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I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis.

My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor ******, my supervisor, for his constant encouragement and guidance.

He has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis.

Without his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.

Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor *******, who led me into the world of translation.

I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: ********who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years.



By the end of this paper, thanks to three years of training to make painstaking efforts of my tutor Professor Li Huiqing.

Over the past three years, in the subject design, site, laboratory work, thesis writing and other aspects, the teacher gave a careful and selfless help.

The teacher's keen insight, profound knowledge, rigorous academic attitude and selfless dedication, is my eternal learning model.

We thank Zhao Zhongtang, Dean of Shandong University School of health professor Xie Keqin, Professor Wang Zhiyu, Professor Wang Jiezhen, Professor Wang Shumei, Professor Wang Zhiping, Professor Jiang Baofa, Professor Xu Lingzhong, Jia Cunxian teacher in learning and research help to guide and support.

I sincerely thank Li Shibao for his help in life, study and so on.

Heartfelt thanks to the city of Shandong family planning service station Ding Shuqi, Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Secretary of the staff and the staff in the field investigation, patient tracking, sample preservation, and so on a lot of work done in the work of the.

I would like to thank my classmates Liu Hongqing,  Li Lingui, Zhou Yingzhi, and so on, in the study, life, laboratory work, and other aspects of the help given by the, and so on.

Heartfelt thanks to the Shandong Academy of Sciences, Shi Shengfang, comrade Diao Yutao in the study, research and other aspects of the help given.

Heartfelt thanks to the Weifang maternal and child hospital department of gynaecology Dr.

Zhou Lanying in the provision of Cyto Thin cervical sampling brush, buffer, pre experimental samples and other aspects of the help given.

Sincerely thank Professor, Shandong Institute of Dermatology Guo Department of Weifang Medical University, Guo Wenjun sick, Liu Ruqing teacher, Tang Shengjian director of plastic surgery hospital in the specimens of ultra low temperature storage, cervical cytology etc.

to provide help.

I sincerely thank Dr.

Wang Lijie,, affiliated Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, to help us with HPV positive specimens.


Time flies, my master career has to end.

The past few years are long and short, which is full of ups and downs, more harvest and growth.

In recent years, thanks to each respect to accompany me to spend a wonderful time of the teacher and my dear students, it is for your help, I can overcome the difficulties, it is your guide, I can solve puzzles, until the successful completion of their studies.

My dissertation is carried out in the care and patience of my mentor, Professor Tong Qunyi, and I sincerely thank my teacher for my teaching and caring.

From the choice of the subject, the implementation of the project, until the final completion of the paper, Professor Tong has always given me a patient guidance and support, I have achieved every point of the teacher's sweat and sweat.

The teacher's open field of vision, rigorous academic attitude, the work style of excellence, deeply infected and inspired me, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks and sincere respect to Professor tong.

Thanks to the lab Shidishimei with me, they share the joy of youth! Also, all brothers and sisters of the laboratory division said together in peacetime to carry out related work in the support and help of thanks.

Thank my friends Cui Zhumei, Hu Xinjie, Peng Yingyun, Feng Zaiping, Li Juan, eager to help provide in the process and in the process of writing! No matter in the hot summer and cold winter, they take leave of providing selfless help to me, do not they will not help the successful completion of this thesis.

I am grateful to all the students of the 10 master's class of Jiangnan University!

Thanks to the leadership of Hefei normal college to provide me with the opportunity.

I will cherish the teacher's position, but also more aware of the need for lifelong learning.

I thank my family for their support and understanding, they are the people who love me the most, I owe the most people, their silent dedication is my school for four years of support and motivation.

Finally, I want to your participation in the review and appraisal of the teachers, to express my sincere thanks to the participation in my thesis of you! Every stage of life are worth cherish this wonderful time, because of your care and help, I am very happy.

I will study harder, study hard, I will try to do better, I think this is the best I can give you return.

The best wishes for you, always healthy and happy!


So far, it means that my master's career has come to the curtain call time.

Looking back more than nine years of river life, have mixed feelings, bitter sweet build-up in the heart, but the heart filling is still the most grateful.

First of all thank the meticulous care and help my tutor Professor Zhong Fang on my life and school, bell teacher virtuous, friendly, knowledgeable, rigorous scholarship, during my doctoral study of more than five years, she not only taught me learning skills, but also taught me the criteria for life, which will make me benefit for life.

In the course of the subject, bell teacher patiently listen to our stage report, timely proposed amendments to ensure the smooth progress of the project.







































































































题目:A Corpus-based Study on SyntacticFeatures of Business English Correspondence

1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

China plays a much more important role in world economic system along with thedevelopment of economic globalization. Economic globalization not only accelerates our country'seconomic growth, but also promotes the speed of international trade all over the world. Thereforeexcellent business communication competence becomes increasingly important as well. As one ofthe language media business English correspondence aims to link overseas and domestic economicentities, exchange information, communicate with each other and deal with business. It plays anextremely important role in the frequent international trade. It is no exaggeration to say, businessEnglish correspondence is used in every step of business activities.

The course of business English writing has almost expanded into every university curriculum.Both foreign and domestic scholars have done researches on business English correspondencefrom the perspective of lexicon, semantic fields, especially based on corpus. There are two majorlarge-scale corpora on business English. One is Nelson's Business English Corpus (BEC for short)accounting for one million words. The other one is Poly U Business Corpora constructed by HongKong Polytechnic University. The Poly U Business Corpora are made up of three comparablecorpora of Chinese, English and Japanese business texts, the majority of which originate from thebusiness and finance sections of newspapers written in those languages, covering news and reportsfrom auditing and accounting to insurance and investments. Each of the corpora has more than onemillion words. It is accessible on line for searching key words to see a concordance taken fromPoly U Business English corpus, which is helpful to students and teachers. It is thus obviously thatbusiness English is quite important so that attracts much attention from linguistic researchers. Ithas been an overriding aim of this project to create a resource for researchers to help furtherknowledge of an area which so far has been the research topic of many scholars.

1.2 Significance of the Study

This thesis makes a relatively complete study of business English correspondence from theperspective of lexical grammar theory and syntactic theory. It takes up business Englishcorrespondence as its research topic and aims to propose some feasible strategies in businessEnglish correspondence writing and teaching. The study expected to achieve both theoretical andpractical significance as follows:

First of all, this study will introduce a new research method. Corpus provides a brand newway for the study of language. It breaks through the traditional method of intuitive experiencemethod and turns to the original analysis of natural language in order to provide a firm foundationand data support for language research in various fields. Traditional intuitive experience methodfocuses on personal experience and intuition, manual methods or introspective method whichcould acquire linguistic knowledge only from limited data of language materials. This method ofacquiring linguistic knowledge is not only inefficiency but also more subjective which inevitablyleads a effect on the accuracy of final result. However, corpus-based approach is totally different.Corpus can find the target data quickly by using computer software for scientific analysis, andovercome the limitation of traditional research on the subjectivity and one-sidedness. Thismacroscopic method can carry on a multi-level and all-rounded research on the basis of a largenumber of real data, and effectively promote the new theoretical model and research paradigm. Italso relies on computer science to achieve its powerful function in language searching, andprovides a new method in linguistic research for the majority of language researchers.

Secondly, a clear understanding of lexical grammar theory could be achieved. Language is atool for human communication which inevitably cannot do without meaning expression andunderstanding. Sinclair broke the previous rules of describing vocabulary and grammar in aseparate way. Therefore, a new point of view has been proposed. That is language should bedescribed by using the way combining vocabulary and grammar which opened up a new path forlanguage description based on a corpus. Then he proposed lexical grammar, and believed thatvocabulary and grammar are equally important, in which vocabulary is the starting point forbuilding the language model. The key aspects about the origin of lexical grammar and thewholeness of lexis and grammar will be discussed in detail in next chapter and this study is basedon the theory of lexical grammar to explore the features of business English correspondence fromlexical and syntactic levels.

Thirdly, after a relatively complete study on the business English correspondence, typicallexical and syntactic features could be worked out.

Fourthly, feasible strategies could be proposed to business English correspondence writingand teaching.

1.3 Layout of the Thesis

In this thesis, the study will do some research on business English correspondence andmanage to summarize some common syntactic features of business English correspondence basedon lexical-grammar theory and syntactic theory. This thesis is divided into the following six parts:

Chapter 1, the introduction part is an introduction concerning the theme of the thesis,including a general introduction of the background and significance of the study and theorganization of the whole thesis.

Chapter 2, a literature review is provided in this chapter, which gives out an overview of thecorpus linguistics and business English correspondence. It first introduces business Englishcorrespondence and corpus linguistics briefly, and then gives a comprehensive introduction tothem which are also discussed here for better understanding to the field that the theory will beapplied to. Relevant studies both on Corpus linguistics and business English correspondence arealso presented at the end of each part.

Chapter 3 introduces the theoretical framework which contains four main parts: principles ofbusiness English correspondence, the application in corpus linguistics, lexical grammar andsyntactic theory. Then Sinclair's lexical grammar theory and syntactic theory will be discussed indetail. In the end of this chapter, the writer will talk about the paper's feasibility.

Chapter 4 addresses the research methodology of the study which includes the corpus-basedquantitative and qualitative method, the corpus and instruments used in the study, the proceduresof the study both in relation to data collection and data processing and concordance.

Chapter 5 is the main part of the thesis of which lexical and syntactic features will bediscussed and analyzed in this part. Word length, sentence length, wordlist and some other wordfrequency will be listed and analyzed in detail.

Chapter 6 draws a conclusion of the thesis, which gives a summary to the whole paper.Besides the major findings of the study, it also points out the limitations and difficulties of thepresent study.


Abstract in Chinese

Abstract in English

1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Significance of the Study

1.3 Layout of the Thesis

2 Literature Review

2.1 Studies on Business English Correspondence Abroad and at Home

2.2 Studies based on Corpus Linguistics Abroad and at Home

2.3 Summary

3 Theoretical Framework

3.1 Writing Principles of Business English Correspondence

3.2 Lexical Grammar

3.3 Syntactic Theory

4 Methodology

4.1 Corpus-Based Approach

4.2 Research Instruments

4.3 Research Procedures

4.3.1 Data Collection

4.3.2 Data Clean-up

4.3.3 Tokenization

4.3.4 Lemmatization

4.3.5 Part-of-speech Tagging

5 Results and Discussions

5.1 Syntactic Complexity Analysis

5.1.1 Analysis of Word Length and Sentence Length

5.1.2 Contrastive Analysis between Content Words and Function Words

5.1.3 Contrastive Analysis between Simple Sentence and Complex Sentence

5.2 Syntactic Pattern Analysis

5.2.1 Passive Voice

5.2.2 Interrogative Sentence

5.2.3 Subjunctive Mood

5.3 Syntactic Feature Analysis

5.3.1 Syntactic Feature of Letters of Request and Comfirmation

5.3.2 Syntactic Feature of Letters of Acceptance and Refusal

5.3.3 Syntactic Feature of Letters of Appreciation and Apology

6 Conclusion

6.1 Major Findings

6.2 Implications for the Study

6.3 Limitations




Papers published in the period of Ph. M. education

3 进度安排

1.Collecting the related materials and designing theresearch, data analysis: Sep.1st-Dec.31st,20XX

2.Writing the first draft: Jan.1st- Feb.31st, 20XX

3.Writing the second draft:Mar. 1st- Apr. 31st,20XX

4.Writing the final draft: May. 1st- May.31st,20XX

5.Preparing for defense of the thesis: June.1st- June31st,20XX

4 References

[1] Dudley-Evans,T. and St John,M.J. 。 Developments in English for Specific Purposes: AMulti-Disciplinary Approach[M]. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press:1.

[2] Corbluth,J.D. (1975)。 English or 'Special English'[J]. English Language Teaching Journal24/4:277-286.

[3] Strevens,Peter. (1977)。 New Orientations in the Teaching of English[M]. Oxford:OxfordUniversity Press:72.

[4] Nelson,M. ()。 A corpus-based study of Business English and Business English TeachingMaterials[D]. Unpublished Ph D Thesis. University of Manchester.

[5]胡春雨。语料库与商务英语词汇研究[J].广东外语外贸大学学报, (2):55-58.




[9] Pickett,D(1986b)Business English: Falling Between Two Styles[J]. COMLON 26:16-21.

[10] Johnson. C.(1993)。 Business English State-of-the-Art Article[J]. Language Teaching 26:201-209.


Here I would like to express my gratitude to all the people who helped me during theprocess of my writing this thesis. Without their help, I couldn't have completed the thesis.

First and most important of all,I wish to thank Professor from the bottom of myheart for not only her valuable guidance and suggestions but also her constantencouragement, patience and generosity in spending her time on my thesis.

Also special thanks should go to my colleagues and the students involved in the study inNo. 4 Senior High School who offered me consistent support and help to conduct myinvestigation and experiment.

But for them, the study would have never been finished.Meanwhile I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the respectableprofessors who taught me during my postgraduate studies in Liao Ning Normal University.

In their lessons, I acquired the academic competence needed to take on such a study.Last but not least, I feel like taking this opportunity to express my thanks to my family.Because of their love,care,understanding and encouragement, I can complete my thesiswriting eventually.


My heartfelt thanks to all the teachers who have taught me during three years.They have assisted and provided me with invaluable support while I was pursuing thisresearch. This paper could not have been successfully accomplished without the helpof my supervisor, classmates, friends and my family.

First of all. I owe my sincerely thankful to my supervisor, Prof. Ma Naqin whohas generously offered much help during every stage of my thesis writing. Withouther insightful suggestion on the design of research, her patient guidance and hermeticulous review of each draft, this thesis would not have reached the present form.Her rigorous, scientific approach to academic research and dedication to teaching willundoubtedly influence my future life and my teaching career.

Special thanks to the students majoring in Art Department in NorthwestUniversity for Nationalities, who voluntarily participated in this survey. Withouttheir supports and cooperation, the present thesis is impossible.

Last but not least, my gratitude also goes to my parents, my husbands and myson who have given me continuous support and encouragement during writing thisthesis.


Hereby I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to those who have been ofsupport to this thesis.

First and foremost, I am extremely grateful to my supervisor Jiang Hui, who has beenvery generous with her time in helping me. Her valuable suggestions, rigorous supervisionand constant encouragement have contributed greatly to the completion of this thesis.My appreciation also goes to all the other professors and teachers, who taught me in thepast three years.

I have greatly widened my span of knowledge from their courses.I also want to express my gratitude to my classmates and friends who have supportedand encouraged me.

At last, I am grateful to my dear family for their deep love and constant support. Withoutthem, the thesis would not have been finished


AcknowledgementsMy thanks go to my supervisor, Prof. Liuruiming, who has offered a lot of suggestionsand comments on my paper and polished every page of my draft and has spent much of histime in offering valuable advice and guidance in my writing, and whose intellect insightshave contributed greatly to the completion of this thesis. Had he not devoted his pains-taking efforts to reading patiently each draft and making critical comments, the completionof this thesis would have been impossible.

My special thanks also go to all my teachers in Inner Mongolia Normal Universitywhose inspiring lectures have had an undoubted influence on much of the co ntent of mythesis.

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the authors whose words I havecited or quoted, and to the scholars upon whose ideas I have freely drawn.

Special thanks should also go to my students for their enthusiasm and cooperationin the survey study.

Finally, I would like to give acknowledgements to my husband, my good friendsand my parents. Their love, care, support and incessant encouragement have helped meovercome many difficulties throughout the thesis writing.


Firstly,I would like to express my sincere tiiankfulness to my supervisor, ProfessorZhang Mingjian, who gives me constant instruction and helpful advice to my thesis. Icould not finish my thesis without his patient guidance and his careful corrections.

Secondly, I want to thank all my teachers for their insightful enlightenment andprofound knowledge which helps improve my English.

Thirdly, I would like to be thankful for the sixty-six students who helped finish thequestionnaires and carry out this experimental research.

I am also really appreciated that my parents give me both financial and spiritualsupport and it is their love and support that help me go further in the road of scholarlyresearch.



Time flies, my master career has to end.

The past few years are long and short, which is full of ups and downs, more harvest and growth.

In recent years, thanks to each respect to accompany me to spend a wonderful time of the teacher and my dear students, it is for your help, I can overcome the difficulties, it is your guide, I can solve puzzles, until the successful completion of their studies.

My dissertation is carried out in the care and patience of my mentor, Professor Tong Qunyi, and I sincerely thank my teacher for my teaching and caring.

From the choice of the subject, the implementation of the project, until the final completion of the paper, Professor Tong has always given me a patient guidance and support, I have achieved every point of the teacher's sweat and sweat.

The teacher's open field of vision, rigorous academic attitude, the work style of excellence, deeply infected and inspired me, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks and sincere respect to Professor tong.

Thanks to the lab Shidishimei with me, they share the joy of youth! Also, all brothers and sisters of the laboratory division said together in peacetime to carry out related work in the support and help of thanks.

Thank my friends Cui Zhumei, Hu Xinjie, Peng Yingyun, Feng Zaiping, Li Juan, eager to help provide in the process and in the process of writing! No matter in the hot summer and cold winter, they take leave of providing selfless help to me, do not they will not help the successful completion of this thesis.

I am grateful to all the students of the 10 master's class of Jiangnan University!

Thanks to the leadership of Hefei normal college to provide me with the opportunity.

I will cherish the teacher's position, but also more aware of the need for lifelong learning.

I thank my family for their support and understanding, they are the people who love me the most, I owe the most people, their silent dedication is my school for four years of support and motivation.

Finally, I want to your participation in the review and appraisal of the teachers, to express my sincere thanks to the participation in my thesis of you! Every stage of life are worth cherish this wonderful time, because of your care and help, I am very happy.

I will study harder, study hard, I will try to do better, I think this is the best I can give you return.

The best wishes for you, always healthy and happy!


So far, it means that my master's career has come to the curtain call time.

Looking back more than nine years of river life, have mixed feelings, bitter sweet build-up in the heart, but the heart filling is still the most grateful.

First of all thank the meticulous care and help my tutor Professor Zhong Fang on my life and school, bell teacher virtuous, friendly, knowledgeable, rigorous scholarship, during my doctoral study of more than five years, she not only taught me learning skills, but also taught me the criteria for life, which will make me benefit for life.

In the course of the subject, bell teacher patiently listen to our stage report, timely proposed amendments to ensure the smooth progress of the project.

At the end of this project, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the teacher.

Thanks to Professor Li Yue, Professor Xu Feifei and Mr.

Guan Tianqin for my usual care and care in the experiment and life.

In addition, thanks to Zhu Song, a professor of food science and technology at the State Key Laboratory of food science and food processing and distribution center in the course of the teacher's care and help given by the teacher, Mr.Yu Peipei.

Thanks to the Anhui tobacco industrial company technology center director Shu Junsheng, director Xu Yingbo and director Wang Chenghui to provide the experiment I help, thanks to my brother Xu Zhiqiang experimental guidance and life care, care and help for the testing room analysis Tian Zhenfeng, Chen Kaibo, Wang Hua, Zhu Qinglin, Xie Yingsong, Zhou Shun, Ge Shaolin, Hu Yonghua and so on our experiment and life.

Thanks to the Shandong ruibosi Tobacco Limited company general manager Xue Changsen, Sun Wei, Tian Hailong, Li Gang, director of manager Li Xiaohua and Li Ling in my experiment to provide support and help.


By the end of this paper, thanks to three years of training to make painstaking efforts of my tutor Professor Li Huiqing.

Over the past three years, in the subject design, site, laboratory work, thesis writing and other aspects, the teacher gave a careful and selfless help.

The teacher's keen insight, profound knowledge, rigorous academic attitude and selfless dedication, is my eternal learning model.

We thank Zhao Zhongtang, Dean of Shandong University School of health professor Xie Keqin, Professor Wang Zhiyu, Professor Wang Jiezhen, Professor Wang Shumei, Professor Wang Zhiping, Professor Jiang Baofa, Professor Xu Lingzhong, Jia Cunxian teacher in learning and research help to guide and support.

I sincerely thank Li Shibao for his help in life, study and so on.

Heartfelt thanks to the city of Shandong family planning service station Ding Shuqi, Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Secretary of the staff and the staff in the field investigation, patient tracking, sample preservation, and so on a lot of work done in the work of the.

I would like to thank my classmates Liu Hongqing,  Li Lingui, Zhou Yingzhi, and so on, in the study, life, laboratory work, and other aspects of the help given by the, and so on.

Heartfelt thanks to the Shandong Academy of Sciences, Shi Shengfang, comrade Diao Yutao in the study, research and other aspects of the help given.

Heartfelt thanks to the Weifang maternal and child hospital department of gynaecology Dr.

Zhou Lanying in the provision of Cyto Thin cervical sampling brush, buffer, pre experimental samples and other aspects of the help given.

Sincerely thank Professor, Shandong Institute of Dermatology Guo Department of Weifang Medical University, Guo Wenjun sick, Liu Ruqing teacher, Tang Shengjian director of plastic surgery hospital in the specimens of ultra low temperature storage, cervical cytology etc.

to provide help.

I sincerely thank Dr.

Wang Lijie,, affiliated Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, to help us with HPV positive specimens.

Thanks to the tobacco research group Sun Weifeng, Yin Chunyan Zhou Zhilei and sister sister brother, in Anhui Tobacco Industrial Corporation Technology Center together the day let me unforgettable.

Thank all laboratory brothers and sisters gave me help and encouragement, they are: Liang Rong, Liu Zhitao, Luan Hongfei, Qi Jing, Xu Shengnan, Wei Dong, Zhang Chao, Yi Jiang, Wang Haiyang, Xu Zhiting, Feng Zhaoxin, Wu Jia, Fu Tingting, Liu Huan, Zhang Mingxiu, Lv Shuyi, Maffei, Liu Xiaonan, Li Chao, Chang Yumei Murphy, Yi Xun, Wang Hao, Xia Liu Fei, Yu Jian, Cheng Wenli, Wang Qingwei, Peng Hui Tian, Lin Quanquan, Chen Xuemei, Chen Han, Wang Jiaoling, Sasa, Yao Peiyu, Yuan Ling, GUI, Yong Xiaolei, Wang Fang, Li Lujuan, Chang Bing Yu Yu Zhe, Chen Ling, Wang Yihan, Kingsley, Zehadi etc.

Thank you for reading during the struggle with my comrades in the struggle, they are Yan Bowen, Tang Xin, Zhai Qixiao, you let me read during the fun and happiness.

Thank my family for my meticulous care, thanks to the support of my parents, thanks to his brother, sister-in-law, sister commitment to the family responsibility, so I do not worry, you can be a happy heart graduation.

Thank you for all the people who have helped me.

I wish you all the best and happiness!



