terrible mess; it ________ cleaned.

A. can’t have been B. shouldn’t have been C. mustn’t have been D. wouldn’t have been

8. ---We didn’t see him on the exhibition yesterday.

---He ______ it.

A. mustn’t visit B. can’t have visited C. should have gone to see D. may see

9. Mary ______ may letter, otherwise she would have replied before now.

A. should have received B. has received C. couldn’t have received D. ought to have received

10. I _______ a little earlier, but I met a friend of mine on the way.

A. may come B. may have come C. could have come D. must have come

11. Under more favourable conditions, we ______ better.

A. need have done B. should do C. could have done D. might be doing


1. I have lost one of my gloves. I ________ it somewhere. (,北京,春招)

A. must drop B. must have dropped C. must be dropping D .must have been dropped

2.We’ve been waiting for hours to see the famous pop singer, but the airplane ________ behind the timetable.

A. must be B. will be C. would have been D. must have been

3. John’s sore in the test is the highest in the class; he ______ last nigh.

A. should study B. should have studied C. must have studied D. must have to study

4. Mary was not in her bedroom yesterday afternoon. She _______ in her classroom.

A. should have been B. must have been C. must be D. should be

5. Bob said he was going to join our club but he didn’t. He _______ his mind.

A. can’t have changed B. wouldn’t have changed

C. must have changed D. shouldn’t have changed

6. The road was muddy. It _____ last night.

A. must rained B. must have rained C. must be rained D. could have rained

7. He must have finished his homework, _____he?

A. mustn’t B. must C. needn’t D. hasn’t

8. He must have attended the meeting yesterday, _______he?

A. didn’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. hasn’t


1.We _____ for her because she never came.

A. needn’t wait B. mustn’t have waited C. shouldn’t have waited D. can’t have waited

2. I’m rather surprised you haven’t reported him to your teacher. In my opinion, you ____ this as soon as you found out he was cheating.

A. must have done B. might have done C. could have done D. should have done

3. ---We expected you yesterday.

---I’m sorry, I ______ you to say that I couldn’t be here until today.

A. must have called B. would be calling C. could have been calling D. should have called

4. I was really anxious about you. You ______ home without a word.

A. mustn’t leave B. shouldn’t have left C. couldn’t have left D. needn’t leave

5.Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach. I ______ so much fried chicken just now.

A. shouldn’t eat B. mustn’t have eaten C. shouldn’t have eaten D. mustn’t eat

6.Mr. White ______ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn’t show up.

A. should have arrived B. should arrive C. should have had arrived D. should be arriving

7. With all the work on hand, he ______ to the cinema last night.

A. mustn’t go B. shouldn’t have gone C. could not go D. couldn’t have gone

8. Eve was late for class again. She _______ earlier.

A. should get up B. must get up C. need to get up D. should have got up

9. I didn’t send out my application form last week, but I _____ .

A. had B. would do C. should have D. might have

10.--- They have not finished the work up to now.

--- Well, they ______.

A. should have B. should C. ought to D. ought have

11. Walking alone in the deserted village, John was scared. He thought he ______ Tom to go with him.

A. might have asked B. should asked C. must have asked D. should have asked


1. Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we _____ during the day.

A. should have done B. would have done C. must have done D. may have done

2. Nobody knows how people first came to these islands. They _______ from South America on rafts.

A. must have sailed B can sail C. might have sailed D. should have sailed

3. It was really very dangerous; you _______ him seriously.

A. might have injured B. could injure C. should have injured D. must injure

4. --- Why hasn’t Jane arrived yet?

--- She ______ again in the morning.

A. shouldn’t have overslept B. may have turned off the alarm clock

C. must have no one to call her D. should have someone to wake her up

ought to

1.You _____ this morning if you really wanted to see it yourself.

A. ought to come B. may have come C. ought to have come D. could come

2. We ______ the letter yesterday, but it didn’t arrive.

A. must receive B. ought to receive C. must have received D. ought to have received

3. When I got to the cinema, the film had already started; I ____ there earlier.

A. ought to get B. ought to have got C. must have got D. must get

4. He didn’t do well in the exam. He _______ hard at his lessons.

A. must have worked B. ought to have worked C. would have worked D. has worked

5. --- Mr. Young, everything is ready for the meeting.

--- I’m sorry. I ______ to tell you the meeting had been put off.

A. should phone. B. ought to have phoned C. need to phone D. should have been phoned


1. As it turned out to be a small house party, we _____ so formally.

A. needn’t dress up B. didn’t have to dress up

C. might not have dressed up D. needn’t have dressed up

2.It was very kind of you to do the washingup, but you ____ it.

A. mustn’t have done B. wouldn’t have done C. mightn’t have done D. needn’t have done

3. You ______ all those clothes! We have a washing machine to do that sort of thing.

A. needn’t have washed B, shouldn’t have washed

C must not have washed D. can not have washed

4. You _______ to town to see the film yesterday. It will be on TV tonight.

A. needn’t go B. had better not go C. should not go D. needn’t have gone


1. Oh, what a pity. It ______ so easy for me to bring those photographs. I wanted to show you, but I’ve left them at the table at home.

A. would have been B. would be C. had been D. was

2. I ________ you a valuable present for your birthday, but I was short of money.

A. would have liked to give B. liked to give C. have liked to give D. would like to give

3. ---Why didn’t come to my party? I was so disappointed at your absence.

--- I’m very sorry. I ______ but I had a visitor at the last minute.

A. would like have B. would like to C. would like to have D. would like

4. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he _______ a goal.

A. had scored B. scored C. would score D. would have scored

5. ---Your sister nearly ______all her spare time to her course during the three years.

---That’s right, or she ________ the first place in her school in the College Entrance Examination.

A. spent; wouldn’t take B. devoted; wouldn’t have taken

C. hadn’t devoted; hadn’t taken D. hadn’t spent; couldn’t take


可能推测 需要职责 请求许可

许诺 意图打算 意愿决心 能力才能习惯倾向 功用(拟人)





could √


would √

would √


should √

should √

ought to √√

have (got) to

must √



used to

be to

1. shall 的用法。 shall 用作情态动词,主要用于疑问句中征求对方意见,意为“要不要”、“。。。好吗”:

Shall I get a chair for you?

What shall we do this evening?

2. should 的用法。 should 作为情态动词,主要表示“应该”:

You should study hard.

We should help him.

You should ask her first.

(1)有时表示“应该”,其实是一种推测,语气比 may, might 等表推测时要强:

The book should be interesting.

(2)有时用于第一人称的疑问句形式表示征求意见,与 shall 用法相似:

Should I open the window?

What should we do now?


The train should have already left.

You should have told us earlier.

(4) 用于 should like / should love 可视为习语,意为“想要”,其后接名词、代词或不定式:

I should like you to stay here.

I should love to ask you a question.


1 should的其他用法

A 当说话人对某种设想是否合理或正当提出疑问时,可把

should用于 can’ t think why/don’t know why/see no reason why:等后面:

I don’t know why you should think that I did it.


I see no reason why you should interfere in their quarrel.



I can’t think why he should have said that it was my fault.


B 作为一种惯用表达法,should与 what,where,who连用以形象生动地表达惊奇的感情:

What should I find but an enormous spider!



Who should come in but his first wife!


C should用在 lest后面,有时也用在 in case后面:

1 在书面语中,lest…should结构有时放在表示惧怕或担心的词后面:

He was terrified lest he should slip on the icy rocks.



She began to be worried lest he should have met with some accident.


2 lest也可用于目的从句,表示 for fear that(惟恐):

He dared not spend the money lest someone should ask where he had got it.



在这种情况下 in case较 lest更常用,后面可跟 should或一般现在时或一般过去时:

in case someone should ask/someone asked


D should 有时用于目的从句以代替 would/could:

He wore a mask so that no one should recognize him.


E 在条件句中用should代替现在时态:

If the pain should return take another of these pills.


F should 还用于颇为正式的间接命令,这种命令不一定是向对方直接发出的:

He ordered that Tom should leave the house.



He ordered Tom to leave.


2 can 的用法大搜索


1. 表示“能、会”,指脑力或体力方面的“能力”。例如:

I can speak English. 我会讲英语。

Jim can swim but I can’t. 吉姆会游泳,但我不会。

2. 表示“可能”,常用于否定句或疑问句中,指某种可能性。例如:

Han Mei can’t be in the classroom. 韩梅不可能在教室里。

Can he come here today, please? 请问他今天能到这里来吗?

3. 表示“可以”,常用于口语中,指许可或请求做某事。例如:

Can I have a cup of tea, please? 请问我可以喝一杯茶吗?

You can go out. 你可以出去了?




You can’t play football in the street. 不准在马路上踢足球。


Could you help me with my English? 你能帮助我学习英语吗?


1. 肯定句型为:主语+can+动词原形+其它。例如:

They can play basketball. 他们能打篮球。

She can dance. 她会跳舞。

You can go to watch TV. 你可以去看电视了。

2. 否定句型为:主语+can not(can’t/cannot)+动词原形+其它。表示“某人不能(不会、不可能)做……”。其中can’t是can not的缩略式,英国多写成cannot。例如:

You cannot pass the ball like this. 你不能像这样传球。

I can’t ride a motorbike. 我不会骑摩托车。

3. 疑问句句型分为:一般疑问句句型和特殊疑问句句型两种类型


Can+主语+动词原形+其它。表示“某人会(能、可以)做……吗?”,用于口语时,常表示请求或许可。其肯定答语用“Yes, 主语+can.”作答;否定答语用“No, 主语+can’t.”作答。注意答语中作主语的人称代词,应根据问句中的主语作相应的变化。其变化规则为:第一人称问,则第二人称答;第二人称问,则第一人称答;第三人称问,第三人称答。例如:

①-Can you sing an English song for us? 你可以为我们大家唱一首英语歌吗?

-Yes. 行。(注意在Yes后面常省略I can)

②-Can I skate? 我可以滑冰吗?

-Yes, you can. 可以。

③-Can she climb hills? 她能爬山吗?

-No, she can’t. 不,她不能。


a. Who+can+动词原形+其它。该句型中who相当于主语。例如:

-Who can sing in English in your class? 你们班上谁会用英语唱歌?

-Lily can. 莉莉会。

b. 特殊疑问词(作定语)+名词+can+主语+动词原形+其它。该句型中的特殊疑问词常用how many, how much等。例如:

-How many boats can you see in the river? 你能看见河中有多少只船吗?

-Only one boat. 仅有一只。

c. 特殊疑问词+can+主语+动词原形+其它。该句型中的特殊疑问词常用what, where, when等,一般用肯定陈述句作答。例如:

-What can you see in the picture? 你能在图画中看到什么?

-I can see some birds and two big trees in it. 我能看到一些鸟儿和两棵大树。


篇3:情态动词 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)



一. 情态动词的现在完成式的用法

情态动词现在完成式主要有两个功能:表示已经发生的情况和表示虚拟语气。在这两个方面must/mustn’t;can/cann’t;need/needn’t;may/mayn’t;might/mightn’t;should/shouldn’t; oughtn’t等情态动词+完成式表示的意思是有一定区别的

1. 表示已经发生的情况。

1) must have+过去分词,表示对已发生情况的肯定推测,译为“(昨天)一定……如:

My pain____apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically:” Are you feeling all right?”

A must be B had been C must have been D had to be

2) can’t / couldn’t have+过去分词,表示对已发生情况的否定推测,译为“(昨天)一定没……”,如:

Mary____my letter; otherwise she would have replied before

A couldn’t have received B ought to have received

C has received D shouldn’t have received

3) may / might have +过去分词,表示对已发生的事情做不肯定、可能性很小的推测,或事实上根本没发生,译为“也许……”。如:

At Florida Power’s Crystal River plant, a potentially serious leakage of radioactive water may have been unknowingly caused by an electrician.


1) needn’t have + 过去分词,表示做了不必做的事,相当于”didn’t need to do”,译为“其实没必要……”。如:

As it turned out to be a small house party, we____so formally.

A needn’t dress up B did not need have dressed up

C did not need dress up D needn’t have dressed up

2)should have +过去分词,表示应该做某事但实际上未做,译为“本应该……”should not + have过去分词表示本不应该做某事但实际上做了,译为“本不应该……”。如:

I regret having left the work unfinished; I should have planned everything ahead carefully.


3) ought to have +过去分词,表示动作按理该发生了,但实际上未发生,译为“该……”,与should 的完成式含义类似。如:

You ought to have told him that the paint on that seat was wet..

4) could have +过去分词,表示过去本来可以做但却未做,译为“完全可以……”。这点与ought/should/ have +过去分词用法相似。如:

What you said is right, but you could have done it better.

5) may/ might have +过去分词,表示过去可以做但实际未做,译为“(那样)也许会……”。如:

You may have noticed something while you were doing this task.


1)may/might (just) as well “不妨,最好”,与had better相近,意为“最好,还是,不妨”。

You may as well repeat the experiment.

2) cannot / can’t…too …“越……越好,怎么也不过分”。注意这个句型的变体cannot…over….如:

You cannot be too careful when you drive a car.驾车时候,越小心越好。

3) usedn’t 或did’t use to 为used to (do) 的否定式。

Tom used not to rise at six every morning.

4)should 除了“应该”一层意思外,考研大纲还规定要掌握其“竟然”的意思。如:

I didn’t expect that he should have behaved like that. 我无法想象他竟然这样做。

二. 情态动词被动关系的主动表达法

1. want, require, worth(形容词)后面接doing也可以表示被动意义。

Your hair wants cutting

The work is worth reading

The floor requires washing.

2.need既可以用need to be done 也可以使用need doing ,两种形式都表达被动的意义

The house needs painting= the house needs to be painted.

The watch needed repairing= the watch needed to be repaired.


had better, should, ought to是重要的情态动词,也是高考重要考点,学习时应注意下列几点:


had better(最好), should(应该)与ought to(应该)均为提建议、阐述观点的情态动词,其后接动词原形。should 比had better语气强,ought to语气最强。一般情况下should与ought to可通用。

例1:You had better go there at once. 你最好立即去那里。

例2:You ought to / should work hard.你应该努力工作。


例:You can't imagine that a well-behaved gentleman should be so rude to a lady. 你真是难以想象这么一个有风度的先生对一个女子是如此之粗鲁。


had better, should, ought to作为情态动词,各种句型变换均在自身形式上作变化。


had better, should, ought to用于否定句时,否定词均位于其后,具体形式为:had better not do, shouldn't / should not do, oughtn't to do。

例1:You had better not start at this time. 此时你最好别出发。

例2:He shouldn't be careless in class. 他上课时不应粗心。

例3:She oughtn't to waste time. 她不应该浪费时间。


had better, should, ought to用于一般疑问句时,分别将had, should, ought提至句首。

例1:Had he better start early at once? 他最好立即出发吗?

例2:Should you do like this? 你应该这么做吗?

例3:Ought he to go there? 他应该去那里吗?


陈述句谓语动词含had better, should, ought to时,反意疑问句为:had, should与ought+主格人称代词或hadn't, shouldn't, oughtn't+主格人称代词。

例1:You had better not go home, had you? 你最好别回家,是吗?

例2:You should study hard,

shouldn't you? 你应该认真学习,是吗?

例3:He oughtn't to speak in class, ought he? 你上课不应该讲话,是吗?


had better没有完成式,should与ought to完成式意义与用法完全相同。

(一)should/ought to have done 意为本来应做但实际没有做,表达遗憾的感情色彩。

例:There was a lot of fun at yesterday's party. You ________ come, but why didn't you?

A. must have B. should C. need have D. ought to have

析:答案D。 该空含你本来应来但实际未来之意,应填ought to have。

(二)should / oughtn't to have done,意为本来不应做但实际已做,表达遗憾的感情色彩。

例:I was really anxious about you. You ________ home without a word.

A. mustn't leave

B. shouldn't have left

C. couldn't have left

D. needn't leave

析:答案B。 该空含你本不应该一句话不说就离开家但实际已这么做之意,所以应填shouldn't have left。




1.Liza ___ well not want to go on the trip --- she hates traveling.

A. will B. can C. must D. may

2. John promised his doctor he ________ not smoke, and he has smoked ever since.

A. might B. should C. could D. would.

3. They must have been enjoying themselves there, otherwise they ________ so long.

A. can’t have stayed B. wouldn’t have stayed C. needn’t have stayed D. couldn’t stay

4. What a pity. Considering his ability and experience, he ____ better.

A. need have done B. must have done C. can have done D. might have done

5.You can’t imagine that a top student _________ have failed in the college entrance examination.

A. might B. need C. should D. would

6. Although this ____ sound like a simple task, great care is needed.

A. must B. may C. shall D. should

7. She ______ have left school, for her bike is still here.

A. can’t B. wouldn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t

8. ---I can’t find my purse anywhere.

---You have lost it while shopping.

A. may B. can C. should D. would

9 . Naturally, after I told her what to do, my daughter go and do the opposite.

A. may B. can C. must D. should

10. Peter ______ be really difficult at times even though he’s a nice person in general.

A. shall B. should C. can D. must

11. ---Could you tell me what happened last night?

---I can’t go into detail now because it _______ take too long.

A. would B. should C. might D. could

12. You don’t have to know the name of the author to find a book. You ____find the book by the title.

A. must B. need C. can D. would

13.---How’s your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful?

---It should________ be, but it is now heavily polluted.

A. will B. would C. should D. must

14.---Guess what! I have got A for my term paper.

---Great! You _________ read widely and put a lot of work into it.

A. must B. should C. must have D. should have

15.The biggest problem for most plants, which ___________ just get up and run away when threatened(威胁), is that animals like to eat them.

A. shan’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t

16. If it were not for the fact that she ___________ sing, I would invite her to the party.

A. couldn’t B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. might not

17.---May I smoke here?

---If you __________, choose a seat in the smoking section.

A. should B. could C. may D. must

18.---What’s the name?

---Khulaifi. __________ I spell that for you?

A. Shall B. Would C. Can D. Might

19.---Where’s is my dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday.

--- You ___________ it in the wrong place.

A. must put B. should have put C. might put D. might have put

20. ---What does the sigh over there read?

--- No person __________ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.

A. will B. may C. shall D. must

21.---My cat’s really fat.

--- You _________ have given here so much food.

A. wouldn’t B. couldn’t C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t

22. ---What do you think we can do for our aged parents?

---You_________ do anything except to be with them and be yourself.

A. don’t have to B. oughtn’t to C. mustn’t D. can’t

23.--- Turn off the TV, Jack. _________ your homework now?

---Mum, just ten more minutes, please.

A. should you be doing B. Shouldn’t you be doing

C. Couldn’t you be doing D. Will you be doing

24. We __________ have proved great adventures, but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years.

A. needn’t B. may not C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t

25.---Mom’s gift? She_______ have chosen a better one for me.

---She _______ be very happy to know it.

A. should; must B. might; wouldn’t C. couldn’t; must D. mustn’t; can’t

26. I was on the highway when this car went past followed by a police car. They _______ at least 150 kilometers an hour.

A. should have been doing B. must have been doing

C. could have done D. would have done

27. The wet weather will continue tomorrow when a cold front ______ to arrive.

A. is expected B. is expecting C. expects D. will be expected

28. I like these English songs and they ________many times on the radio.

A. taught B. have taught C. are taught D. have been taught

29.---Who should be responsible for the accident?

---The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order _________.

A. as told B. as are told C. as telling D. as they told

30. I hear they’ve promoted Tom, but he didn’t mention _____ when we talked on the phone.

A. to promote B. having been promoted

C. having promoted D. to be promoted

31.--- Do you think we should accept that offer?

---Yes, we should, for we_________such bad luck up till now, and time__________out.

A. have had; is running B. had; is running

C. have; has been run D. have had; has been run

32. He as a national hero for winning the first gold medal for his country in the Olympics.

A. regarded B. was regarded C. . has regarded D. had been regarded

33.---What’s that noise?

---Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine ______.

A. was tested B. will be tested C. is being tested D. has been tested

34. As the yeas passed, many occasions-birthdays, awards, graduations-__________ with Dad’s flowers.

A. are marked B. were marked C. have marked D. had marked

35. It is said that the early European playing cared_________ for entertainment and education.

A. were being designed B. have designed

C. have been designed D. were designed

36.We tried many times, but the engine just _________.

A. wouldn’t start B. wasn’t started C. wasn’t starting D. wouldn’t be started

37. If Newton lived today, he would be surprised by what _________ in science and technology.

A. had discovered B. had been discovered C. has covered D. has been discovered

38. ---I don’t suppose the police know who did it.

---Well, surprisingly they do. A man has been arrested and ________ now.

A. has been questioned B. is being questioned C. is questioning D. has questioned

39. Although the causes of cancer _________, we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it.

A. are being uncovered B. have been uncovering

C. are uncovering D. have uncovered

40. In a room above the store, where a party _________ , some workers were busily setting the table.

A. was to be held B. has been held C. will be held D. is being held

41.The new dictionaries are very useful. They______ well and ______ already.

A. sell; have been sold out B. sold ; had sold out

C. sell; sell out D. are sold; have been sold out

42. Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? It will _____ for several days.

A. be stayed B. stay C. be staying D. have stayed

43. The dog got _______ over by a passing car.

A. running B. run C. to run D. to be run


1.D 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. A 9.C 10. C

11. A 12. C 13. C 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. D 18. A 19. D 20. C 21. C 22. A 23. B 24. B 25. C

26. B 27. A 28. D 29. A 30. B 31. A 32.B 33. C 34. B 35. D 36.A 37. B 38. D 39.A 40. A

41. A 42. B 43. B


篇5:考点4 情态动词 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

考点4 情态动词

1. If it were not for the fact that she sing, I would invite her to the party.

A. couldn’t B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. might not

2. Some aspects of a pilot’s job be boring, and pilots often work at inconvenient hours often.

A. can; have to B. may; can C. have to; may D. ought to; must

3. The World Wide Wed is some times jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it be very slow.

A. should B. must C. will D. can

4. “The interest be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides,” declared the judge.

A. may B. should C. must D. shall

5. John, look at the time. you play the piano at such a late hour?

A. Must B. Can C. May D. Need

6. Coffee be drunk while it is hot.

A. shall B. must C. will D. ought to

7. Tell him that he have the book tomorrow after noon.

A. shall B. will C. need D. dare

8. I lived with my uncle this summer and I didn’t have to pay rent. So I save most of my salary.

A. could B. would C. was able to D. should

9. - Lucy doesn’t mind lending you her dictionary.

- She . I’ve already borrowed one.

A. mustn’t B. may not C. can’t D. needn’t

10. There’s no light on --- they be at home.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t

11. - What a shame! You didn’t seize such a good chance.

- I that job when it was offered.

A. should take B. would take C. must have taken D. should have taken

12. - The work will take me another week. I’m really tired.

- I think you as well consult an experienced worker.

A. may B. can C. need D. must

13. - How much shall I pay for the phone call?

- You . This is free of charge.

A. shouldn’t B. can’t C. don’t have to D. must

14. - Can I tell my best friend about it?

- No, I don’t want anyone else to know it. You keep it to yourself.

A. can B. need C. must D. may

15. - Would you like to have a taxi? - No, I walk there. It’s such a lovely day.

A. can B. ought to C. had better D. would rather

16. - Mum, why are you here?

-I’ve brought your camera. I thought you use it.

A. can B. should C. might D. will

17. - The woman biologist stayed in Mrica studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.

- Oh, dear! She a lot of difficulties!

A. may go through B. might go through

C. ought to have gone through D. must have gone through

18. - Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you.

-Thanks. You it. I could manage it myself.

A. needn’t do B. needn’t have done C. mustn’t do D. shouldn’t have done

19. - I stayed at the Futong Hotel while in Shanghai.

- Oh, did you? You with Baixue.

A. could have stayed B. could stay C. would stay D. must have stayed

20. Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach. I so much fried chicken just now.

A. shouldn’t eat B. mustn’t have eaten C. shouldn’t have eaten D. mustn’t eat

21. - Do you know where David is? I couldn’t find him anywhere.

- Well. He have gone far --- his coat is still here.

A. shouldn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. wouldn’t

22. I was on the high way when this car went past followed by a police car. They at least 150 km an hour.

A. should have been doing B. must have been doing

C. could have done D. would have done

23. - I saw Mr. Smith at the West Beijing Station this morning.

- You . He’s still on holiday in Hawaii.

A. couldn’t have B. mustn’t have C. shouldn’t D. needn’t

24. - Did you walk all the way home by yourself?

- Yes, I did. But I guess I .

A. needn’t B. needn’t have C. shouldn’t D. may not have

25. - Lucy have been to Mary’s wedding. They are the best friends.

- But she for some reason, because Mary asked us why Lucy had missed her wedding.

A. would; couldn’t B. should; can’t C. must; wasn’t able to D. must; might not

26. We wait for a bus to get to the station since we are not in a hurry.

A. might well B. might as well C. could well D. should as well

27. Better go to see my sick colleague right now, ?

A. hadn’t B. didn’t C. don’t D. won’t

28. He must be in the classroom, he?

A. mustn’t B. can’t C. isn’t D. can

29. There used to be a high tower here, ?

A. was there B. wasn’t there C. used there D. usedn’t there

30. - Look! Bob is carefully examine the electric lines.

- .

A. He should be too careful B. He must be too careful

C. He cannot be too careful D. He can be too careful

31. Tom, you leave all your clothes on the floor like this!

A. wouldn’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. may not

32. I have been more than six years old when the accident happened.

A. shouldn’t B. couldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t

33. He have completed his work ; otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by the sea side.

A. should B. must C. wouldn’t D. can’t

34. - Do you know where David is? I couldn't find him anywhere.

- Well. He have gone far.

- His coat’s still here.

A. shouldn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. wouldn’t

35. If I plan to do anything I wanted to, I’d like to go to Tibet and travel through as much of it as possible.

A. would B. could C. had to D. ought to

36. - Don’t you think it necessary that he to Miami but to New York?

- I agree, but the problem is he has refused to.

A. will not be sent; that B. not be sent; that

C. should not be sent; what D. should not send; what

37. - The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.

- Oh, dear! She a lot of difficulties!

A. may go through B. might go through

C. ought to have gone through D. must have gone through

38. He paid for a seat, when he have entered free.

A. could B. would C. must D. need

39. There be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in the driving school.

A. mustn’t B. shan’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t

40. This cake is very sweet. You a lot of sugar in it.

A. should put B. could have put C. might put D. must have put

41. - Tom is never late for work. Why is he absent today?

- Something to him.

A. must happen B. should have happened

C. could have happened D. must have happened

42. It’s strange that they nothing about this matter.

A. should know B. would know C. had known D. knew

43. Let us stay here, ?

A. shall we B. will we C. will you D. may you

44. Mike up at five, but now he gets up at six.

A. used to getting B. would get C. was used to get D. used to get

45. Harry would rather than the secret.

A. die; telling B. die; to tell C. dead; tell D. die; tell

46. The plant is dead. I it more water.

A. should have given B. will give C. would give D. must give

47. - he use your bike now?

- Certainly. Here is the key,

A. Does B. Must C. Shall D. Will

48. They work in the street at night.

A. did not dare to B. not dare C. dared not to D. are not daring

49. I tell her the truth..

A. cannot help B. cannot but C. may not help D. could but

50. you tell me what has happened?

A. May B. Must C. Need D. Could

51. When a friend gave Jim a ticket for the game, he going.

A. couldn’t help B. couldn’t but C. could help D. just had to

52. Exercising alone be very boring, but when it goes along with music and friends, you’ll find a lot of fun !

A. can B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t

53. - Shall I buy more food and drinks for the party?

- No. We have prepared a fridge of those. That __ __ be quite enough.

A. had to B. may C. might D. ought to

54. - You really shouldn’t have shouted to them.

- Right. I crazy then.

A. must be B. must have been C. could have been D. should have been

55. He have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by the seaside.

A. should B. must C. wouldn’t D. can’t

56. - The research on the new bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can do the job?

- my students have a try?

A. Shall B. Must C. Will D. May

57. - Why didn’t you come to our party yesterday? There was a lot of fun.

- I , But I had an unexpected guest at home.

A. had B. would C. was going to D. did

58. Why we eat out when we can easily cook ourselves at home?

A. must B. shall C. can D. may

59. You not leave your post or you will be punished.

A. may B. shall C. will D. need


I. can (could), 表示体力或脑力方面的能力,或根据客观规律能做某事的能力,意思是“能够”。can表“能够”时,既可指将来,也可指现在。be able to在表示能力时与can同义,但可用于各种时态,强调通过努力克服困难成功地做成某事,相当于managed to do 或 succeeded in doing。表示许可、允许,在疑问句中表示“请求,许可”,否定句中表示“不许”,此时可与may通用,有时cannot可以表示“禁止”,相当于“mustn’t”。表示推测,强调客观可能性“可能、会”,can多用于疑问句和否定句,表示猜测时,情态动词后可用进行式或完成式。


II. may (might), 表示许可,有“可以”的意思,询问一件事可不可以做,有时可以与can互换。其否定式may not表示“不可以、禁止、阻止”等,常用must not=mustn’t代替,may用于疑问句中,回答这种问题时,多避免用may,而用其他形式,以免显得口气太严峻或不客气。


表祝愿: May you succeed! = I hope you may succeed. May you be happy, healthy and wealthy!

might是may的过去式,表示可以做的事或可能发生的事;主句谓语动词是过去时态时用 might不用may。might一般用于比may的口气委婉,或表示现实的可能性更小一些的语境中。

III. must, have to, 表示必须要做的事,意为“必须“,否定式 mustn’t表示“不应该,不许可,禁止”等。因此,在回答带有must的问句时,不用mustn’t,而用 needn’t或don’t have to.

must在表示“必须”时与have to相近,have to比较强调客观的需要,must着重主观看法。另外must不像have to那样能有更多的时态。表推测,暗含很大的可能性,意为“一定”,只用于“肯定句”中。偏偏、硬要、干嘛(指做令人不快的事)。如: Hey.boys! Must you shout so loudly?

IV. shall, 用于二、三人称陈述句中。表示说话人给对方的命令、许诺、警告、强制、威胁、决心等。在疑问句中,表示征询听话人是否愿意。用于一、三人称的疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方的意见和向对方请示。

should表示劝告、建议常作“应当”讲,与ought to有时可互换,ought to更注重一些责任义务。should表示预测可能性,并译作“可能,(按道理)应该”;而ought协则表示非常可能。should用于委婉、谦逊地提出意见或建议,ought to可表示因责任、义务等该做的事。

V. will, would, 表示意愿、意志和决心,适用于各种人称,可以用来表示各种倾向或习惯动作。有时还用来表示“难免”。其过去式是would,也可以是单独的情态动词,在表示委婉提出请求、建议或看法时,语气比will委婉,肯定的回答时用will.

VI. may well和may/ might as well后都接动词原形,是一种常用结构。may well+动词原形相当于 to be likely to,意为“(完全)能,很可能”。may/ might as well+动词原形相当于had better或幻have no strong reason not to,意为“最好,不妨”。cannot…too/enough表示“无论怎么……也不过分”,“越……越好”;cannot but do sth.表示“不得不,只好”的含义。




姓名______________ 班次______________ 学号______________

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

( ) 1. You _____ return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. may not

( ) 2. Where is my pen? I _____ it.

A. might lose B. would have lost C. should have lost D. must have lost

( ) 3. I wish I _____ you yesterday.

A. seen B. did see C. had seen D. were to see

( ) 4. I didn’t hear the phone. I _____ asleep.

A. must be B. must have been C. should be D. should have been

( ) 5. If my lawyer _____ here last Saturday, he _____ me from going.

A. had been; would have prevented B. had been; would prevent

C. were; would prevent D. were; would have prevented

( ) 6. He _____ you more help, even though he was very busy.

A. might have given B. might have C. may have given D. may give

( ) 7. If it _____ for the snow, we _____ the mountain yesterday.

A. were not; could have climbed B. were not; could climb

C. had not been; could have climbed D. had not been; could climb

( ) 8. Without electricity human life _____ quite difficult today.

A. is B. will be C. would have been D. would be

( ) 9. A computer _____ think for itself, it must be told what to do.

A. can’t B. couldn’t C. may not D. might not

( ) 10. Jenny _____ have kept her word. I wonder why she changed her mind.

A. must B. should C. need D. would

( )11. We _____ last night, but we went to the concert instead.

A. must have studied B. might study

C. should have studied D. would study

( ) 12. - Could I borrow your dictionary?

- Yes, of course you _____.

A. might B. will C. can D. should

( ) 13. Tom ought not to _____ me your secret, but he meant no harm.

A. have told B. tell C. be telling D. having told

( ) 14. - If he _____, he _____ that food.

- Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.

A. was warned; would not take B. had been warned; would not have taken

C. would be warned; had not taken D. would have been warned; had not taken

( ) 15. Peter _____ come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet.

A. must B. may C. can D. will

( ) 16. I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I _____ for her.

A. had to write it out B. must have written it out

C. should have written it out D. ought to write it out

( ) 17. I didn’t see your sister at the meeting. If she _____, she would have met my brother.

A. has come B. did come C. came D. had come

( ) 18. - Shall I tell John about it?

- No, you _____. I’ve told him already.

A. needn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t

( ) 19. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _____.

A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. had been broken

( ) 20. It’s nearly seven o’clock. Jack _____ be here at any moment.

A. must B. need C. should D. can

( ) 21.- There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.

- It _____ a comfortable journey.

A. can’t be B. shouldn’t be C. mustn’t have been D. couldn’t have been

( ) 22. Johnny, you _____ play with the knife, you _____ hurt yourself.

A. won’t; can’t B. mustn’t; may C. shouldn’t; must D. can’t; shouldn’t

( ) 23. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _____ get out.

A. had to B. would C. could D. was able to

( ) 24. - When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.

- They _____ be ready by 12:00.

A. can B. should C. might D. need

( ) 25. - I stayed at a hotel while in New York.

- Oh, did you? You _____ with Barbara.

A. could have stayed B. could stay C. would stay D. must have stayed

( ) 26. - Will you stay for lunch?

- Sorry, _____. My brother is coming to see me.

A. I mustn’t B. I can’t C. I needn’t D. I won’t

( ) 27. - Are you coming to Jeff’s party?

- I’m not sure. I _____ go to the concert instead.

A. must B. would C. should D. might

( ) 28. - Write to me when you get home. - _____.

A. I must B. I should C. I will D. I can

( ) 29. I was really anxious about you, you _____ home without a word.

A. mustn’t leave B. shouldn’t have left C. couldn’t have left D. needn’t leave

( ) 30. - Is John coming by train?

- He should, but he _____ not. He likes driving his car.

A. must B. can C. need D. may


1.C 从原题中You can keep it till next week if you like这一信息句可知,“你不必现在还”。

2.D 从原题中Where is my pen?这一信息句可告诉考生,“笔丢了”,丢的动作是过去发生的。因此用must + have done表示对过去事实的肯定猜测。

3.C 原题中的yesterday这一信息词告诉考生,在wish后的宾语从句中,用过去完成时,表示与过去事实相反的愿望。

4.B 从原题中的I didn’t hear the phone.这一信息可以判断出,用must have done表示过去事实的准确的肯定猜测。

5.A 从原题中last Saturday这一信息词可知,条件句中用表示与过去 事实相反的过去完成时,主句用would + have done。

6.A might have + 过去分词,在次是虚拟语气,表示“本来可以给你更多的帮助”,而事实则是帮助较少。

7.C 从原题中的yesterday这一信息词暗示考生,该句应选用与过去事实相反的过去完成时,If it had not been for … “要不是因为……”。

8.D 原题中的Without electricity相当于一个条件句:If there were no electricity,故主句用human life would be quite difficult today.

9.A can可以表示一种客观上的能力,本句can’t,表示“不能,不会”。

10.B 从原题总的“I wonder why she changed her mind”“我不知道为何他改变了主意了。”这句话告诉考生Janny没有守诺言。因此,用should + have done,表示“过去本应该做某事,而实际上没有做”。

11.C 可参看10题。意思是:“昨晚本应该学习,但是却去听音乐会了。”

12.C 原题中的could不是过去时,而表示一种委婉、客气的礼貌用语。因此用could提问时,用can回答。同样用would,might提问,用will和may回答。[注意]①- Would you rather do such a thing? - Yes, I would.

②- Would you like some tea? - Yes, I would.

这两个对话中的would rather,would like是惯用法,故不能用will来回答。因为在这两个句型中,will不能去替换would。

13.A 可参看10、15题。该句意思是:“汤姆本来不该告诉我你的秘密,但他没有伤害你的意思。”ought not to have done = shouldn’t have done

14.B 从答语中的Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately这一信息句可提示考生,条件句应填表示与过去事实相反的时态。

15.B 从原题中的but he isn’t very sure yet这一信息句可暗示考生,Peter当晚来的可能性不大。A是“准来,肯定来”,D是“将要来”。

16.C 可参看10、11、13题。“本应该”而事实上没有……

17.D 从原题中I didn’t see your sister at the meeting和后文she would have met my brother这两个信息句可知,if条件句中应填与过去事实相反的过去完成时。可参看6、7、14题。

18.A 你不必告诉他。因为I’ve told him already这一信息句已暗示考生了。

19.C 当as if引导虚拟语气的句子是,如果主句与从句中的谓语词所表达的动作同时发生时,as if后接一般过去时。例如:He walked as if he were lame.如果从句中的谓语动作发生个在主句谓语动作之前,则用过去完成时。例如:He talked as if he had known the secret.不论主句中的谓语是现在时还是过去时。

20.C 只要考生抓住nearly一词和后文at any moment(随时的意思)这两个信息词语,就能很快选出C项,表示逻辑推测,意思是“快七点钟了,杰克一会儿就该到了。”

21.D 根据句意,是对过去情况的推测。“当时决不可能是一次舒服的乘车。”must表示对过去的推测只能用于肯定句。

22.B mustn’t表示“禁止”;may表示“有可能”。句子的意思是:“你不可以玩刀,可能会伤你自己。”

23.D 该题在考考生could与was able to之间的区别。Was able to表示在困难的情况下,经过一番周折而“能……”,并且成功地做了。

24.B 该题考查情态动词should表推测的用法。Can和might都可以表示可能性,用might则语气更加不肯定。Need表示“需要”、“必需”。Should可以表示推测,结合实际,合乎逻辑,意为“应当”、“该”。根据第一个说话者说的I need them tomorrow afternoon的语境,可以确定正确答案为B。

25.A 该题在考查“情态动词+不定式的完成式”的用法,从会话的语境看,空白处应填“could + have +过去分词”表示过去本来能做到的事而事实上没有做到。

26.B 该题考查表示请求的英语口语,用will来向第二人称提问的疑问结构,是表达一种意愿和请求,是以疑问的形式来表达较为婉转的祈使语气,意思是“请你……,好吗?”,对于这种问句的肯定答语可用Sure! Certainly! Yes, of course. I’d be glad to等;否定回答通常是I’m sorry, I can’t. No, I’m afraid I can’t. I’m sorry, but … I ‘d like to, but …等。

27.D might表示“可能性”。

28.C 意思是“我会的”。对祈使句的肯定回答。

29.B shouldn’t have done为本来不该做某事,而事实上做了。

30.D 用may not可表示“可能不”。而can not则表示断然的否定推测“不可能”。A,C意思不符。


篇7:高三英语复习与训练二十一一--情态动词 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)


21. 情态动词

21.1 情态动词的语法特征

1) 情态动词不能表示正在发生或已经发生的事情,只表示期待或估计某事的发生。

2) 情态动词除ought 和have 外,后面只能接不带to 的不定式。

3) 情态动词没有人称,数的变化,即情态动词第三人称单数不加-s。

4) 情态动词没有非谓语形式,即没有不定式,分词,等形式。

21.2 比较can 和be able to

1)can/could 表示能力;可能 (过去时用could), 只用于现在式和过去式(could)。be able to可以用于各种时态。例如:

They will be able to tell you the news soon. 他很快就能告诉你消息了。

2)只用be able to的情况:

a. 位于助动词后。

b. 情态动词后。

c. 表示过去某时刻动作时。

d. 用于句首表示条件。

e. 表示成功地做了某事时,用was/were able to,不能用could。例如:

He was able to flee Europe before the war broke out. = He managed to flee Europe before the war broke out.




--- Could I have the television on? 我能看电视吗?

--- Yes, you can. / No, you can't. 可以/不可以。


He couldn't be a bad man. 他不大可能是坏人。

21.3 比较may和might

1) 表示允许或请求;表示没有把握的推测;may 放在句首,表示祝愿。例如:

May God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你!

He might be at home. 他可能在家。

注意:might 表示推测时,不表示时态,只是可能性比may 小。

2) 成语:may/might as well,后面接不带to 的不定式,意为“不妨”。例如:

If that is the case, we may as well try.如果情况确实如此,我们不妨试一试。


Peter ___come with us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet.

A. must B. may C. can D. will

答案B. 表可能性只能用may。此句意可从后半句推出。

21.4 比较have to和must

1) 两词都是'必须'的意思,have to 表示客观的需要,must 表示说话人主观上的看法,既主观上的必要。例如:

My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the night.


He said that they must work hard. 他说他们必须努力工作。(主观上要做这件事)

2) have to有人称、数、时态的变化,而must只有一种形式。但must 可用于间接引语中表示过去的必要或义务。例如:

He had to look after his sister yesterday. 他昨晚只得照顾他姐姐。

3) 否定结构中:don't have to表示“不必”,mustn't表示“禁止”。例如:

You don't have to tell him about it. 你不一定要把此事告诉他。

You mustn't tell him about it. 你不得把这件事告诉他。

21.5 must表示推测

1) must用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测,意为“一定”。

2) must表对现在的状态或现在正发生的事情的推测时,must 后面通常接系动词be 的原形或行为动词的进行式。例如:

You have worked hard all day. You must be tired. 你辛苦干一整天,一定累了。(对现在情况的推测判断)

He must be working in his office. 他一定在办公室工作呢。

比较:He must be staying there. 他现在肯定在那里。

He must stay there. 他必须呆在那。

3) must 表示对已发生的事情的推测时,must 要接完成式。例如:

I didn't hear the phone. I must have been asleep. 我刚才没有听到电话,我想必是睡着了。

4) must表示对过去某时正发生的事情的推测,must 后面要接不定式的完成进行式。例如:

---Why didn't you answer my phone call? 为何不接我的电话?

---Well, I must have been sleeping, so I didn't hear it.唉,肯定在睡觉,所以没有听见。

5) 否定推测用can't。例如:

If Tom didn't leave here until five o'clock, he can't be home yet. 如果汤姆五点才离开这儿,他此时一定还未到家。

21.6 表示推测的用法

can, could, may, might, must 皆可表示推测,其用法如下:


I don't know where she is, she may be in Wuhan. 我不知道她在哪儿,可能在武汉。


At this moment, our teacher must be correcting our exam papers. 这时,想必我们老师正在批改试卷。


The road is wet. It must have rained last night. 地是湿的,昨天晚上一定下雨了。


Your mother must have been looking for you. 你妈妈一定一直在找你。

5)推测的否定形式,疑问形式用can't, couldn't表示。例如:

Mike can't have found his car, for he came to work by bus this morning.


注意:could, might表示推测时不表示时态,其推测的程度不如can, may。

21.7 情态动词+ have +过去分词

1) may(might) have + done sth, can (could) have + done sth 表示过去,推测过去时间里可能发生的事情。例如:

Philip may (might) have been hurt seriously in the car accident. 菲力浦可能在车祸中受了重伤。

Philip can (could) have been hurt seriously in the car accident.

2) must have +done sth,对过去时间里可能发生的事情的推测,语气较强,具有“肯定”,“谅必”的意思。例如:

---Linda has gone to work, but her bicycle is still here. 琳达已经去上班了,但她的单车还在这儿。

---She must have gone by bus.肯定乘巴士去的。

3) ought to have done sth, should have done sth表示本应该做某事,而事实上并没有做。否定句表示“不该做某事而做了”。例如:

You ought to (should) have been more careful in this experiment. 你当时在做试验时应该更仔细点。

He ought not to have thrown the old clothes away.他不该把旧衣服扔了。(事实上已扔了。)

ought to 在语气上比should 要强。

4) needn't have done sth表示本没必要做某事,但做了。例如:

I dressed very warmly for the trip, but I needn't have done so. The weather was hot.


5) would like to have done sth表示本打算做某事,但没做。例如:

I would like to have read the article, but I was very busy then. 我想读这篇文章,但太忙了一直没读。

17.8 21.8 should 和ought to


I ought to be able to live on my salary. 靠我的薪水,想必也能维持了。

It ought to be ready now. 想必现在准备好了吧。

They should be there by now, I think. 现在他们该到那儿了。

The poems should be out in a month at most. 诗集估计最多还有一个月就要出版了。

21.9 had better表示“最好”,相当于一个助动词,它只有一种形式,它后面要跟动词原形。例如:

It is pretty cold. You'd better put on my coat. 天相当冷。你最好穿上我的外套。

She'd better not play with the dog. 她最好不要玩耍那条狗。

had better have done sth表示与事实相反的结果,意为“本来最好”。例如:

You had better have come earlier. 你本该来得早一点。

21.10 would rather表示“宁愿”

would rather do

would rather not do

would rather… than… 宁愿…而不愿。

还有would sooner, had rather, had sooner都表示“宁愿”、“宁可”的意思。例如:

If I have a choice, I had sooner not continue my studies at this school. 如果有选择的余地,我宁可辍学离开这个学校。

I would rather stay here than go home. = I would stay here rather than go home. 我宁愿呆在这儿,而不愿回家。


----Shall we go skating or stay at home?

----Which ___ do?

A. do you rather B. would you rather C. will you rather D. should you rather

答案B。本题考查情态动词rather的用法,would rather +do sth 意为“宁愿”,本题为疑问句,would 提前,所以选B。

21.11 will和would

注意:1)would like;would like to do = want to 想要,为固定搭配。例如:

Would you like to go with me? 想和我一块去吗?

2)Will you…? Would you like…? 表示肯定含义的请求劝说时,疑问句中一般用some, 而不是any。例如:

Would you like some cake? 吃点蛋糕吧。

3)否定结构中用will,一般不用would, won't you是一种委婉语气。

Won't you sit down? 你不坐下吗?

21.12 情态动词的回答方式

问句 肯定回答 否定回答

Need you…? Yes, I must. No, I needn't

Must you…? No, I don't have to.


1)---Could I borrow your dictionary?

---Yes, of course, you____.

A. might B. will C. can D. should

答案C. could表示委婉的语气,并不为时态。答语中of course,表示肯定的语气,允许某人做某事时,用can和 may来表达,不能用could或might。will 与you连用,用来提出要求或下命令。should与you 连用,用来提出劝告。

2)---Shall I tell John about it?

---No, you ___. I've told him already.

A. needn't B. wouldn't C. mustn't D. shouldn't

答案A。needn't 不必,不用。 wouldn't 将不, 不会的。 mustn't 禁止、不能。 shouldn't 不应该。本题为不需要,不必的意思,应用needn't。

3)---Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.


A. I don't B. I won't C. I can't D. I haven't

答案B. will既可当作情态动词,表请求、建议、也可作为实义动词表“意愿、意志、决心”,本题表示决心,选B。

21.13 带to 的情态动词

带to 的情态动词有四个:ought to, have to, used to, be to, 如加上have got to (=must), be able to,为六个。它们的疑问、否定形式应予以注意:

Do they have to pay their bill before the end of the month?

She didn't use to play tennis before she was fourteen.

You ought not to have told her all about it.

Ought he to see a heart specialist at once.?

ought to 本身作为情态动词使用。其他的词作为实义动词使用,变疑问,否定时,须有do 等助动词协助。


Tom ought not to ___ me your secret, but he meant no harm.

A. have told B. tell C. be telling D. having told

答案A。由于后句为过去时,告诉秘密的动作又发生在其前因,此地应用过去完成时,但它在情态动词 ought to 后,所以用have told。

21.14 比较need和dare

这两词既可做实义动词用,又可做情态动词用。作为情态动词,两者都只能用于疑问句,否定句和条件句。need 作实义动词时后面的不定式必须带to,而dare作实义动词用时, 后面的to 时常可以被省略。

1) 实义动词:need(需要, 要求) need + n. / to do sth

2) 情态动词:need,只用原形need后加do,否定形式为need not。例如:

Need you go yet? 你要走了吗?

Yes, I must. / No, I needn't.是的,我要走了/不,不急着走。


篇8:高考英语陷阱题总结--情态动词 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)



1. “Mike is often absent from class.” “Tell him he _____ answer for it if he goes on behaving like that.”

A. shall B. will

C. would D. can


【分析】最佳答案选A.shall 用作情态动词主要有以下两个用法:

(1) 用于疑问句中征求意见。如:

Shall I help you? 要不要我帮帮你?

Shall I open the window? 要我把窗子打开吗?

(2) 用于陈述句中表示允诺、告诫、警告、威胁、命令、规定、必然性等(可用于各类人称)。如:

You shall suffer for this. 你会为此事吃苦头的。(表威胁)

Each competitor shall wear a number. 每个参赛者要戴一个号码。(表规定)

You shall hear everything as soon as you come. 你一来就可听到所有情况了。(表允诺)

请做以下试题(答案均选 shall):

(1) “I promise that she _____ get a nice present on her birthday.” “Will it be a great surprise to her?”

A. should B. must

C. would D. shall

2. You _______ pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important.

A. cannot B. shouldn’t

C. mustn’t D. needn’t



You can’t be too careful. 你越仔细越好。

You can’t praise the too much. 这本书值得大加赞扬。

We cannot work too much for the people. 我们为人民做工作是不可能做过头的。

A woman cannot have too many clothes. 女人买的衣服再多也不算多。

注:有时也可用 can never, impossible 等与too连用来表示类似意思。如:

It is impossible to get there too soon. 去那儿越早越好。

3. “Is John coming by train?” “He should, but he _____ not. He likes driving his car.”

A. must B. can

C. need D. may


【分析】最佳答案为D.may 表推测,may not 意为“可能不(会坐火车来)”。句中的 He should 为 He should come by train 之省略,由于其后出现转折连词 but,说明语意有变化,再结合下文的 He likes driving his car,便可决定此题选D.注意,不能选B,因为can表示推测时通常不用肯定陈述句。

4. “I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.” “It ____ true because there was little snow there.”

A. may not be B. won’t be

C. couldn’t be D. mustn’t be


【分析】此题最佳答案为C,主要由下文的 because there was little snow there 这一语境所决定,既然“没下什么雪”,那么“滑雪”就应是“不可能”,所以选 couldn’t be,即选C.

5. “Do you think he is lazy?” “I _____ so once, but I don’t now.”

A. may have thought B. can have thought

C. may think D. might think

答案选A.从答话人的语境可知,空格处的意思“曾经这样想过”,即对过去情况作推测,故应用“情态动词+动词完成式”;又因为 can 表推测不用于肯定句,故选A.请看类例:

Their answers are exactly the same - one of them ______ from the other.

A. must copy B. must have copied

C. should copy D. should have copied


6. You _____ be right, but I don’t think you are.

A. can B. could C. must D. should


【分析】从语境上看,C、D不宜选,在剩下的A和B中,许多同学想当然地选了A,认为整个句子为现在时态,所以选can,而不选过去式 could,但是最佳答案却是B而不是A.按照英语语法,情态动词can 用于推测表示可能性时,通常只用于否定句或疑问句中,而不用于肯定句中;但 could 用于表推测时,却不仅可用于否定句和疑问句,也可用于肯定句,且此时的 could 并不是 can 的过去式,与 can 也没有时间上的差别,只是 could 比 can语气更委婉,所以答案选B.注:can 在以下特殊情况下,也可用于肯定句。一是表示抽象的可能性,即从理论上或逻辑上分析是可能的,但是实际上未必会发生。如:Anyone can make mistakes. 任何人都可能会犯错误。二是后接“be (get, seem, become)+形容词”,表示“有时会”、“时常会”等。如:My father can be very unreasonable. 我父亲有时候很不讲道理。


1. “I thought you wouldn’t mind.” “Well, as a matter of fact I don’t, but you _____ me first.”

A. should ask B. should have asked

C. must ask D. must have asked

2. “I called you yesterday. A woman answered, but I didn’t recognize her voice.” “Oh, it _____ my aunt Jean.”

A. must be B. must have been

C. might be D. can have been

3. That car nearly hit me; I ______.

A. might be killed B. might have been killed

C. may be killed D. may been killed

4. It’s a very kind offer, but I really _____ accept it.

A. mustn’t B. needn’t

C. can’t D. don’t

5. The police still haven’t found her, but they’re doing all they _____.

A. may B. can

C. must D. will

6. You _____ practise the drums while the baby is sleeping.

A. needn’t B. mightn’t

C. mustn’t D. won’t

7. You _____ him the news; he knew it already.

A. needn’t tell B. needn’t have told

C. mightn’t tell D. mightn’t have told

8. As she’s not here, I suppose she _____ home.

A. must go B. must have gone

C. might go D. might be going

9. Are you still here? You ______ home hours ago.

A. should go B. should have gone

C. might go D. may have gone

10. “I called you yesterday. A woman answered, but I didn’t recognize her voice.” “Oh, it _____ my aunt Jean.”

A. must be B. must have been

C. might be D. can have been

11. I _______ have met him a long time ago. Both his name and face are very familiar.

A. may B. can

C. would D. should

13.“Shall we go shopping?” “Sorry, we _______ buy anything now because none of the shops are open.”

A. mustn’t B. needn’t

C. can’t D. shouldn’t

14. They often go to the restaurants for meals. They _____ be very poor.

A. mustn’t B. can’t

C. may not D. needn’t

15. I didn’t see her in the meeting room this morning. She ______ have spoken at the meeting.

A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t

C. needn’t D. couldn’t

17. He ______ the test again, in which case, his mother will be very disappointed.

A. might fail B. must have failed

C. should fail D. could have failed

18. “Why didn’t she come to the meeting yesterday?” “I’m not so sure. She ______ ill.”

A. should be B. should have been

C. must be D. might have been

19. Why did you just sit and watch? You _______ me.

A. could help B. should help

C. could have helped D. must have helped

20. “You ______ your teacher for help. He is kind-hearted.” “Yes. A whole day _______.”

A. can ask, will waste

B. must have asked, had wasted

C. could have asked, was wasted

D. shouldn’t have asked, would be wasted

21. “Is there a flight to London this evening?” “There _______ be. I’ll phone the airport and find it out.”

A. must B. might

C. would D. can

22. “Show me your permit, please.” “Oh, it’s not in my pocket. It ______.”

A. might fall out B. could fall out

C. should have fallen out D. must have fallen out

23. “Look at these tracks. It _______ be a wolf.” “Don’t be so sure. I think it _______ be a fox.”

A. must; could B. may; might

C. need; must D. could; need

25. “Did Jim come?” “I don’t know. He _______ while I was out.”

A. might have come B. might come

C. mush have come D. should have come


1. 选B,should 后接动词完成式表示“本来应该做某事,结果未做”,此处含有责备之意。

2. 选B,对过去情况的肯定推测,宜用“情态动词 + 动词完成式”,再根据句意,可确定答案为B.注:can 表示推测通常不用于肯定陈述句。

3. 选B,表示过去可能发生而实际上未发生的事,用might + 动词完成式。若只是推测过去可能已经发生的事,则可用 may [might] + 动词完成式,如 He may [might] have gone. 他可能已经走了。

4. 选C.由句意可知。

5. 选B,do all one can 意为“尽力”或“竭尽全力”。

6. 选C,mustn’t 在此相当于 can’t,且语气更强。

7. 选B,“needn’t + 动词完成式”的意思是:本来不必做某事,但实际上做了。上句意思是“你本来不必告诉他这个消息的,因为他(当时)已经知道了”。注意,句中 knew 为过去式。

8. 选B,must 后接动词完成式表示对过去情况的肯定推测,意为“一定已经做了某事”。

9. 选B,should 后接动词完成式表示“本来应该做某事,结果未做”。

10. 选B,对过去情况的肯定推测,宜用“情态动词 + 动词完成式”,再根据句意,可确定答案为B.注:can 表示推测通常不用于肯定句。

12. 选A.may have done sth 表示对过去可能发生的事进行推测,意为“可能曾经”。

13. 选C.根据上下文的语境推知。can’t 意为“不能”。

14. 选B.根据上下文的语境推知。can’t 表推测,意为“不不能”。

16. 选D.couldn’t have done sth 表示对过去情况进行推测,意为“过去不可能发生过某情况”。

17. 选A.根据下文的 will be 可知,“他考试再不及格”是将来的事,据此可排除B和D.再根据语意,排除C.

18. 选D.从时间上看,由于是昨天没来开会,所以推测他生病也应指昨天,故排除A和C.从语境上看,既然上文说 I’m not so sure,那么说明说话者对自己的推测没有很大把握,故选D.

19. 选C.根据上文的过去时态可知,此句谈的是过去的事,故排除A和C.根据语境排除D.

20. 选C.couldn’t have done sth 结构在此表示责备,指过去本来可以做某事但实际上未做。第二空填 was wasted,陈述的是过去的一事实。

21. 选B.根据下文的 I’ll phone the airport and find it out 可知,说话人对自己的推测没有很大把握,故选 might.若选A,语气太强,不合语境;若选D,不合语法习惯,因为can 表推测通常不用于肯定陈述句中。

22. 选D.既然“通行证现在不在口袋里”,那么它“掉出去”应发生在过去,故排除A和B.比较选项C和D所表示的意思,选D更恰当。

24. 选A.根据 Don’t be so sure 可知前面一空应填must.第二空填的could表示推测,虽为过去式形式,但表示现在意义,语气较委婉,它与表推测的 can 主要用于否定句和疑问句不同,它可以用于肯定陈述句。

25. 选A.根据句中有关时态可知“他来”发生在过去,故排除B;根据 I don’t know 可知选项C语气太肯定,不合适;选项D的意思是“本来应该来”,与语境不合。


篇9:情态动词must, can, could, may, might (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

情态动词must, can, could, may, might


情态动词中的must, can, could, may, might都表推测。其中must的可能性最大,can / could次之,may / might最小。具体用法如下:

1. must的用法


He must be American. = It is certain that he is American. 他准是个美国人。


He must know my address. 他肯定知道我的地址。(一定)

He can`t know my address. 他肯定不知道我的地址。(一定不)

Can he know my address? 他知道我的地址吗?(询问可能性)


He must have a car now. (现在)他一定有辆小汽车。

He must be doing his exercises in the classroom.(正在进行)他一定在教室里做练习。

He must have finished the work.(过去发生)他一定已完成了工作。

注:must表示推测时很少用于将来的情况。一般不用He must come tomorrow.可用It`s certain / I`m sure that he will come tomorrow.


He must be a worker, isn`t he? (现在)他准时个工人,是吗?

It must have rained last night, didn`t it? (过去)昨晚一定下雨了,是不是?

You must have learned English for many years, haven`t you? (完成时)你一定学了好多年英语,是吗?

2. can / could的用法


He can`t be at home. = It is impossible that he is at home. 他一定不在家。

(2)can /can`t后可接进行时/完成时,表示对现在发生的动作或过去发生的动作进行推测。

They can`t be reading in the library. 他们一定不在图书馆读书。

He can`t have gone to Shanghai for I saw him a minute ago.


It`s so late. Where can she have gone? 天晚了,她可能去哪儿了呢?


He can`t be a teacher, is he? 他不是教师,是吗?

She can`t have finished her homework, has she?



Don`t eat it. It could be poisonous. 不要吃它,可能有毒。

The plane could be delayed by fog. 飞机可能会因为雾晚点。


Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the bus station?

Could you help me?


It couldn`t possibly be poison. 这不可能是毒药。


You couldn`t be more wrong. 你真是大错特错。

I couldn`t be happier. 我简直是幸福极了。

3. may和might的用法

(1) may, might表示推测“可能性”时,意思是“可能”、“也许”,语气没有 must肯定。

He may / might be American. = It is possible that he is American.



(2)may, might表推测时,可以用于否定句,意思是“可能不、也许不”,但不用于疑问句。

He may / might not be at home. 他也许不在家。

(3)may, might可以推测现在正在发生的动作或过去发生的动作。

He may / might be sleeping now. (现在)他可能正在睡觉。

The boy may / might not be watching TV at home. (现在)


These students may / might have seen the film before.(过去)


(4)may, might还可以推测将来的情况。

I think we should take raincoat with us, it may rain.


She might not come this afternoon. 她今天下午可能不来了。

Exercises: Complete the sentences using“must”or“can`t”.

1. I have tried to call him at the office, but there is no reply. He be at home.

2. They have bought a new car. They have a lot of money.

3. She is carrying a Japanese newspaper. She be Chinese.

4. He goes abroad a lot, He have an important job.

5. She is a professor at the university. She be very clever.

6. She is acting in a Shakespeare play tomorrow. She be an actress.

一. Choose the best answers to complete the following sentences:

1. I thought you like something to read. So I have brought you some books.

A. ought B. might C. could D. must

2. –That man must be Sarah`s husband.

--No, he be her husband. She is still single.

A. can`t B. mustn`t C. may not D. ought to

3. Peter come with us tonight, but he isn`t very sure.

A. must B. may C. can D. will

4. –What it be?

--It be a mail box, for it is moving. It be a car.

A. can; can`t; must B. can; can; must

C. can; mustn`t; must D. must; mustn`t; can

5. –Look, someone is coming. Guess .

--Jack. He`s always on time.

A. who can it be B. who he may

C. who he can be D. who it can be

6. –I saw Mary in the library yesterday.

--You her. She is still abroad.

A. mustn`t see B. can`t have seen

C. mustn`t have seen D. couldn`t see

7. David, you play with the valuable bottle, you break it.

A. won`t; can`t B. mustn`t; may

C. shouldn`t; must D. can`t; shouldn`t

8. Susan refuses to marry Jack now. She her mind.

A. must change B. should have changed

C. must have changed D. would have changed

9. Sue come together with us tonight, but she isn`t very sure yet.

A. must B. may C. need D. will

10. Aunt Margaret the rain, otherwise she would have arrived here by now.

A. must have missed B. should have missed

C. had missed D. might miss

二. Fill in the blanks using must / can / could / may / might and their negative forms.

1. –Could I borrow your dictionary?

--Yes, of course you .

2. She doesn`t answer the bell. She be asleep.

3. The ground is wet. It have rained last night.

4. He is writing with a pencil. He have lost his pen.

5. A computer think for itself, it be told what to do.

6. There is much gas here, you smoke here.

7. –Was he present at the meeting?

--He not have attended it, for he was busy repairing his car all the time.

8. Look! An old man is lying in the middle of the street. He be hurt in an accident.

9. Nobody saw her at the meeting yesterday, she have spoken at the meeting

10. –My goodness. I just missed the train.

--That`s too bad. I am sure you have caught it, if you had hurried.


篇10:语法复习十一:助动词与情态动词 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)


(一)助动词有be, have, do, will, shall。它们本身没有词义,只和实义动词的一定形式构成复合谓语,用来表示时态和语态,构成否定、疑问及加强语气等。

1、be (am, is, are, were, been)

(l)“be + -ing”构成进行时态;(2)“be + 过去分词”构成被动语态;(3)“be + 动词不定式”构成复合谓语:①表示按计划安排要发生的事。The prime minister is to visit Japan next year. 总理将于明年访问日本。② 用于命令。You're to do your homework before you watch TV.你得做完了作业才能看电视。

2、have (has, had)

(1)“have+过去分词”构成完成时态。如:Have you seen the film ? (2)“have been + -ing”构成完成进行时态。如:What have you been doing these days? 这些日子你一直在干什么?

3、do (does, did)

(1)“do not + 动词原形”构成行为动词的否定式。如:His brother doesn’t like playing basket.;(2)“Do + 主语 + 动词原形”构成行为动词的一般疑问句。Does he go to school by bike every day? (3)“do + 动词原形”用于祈使句或陈述句中表示加强语气。如:I did go to see him, but he wasn’t in我确实去看望他了,但他不在家。Do do some work. 请一定做点什么;(4)代替前面刚出现的动词以避免重复。My mother told me to go to bed early. So I did.

4.will, shall (would, should)

“will (shall+动词原形”构成一般将来时,一般来说shall用于第一人称,will用于第二人称或第三人称,口语中常用will代替shll,如:We will have a meeting to discuss the problem.




1、can和could (could为can的过去式) 的基本用法

(1)表示能力,如:He can speak English better than you. (2)在疑问句和否定句中表示“怀疑”、“猜测”或“可能性”,如:Can this green bike be Liu Dong's? (3)表示“许可”时can可以和may换用,如:You can (may) go home now. (4)如果要表示语气婉转,可用could代替can,这时could不再是can的过去式,如:Could you come again tomorrow? (5)can和be able to都可表示能力,两者在意思上没有什么区别。但是can只能有现在式和过去式,而be able to则有更多的形式,如:He will be able to do the work better.

2、may和might (might为may的过去式)的基本用法

(1)表示允许或征询对方许可,有“可以”之意,如:You may use my dictionary. 在回答对方说“可以做某事”或“不可以做某事”时,一般多不用may或 may not,以避免语气生硬或不容气。而用比较婉转的说法进行回答。如:---- May I use this dictionary? ---- Yes, please. 或 ---- Certainly. 在请求对方许可时,如果Might I…? 就比用May I…? 语气更婉转些,如:May I have a look at your new computer? 但是表示“阻止”或“禁止”对方做某事时,要用must not代替may not,如:---- May we swim in this lake? ---- No, you mustn’t. It’s too dangerous. (2)may或 might都可以表示可能性,表示“或许”、“可能”之意,如果用might表示可能性,则语气更加不肯定,如:They may (might) be in the library now .


(1)must表示“必须”、“应该”之意,其否定式 must not,缩写形式为 mustn't,表示“不应该”,“不准”、“不许可”或“禁止”之意,如:We must study hard and make progress every day. You mustn't touch the fire. (2)对以must提出的疑问句,如作否定回答时,要用needn't或用don't (doesn't) have to (不 必)来回答,而不用mustn't,因为mustn't表示的是“禁止”或“不许可”之意,如:---- Must we finish the work tomorrow? ---- No, you needn't (don't have to), but you must finish it in three days. (3)在肯定句中must可以表示推测,表示“一定”或“必定”之意,如:---- Whose new bike can it be? ---- It must be Liu Dong's. I know his father has just bought him a new one.

4、can, could, may, must后接完成式的用法

(1)can, could后接完成式的用法:①在否定句或疑问句中表示对过去发生过的事情的“怀疑”或“不肯定”的态度,Could he have said so? ②在肯定句中,可以表示过去可能做到而实际并没做到的事情,有“劝告”或“责备”的语气。如:---- When did you answer her letter? ---- Only yesterday. ---- It's too late. You could have answered it earlier, I am sure. (2)may, might后接完成式的用法 ①表示对过去某事的推测,认为某一件事情在过去可能发生了。如果使用might,语气就比较婉转或更加不肯定,如:Mary might have learned some Chinese before. ②可以表示过去本来可以做到而实 际没有做到的事情,有“劝告”或“责备”的语气,如:You didn't do the work well that day. You might have done it better. (3)must后接完成式的用法:表示对过去某事的推测,认为某事在过去一定做到 了,如:Liu Dong isn’t in the classroom. He must have gone to the library.

5、have to 的基本用法:have to和must的意义相近,只是 must侧重表示说话人的主观看法,而have to 则表示客观需要,如:I must study hard. I had to give it up because of illness.

6、ought to的基本用法

(l)表示根据某种义务或必要“应当”做某事,语气比should强,例如:Everyone ought to obey the traffic regulations. (2)表示推测,注意与must表示推测时的区别:He must be home by now .(断定他已到家),He ought to be home by now .(不十分肯定),This is where the oil must be.(比较直率) ,This is where the oil ought to be. (比较含蓄) ;(3)“ought + have+ 过去分词”表示过去应做某事而 实际未做。例如:You ought to have helped him. (but you didn’t) 这时,ought与 should可以互相换用。注意,在美国英语中ought to 用于否定和疑问句时to可以省略。例如:Ought you smoke so much? You oughtn’t smoke so much.


(l)dare (dared为其过去式) 作情态动词用时,主要用于否定句,疑问句和条件从句中,如:Dared he bread the traffic regulations again? (2)在现代英语中dare常用作行为动词,其变化与一般行为动词相同,如:She dares to stay at home alone at night.


(1)need作情态动词用时,主要用于否定句和疑问句中,如:He needn't worry about us now. (2)need也可作为行为动词用,可用于肯定句,否定句和疑问句中,其后可接名词、代词、动名词或带 to 的动词不定式为其宾语。如:You need to practise reading aloud every day. (3)needn't后接完成式可以表示过去做了一件本来不必要做的事情,如:---- Did you answer the letter yesterday? ---- Yes, I did. ---- But you needn’t have answered it.


(1)shall用作情态动词时,用于第二、三人称,表示说活人的意愿,可表示“命令”、“警告”、“强制”、“威胁”或“允诺”等意,如:He shall go first, whether he wants to or not. (2)在疑问句中,shall用于第一、三人称,表示说话人的征询对方意见或请求指示,如:Shall I open the door?


(1)should作为情态动词可以表示“建议”或“劝告”,有“应该”之意,如:You should learn from each other. (2)should后接完成式表示过去没有做到本来应该做的事情,或是做了本来不应该做的事情。如:You should have give him more help.


(1)用于各人称,可以表示“意志”或“决心”,如:I have told him again and again to stop smoking, but he will not listen. (2)在疑问句中用于第二人称,表示说话人向对方提出请求或询问对方的意愿,如:Will you please tell me how to get to the Capital Gymnasium? (3)will可以表示一种习惯性的动作,有“总是”或“会要”之意,如:Every morning he will have a walk along this river.


(1)would作为will的过去式,可用于各人称,表示过去时间的“意志”或“决心”,如:He promised he would never smoke again. (2)在疑问句中,用于第二人称,表示说话人向对方提出请求或许问对方的意愿时,比用will的气更加婉转,如:Would you like some more coffee? (3)在日常生活中,学用“I would like to…”表示“我想要”或“我愿意”之意,以使语气婉转,如:I would like to do Ex.2 first. (4)would可以表示过去的习惯动作,比used to正式,并没有“现已无此习惯”的含义。如:Last year our English teacher would sometimes tell us stories in English after class. / During the vacation he would visit me every week. (5)表料想或猜想,如:It would be about ten when he left home./ What would she be doing there?/ I thought he would have told you about it.

13、used to, had better, would rather的用法

(1)used to表示过去的习惯动作或状态,现在已不存在,在间接引语中,其形式可不变,例如:He told us he used to play foot ball when he was young. 在疑问句、否定句、否定疑问句或强调句中,可有两种形式。疑问句:Did you use to/ Used you to go to the same school as your brother? 否定句:I usedn’t to / didn’t use to go there. (usedn’t 也可写作usen’t);否定疑问句:Usen’t you to/ Didn’t you use to be interested in the theatre? 强调句:I certainly used to/ did use to smoke, but it was a long time ago.;其反意疑问句或简略回答中,也有两种形式:She used to be very fat. didn’t she?/ use(d)n’t she? Did you use to play chess? Yes, I did./ Used you to get up early in the morning? Yes, I did./ used to. (2)had better意为“最好”,后接不带to的不定式,例如:---- We had better go now . ---- Yes, we had (we'd better/ we had better)./ Hadn’t we better stop now? (Had we better not stop now?)/ I think I’d better be going. (用于进行时态,表“最好立即”)/ You had better have done that (用于完成时态,表未完成动作) 注:had better用于同辈或小辈,对长辈不可用。(3)would rather意为“宁愿”,表选择,后接不带to的不定式,例如:I’d rather not say anything./ Would you rather work on a farm?/ ---- Wouldn’t you rather stay here? ---- No, I would not. I’d rather go there. 由于would rather表选择,因 而后可接than,例如:I would rather work on a farm than in a factory. / I would rather watch TV than go to see the film/ I would rather lose a dozen cherry trees than that you should tell me one lie./ I’d rather you didn’t talk about this to anyone. (句中的 'd rather不是情态动词,would 在此是表愿望的实义动词)


1. If they _________ to do this work, he might do it some other way.

A. were B. should C. will D. can

2. I was told yesterday that the company _________ me to Rome next week for a business conference.

A. should have sent B. were going to send C. should be sending D. should send

3. Let's take a walk, ________? A. will we B. don't we C. do we D. shall we

4. He was a good swimmer so he _________ swim to the river bank when the boat sank.

A. could B. might C. should D. was able to

5. I went to the doctor's yesterday, I had to wait for half an hour before he ________ see me.

A. can B. may C. might D. could

6. ---- _________ this book be yours? ---- No, it ________ not be mine. It ________ be his.

A. Can, must, may B. May, might, must C. Can, may, must D. Must, can, may

7. “We didn't see him at the lecture yesterday. ” “He _________ it. ”

A. mustn't attend B. can't have attended C. would have not attended D. needed have attended

8. They _________ the plane, or perhaps they have been prevented from coming for some reason.

A. can have missed B. may have missed C. can have lost D. may have lost

9. Since the ground is white, it _________ last night.

A. had snowed B. must have snowed C. must be snowing D. must have been snowing

10. You must be fifty, ________?

A. mustn't you B. needn't you C. aren't you D. mnyn't you

11. You must have seen him off yesterday, _________?

A. haven't you B. didn't you C. mustn't you D. needn't you

12. ---- That must be a mistake. ---- No .it _________ be.

A. can't B. isn't able to C. can D. was able to

13. He had known the matter before you told him, so you _________ have told it to him.

A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. shouldn't

14. How ________ so?

A. dare you to say B. dare you say C. do you dare say D. dare to say

15. You are their teacher. You _________ care of them.

A. should to take B. might to take C. ought to take D. need to take

16. She is studying medical science now but she _________ a lawyer.

A. used to be B. would be C. were D. had been

17. If you were in an English-speaking country, you, too, _________ English every day.

A. will be used to speak B. will be used to speaking

C. must be used to speak D. would be used to speaking

18. I did not call to make my airline reservation (预订) but I _________.

A. should have B, may have C. must have D. shall have

19. As a girl, she _________ get up at six every day.

A. would B. will C. might D. should

20. Don't you remember that we _________ to the cinema tonight?

A. would go B. go C. are going D. will be gone

21. ---- Shall I tell John about it? ---- No, you _________. I've told him already.

A. needn't B. wouldn't C. mustn't D. shouldn't

22. “Would you mind if I open the window?” “__________”.

A. I don't like it B. Yes .please C. No, please D. No. I'm sorry

23. “Would you tell me something about the affair?” “__________”.

A. Yes .please B. All right C. Not at all D. I do

24. M:________?

T:I'd love to, but I'm afraid I have no time.“

M:0h, no. You'll surely come over.

T: It's very nice of you. But I'm sorry I have to go to a meeting.

A. Do you have lunch out in a restaurant B. Shall I have you with me at my birthday

C. Did you go to see the film D. Have you enjoyed yourself at the party

25. ”You ought to have come here ten minutes ago?“ ”Yes, I _________. “

A. ought to B. ought to have C. ought D. have ought to

26. ”Would you like to go out for a walk?“ ”Yes, ___________. “

A. I'd like to B. I'd like C. I'll like to D. I would

27. ________ you succeed !

A. Can B. May C. Must D. Will

28. Did he need ________ then?

A. leave B. to leave C. leaving D. left

29. Do you think if he dares _________ in public.

A. speak B. speaking C. to speak D. spoken

30. He ________ eating American food since he came here.

A. used to B. has been used C. has been used to D. was used to

31. A computer ________ think for itself; it ________ be told what to do.

A. may not, must B. mustn't, might C. shouldn't, could D. can't, must

32. ”________ you mind my opening the window?“ ”Not at all. “

A. Shall B. Should C. Will D. Would

33.1 didn't hear the phone. I _________ asleep.

A. must be B. must have been C. should have been D. could have been

34. You _________ me about it earlier, but you didn't.

A. should have told B. would have told C. must have told D. should tell

35. The teacher told the students that they ________ keep silent in class all the time.

A. ought to not B. ought not to C. ought not to have D. can't

36. ”May I go now?“ ”No, you ________. “

A. mustn't B. needn't C. mightn't D. won't

37. You _________ do the exercise if you don't want to.

A. may not B. can't C. mustn't D. needn't

38. You _________ pay more attention to your spelling next time.

A. would B. should C. will D. shall

39. The girl _________ out alone at night.

A. dare not go B. dare not to go C. dares not go D. does not dare go

40. There ________ be a lot of small houses on both sides of the street.

A. used to B. get used to C. would D. did use to



1~5 ABDDD 6~10 CBBBC 11~15 BACBC 16~20 ADAAC 21~25 ACBBB

26~30 ABBCC 31~35 DDBAB 36~40 ADBAA


篇11:情态动词表推测 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)


英语中表推测的情态动词很多,而中学阶段主要应掌握的有may/might, can/could, must, should/ought to等。将其分为以下几种情况较容易掌握。


常用形式为“may/might, can/could, must, should/ought to +动词原形”。用法如下表:

动词 意义 句式 语气

must 肯定,准是 肯定陈述 确信

can/could 肯定,准是 否定疑问 确信

may/might 可能 陈述 不确信

should/ought to 按道理应该 肯定陈述 确信


1.---When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.

---They ____ be ready by 12:00.

A. can B. should C. might D. need (NMET’98)

答案为B,意为“12点之前应该准备好了”,顾客可以放心。can 表推测不用于肯定陈述句,若表示能力,此句应为“We can get them ready by 12:00”;might 把握性不大,不符合顾客的心情;need意思和语法均不对。

2.---Are you coming to Jeff’s party?

---I’m not sure. I _____ go to the concert instead.

A. must B. would C. should D. might


答案为D。由 “I’m not sure” 知说话人语气不确信。

3.Put on more clothes. You _____ be feeling cold with only a shirt on.

A. can B. could C. would D. must


答案为 D。由肯定陈述句排除A、B, would 语气太弱 。

4. Michael _____ be a policeman, for he’s much too short.

A. needn’t B. should C. can’t D. may (上海’94)


5.Who ____ it be that stole my pen?

A. could B. might C. must D. may

答案为A。此句为强调句型的一种变体,即“It +情态动词+be+被强调部分+that…” 句意为“会是谁偷了我的钢笔呢?”是推测语气,四个选项中只有could 可用于疑问句。


常用形式为“may/might, can/could, must + have done”。其可能性大小及肯、否定句式的应用同第一种情况。请看例题:

1.---There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.

---It ____ a comfortable journey.

A. can’t be B. shouldn’t be

C. mustn’t have been D. couldn’t have been (NMET’95)


2. Sorry I’m late. I _____ have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.

A. might B. should C. can D. will (NMET2000春)

答案为A。句意为“抱歉,我来迟了,我可能是把闹钟关了又睡着了”。should have done 表“本来应该做而没有做的事情”,can 表推测不用于肯定陈述句。

3. I didn’t hear the phone. I ____ asleep.

A. must be B. must have been C. should be D. should have been


答案为B,由第一句didn’t 知是对过去情况进行推测,“我准是睡着了”。

4. They are playing football. They _____ the homework.

A. must have finished B. should have finished

C. must finish D. can’t have finished


5. I was really anxious about you. You _____ home without a word.

A. mustn’t leave B. shouldn’t have left

C. couldn’t have left D. needn’t leave (NMET)

分析该题前后句之间的关系和语气可知,事实上是 “本不应该离家出走却走了”,故本题选B。

6. -Is John coming by train﹖

-He should, but he ______ not. He likes driving his car. (NMET)

A. must B. can C. need D. may

mustn’t 表示“禁止、不准”;cannot 表示“不可能”;need not 表示“不必要”;may not 表示“可能不”。分析语境可知本题应选D


1. can 有时用于肯定句,表可能,意为“有时可能”;

如:Training by yourself in a gym can be highly dangerous.


2. must 对现在动作的推测常用进行体;

如:---Why isn’t Jack here?

---He must be doing his homework.


3. will 和would 可表推测,表示对目前事物的预料;

如:That will be the postman.


They will be home by this time.

他们现在一定到家了。(可用must 或should)

4. mustn’t 有时也可表推测;

如:His absence mustn’t have been noticed.




篇12:语法系列复习六-----情态动词、主谓一致 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)


情 态 动 词


1. Need I/he/…?


2. Must I/ he/…?

No,you/ he/…needn’t/don’t(doesn’t,won’t)have to.(不用mustn’t)

3. May I/ he/…?

No,you/ he/…mustn’t.(少用may not)

4. Could(Can)you…?

Yes,I can (不用could)

5. Shall I/she/ he…?





2)否定陈述句中:can’t/couldn’t表“不可能”意,may not/might not表“也许不、可能不”意。





例如:She must be a teacher.她肯定是老师。She can’t/couldn’t be a doctor.她肯定不是医生。 He may not/might not be a doctor.他可能不是医生。

2)must/may/might/can/could+一些不能用于进行时的静态动词(如:have,exist,live,like,hate,own,belong to等)

例如:She must have her own car,for she has a lot of money.

That kind of bird may live in the valleys.


句式:must/may/might/can/could+be doing

例如:They must be waiting for us.他们肯定正在等我们。

She may/might be doing her homework.她可能正在做作业。

Can/Could he be playing football?他会正在踢足球吗?


句式:must/may/might/can/could+have done

例如:There’s no lignt in the room. They must have gone to bed./She knows nothing about the film. She can’t/couldn’t have seen it./Can/Could he have been a doctor?/He may/might(not)have been a teacher./They must have been watching TV at nine last night./Can/Could she have stayed in Beijing last year?

注意:will have done句式也可表“肯定/可能已经…”推测意。

例如:He will have learned advanced mathematics,for he knows a lot about it. 他肯定/可能学过高等数学,因为他对此懂得很多。

三、“情态动词+have done”用法

1.should/ought to +have done,意“本应该…”,含有责备或后悔意。

例如:You should have come here a little earlier./I ought to have sent him to school./

2.shouldn’t/oughtn’t to+have done,意“本不应该”,含有责备或后悔意。

例如:You shouldn’t have watered the flower./I oughtn’t to have scolded her for such a small thing.

3.might have done,意“过去可能做”;could have done意“本能够做”,两者都含有委婉批评或遗憾之意,也可表对过去情况的推测。

例如:He might have gone to Nanjing with Professor Wang.last week,but he was ill.上星期他本可以和王教授一起去南京的,可他病了。We could have finished the work ahead of time.我们本来是能够提前完成工作的。


1.“肯定祈使句+附加问句”结构,附加问句常用will/would/won’t you形式。

例如:Stand still,will/would/won’t you?

2.“否定祈使句+附加问句”结构,附加问句常用will/would you形式。

例如:Don’t watch TV,will/would you?

3.Let’s…,shall we? ; Let us…,will/won’t you?


1)must表示“必须”时,附加部分常用needn’t,也可用mustn’t.例如:He must go with you,needn’t/mustn’t he?

2)mustn’t表“一定不能”时,附加部分用may.例如:She mustn’t leave,may she?


A.He must be an engineer,isn’t he?They must be writing now,aren’t they?(这类句子问句前部分含“must be…”或“must be doing…”。)

B.She must have a car/live there, doesn’t she?

C.He must have seen the film,hasn’t he?(这类句子问句前部分的谓语为must have done,句子无具体过去时间状语。)

D.He must have seen the film last week,didn’t he?(这类句子问句前面部分的谓语为must have done,句子有具体过去时间状语。)

E.Mother must have been shopping then,wasn’t she?(前面部分谓语为must have been doing。)


例如:She may have finished her homework,hasn’t she?


1.must与have to:must强调说话者的主观看法,have to强调客观需要,表示“不必”意要用needn’t或don’t/didn’t/won’t have to,不能用mustn’t。

2.can/could与be able to:can多用于现在时,也可用于将来时,could只用于过去时,be able to可用于各种时态。表示“过去经过努力而做成(或没做成)”要用was/were(not) able to ,而不用could(not)。例如:He worked hard,but he wasn’t able to pass the exam.

3.will,would,used to:都可表“习惯”意。①will表示不受时间限制的习惯性动作。如:Fish will die out of water./ She’ll sit for hours without saying anything.

②would表示过去习惯性的动作,但不涉及与现在情况的对比。如:He would walk by the river in the morning.注意:would后不能跟表状态动词。例如不能说He would be late for school last year. ③used to表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但这种习惯现在已不存在了。如:He used to get up early. He used to be late for school.


1.-Could I borrow your dictionary? (NMET)

-Yes,of course you________.

A.might B.will C.can D.should

析:B、D意明显不合;A语气不妥,与of course不符。此题Could是表Can意的委婉说法,并非过去时,所以答案应为C。

2.-Shall I tell John about it?

-No,you_________.I’ve told him already. (NMET)

A.needn’t B.wouldn’t C.mustn’t D.shoudn’t

析:B意明显不合用,可排除。mustn’t意“不许、不得”,shouldn’t意“不应该”都不合情景。只有needn’t表“不必”与下文“I’ve told him already”相贴切。

3.-There were already five people in the car,but they managed to take me as well.

-It_________a comfortable journey. (NMET)

A.can’t be B.shouldn’t be

C.mustn’t have been D.couldn’t have been

析:A、B是对现在情况而言,与情景不合。表否定推测不能说mustn’t have been,只有D选项“不可能是”意思切合,时态也对,故为正确答案。

4.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly ,but everyone________get out.


A.could B.would C.was able to D.had to


5.I told Sally how to get here,but perhaps I________for her.

A.had to write it out B.must have written it out

C.should have written it out D.ought to write it out


6.That young man has made so much noise that he_________not have been allowed to attend the concert. (上海高考题)

A.could B.must C.would D.should

析:若选A。意“不可能已被允许…”与情景不合,应排除;B项不可选;C项意“当时将不会被允许…”也与情况相悖。只有D“should not have been allowed…”表示“当初不该让他…”才合题意。

7.-Can I help you,sir?

-Yes,I bought this radio here yesterday,but it______.(NMET)

A.didn’t work B.couldn’t work C.can’t work D.doesn’t work



1.“Either A or B+谓语”结构,谓语取决于B。

例:Either the students or their teacher dislikes basketball,otherwise they

would take part in the basketball match.


例如:Do either the students or their teacher dislike basketball?

Is either he or you going there?


2.“Neither A nor B+谓语”结构,谓语多取决于B。但现代英语也出现复数谓语,

理由是neither A nor B是两部分之和,为复数概念,故其后可用复数谓语。

例如:Neither she nor I was(或were)fortunate enough to gain extra points.


Neither you nor he does(或do)well in maths.

3.Neither of…接单、复谓(通常视为单数,但在口语中,从意义上亦可视为复数)

None of…接单、复谓

例:Neither of them is(或are)right.

None of you is(或are)fit for the job.

4. as well as(以及)


“A along with(以及)


rather than

例: as well as

The trainer along with two gymnasts is in the gym.

(together) with


All but Li Dong have passed the test. 除了李东所有人都通过了考试。

Nobody but Li Dong and Wang Hong has passed the test.


5. 表示钱数、时间、长度、数学等概念名词其后通常用单数谓语。

例:200 yuan / 500 dollars / 20 minutes is not enough for us.

makes 15.

10 and 5 10加5等于15.


makes 5.

10 minus 5 10减5等于5.



20 kilometres is too much for them. 20公里是他们吃不消的。

6. There be 结构中be的形式取决于靠近be的名词,若是单数名词,则be为is/was;


例如:There is a desk,two chairs and three sofas in the room.

There are three sofas,two chairs and a desk in the room.

7. a group of…,a team of…后跟复谓、单谓皆可,跟复谓的理由是不止一个人,跟单谓的理由是将许多人视为“一组”、“一队”这样的一个单位体。

例如:A group/team of students are /is cleaning the street.

8. 象school ,class,family,team,group government等这类群体名词,其后谓语可能是单数形式,也可能是复数形式。通常视其为一个整体单位时,用单数谓语;视其为群体成员时,则用复数谓语。

例如:The class are having a meeting. 这个班学生在开会。

The class is not very big. 这个班不是大班。

The family enjoy singing and dancing. 这家人喜欢唱歌跳舞。

The family has only three persons.这家只有三口人。

9. 象police,clothes,trousers这类复数概念名词,其后总是跟复数谓语。the wounded


10. 象clothing,news,information,advice这类不可数名词后应跟单数谓语,但它们前面有可数性短语修饰时,也可跟复数谓语。

例如:The clothing is very nice.The news is interesting.

Five articles of clothing are over there.

Three pieces of news were announced on TV.


例:40 percent of the students are girls.

80 percent of the work/the book has been finished.


12. who/why/how/whether/if/than引导的名词从句+单谓

例:How he got there is unknown./Why she did it remains a puzzle./It’s lucky that he is still alive.

13. A (large)number of+复名+复谓。

例:A number of books are over there.

A large amount of+不可数名词+单谓。

例:A large amount of money has been spent.

The number of+复名+单谓。

例:The number of the students in our school is 2000.


1._____either he or I to leave for America?

A. Is B.Am C.Are D.Will

析:由or,either…or, nor, neither…or, whether…or, not…but, not only…but also等连接的并列主语,其谓语动词的单复数要根据“就近原则”处理,因为空白处与he最近,故要选A。

2. No one has finished his homework,________?

A.have they B.haven’t they C.has he D.hasn’t he

析:由No one可知空白处应选肯定式,故可排除B,D。又因为句子表述的意思是“没


3. There comes the bus,_______?

A.doesn’t there B.doesn’t it C.does it D.are there

析:这是一个倒装句,主语是bus,谓语是comes, 所以答案应选B。

4. He is a teacher but his wife is a doctor,_______?

A.isn’t she B.isn’t it C.aren’t they D.isn’t he

析:此题问句前部分含but,重点是强调his wife is a doctor,故问句部分取决于此部分,因此,该题答案为A。

5. They don’t think money is everything,_______?

A.is it B.isn’t it C.will they D.do they

析:如果是“I/ We(don’t)think+宾从”则反意问句主语和谓语取决于宾语从句,但此句主句的主语不是I或we,而是They,这时反意问句部分的主语和谓语要取决 于主句的主、谓语,所以此题答案应选D。

6. Each soldier and sailor_____given a rifle when the ship landed.

A.were B.was C.are D.is

析:根据when the ship landed,可知应排除C,D.又因“each/every A and(each/every)B”结构的主语后面应跟单数谓语,所以答案为B。

7.More than one person_____involved(卷入)in th case.

A.is B.are C.has D.have

析:要表达“被卷入”,只能在A,B之中选一个,因more than one后应跟单名,单


8.He is the only one of our customers who____this kind of article.

A.like B.likes C.are fond of D.loved

析:从时态考虑可排除D。因“the/the only…of+复名”后的定语从句谓语应该

用单数形式,所以答案应是B。但此题若将the only 去掉,则答案为A。


1. The possibe____often proved impossible.

A. have B.has C.are D.will

2.Neither you nor I am mad,____?

A.are you B.aren’t I C.am I D.are we

3.You don’t think I am wrong,____?

A.don’t you B.do you C.aren’t D.am I

4.It was Lin Song who broke the rules of the school,____?

A.wasn’t it B.didn’t he C.was it D.did he

5.Bruce must have been in China for a long time,_____?

A.hasn’t he B.mustn’t he C.Isn’t he D.wasn’t he

6.What the teacher has said is true,____?

A.has he B.hasn’t he C.is it D.isn’t it

7.It must have snowed last night,____?

A.isn’t it B.haven’t he C.mustn’t it D.didn’t it

8.It’s the first time that Xiao Qing has been to Tianjin,_____?

A.has she B.is it C.hasn’t she D.isn’t it

9. The trousers_____fit for him.

A.is B.are C.must D.do

10.He rather than Li Ying and Wang Ping____praised by the teacher.

A.are B.is C.were D.was

11.Where is my pen?I_____it. (NMET)

A.should have lost B.must have lost C.would have lost D.might lose

12.A computer____think for itself ; it must be told what to do.(NMET)

A.can’t B.couldn’t C.may not D.might not

13.We_____last night ,but we went to the concert instead. (NMET)

A.must have studied B.might study

C.should have studied D.would study

14.I didn’t hear the phone ,I_____asleep. (NMET)

A.must be B.must have been C.should be D.should have been

15.Be sure to write to us,_____? (NMET)

A.will you B.aren’t you C.can you D.mustn’t you

16.I didn’t see her in the meeting-room this morning.She____at the meeting.


A.mustn’t have spoken B.shoudn’t have spoken

C.needn’t have spoken D.couldn’t have spoken

17.There is plenty of time.She____. (NMET)

A.must have hurried B.needn’t have hurried

C.must not hurry D.couldn’t have hurried

18.You don’t______to go there if you have no time.(上海)

A.need B.want C.must D.ought

19.Sir,you_____be sitting in this waiting-room.It is for women and children


A.oughtn’t to B.can’t C.won’t D.don’t

20.Tom ought not to_____me your secret ,but he meant no harm. (NMET)

A.have told B.tell C.be telling D.having told

21.It’s nearly seven o’clock.Jack_____be here at any moment.(NMET)

A.must B.need C.should D.can

22.Your coat is dirty,_____it for you?

A.Am I washing B.Will I wash C.Am I going to wash D.Shall I wash

23.No one _____that to his face.

A.dare say B.dare to say C.dares saying D.dares said

24.There used to be a church in the east of the town,_____?

A.didn’t there B.usen’t to there C.used there D.usedn’t to there

25._____you be happy!

A.Can B.May C.Must D.Would

26.Put on more clothes . You_____be feeling cold with only a shirt on.

A.would B.can C.could D.must

27.-Why didn’t you answer when I called you?

-I_____but you didn’t hear me.

A.had to B.couldn’t C.didn’t answer D.did

28.I_____that time is more valuable than money.

A.hardly need say B.need hardly say

C.need hardly to say D.hardly need to say

29.I____like to become a pianist some day.

A.will B.may C.would D.shall

30 He_____there now,but I am not sure.

A.maybe B.may be C.may have been D.might have been

31.-I didn’t see him yesterday.

-Oh,but you______.

A.ought to B.should have C.can’t have D.may have

32.-Where were you this morning?I tried to call you.

-I _____ to the library for a while.

A.tried to go B.should go C.must go D.had to go

33.The flower is dead.I_____it more water.

A.will give B.must give C.should have given D.would have given

34.-Does Tom want to go to the film?

-Yes,but he says_____tonight.

A.he’d not rather go B.he’ll rather not go

C.he won’t rather go D.he’d rather not go

35.-Did you walk home by yourself last night?

-Yes ,I did. But I guess I_____.

A.shouldn’t B.needn’t C.may not have D.needn’t have

36.-Do you speak Japanese?

-No,I don’t , but I_____speak Chinese.

A.ought B.have to C.do D.must

37.If you_____quiet ,I’ll tell you what happned

A.be B.will be C.are D.are to be

38.-Look ,it_____be Li Ping.

-No,it____be him.He’s gone abroad.

A.may;mustn’t B.must;may C.must;can’t D.can;may not

39.Professor Wang,many students want to see you. _____they wait here or outside?

A.Do B.Are C.Will D.Shall

40.I can’t find Mr Wang anywhere in the office building.Where____he have gone?

A.may B.can C.must D.Should

41.Wherever you____,there’s no place like home.

A.can go B.must go C.might go D.may go

42.-Don’t forget to post the letter for me.

-I _____.

A.won’t B.will C.don’t D.can’t

43.-Must I take a taxi?

-No,you_____.You can walk from here.

A.don’t B.must not C.don’t have to D.had better not to

44.The bus _____start;I don’t know what to do with it.

A.can’t B.won’t C.shan’t D.may not

45.The car broke down on the way ,but we_____get out of the desert at last.

A.might B.would C.were able to D.could

46.The rest of the lecture_____interesting.

A.is B.are D.maybe D.sound

47.One and a half bananas____eaten by the little boy.

A.were B.was C.have been D.was to

48.The cattle_____still grazing in the fields.

A.was B.keeps C.were D.won’t

49.What caused the accident and who was responsible for it_____a mystery(谜)to


A.remains B.remain C.is D.look like

50.All _____not gold that glitters.

A.is B.are C.was D.were


1-5 B D B A A 6-10 D D D B D 11-15 B B C B A

16-20 D C A A A 21-25 C D A A B 26-30 D D D C B

31-35 B D C D D 36-40 C B C D B 41-45 D A C B C

46-50 A A C B A


篇13:高三英语复习(情态动词、虚拟语气) (人教版高三英语上册教学论文)




1. I lived with my sister this summer and didn’t have to pay rent. So I ______ save most of my salary.

A. could B. would C. was able to D. should

2. --- Look, John’s fallen asleep.

--- Oh, he ______ too late last night.

A. might sit up B. should have sat up C. could sit up D. must have sat up

3. On Sundays when I was a child, Father and I ____ get up early and go fishing.

A. could B. would C. might D. should

4. --- Many people in England love to give advice on weather reporting.

--- Yes, but I think the weather office’s computers ___ be more accurate.

A. can B. must C. ought to D. might

5. --- Are you still going to Shanghai for the Spring Festival?

--- Yes, but I really ____ because I have a lot of things to deal with.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. won’t D. shouldn’t

6. –Well, I forgot to bring my dictionary here yesterday.

-- Actually you ____ it here. You were not allowed to use it.

A. needn’t bring B. needn’t have brought

C. didn’t need to bring D. don’t have to bring

7. --- Shall I book the table for the dinner?

---Yes, you____. The restaurant is always full of people.

A. can B. will C. must D. need

8. The poor boy ____ the test again; in that case, his mother will be very disappointed.

A. must have failed B. might fail C. could have failed D. should fail

9. --- Why ____ it rain now? I ___ go to the concert at 7.

--- What a pity!

A. can; might not B. should; needn’t C. must; can’t D. need; mustn’t

10. --- We need some fresh air, but the window open.

--- _____I help you?

A. didn't; Will B. shan't; Need C. mustn't; May D. won't; Shall

11. -- What do you think of your nephew?

-- He _____ be very naughty but at the same time you _____ help liking him.

A. will; will B. won’t; can’t C. may; may D. can; can’t

12. It was impossible that she____ go down, step by step down the unexpected stairs into the dark below.

A. should dare B. should dare to C. must dare D. must dare to

13. --- I am told that John had another car accident this morning.

--- I believe not. He ______ so careless.

A. shouldn’t have been B. wouldn’t have been

C. couldn’t have been D. mustn’t have been

14. ---You ought to have given them some advice.

---____, but who cared what I said?

A. So I ought B. So ought I C. So I did D. So did I

15. ---Write to me when you get home.


A.I must B. I should C. I will D. I can

16. Shut your mouth. Nothing ___ stop me once I have made up my mind.

A. will B. ought to C. shall D. must

17. Keep up a good state of mind even if you _____fail plenty of times.

A. must B. will C. can D. should

18. The policeman told the pupils. “You _____ play football in the street.”

A. can’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t

19. If you ____ wait a moment, I will go and find our manager.

A. can B. should C. will D. must

20. Don’t believe him. His story ____ be true.

A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. shouldn’t D. may not


21. --- I think I’ll give Bob a ring.

--- You _______. You haven’t been in touch with him for ages.(06苏)

A. will B. may C. have to D. should

22. --- What’s the name?

--- Khulaifi. _______ I spell that for you? (06京)

A. Shall B. Would C. Can D. Might

23. If it were not for the fact that she________ sing, I would invite her to the party.(06闽)

A. couldn’t B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. might not

24. ______ fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.(06鄂)

A. Would you be B. Should you be C. Could you be D. Might you be

25. As you worked late yesterday, you___ __ have come this morning.(06陕)

A. mayn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t

26. The workers will go on strike if the demands they ____put forward are turned down.(06福建)

A. could B. would C.不填 D. had

27. Some aspects of a pilot’s job _____ be boring, and pilots often _____ work at inconvenient hours. (06湖南)

A. can; have to B. may; can C. have to; may D. ought to; must

28. The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I ____ the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.


A. should have taken B. could have taken

C. needn’t have taken D. mustn’t have taken

29. If I _____ plan to do anything I wanted to, I’d like to go to Tibet and travel through as much of

it as possible. (05湖北卷)

A. would B. could C. had to D. ought to

30. - Tom is never late for work. Why is he absent today?

- Something ________ to him. (05江西卷)

A. must happen B. should have happened

C. could have happened D. must have happened

31. John, look at the time. _____ you play the piano at such a late hour? (05全国卷3)

A.Must B.Can C.May D.Need

32. There _____ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in the driving school. (05上海卷)

A. mustn’t B. shan’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t

33. I was on the highway when this car went past followed by a police car. They _____ at least 150 kilometers an hour. (05重庆卷)

A. should have been doing B. must have been doing

C. could have done D. would have done

34. I have lost one of my gloves. I _______ it somewhere. (05北京春季)

A. must drop B. must have dropped

C. must be dropping D. must have been dropped

35. “The interest be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides,” declared the judge. (04重庆)

A. may B. should C. must D. shall

36. Mr. White _____ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn’t’ show up. (04广西)

A. should have arrived B. should arrive

C. should have had arrived D. should be arriving

37. --- Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report.

--- You ______ have my computer if you don't take care of it. (04湖南)

A. shan't B. might not C. needn't D. shouldn't

38. --- Mum, I’ve been studying English since 8 o’clock. _____I go out and play with Tom for a while?

--- No, I’m afraid not. Besides, it’s raining outside now. (04辽宁)

A. Can’t B. Wouldn’t C. May not D. Won’t

39. You ______ be tired---- you’ve only been working for an hour. (04全国II)

A. must not B. won’t be C. can’t D. may not

40. --- Tom graduated from college at a very young age.

--- Oh, he______ have been a very smart boy then. (04全国IV)

A. could B. should C. might D. must

41. You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers _______ not like the design of the furniture. (04上海春季)

A. must B. shall C. may D. need


42. I could have called you for help, but I ____ your number.

A. couldn’t have remembered B. didn’t remember

C. should have remembered D. hadn’t remembered

43. She suggested to the police in the police station that Mr. Smith ____.

A. stole the necklace B. should steal the necklace

C. had stolen the necklace D. steal the necklace

44. ____ it would stop snowing!

A. If only B. Only if C. Even if D. But for

45. My advice is that he ___ so much.

A. not smoke B. doesn’t smoke C. won’t smoke D. must not smoke

46. How I wish I ____ that! Everybody present was angry with me.

A. didn’t do B. hadn’t done C. wouldn’t do D. wasn’t doing

47. _____ it to clear up tomorrow, the tourists would climb to the top of the mountain to wait for the sun _____.

A. If; to raise B. Were; to rise C. Should; to rise D. Because; raising

48. ____the expense, I ___to Italy.

A. If it were not; go B. Were it not for; I would go

C. Weren’t it for; will go D. If it hadn’t been; would have gone

49. His illness was too serious; otherwise he_______saved.

A. could be B., couldn’t have been C. could have D. could have been

50. --- I have great difficulty working out this problem.

--- _____ to me, you _____ less difficulty with such problems.

A. If you had listened, would have had B. If you listened, would have

C. Had you listened, would have D. If you listen, will have

51. ---- Would you have called her up had it been possible?

---Yes, but I ___ busy doing my homework.

A. was B. were C. had been D. would be

52. _____the fog, we should have reached the top of the hill.

A. In spite of B. If there were no C. But for D. Because of

53. Tom insisted what he said ____ true and we insisted that he ____ and have a look.

A. be; should go B. should be; would go C. was ; go D. was ; would go

54. He acts as if he _______the owner of the house.

A. will be B. has been C. is D. were

55. It’s about time that you _____to study English.

A. begin B. will begin C. have begun D. began

56. How I wish it____! If it ___in a few days, the crops would be saved.

A. will rain; rained B. would rain; should rain

C. should rain; rains D. would rain; had rained

57. Looking round the town, he felt as though he ______ away for ages.

A. has been B. was C. is D. had been

58. I’d rather you me the news.

A. not tell B. not to tell C. didn’t tell D. hadn’t told

59. The old professor gave orders that the experiment ______before 6.

A. was finished B. will finish C. be finished D. shall be finished

60. ______ you succeed and ______you be healthy.

A. May; may B. Wish; wish C. Hope; hope D. Should; may

61. If you hadn’t taken such a long time to get dressed, we’d ______ there by now.

A. be B. was C. were D. are


1-5 CDBCD 6-10 CCBCD 11-15 DBCCC 16-20 CDCCD 21-25 DACBD 26-30 CACBD 31-35 ACBBD 36-40 AAACD 41-45 CBCAA 46-50 BBBDC 51-55 ACCDD 56-61 BDDCAA


篇14:情态动词的用法 (人教版高二英语选修九教学论文)




1.表示请求、征求对方意见时用may, shall(用于第一人称); can, could, would(用于各种人称),其中could, would语气更加委婉一些。如:

May I keep the book for another week﹖

Shall I open the door?

Could you tell me whom this bike belongs to﹖

Would you please let me have a look﹖

注意:对于may,can开头的问句,肯定回答时一般仍用may或can,否定回答时应根据项原说话人的语气来选用mustn’t或 can’t;而could,would开头的问句的回答时,则不可用could 和 would。

(1)---May we stay here for another two days?

---Yes, you may. |/ No,you can’t. (不,不可以) No, you mustn’t.(不,不允许)

(2)---Could I use your dictionary﹖


A. Yes, you could B. No, you couldn’t

C.Of course, you could D.Certainly, help you to it(Key:D)

2.表示“允许”时常用may, can。如:

You may/can take whatever you like in this room.


3.表示“必须”常用must, have to. Must 更强调说话人的主观看法,而have to 表示的却是客观的需要。Have to 比must 有更多的时态形式。Must 开头的问句,否定回答用needn’t 或don’t have to .

I don’t like the bag. I must buy a new one.

The TV set is broken. I have to buy a new one.

You will have to walk home by yourself tomorrow.

-Must I finish the work before Saturday﹖

-Yes,you must. ( No,you needn’t / don’t have to.)

4.can表示有能力做某事,它只有一般现在时和一般过去时两种时态。一般情况下可与be able to互换,但be able to比can 可用于更多的时态。如:

I think the baby will be able to walk in another two months.

另外,当表示过去成功地做成了某事时一般用was / were able to,而不用could。 如:

Luckily, everyone was able to escape from the fire.

5.表示“应该”时用should 和ought to

We should respect the elder.


can't(can not) 表示“不能”, may not 表示“可能不, 也许不”, mustn't(must not) 表示“一定不要”,“不许可”,needn't (need not) 表示“不必”,

I can’t promise you anything but I will do what I can.我不能答应你什么,但我会尽我所能

That may or may not be true. 这可能是真的,也可能不是。

You may ask him but he may not answer you. 你可以问他,但他也许不会回答你。

You mustn't criticize her in that way. 你不许那样批评她。

You needn't come tomorrow. 你明天没必要来了。

二.情态动词表猜测的用法:must , may ,might, can, could 都可以表示推测。

Must 表示“想必,一定”用于肯定句中,may / might 表示“或许,也许”可用于肯定句、否定句中。否定句和疑问句中用can / could , 表示“(不)可能”“会(吗)?”。其中might t和could 不表示时态,只是语气比can 和may 弱些。下面心must为例:

1.表示对现在或将来情况的推测、判断用“must + do ”

I have just dropped in on him. He must stay at home.我刚刚拜访过他。他现在一定呆在家里。

The man must be your head teacher.那人一定是你们的班主任

2.表示对过去的情况或已经发生的事情进行推测、判断用“must + have +done”

The road is wet. It must have rained last night.路上是湿的。昨晚一定下雨了。

I didn't hear the phone. I must have been asleep. 我刚才没有听到电话,我想必是睡着了。

The boy must have finished his homework. 那男孩想必已经完成了他的家庭作业了。

3.表示对现在正在进行情况进行推测、判断用“must + be +doing ”

The girl is not out. She must be doing her homework now.那小女孩没有出门。她现在一定在做家庭作业。

At this moment, our teacher must be correcting our exam papers.


4.表示对过去某时正发生的事情进行推测、判断用“must +have +been +doing“

---Why didn't you answer my phone call? 你为什么没有接电话?

---Well, I must have been sleeping, so I didn't hear it. 我当时一定是在睡觉,所以没听到。


The man in the white clothes must be a doctor,______ he﹖

He must have an uncle abroad, _________ he﹖

She must have seen the film before, ________she﹖

You must have met Uncle Wang in the shop yesterday, _______you﹖


I don't know where she is. She _________in Wuhan.我不知道他在哪儿,也许在武汉。

She_______________ to see her doctor last week, but I am not sure.


Don’t worry, your husband ________________ seriously. 别急,你丈夫也许伤得不厉害。

There is no light in the room. She___________at home now.


He _____________ at the office last night, for he had gone to a party at six in the afternoon.昨晚他不可能在办公室工作,因为在晚上六点他得参加一次聚会。

Ling Ling ____________the piano now. She went to the bookshop with her mother a few minutes ago.玲玲不可能在弹钢琴。几分钟前她和她母亲去书店了


1.-Are you coming to Jeff's party?

-I'm not sure. I________go to the concert instead.(NMET )

A. must B. would C. should D. might

2.The river is rising. It ________last night.

A. must be raining B. must rain C. might have rained D. must have rained

3.-Why! I couldn't get you on the phone this morning.

-We ________tennis in the yard when you phoned.

A. must be playing B. could be playing C. must have played D. must have been playing

4.You must have seen the film last night, ________ you?

A. haven’t B. mustn't C. didn't D. hadn't

5.This________be a woman's bag. It must be a man's.

A. needn't B .can't C .may not D. mustn't

6.________it be John who did it?

A. Will B. Can C. Would D. May

7.It rained every day during their holiday, so they________a very nice time.

A. wouldn't have had B. couldn't C. can't have had D. shouldn't have 8.Peter________come with us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet.

A. must B. may C. can D. will

9.Jenny must have won the match,________?

A. hasn't she B. doesn't she C. mustn't she D. can't she

10.Mr. Zhuo must be working in the office, ________he?

A. mustn't B. can't C. doesn't D. isn't

参考答案1-5:DDDCB 6-10:BCBAD


“情态动词+完成式” 用于虚拟语气中多表示责备的感情色彩,具体用法如下:

1.“should / ought to +完成式” 表示 “本应当做某事,而实际上并没有做”;“shouldn’t / oughtn’t to+完成式”表示 “本来不应当做,而实际上却做了”。如:

You shouldn’t have gone to bed again when you woke up at five.

2.“may/might + 完成式” 表示 “本来可以干某事却没有干”,突出其可能性;而 “could

+ 完成式” 表示“本来能够做某事,但实际上却没有做”。如:

He might have given you some help, however busy he was.

3. “needn’t +完成式” 表示 “本来没必要做某事,实际上却做了”。如:

There was plenty of time. She needn’t have hurried.

1) It around nine o’clock when I drove back home because it was already dark.

[A] must be [B] must have been [C] can’t be [D] should have been

2) John’s score on the test is the highest in the class;

A] he should study last night [B] he should have studied last night

[C] he must have studied last night [D] he must had to study last night

3) Youyesterday if you were really serious about your work.

[A] ought to come [B] ought to be coming

[C] ought to have come[D] ought have come

4) “We didn’t see him at the lecture yesterday.”“He it.”

[A] mustn’t attended [B] couldn't have attended

[C] would have not attended [D] needn’t have attended

5) You ______all these parcels yourself. The shop would have delivered them if you had asked a shop assistant.

[A] didn’t need to carry [B] needn’t have carried

[C] needn’t carry [D] didn’t need carry



1).may/might (just) as well “不妨,最好”,与had better相近;

Since the flight was cancelled, you might as well go by train.

既然航班已经取消了,你不妨乘火车吧。相当于you had better go by train。

You may as well keep a certain distance from that mad man. 你们还是离那疯子远点为好。

You might as well go home now.你还是现在回家为好。

2) .cannot / can’t…too …“越……越好,怎么也不过分”。注意这个句型的变体cannot…over….如:

You cannot be too careful when you drive a car.驾车时候,越小心越好。

The final chapter covers organizational change and development. This subject cannot be over emphasized .

3) .usedn’t 或did’t use to 为used to (do) 的否定式。

4).should 除了“应该”一层意思外,还有“竟然”的意思。如:I didn’t expect that he should have behaved like that. 我无法想象他竟然这样做。

5). 另外还须注意:shall可用于第二、三人称,表示许诺、决心、命令或警告。如:

You shall lose your job if you don’t do as I tell you.



1. want, require, need “需要”, 接动名词表示被动意义。

Your hair wants cutting

The floor requires washing.

need既可以用need to be done 也可以使用need doing ,两种形式都表达被动的意义

The house needs painting= the house needs to be painted.

The watch needed repairing= the watch needed to be repaired.


1- ________ I speak to May, please?

-I'm sorry she ________ come to the phone because she isn't in.

A.Might; won't B.Can; mustn't C.May; can't D.Could; shouldn't

2.-I want to know if I ________ smoke here.

-No, you ________ . Could you see the sign ”NO SMOKING" there?

A.can; needn't B.must; can't C.shall; won't D.may; mustn't

3..My wife never remembers my telephone number. She always ________ look it up.

A.must B.should C.would D.has to

4..-Must I go to work with you?

-No, you ________ . Linda ________ go with me.

A.mustn't; can B.can't; has to C.daren't; should D.needn't; may

5.- ________ I tell Mary the test results?

-No, you ________ . She's already got the score.

A.Will; won't B.Shall; needn't C.May; mustn't D.Can; don't

6.Joan ________ come with us this afternoon, but she isn't very sure yet.

A.can B.may C.must D.will

7..The fire spread through the building very quickly but everyone ________ get out.

A.had to B.would C.could D.was able to

8.-Is John coming by train?

-He should, but he ________ . He likes driving his car.

A.can't B.needn't C.may not D.mustn't

9..He doesn't have to work tomorrow, but you have got to, ________ you?

A.don't B.haven't C.haven't got D.can't

10.If I ___________ go with you, I should feel very glad.

A. can B. could C. should D. may

11.-When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.

-They ___________ be ready by 12:00.(NMET'98)

A. can B. should C. might D. need

12.One ought ___________ for what one hasn't done.

A. not to be punished B. to not be punished C. to not punished D. not be punished

13.Johnny, you ___________ play with the knife, you ___________ hurt yourself.(NMET'96)

A. won't; can't B. mustn't; may C. shouldn't; must D. can't; shouldn't

14.I thought you ___________ like something to read, so I have brought you some books.

A. may B. might C .could D. must

15.If it ____ rain tomorrow, I wouldn’t ride motorbike there.

A. will B. would C. should D. shall

Key:1-5:CDDDB 6-10: BDCBB 11-15: BABBC


Multiple choices:

1. If she had worked harder, she____

A: would succeed B: had succeeded C: should succeed D: would have succeeded

2 The plant is dead. I ____it more water.

A: will give B: would have given

C: must give D: should have given

3.Why didn't you tell me there was no meeting today? I ________ all the way here through

the heavy snow.

A. needn't have driven B. can't have driven

C. must have driven D. shouldn't have driven

4. We ____for her because she never came.

A: needn’t wait B: shouldn’t have waited

C: mustn’t wait D: mustn’t have waited

5. you____ return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like.

A: can’t B: mustn’t C: needn’t D: may not

6. Where is my pen? I ____ it.

A: might lose B: would have lost C: should have lost D: must have lost

7. He ____ you more help, even though he was very busy.

A: might have given B: might give C: may have given D: both A and C

8..Janny _____ have kept her word. I wonder why she changed her mind.

A: must B: should C: need D: would

9. The room is in terrible mess; it _________ cleaned.

A) can't have been B) shouldn't have been

C) mustn't have been D) wouldn't have been

10.She was thankful that she'd had her baby in hospital; otherwise, she thought, the baby _____.

A) died B) had died C) might have died D) might die

11.You ______ all those calculations! We have a computer to do that sort of thing.

A) needn't have done B) shouldn't have done

C) must not have done D) cannot have done

12I'm not feeling well in the stomach, I _______ so much fried chicken just now.(,上海)

A. shouldn't eat B. mustn't have eaten C. mustn't eat D. shouldn't have eaten

13.-There were already five people in the car,but they managed to take me as well.

-It _______ a comfortable journey.(NMET 1995)

A. can't be B. mustn't have been C. shouldn't D. couldn't have been

14.-Why! I couldn't get you on the phone this morning.

-We ________ tennis in the yard when you phoned me.

A. could be playing B. must be playing

C. must have been playing D. should have played

15.-We didn't see him at the lecture.

-Neither did anybody else. He ________ it.

A. may not have attended B. mustn't attend

C. can't have attended D. couldn't attend

16.-Do you still remember when we went to the Great Wall?

-I can't remember it well, but ________ it have been sometime last May?

A. should B. must C. could D. would

17. ..-I wonder why Mr Lin didn't come to work.

-I am afraid he ________ ill.

A. could be B. should have been C. must be D. might have been

18.She ________ the hospital so soon, for she hasn't yet recovered.

A. wouldn't have left B. shouldn't have left

C. needn't leave D. hadn't left

20..Put on more clothes. You ___________ be feeling cold with only a shirt on.

A. can B. could C. would D. must

Judge the following sentences to see if they are right. If not, try to correct it.

1. Plastics is often used to making all kinds of containers.

2. All the passengers could leave the ship in the lifeboats before the ship sank.

3. He dares not climb the high wall without any help.

4. Where there is no air, there may be no life.

5. May he be waiting for us at the gate?

6. ---Might/ Could I borrow your typewriter please?

--- Of course, you might/ could.

7. --- Do you know where Jane was last night?

---She may have been in the night club.

8. They can’t leave. You see, their schoolbags are here.

9. Let’s hurry. They must wait for us.

10. He can have passed the test, but he wasn’t careful enough.

11. You didn’t need to telephone him. He has already known about it.

12. I slept until on Sunday, as I needn’t have gone to work.

13. A child need at least 9 or 10 hours’ sleep every day.

14. If you will keep to the rules here , you will do as you please.

15. The officer said to the solider: “You shall not leave your post before 10 o’clock.


1. (北京卷)26. He __________ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by the seaside.

A. should B. must C. wouldn’t D. can’t

2. (山东卷)34. He paid for a seat, when he ______ have entered free.

A. could B. would C. must D. need

3. (广东卷)33. -- I've taken someone else's green sweater by mistake.

-- It ______ Harry's. He always wears green.

A. has to be B. will be C. mustn't be D. could be

4. (湖北卷)32.-Do you know where David is? I couldn’t find him anywhere.

-Well . He have gone far-his coat’s still here.

A.shouldn’t B.mustn’t C.can’t D.wouldn’t

5. (湖北卷)33.If I plan to do anything I wanted to ,I’d like to go to Tibet and travel through as much of it as possible.

A.would B.could C.had to D.ought to

6. (湖南卷)24. – Lucy doesn’t mind lending you her dictionary.

-- She ______ . I've already borrowed one.

A. can't B. mustn't C. needn't D. shouldn't

7. (湖南卷)31. The more I think about him, the more reasons I find for loving him ___ I did.

A. as much ms B. as long as C. as soon as D. as far as

8. (江西卷)22.-Tom is never late for work. Why is he absent today?

-Something ________ to him.

A.must happen B.should have happened

C.could have happened D.must have happened

9. (全国卷3)19.John, look at the time. ___________ you play the piano at such a late hour?

A.Must B.Can C.May D.Need

10. (全国卷1)26.Tom , you leave all your clothes on the floor like this !

A.wouldn’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.may not

11. (上海卷)27. There _________ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in the driving school.

A. mustn’t B. shan’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t

12. (浙江卷)9. The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it _________be very slow.

A.should B.must C.will D.can

13. (重庆卷)33. I was on the highway when this oar west past followed by a police car. They ____ at least 150 kilometers an hour.

A. should have been doing B. must have been doing

C. could have done D. would have done

14. (天津卷)14. I _______have been more than six years old when the accident happened.

A. shouldn't B. couldn't C. mustn't D. needn't

15. (安徽卷)26. Helen ______ go on the trip with us, but she isn’t quite sure yet.

A. shall B. must C. may D. can

16. (辽宁卷)26.This cake is very sweet. You __________ a lot of sugar in it.

A.should put B.could have put C.might put D.must have put

17. (江苏卷)31. ---- The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.

---- Oh, dear! She _______ a lot of difficulties!

A. may go through B. might go through

C. ought to have gone through D. must have gone through

18.Johnny, you______ play with the knife, you______ hurt yourself.

A. won’t , can’t B. mustn’t, may C. shouldn’t ,must D. can’t, shouldn’t

19. Jack______ yet, otherwise he would have telephoned me.

A. mustn’t have arrived B. shouldn’t have arrived

C. can’t have arrived D need not have arrived

20.----When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.

----They _______ be ready by 12:00.

A. can B. should C. might D. need

21. ----Will you stay for lunch?

--- Sorry, ______ . My brother is coming to see me.

A. I mustn’t B. I can’t C. I needn’t D. I won’t

22.Sorry I’m late. I______ have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.

A. might B. should C. can D. will

23.----Are you coming to Jeff’s party?

---- I’m not sure. I _____ go to the concert instead.

A. must B. would C. should D. might

24.My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he_____ your lecture.

A. couldn’t have attended B. needn’t have attended

C. mustn’t have attended D. shouldn’t have attended

25. I was really anxious about you. You _______home without a word.

A. mustn’t leave B. shouldn’t have left

C. couldn’t have left D. needn’t leave

26.---Is John coming by train?

--- He should , but he____ not. He likes driving his car.

A. must B. can C. need D. may

27.Naturally, after I told her what to do, my daughter ____ go and do the opposite!

A. may B. can C. must D. should

28. I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I ____ report it to the police?

A. should B. may C. will D. can

29. ---I don’t mind telling you what I know.

---You______. I’m not asking you for it.

A. mustn’t B. may not C. can’t D. needn’t

30.---I’ll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.

----You_____ her last week.

A. ought to tell B. would have told C. must tell D. should have told

31. “The interest ______ be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides, ” declared the judge.

A. may B. should C. must D. shall

32.----Isn’t that Ann’s husband over there?

----No, it_____ be him----I’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses.

A. can’t B. must not C. won’t D. may not

33.Tom, you _______ leave all your clothes on the floor like this!

A. wouldn’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. may not

34.John, look at the time._______ you play the piano at such a late hour?

A. Must B. Can C. May D. Need

35.There______ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practised a lot in the driving school.

A. mustn’t B. shan’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t

36.----Lucy doesn’t mind lending you her dictionary.

----She_________. I’ve already borrowed one.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t

37.The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it______ be very slow.

A. should B. must C. will D. can

38.He paid for a seat, when he_______ have entered free.

A. could B. would C. must D. need

39.---Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you.

---Thanks. You______ it, I could manage it myself.

A. needn’t do B. needn’t have done

C. mustn’t do D. shouldn’t have done

40. He _____ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by the seaside.

A. should B. must C. wouldn’t D. can’t

41.I_____have been more than six years old when the accident happened.

A. shouldn’t B. couldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t

key: 1-5:DDABC 6-10: DABAC 11-15: ADDCC 16-19: CDBD



篇15:情态动词的用法` (新课标版高二英语下册教学论文)







3、三个带to的是:ought to,used to,have to;be able to


5、be able to, have to有人称时态变化;

6、had better,would rather为不规则情态动词。


1、属于虚词,有一定的词义,但不能单独作谓语,他们要和行为动词或连系动词连用,一起构成谓语。例如:He can speak both English and French.

2、适用于主语的各种人称和数(have to 例外,主语是第三人称单数时,要用has to)。

We must work hard at our lessons./Tom has no bike, so he has to walk home every day.

3、后接动词原形,即不带to的不定式,(ought to, have to, used to,be able to本身带有to)。例如:

He may lose his way./You ought to obey the school rules.


--I can’t swim. Can you swim?--No, I can’t, either.







疑问句式 肯定答式 否定答式

Can/Could you do …? Yes, I/we can/could. No, we can’t/couldn’t.

May I do ...? Yes, you may. No, you mustn’t/may not.

Must I/we do ….? Yes, you must. No, you needn’t/don’t have to .t/don’t have to.

Need I do …? Yes, you must. No, you needn’t/don’t have to.

2、can ,could, may, might , must表示判断的用法比较

1).must用于肯定判断,后跟动词原型则表示对于现在情况的肯定判断;后跟”have + pp”表示对于过去情况的肯定判断.must +be +doing表示”想必正在做某事”的意思。例如:

It is so wet on the ground, so it must have rained heavily last night, didn’t it?

The light is on in the office now, so there must be someone in it, isn’t there?

--Where is Mr. Li now?--He must be working in his class,I think.

2).may/might后跟动词原型表示对于现在情况的可能性推断;后跟“have + pp”表示对于过去情况的可能性推断。例如:

I’m not sure whether he will come today. He may/might be ill today.

3)can/could用于否定句或疑问句,后跟动词原型表示对于现在或当时情况的否定或疑问性推测;后跟“have + pp”表示对于过去情况的否定或疑问性推测。例如:

Tom has gone to Beijing, so you can’t see him in our school now.

Who could have worked ut(work out) the difficult problem in such terrible condition then?


1) must + have + pp:表示对于过去情况的肯定判断。

2) may/might + have + pp:表示对于过去情况的可能性推断。

3) can’t + have + pp:表示对于过去情况的否定或疑问性推测。

4) needn’t + have +pp表示过去不必做却已经做了的事情。包含说话人“责备”的语气

例如:We had plenty of time left then , so you needn’t have handed in your test paper so early.

5)should/ought to +have +pp表示过去该做而没有做的事情。例如:

How I regret the time I wasted! I should have studied harder then.(=In fact, I didn’t.)

6)should not have done/ought not to have done sth-表示过去不该做却已经做了的事情。

I’m very sorry that I should not have said such rude words to you at that time!

7)过去原本能做到却没能做到的事情:could +have +pp .例如:

He could have passed the driving test if he had been so careless.

8)本来想做却未做成的事:would rather have done。例如:

I would rather have come to help you with your English, but I was too busy.

4、shall & will 的比较:

比较内容 肯定句 疑问句

Shall 表示“威胁”、“警告”、“允若” 的语气或说话人坚定的决心。 与第一、三人称连用,表示征询对方的意见。

Will/Would 1)表示“习惯“,2)表示“愿意/望”;3)表示“必然性” 与第二人称连用,表示征询对方的意见

例如:If you will follow my advice, I shall offer you some help.

Will you meet him right now or shall he wait outside, sir?


比较内容 是否有人称和数的变化 是否借助与助动词 搭配

行为动词 有 是 +to do sth / sth.

情态动词(否/疑) 没有 否 do sth.

Tom needn’t have left so hurry, for he had a lot of time left then.=Tom didn’t need to leave so hurry, for he had a lot of time left then.

6、can与be able to的比较,以及must 与have to的比较:

1)can除了表示能力外,还可以表示否定或疑问的可能性,没有人称与数的变化;而be able to除能表示能力外,还可以表示具备了某种能力所导致的结果,有人称与数的变化,能与助动词连用。例如

(1)Few people could /were able to send their children to school before liberation。

(2)--Could Tom be in the office now?--No, he can’t, for he is ill in hospital.

(3).Tom was an excellent swimmer, so he was able to swim back to the bank when the ship sank.

2)must表示“主观”的必须,没有人称与数的变化,不能与其他情态动词或助动词连用;have to系半情态动词,表示“客观”的必须或“不得不”的意义,能与助动词连用。(4)It rained heavily last night,so we had to take a taxi to visit the museum。

(5)Every student must obey the school rules and become a good student in everything。

7、used to和would的比较:

两者都可表示“过去惯常”, 其区别在于:

1)would主要表示过去一段时间内的某种习惯,常与表示过去的时间状语连用,意为“总要,总是”;used to主要表示过去存在但是现在已不再存在的习惯,意为“过去经常”。

(6)On Sundays he would go to call on the old man when he was young.

(7)I used to get up early, but now I have got used to getting up very early.

2) 还可以与状态的动词连用,表示过去的状态,而 没有这种用法。下面两句只可用used to ,而不可用would.

(8)My little sister used to like the picture-books.

(9)Xiao Li used to be a model worker. He is now a university student.


mustn’t:禁止,不准;can’t/couldn’t:不能,不可能;may not:不可以、可能不;needn’t:不必;shouldn’t:不该;won’t/wouldn’t不愿意;daren’t:不敢。


1.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly, but everyone ____ get out.(NMET97)

A. were able to B. would C. was able to D. could

2.You _______ return the book now, you can keep it until next week if you like.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. may not

3.When he was there, he _____ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.

A. would B. should C. had better D. might

4..---When can I come for the photos?Ineed them tomorrow afternoon.

---They ________ be ready by 12:00.(NMET )

A. can B. should C. might D. need

5---Could I use your bike? ---Yes, of course, you________.

A. might B. will C. can D. should

6.-Which would you rather have, tea or coffee?--____________.(上海市高考题)

A. Sure, I would B. Yes, please. C. Yes, both. D. Neither, thank you.

7.-Will you stay for lunch?-Sorry, ________. My brother is coming to see me.(NMET )

A.I mustn’t B.I can’t C.I needn’t D. shouldn’t

8. --________ I invite Jack to the party

---Yes, it’ll be nice if you __________.

A. Will; may B. Shall; will C. Shall ; shall D. Will ;will

9..---I stayed at a hotel while in New York.

---Oh, did you? You __________ with Barbara.(NMET1998)

A. could have stayed B. could stay C. would stay D. must have stayed

10. ---There were already five people in the car, but they managed to take me as well.

---It__________ a comfortable journey. (NMET1995)

A. can’t be B. shouldn’t be C. mustn’t have been D. couldn’t have been

11.You say you will not do it, but I say you _________ do it.

A. would B. will C. shall D. need

12. He _______ you some help, even though he was very busy.

A. might give B. might have given C. would have given D. needn’t have given

13.---Did James come---I don’t know. He _________ while I was out.

A. had come B. must have come C. might have come D. should have come

14. ---Alice, you feed the bird today,_______?--–But I fed it yesterday.(NMET 1999)

A. do you B. will you C. didn’t you D. don’t have to

15. John, you ___________play with your knife, you ______ hurt yourself! (NMET1995)

A. won’t; can’t B. mustn’t; may C. shouldn’t; must D. can’t; shouldn’t

16.I ___________ pay Tracy a visit, but I’m not sure whether I will have time.(浙江)

A. should B. might C. would D. could

17. The little girl ________ dance before so many guests, _________________?

A. doesn’t dare to; dare B. dare not; does C. dares not; dare D. daren’t ; dare

18. ____________ you succeed in the contest tomorrow.

A. Will B. Must C. May D. Shall

19. I wish all of you to have a good time here, ____________ I?

A. will B. shall C. need D. may

20. It must have rained heavily last night, ____________it ?

A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. hasn’t it D. didn’t

21.I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I _________ report it to the police?(2004全国,21)

A. should B. may C. will D. can

22.-Isn’t that Ann’s husband over there? –No, it _________ be him. I’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses.(2004全国,29)

A. can’t B. must not C. won’t D. may not

23.-Are you going to Jeff’s party? –I’m not sure. I ________ go to the concert instead.(2000全国;15)

A. must B. would C. should D. might


1-5:CCABC 6-10:DBBAD 11-15:CBCBB 16-20:ADCDD 21-23:AAD


篇16:It用法精练 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)


1. Is _______ necessary to the design before National Day?

A. this B. that C. it D. he

2. She heard a terrible noise, ______ brought her heart into her mouth.

A. it B. which C. this D. that

3. Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but _____didn’t help.

A. he B. which C. she D. it

4. ______ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

A. There B. This C. That D. It

5. I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have ______?

A. it B. those C. one D. them

6. ---Why don’t you take a little break?

---Don’t we just have _______.

A. that B. this C. one D. it

7. 1. I like in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.

A. this B. that C. it D. one

8. ---He was nearly drowned once.

---When was _______?

---_______ was in 1998 when he was in middle school.

A. that, It B. this, This C. this, It D. that, This

9. The weather turned out to be very good, ______ was more that we had expected.

A. what B. which C. that D. it

10. Was ______ that I saw last night at the concert?

A. it you B. not you C. you D. that yourself

11. The Parkers bought a new house but will need a lot of work before they can move in.

A. they B. it C. one D. which

12. It was only with the help of the local guide ________.

A. was the mountain climber was rescued

B. that the mountain climber was rescued

C. when the mountain climber was rescued

D. then the mountain climber was rescued

13. ______ is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.

A. It B. AS C. That D. What

14. Why! I have nothing to confess. _______ you want me to say?

A. What is it that B. What it is that C. How is it that D. How it is that

15. It was _____ back home after the experiment.

A. not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didn’t go

C. not until midnight that he went D. until midnight when he didn’t go

16. ________ from Beijing to London!

A. How long way it is B. What a long way is it

C. How long way is it D. What a long way it is

17. - We haven't been to the Great Wall for ages.

- No, I don't remember how many years ago _______ I last visited it.

A. it was that B. was it that C. it was when D. was it when

18. It was not until the beginning of the meeting _____ he realized _____ I told

him was the only possible way to deal with the problem.

A. that; what B. what; that C. when; what D. when; that

19. Was it in 1969 ____ the American astronauts succeeded ____ landing on the


A when; on B. that; on C. when; in D. that; in

20. That was really a splendid evening.It's years ______ I enjoyed myself so


A.when B.that C. before D.since

21. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see .

A. who is he B. who he is C. who is it D. who it is

22. In fact is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.

A. this B. that C. there D. it

23. Since you have repaired my computer, is no need for me to buy a new one.

A. it B. there C. this D. that

24. The official made clear that he would do everything possible to solve the problem.

A. it B. this C. that D. him

25. ---Do you like here?

---Oh, yes, the air, the weather and the way of life. Everything is so nice.

A. this B. there C. that D. it

26. Bill’s aim is to inform the viewers that cigarette advertising in TV is illegal, ?

A. isn’t it B. is it C. isn’t he D. is he

27. is mentioned above, the number of the students in senior high school is increasing.

A. which B. As C. That D. It

28. It was with great joy he received the news that his lost daughter had been found.

A. because B. it C. since D. that

29. It is the ability to do the job matters not where you come from or what you are.

A. one B. that C. what D. it

30. Little joy can equal to ______of a surprising ending when you read stories.

A. that B. it C. any D. some

31. ---- Did anybody ask for me during my absence?

---- Yes, ______ called Black asked to see you.

A. he B. it C. one D. that

32. --- I hear you’ve written another novel.

- -- Yes. _______ be out in a month or two.

A. That can B. One may C. It should D. The one will

33. .It is ______of you to cheat in the exam.

A. dangerous B. difficult C. foolish D. kind

34. --- Steven has got the first prize in the maths contest.

--- ______ is no wonder that he looks so happy today.

A. As B. It C. This D. That

35. It is what you do rather than what you say ____matters.

A. that B. what C. which D. this

1-5 CBDDC 6-10 CCABA 11-15 BBBAC 16-20 DAADD

21-25 DDBAD 26-30 ABDBA 31-35 CCCBA


篇17:非谓语动词 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)


I like cooking. ”

He likes cooking.

It' s not easy for me to learn English.

Seen from the space, the earth is a blue sphere.


非谓语动词是不随 _______________变化而变化的,它们不受人称和数的限定,所以又叫“非限定动词”。


(1)动词不定式:to study (to + 动词原形)

(2)分词:studying (现在分词)、studied (过去分词)

(3)动名词:studying (形式与现在分词相同)


形态 主动 被动

动词不定式 一般




现在分词和动名词 一般


过去分词 一般 written



动名词可以起 ______词的作用,在句子中作主语,宾语,表语,定语。

动名词的否定形式是在前面加上not, never等否定词。


Fishing in this lake is forbidden.

Going abroad for a visit and settling down abroad are two different things.

My favorite hobby is fishing/collecting stamps.

My job is teaching.


在______________; ______________; __________ ; _______________ ; _________________ ;___________________ 等习惯表达中,


It’s no use /good ringing her up now.

Is it worthwhile bargaining two hours for two cents?

It’s wise trying again.

It is of great importance fighting against pollution.

It is no use operating on the sick man. He should have been sent here early.

It is no good smoking; you’d better give it up.


He avoided giving me a definite answer.

David suggested selling your dog and car to pay the debt.

I couldn’t risk missing that train.





The children are fond of listening to pop music.

Are you interested in going to the show?

Thomas insisted on doing it in his own way.

Excuse me for interrupting you.

Before finishing your homework, you’d better not go out. 做



I insisted on his (him) going to the cinema with me.

I can hardly imagine Peter’s sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.

Linda’s coming will do you good.

What made him angry was their (them) laughing.



I apologize for having broken my promise.

I don’t remember having talked with him before.

I regret not having met you before my marriage/before I got married.


I could no longer stand being treated like that.

She was proud of having been trained in the U.K.

He doesn’t like being laughed at.


(1)like, love, hate, prefer等表示喜爱,厌恶的动词后面,



She likes dancing. But she wouldn’t like to dance with you.

He looked tired and I didn’t like to disturb him.

I don’t like reading, but I’d like to read a magazine in bed tonight.

Little Jim should love to be taken to the theatre this evening.

The reporter would /should like to see you again.

We don’t like talking about people behind their backs.

(2) forget to do sth. ___________________

forget doing sth.___________________

The light in the office is still on. She forgot to turn it off.

The light in the office is off. She turned it off, but she forgot turning it off.

(3)remember to do sth. _________________

remember doing sth. _________________

Do you remember meeting me at a party last year?

You must remember to leave tomorrow。

(4)stop to do sth. __________________

stop doing sth. __________________

She stopped to have a rest on a big rock by the side of the path.

As long as you live, your heart never stops beating,

(5) regret to do sth. _____________________

regret doing sth. ____________________

I regret saying that.

I regret to tell you the following truth.

(6)try to do sth. __________________

try doing sth. _________________

You must try to do it again.

Let’s try doing the work in some other way.

(7) mean to do sth. __________________

mean doing sth. __________________

If it means delaying more than a week, I’ll not wait.

I mean to help you, and nothing else. 。

I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry.

Declaring Taiwan independent means declaring war on China.

(8) go on to do sth. _____________________

go on doing sth. _____________________

After he finished his maths, he went on to do his physics.

I hope it won’t go on raining all day long.



1) ____________(游泳)is a very enjoyable exercise.

2) His work is ________________(修自行车).

3) Europeans uses an knife and a fork ______________(吃肉).

4) We will only succeed by ____________________(努力工作).

5) Tom hates __________________(早晨9点以后起床).

6) I could' t help ________________(迟到).

7) _____________________(等着没用) there won' t be another bus.

2. 用动词不定式或动名词填空:

1) He wanted ____ (see) the book I had bought.

2) Please stop ___ (walk) about the room and sit down.

3) I called ____ (see) her yesterday but she was out.

4) In 1969, the United States succeeded in ____ (send) a rocket to the moon and ___ (land) two astronauts on its surface.

5) We decided ___ (put) off the meeting until Saturday.

6) Let me ___ (see) what you are doing.

7) When the professor finishes ____ (speak), we will ask him a question.

8) He made her ___ (go) although she wanted ___ (stay).

9) Please remember ____ (give) her this letter.

10) We heard him ___ (say) that he disliked ____ (go) abroad any more.

11) The child enjoyed ___ (play) at the seaside.

12) The little boy was made ___ (take) the medicine.

13) I watched the shop assistant ___ (take) the goods down for the shelf and put them on the counter.

14) He remembers ___ (go) to Shanghai with his parents when he was five.

15) She had her husband ___ (wash) her dirty linen.

16) The thief kept ____ (say) he hadn’t taken the purse.

17) The policeman saw him ___ (steal) the bicycle and ride away on it.

18) I’ve persuaded him ___ (help) us do the job.

19) You had better ____ (go) home now. It looks like rain.

20) Let me___ (know) if you had decided ____ (go).

21) He promised ___ (come) to our party.

22) I forget ____ (see) you there.

23) Don’t forget ___ (see) your grandma this Sunday.

24) I must apologize for not ___ (let) you know earlier.




现在分词有一般式和完成式。它的一般式表示和谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生的行为或存在的状态;它的完成式(having + 过去分词)表示在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生的动作或存在的状态。

现在分词有主动语态和被动语态(being + 过去分词)。







This is an interesting book。

China is a developing country.

a broken heart

a risen sun

There is something interesting in the news。

The man sitting by the window is our math teacher。

The machine run by the old worker is made in Shanghai。

1. We lived in the house __________________(我舅舅们修建的).

2. Any medicine ________(服用) without the advice of a doctor can cause trouble.

3. We spent two hours discussing the plan ________________ (她制定的).

4. Lessons _____________ (易学的)are soon forgotten.

** ______________ (易学的) lessons are soon forgotten.



When the students saw the teacher entering the room,They stood up。

= seeing the teacher entering the room, they stood up.

When I was walking in the street, I came across an old friend of mine.

__________________________, I came across an old friend of mine.

After he had heard the news, he jumped with joy.

_________________________, he jumped with joy.

The metal expands when it is heated.

___________,the Metal expands.

When he was asked why he did not do it, he began to cry.

________________________________, he began to cry.


As I was excited,I couldn’t go to sleep

_____________,I couldn’t go to sleep。

Because he was a student,he was interested in sports.

______________________,he was interested in sports.

Because they were inspired (激励) by Dr.Yang’s speech,Li Hua and his classmates decided to study physics harder

_______________,Li Hua and his classmates decided to study physics harder.


The children went away。They laughed as they went.

The children went away laughing.

The professor stood there and he was surrounded by many students

The professor stood there,_______________________________

He sat on the sofa, and watched TV.

He sat on the sofa, _____________________


If you work hard, you will succeed.

________________, you will succeed.

If you use your head, you will find a way.

________________, you will find a way.

If water is heated to a certain temperature, it turns into steam.

_________________________________, water turns into steam.



(I) 用在_____________之后作宾补

1. I saw him running along the street.

2. I felt an ant climbing over my leg.

3. Suddenly I noticed her standing outside.

4. I smell something burning.

5. I hear a girl singing in the hall.

(II) 用在 __________________之后做宾补

1. I would have him waiting for me at the gate of the park.

2. Sorry, I kept you waiting a long time.

3. They shut the door and left, leaving the fire burning.


(I) 用在_______________ 之后作宾补。

1. The speaker raised his voice, but he still could not make himself heard.

2. Jane got her bad tooth pulled out at the dentist’s.

3. They are going to have the entrance hall painted white.

(II) 用在 ______________ 之后作宾补。

1. He didn’t notice his wallet stolen.

2. I was washing my clothes when I heard my name called.

(III) 用在 ______________之后作宾补。

1. He did not want such question discussed.

2. I would like my living room painted light blue.


The result of the test is disappointing.

I feel disappointed in the result of the test.

The story is very interesting

He is interested in the book.

The result is surprising.

I am surprised at what he said.


exciting, moving, amusing, astonishing, frightening, interesting, relaxing, shocking, surprising, terrifying, tiring etc.


excited, moved, amused, astonished, frightened, interested, relaxed, satisfied, surprised, terrified, tired etc.



(2)_________________可以接by + 动作的执行者,___________则不行。

The glass is broken.

The glass is broken by Tom.

The bookstore is closed at six.

The bookstore is closed now.


(1)分词作状语时,_____________ 和 ______________ 一致:

__________at the top of the mountain,I saw lots of people there.

__________from the top of the mountain, the city is beautiful.

__________again, I found the book interesting.

__________again, the book was found interesting.




We sat two hours and watched the teacher __________ the experiment.

We passed by the classroom and saw the teacher________ the experiment.


现在分词表示 _____________________

过去分词表示 _____________________

动词不定式表示 ___________________

He had the fire ___________ (burn) day and night。

Father had me ___________(swim) the whole summer vacation。

Mary had her dress __________(wash).

Tom had his legs ____________ (break)

I had my watch __________(steal) yesterday。

My mother had me ___________ (wash) my dress.

The teacher had me ______________ (clean) the classroom.





Having written the letter,John went to the post office.

(=After he had written the letter,John went to the post office.

Having lived in Beijing for years,Lao Wang knows the city quite well.

(=As he has lived in Beijing for years,Lao Wang knows the city quite well.)

Having drunk two glasses of water, Xiao Ma felt a little better.

(=After he had drunk two glasses of water Xiao Ma felt a little better.)

2.现在分词的被动语态(being +过去分词)通常表示“正在被…”的意思。如强调现在分词表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前时,可用现在分词被动语态的完成式(having + been +过去分词)。

The bridge being built will be completed next month.

Having been kept out of the room about half an hour for his returning late,Tom was let in.



1)The teacher is taking a walk on the playground. He is our teacher of English.

2)The birds filled the air with music. They were singing in the trees.

3) Here is a novel. It was written b Lu Xun.

4) The language is English. It is spoken in Australia.

5) Do you know the number of students? They are coming to the English Evening.

6) I could hear the boys. They were playing in the field.

7) He was glad to find the fire. It was burning brightly.

8) I watched them. They were dancing.

9) I saw a man. He was banging at your door

10)Tom rushed into the room. He was covered with snow.

11)Mary sat on the ground. She talked with Jane.

12)I stood at the gate. I was waiting for his arrival.

13) John put on his raincoat because he saw that it was raining.

14) As he was stepping carelessly off the pavement, he was knocked down by the bus.

15) He used chopsticks. He ate his dinner.

16) As he was going downstairs he tripped on the carpet.

17) When I was learning English, I had much trouble in pronunciation.

18) As he himself was one of the exploited Pottier shared their bitterness and sufferings.

19) The bridge had been weakened by successive storms and was no longer safe.

20) What is the book? It is being translated.

21) As we did not know his address we could not get in touch with him.

22) As she had been there many times, she knew the place quit well.

23) As we had not got a reply from them, we became quite worried.

24) Because they had been brought up in the city, they knew little about farmwork.

25) He was a League member. He ought to take the lead in such activities.



Climbing to the top of the hill, there is a magnificent view to be seen.

-----Climbing to the top of the hill, one can see a magnificent view.

-----If one climbs to the top of the hill, there is a magnificent view to be seen.

1)Being Sunday I shall have a quiet day at home.

______________ I shall have quiet day at home.

2)Entering the house, the door closed with a bang.

3)Walking through the park, the flowers made a lovely sight.

4)Waiting for a bus, a brick fell on my head.

5)Having been away from his hometown for more than thirty years, no one recognize him.






不定式的基本形式是由“to+ 动词原形”构成,其否定形式是not to do,不定式可以带自己的宾语或状语,构成不定式短语,没有人称和数的变化,但有时态和语态的变化,不定式在句中可作主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语、补足语,不作谓语。如:

Lucy asked him to turn up the radio.

To make a plan first is a good idea.

1. 动词不定式不失动词的特点,有时态和语态的变化,不定式有六种形式,以write为例:

主动态 被动态

一般式 to write to be written

完成式 to have written to have

been written

进行式 to be writing

完成进行式 to have

been writing



It seems that he knows this.

鯤e seems to know this.

I hope that I'll see you again.

鯥 hope to see you again.


He pretended that he was listening to English course when I came in.

鯤e pretended to be listening to English course when I came in.

I am very glad that I am working with you.

鯥 am very glad to be working with you.


I am sorry that I have put you so much trouble.

鯥 am sorry to have put you so much trouble.

It seems that I have met you somewhere before.

鯥 seem to have met you somewhere before.


She seems to have been reading the novel for three hours.

The rain was said to have been falling for a week.


This is the plan to be discussed at today's meeting.

The novel is said to have been translated into several languages.

Whether most countries can use natural energy in future remains to be seen.

2. 不定式的作用


To say is one thing; to do is another.

To read novels is my hobby.


To talk with him is a great pleasure.

鯥t is great pleasure to talk with him.

To make electricity by building a dam across the sea is possible.

鯥t is possible to make electricity by building a dam across the sea.

注意:①To see is to believe. 主语和表语都是不定式,不能用it代替:It is to believe to see是错误的。

②To answer correctly is more important than to finish quickly. 而finish与finishing放在than后面都是不合适的,因为前面句子的主语是to answer,后面的主语也要是to finish, 保持than前后句子结构平行。


At that time his job was to write reports for the newspaper.

This suit doesn't seem to fit me.

The problems remain to be unsettled.

(3)不定式作宾语:在下列及物动词后,常跟不定式作宾语:want, need, hope, wish, expect, like, hate, try, manage, forget, remember, know, begin, start, intend, plan, mean, pretend, prefer, agree, refuse, learn等。

To keep the water clean, you need to get some under water plants.

I prefer to stay at home rather than go out.

They have decided to visit the nature park for the milu deer.


I found to learn English well not easy.

鯥 found it not easy to learn English well.

I feel to help others my duty.

鯥 feel it my duty to help others.


Jim told me to give his best wishes to everyone here.

What caused you to change your mind?

在被动语态was considered后面,不定式为主语补足语接不定式作宾补和主补的动词常有:

ask, beg, cause, call n, help, force, allow, permit, advise, order, get, want, wish, tell


(其中没有hope sb. to do, suggest sb. to do和agree sb. to do)

注意:①不定式作宾语补足语,在部分感官及使役动词后,用不带to的不定式作宾语,常用的动词有:let, make, have, see, watch, notice, observe, look at, listen to, feel等,help有无to都可以,如:

The teacher had us recite the text every day.

The boss made his men work all the night.


注意:②在谓语动词think, consider, suppose, believe, imagine, prove, find等后面跟to be作宾补,不跟to do,但其中有些可跟to have done作宾补。如:

imagine…to be

Imagine yourself(to be)in his place.

find…to be

We found him(to be)honest.

suppose…to be/suppose…to have done.

I suppose him to be about fifty.

We suppose him to have stolen it.


I have a meeting to attend. (attend the meeting)

及物动词+ 宾语

Pass me a piece of paper to write on. (write on the paper)

不及物动词+ 介词+ 宾语

在time, place, way后面的不定式省略介词,如:

He had no money and no place to live.


I have no chance to go abroad.

They had never moment to rest.

注意:there be句型中的不定式作定语用主动或被动都可以

There is a lot of work to do.

=There is a lot of work to be done.

There is no time to lose.

=There is no time to be lost.


--Have you anything to wash?

--No, nothing. I plan to go shopping.

不定式动作的执行者是you. you wash something

--Have you anything to be washed?

--No, Thank you.

不定式动作的执行者不是you. 是省略了的(…to be washed)by me或by someone else.



I got up early in order to catch the 6∶30 train.

The boy ran all the way so as not to be late.

注意:so as to不能置于句首,in order to可以。


He smiled to think of his clever plan.


I am glad to see you.

You are sure to succeed.


第一, I hurried to the post office, only to find it closed. (出乎意料的结果)


He is too old to read.

The boy is too young to dress himself.

当不定式前的形容词为nervous, pleased, willing, delighted, happy, glad等时,too…to,“to…”可译作肯定,

They are too nervous to leave. 他们急于离开

当too前有only, 即only too…to译作肯定

I am only too pleased to help you.


We are never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。

第三,形容词/副词enough to do sth.

He was quick enough to catch the ball.

The girl is old enough to go to school.

第四,so…as to/such…as to如此……以致于……

He was so angry that he was unable to speak.

He was so angry as to be unable to speak.

He was such a fool that he believed the cheat.

He was such a fool as to believe the cheat.


The mountain is difficult to climb. (动宾关系:climb the mountain)

不定式不说to climb it或to be climbed

Lesson Two is easy to learn. (动宾关系:learn Lesson Two)

有时由形容词+ to do结构一起做宾语补足语

3. 不定式的逻辑主语:不定式的逻辑主语一般是句子的主语,如He seemed to be reading something, 当需要明确指出不定式动作的执行者时,用for/of sb. (sth. )to do sth. 表示,如:


brave, careful, careless, kind, nice, good, honest, clever, wise, unwise, stupid, foolish, rude, cruel, silly, thoughtful, impolite, polite, right, wrong, 等。这时It+ be+ 形容词+ of sb. /sth. to do sth. 句型,等于sb. /sth. + be+ 形容词to do sth. , 如:

It is very kind of you to say so.

相当于You are very kind to say so.

It is clever of him to win the competition.

鯤e is clever to win the competition.

It+ be+ 形容词+ for sb. /sth. to do sth. 这一句型中的形容词大多为:

easy, important, usual, difficult, hard, possible, impossible, necessary等。这些词只能说明不定式行为的是与非,不能说明不定式的执行者,所以不等于sb. + be+ 形容词+ to do sth. ,如:

1)It is difficult for beginners to read the book.

不能说:Beginners are difficult to read.

但是第一类,即It+ be+ 形容词+ of sb. to do sth. 句型中的形容词,如right, impolite…等如果强调评论人用of,强调评论行为也可用for,应用情况如下:

(1)当sb. 为泛指时,形容词着重评论不定式行为本身,如:

It was not right for the south to break away from the Union.


It was unkind for you to be laughed at.

总之for sb. to do sth. 强调不定式行为

of sb. to do sth. 强调不定式执行者

4. 带疑问词的不定式:动词不定式可以和疑问词what, which, how, where, when, whether等连用,构成不定式短语,如:

The question is when to start.

They haven't ageed on whether to build a factory here or not.

what to say.

I don't know what to write about.

how to do it.

注意:没有if to do和why to do.

I don't know why to do it. (误)

I don't know why I should do it. (正)

5. 不定式省略“to”的情况:


I'd like to go and see a film.

He had to have a job or go hungry.


It is easier to say than to do.


(3)不定式在but(除了……以外),except后面的使用,如果but, except前有行为动词do, but, except后省去to,如:

They had nothing to do but wait for the doctor.

The whole night he did nothing except watch TV.

(4)在固定句型中:would rather do…than do…/prefer to do rather than do:

1)The bus was so crowded that I'd rather walk home than take a bus.

2)I prefer to play tennis rather than(play)basketball.

6. “to”代表整个不定式:有时为了避免重复,省去不定式后面的内容,保留到不定式符号to, 如果是to be,保留到be,如:

--Will you please give him a message when you see him?

--I'll be glad to.

--Would you like to go shopping with me?

--I'd like to. (或I'd love to)


Do what he or she tell you to do.


动词-ing形式由动词原形+ ing构成。动词-ing形式起到名词、形容词和副词的作用,在句中可作主语、宾语、表语、状语和宾语补足语,但不能单独构成谓语,其构成形式如下,以do为例:

主动 被动

一般时态 doing being done

完成时态 having done having been done

否定式:not+ 动词-ing.

Learning English is very important to me.

Having been widened, the road took on a different look.


1. 动词-ing形式作主语:

Seeing is believing.


It is fun swimming in a river or lake in summer.



It is dangerous playing/to play with fire.


Going shopping is a pleasant thing.


It is no use

It is no good doing.

It is useless

It is useless only learning English grammar.

It is no good cutting down the forest.

③在there+ be+ no+ 主语结构中,必须用动词-ing作主语:

There is no telling what will happen in the future.


Seeing is believing.

To see is to believe.

2. 动词-ing作宾语:


Would you mind my sitting here?

We suggest going out for a picnic on Sunday.


We look forward to seeing you again.

(3)在worth, busy, feel like, look like等形容词后面:

China Daily is well worth reading.

The firefighters were busy putting out the big fire.

They look like winning the relay race.

Suddenly I feel like eating something.

动词-ing做主语或宾语时,一般情况下其逻辑主语为句子的主语,如果需要自己的逻辑主语时,要用物主代词或名词所有格+ 动词-ing,如:

His/Li Ping's coming late, made the teacher unhappy.

Would you mind my/me smoking here?


We heard the noise of desks being opened and closed.

3. 不定式与动词-ing作宾语的比较:


admit, appreciate, advise, avoid, allow, consider, delay, dislike, enjoy, escape,

excuse, face, feel like, finish, fancy, forbid, forgive, imagine, include, keep, mention,

mind, miss, practice, resist, risk, suggest等。如:

He practices speaking English every day.

He admitted having broken the window.

I much appreciate your giving me the chance.

She dislikes doing housework.

He enjoys nothing but playing the computer.


want(想要),hope, expect, wish, decide, would like, refuse, manage, pretend, demand,

offer, afford, plan, wonder, intend…等,如:

I am expecting to get a letter from my parents.

We are planning to build another research center.

I'd like to buy a new car made in the U. S. A.


I remember doing this exercise before.


Remember to post the book for me.


归纳:remember doing记得(做过的事,某事已做过)

remember to do记住(去做某事,某事还没做)

We shall never forget hearing Jackson singing.


Don't forget to give my regards to them.


归纳:forget doing忘了(做过的事,某事已做过)

forget to do忘了(去做某事,某事还没做)

I'll try to improve my pronunciation.


Since no one answered the front door, why not try knocking at the back door?


归纳:try to do. 尽力去做某事

try doing(用另外一种方法)试一试,试试看

I suggest we stop working and have a rest.


They stopped to listen, but there was no more sound.


归纳:stop to do停下(某事)去做某事,(表目的)

stop doing把某事停下来,(宾语)

What do you mean to do with your old bicycle?


I won't wait if it means delaying a week or so.


归纳:mean to do打算做某事

mean doing意味着做某事

(4)在love, like, hate, prefer后面跟不定式和动词-ing形式无多大区别,如:

Do you like to eat ice-cream?

I like traveling very much.

I like driving(do drive)fast cars.

(5)在start, begin后面,一般接不定式和动词-ing形式无多大区别,在下列情况下,多用不定式:


It started to rain.

Snow started to melt as spring came.

②心理活动,在understand, know, realize等词前面:

I began to understand my mother's feelings.

③begin, start本身为进行时:

Mother was starting to cook in the kitchen when I got home.

(6)在allow, advise, permit, forbid等动词后面,有名词或代词作宾语,用不定式做宾语补足语,如果没有宾语,直接用-ing形式,如:

1)We don't allow parking here.

2)The police don't allow people to park here.

3)He advised me to get an English pen friend.

4)I advise seeing more English films.

(7)need, require, want译作“需要”时,跟动词-ing作宾语,主动表示被动,相当于to be done,如:

The windows require cleaning.

The windows require to be cleaned.

The patient needs operating on at once.

The patient needs to be operated on.

The flowers want watering.

The flowers want to be watered.


can't help doing, be worth doing, devote…to doing, look forward to doing, be/get/become used to doing, object to doing, thank…for doing, excuse…for doing等。

Einstein devoted his life to making a research in science.

I'm looking forward to getting your letter.

We are used to living in the countryside.

4. 动词-ing在句中作表语:

Our plan is setting up a new car factory.

My job is teaching/driving.

这类词作表语,起解释说明主语的作用,主表可颠倒:Teaching is my job. 转换成问句,用what提问:

--What's your job?

--My job is teaching.


--How is your job?

--It is interesting.

--How was your trip?

--It is tiring, but interesting.

5. 动词-ing作定语:


There are two reading rooms in our school library.

a reading room其含义是A room is used for reading.

The swimming pool in our school is nearly completed.

the swimming pool其含义是The pool is used for swimming.

(2)如果动词-ing形式作定语表示被修饰的名词发出的一个正在进行的动作或某种特征行为,这时被修饰的名词与动词-ing逻辑上有主谓关系,如果是主动关系用doing, 被动关系用done, 或being done表达,另外有时间要求:


Look at the dancing girl. She is one of my classmates.

Look at the girl who is dancing. ….

China is a developing country.

China is a country that is developing.

注意:①如果动词-ing形式表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前,一般不用having done作定语,而用定语从句表达,如:

The teacher criticized the boy having broken the window. (误)

The teacher criticized the boy who had broken the window. (正)


I have a meeting to attend today.

鯥 have a meeting that I will attend today.

Mary is the proper worker to do the job.

鯩ary is the proper worker who can do the job.

第二种情况:被动关系:动词-ing表达的动作与谓语动词同时发生,正在进行,用being done; 发生在谓语动词之前,完成了的动作用done;发生在谓语动词之后,未来的动作,用to be done. 如:

The bridge being built now is two kilometers long.

鯰he bridge that is being built now is two kilometers long.

The bridge built last year is two kilometers long.

鯰he bridge that was built last year is two kilometers long.

The bridge to be built next year will be two kilometers long.

鯰he bridge that will be built next year will be two kilometers long.

6. 动词-ing作宾语补足语和主语补足语:经常在see, hear, feel, watch, notice,

observe, find, get, look at, listen to, keep, leave, send, set, catch等一些动词后面用动词-ing作补语,其中宾语和宾语补足语在逻辑上有主谓关系,如果主谓关系是主动的,又表示动作在进行,或状态的持续,用doing; 如果主谓关系是被动的,又表示动作在进行,用being done,如:

I noticed them repairing the car.

鯳hen they were repairing the car, I noticed.

I noticed the car being repaired.

鯳hen the car was being repaired, I noticed.

如果宾语和宾补是主动关系,又表示动作的全过程,即完成或一般时态,宾补用不定式to do表达(在某些动词后面不定式不带to);如果是被动关系,又表示动作的全过程,即完成时态用done表达,如:

I often notice them repair the car.

I noticed the car repaired.


7. 动词-ing形式作状语:动词-ing形式作状语时,要求其逻辑主语必须是句子的主语,句子的主语与动词-ing形式逻辑上有主谓关系。如果主谓关系是主动的,用主动语态;-ing动作与谓语动词同时发生用一般式doing, 如果-ing动作发生在谓语动词之前,用完成式having done, 如:

Walking along the street, I met a friend of mine.

相当于When I was walking along the street, I met a friend of mine.

Having finished their work, they had a rest. 相当于After they had finished their work, they had a rest.

如果主谓关系是被动的,用被动语态;-ing动作与谓语动词同时发生,用done;如果-ing动作发生在谓语动词之前,已完成的动作,用被动语态的完成式having been done, 如:

Having been cleaned and decorated, our classroom took on a new look.

相当于After our classroom had been cleaned and decorated, our classroom took on a new look.

Well known for his expert advice, he was able to help many people.

相当于As he is well known for his expert advice, he was able to help many people.


Mother/She being ill, he had to stay home to look after her.

It being Sunday, the shops are crowded.


过去分词由动词+ ed构成,起到形容词和副词的作用,在句中可作状语、表语、定语和宾语补足语。过去分词的性质是被动,完成,但有时侧重程度,有时侧重被动,不及物动词变成的过去分词无被动的意义,过去分词形式由动词原形加词尾-ed构成,及部分不规则的词如:done, played.


boiling water 沸水 fallen leaves落叶

boiled water 凉开水 frozen chicken冷冻鸡

developing country 发展中的国家

developed country 发达国家


a broken glass, a dancing girl, a damaged house.

1. 过去分词的作用:


Seen from the top of the mountain, the lake looks like a mirror. (相当于The lake is seen)

相当于When the lake is seen from the top of the mountain it looks like a mirror.

Heated, water can turn into vapor.

相当于If it is heated, water can turn into vapor.


We are interested in science.

(3)过去分词作定语:过去分词作定语,有时间要求,发生在谓语动词之前,即完成的动作,用done,而不用having been done.

The bridge built last year is 2 kilometers long.

People invited to the party are most scientists.


I noticed the car repaired.

2. 过去分词与动词-ing形式的区别:


The news is surprising.

We are surprised at the news.

这类词很多,如:inspiring, inspired, astonishing, astonished, tiring, tired,

moving, moved, disappointing, disappointed, worrying, worried, encouraging, encouraged, …….

(2)作宾补的区别:宾语与宾补逻辑上有主谓关系,主动用动词-ing或不定式表达,被动用being done或done表达。

We found him standing outside the door.

He found the door locked.


The boy entered the room, followed by a dog.

相当于The boy entered the room and he was followed by a dog.

The boy entered the room, following his father.

相当于The boy entered the room and followed his father.


Having brought her father back to England, Lucy helped him to get better. (时间)

After she had brought her father back to England, Lucy helped him to get better.

Disturbed by the noise, we had to finish the meeting early. (原因)

We had to finish the meeting early because we were disturbed by the noise.

Born a free man, he was now in chains. (让步)

Though he was born a free man, he was now in chains.

(If) bitten by a snake, you should send for help and not walk. (条件)

鯥f you are bitten by a snake, you should send for help and not walk.

The boy ran in, carrying a ball in his arm. (伴随)

鯰he boy ran in and carried a ball in his arm.

He dropped the plate, breaking it into pieces. (结果)

鯤e dropped the plate and broke it into pieces.

(5)-ing形式与ed分词的否定式,由not+ -ing构成:

Not knowing how to do it, I asked him for help.


篇19:不规则动词总表 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)



Infinitive不定词 Pasttense过去式 PastParticiple过去分词



































































































































































































































































write abode,abided


































































































































































































































































wrote abode,abided



































































































































































































































































篇20:语法-----动词和动词短语 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)


编号:081030 编者:管月敏

一. 单句改错:

1. She’s having a lot of trouble with the new computer, but she doesn’t know whom to turn.

2. “Goodbye, then,” she said, without even looking down from her book.

3. He was grown up in the countryside, so he knows a lot about farmers.

4. If we can go over our present difficulties, then everything should be all right.

5. --- Have you got up with some new ideas?

--- Yeah. I’ll tell you later.

二. 用所给动词的适当短语填空:

1. give

1) You must finish your papers before 12:30, when they shall be _________.

2) He doesn’t only ____________ money; he spends his whole life in looking after the poor.

3) The gas _____________ an unpleasant smell.

4) Finally he was persuaded to ______________ smoking.

5) The news of the mayor’s coming to our school for a visit was __ on the radio yesterday.

2. get

1) Hardly could he ____________ this amount of work in such a short time.

2) It is going to rain. Can you ___________ the clothes for me?

3) It took me an hour to get intention _______ to her.

4) I am afraid I didn’t ___________ well with my studies.

5) ---The boss said we had only three days to finish the work.

---Don’t worry.We have already _____________ two thirds of it.

3. take

1) I won’t __________ much of your time.

2) When shall I __________ my new duties?

3) He has ___________ Spanish recently.

4) The young politician __________ the leadership of the party.

5) I will ___________ your number and ask him to call you back.

6) Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4026___________ at 18:20.

4. turn

1) ___________ the light before you go out.

2) A big wave ___________ the fishing boat. Luckily, no one was injured.

3) I needn’t have taken my umbrella, because it __________ to be a fine day.

4) To my delight, the key I lost __________ the other day.

5) Believe it or not, Tom is the right person you can __________ when you are in trouble.

6) He is very discouraging because every time he offers some help to her, it will be __________.

5. break

1) I was still sleeping when the fire __________ , and then it spread quickly.

2) The car __________ on the way again.

3) The young man was so impolite that he kept __________ with silly questions.

4) Their friends all wondered what ___________ their marriage?

5) The poor man had his house ____________ last night.

6. put

1) Never ___________ until tomorrow what you can do today.

2) ____________ your toys and let’s have dinner.

3) You’d better ___________ your coat before going out. It’s so cold outside.

4) The toy car was pulled down. Can you _____ it _____ again?

5) Mother __________ all the lights before going to bed.

7. go

1) --- Do you think that housing price will keep __________ in the years to come? Many people can’t afford it.

--- Sorry, I have no idea.

2) We were all tired out, so we couldn’t ___________.

3) Suddenly all the lights ___________, and it was all dark.

4) ---- Didn't you have a good time at the party?

---- Of course I did. As a matter of fact, I had such fun that time seemed to _________ so quickly.

5) The poor girl has __________ such a lot since her parents died.

6) ---Could I use your dictionary?

---Sure, __________.

7) Whoever __________ nature will be punished by it.

8. make

1) She has grown up and I can’t ______ her ______ any more.

2) Culturl exchange __________ better understanding.

3) Mother was skillfully _______ her coat ______ my skirt.

4) He says he will get up at six tomorrow morning, but he’ll never __________.

5) The group is ____________ 6 experts and 20 students.

9. come

1) Tell me how the accident ___________ last night.

2) I __________ an old friend of mine at the station yesterday.

3) It's already 10 o'clock I wonder how it _______ that she is two hours late on such a short trip.

4) These customs have __________ to us through many a generation.

5) You have ____________ a good idea.

掌握较好的>80% 题号: 分析

掌握一般的60%~80% 题号: 分析

掌握较差的 <60% 题号: 分析



一. 1. turn 后加to 2. down---up 3. grown-brought 4. go-get 5. got-come

二. 1. given in; give away; gives off; given out

2. get through; get in; get …across; get on; get through

3. take up; take on; taken up; took over; take down; takes off

4. Turn off; turned over; turned out; turned up; turn to; turned down

5. broke out; broke down; breaking in; broke up; broken into

6. put off; Put away; put on; put…together; put out

7. going up; go on; went out; go by; gone through; go ahead; goes against

8. make…out; makes for; making into; make it; made up of

9. came about; came across; comes out; come down; come up with




情态动词的特殊用法 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)
