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1.This isn't my dictionary. _____is over there, on the desk.
  • A. Mine
  • B. His
  • C. Hers
  • D. Yours
2.You've got a report tomorrow, _____you'd better prepare for it tonight.
  • A. or
  • B. so
  • C. but
  • D. for
3.Peter! The ice is too thin. It is dangerous. You _____ keep out.
  • A. could
  • B. must
  • C. may
  • D. might
4.Yuan Longping is one of_____scientists in the world.
  • A. great
  • B. greater
  • C. greatest
  • D. the greatest
5.Betty often_____a walk with her parents after school.
  • A. takes
  • B. was taking
  • C. is taking
  • D. will take
6.My mum_____on the computer when Grandma called her last night.
  • A. works
  • B. will work
  • C. was working
  • D. is working
7.—What is your sister doing right now, Tony?
—She_____her homework.
  • A. checks
  • B. is checking
  • C. checked
  • D. will check
8.The town _____ a lot of pollution in the past but it is not a problem any more.
  • A. has
  • B. is having
  • C. will have
  • D. had
9.Building a Class Project (项目)
  David sat alone on the school bus home. He didn't want to talk to his friends. They were all talking about their class projects for the weekend. They were (1)      , but David wasn't.
  How could they understand his feelings when their parents would be them?Nobody would (2)       David. His mum worked all the time. and his dad never wanted to do anything with him.
  "How was school today?" Grandpa asked when David got home.
  "It was okay, I guess."
  "You don't sound like that."
  David told Grandpa about the (3)      . Each student needed to ask a grown-up for help, and together they would build something. The students needed to make a report to explain how their projects had gone.
  "That sounds nice," Grandpa said. "Why does it make you (4)      ?"
  David felt his sadness rising inside him. "I don't have anyone to help me."
  Grandpa raised his eyebrows. "Who am I?" he asked.
  "You'd build a project with me, Grandpa?" David said in surprise.
  "Sure, I would," Grandpa said (5)      .
  David's heart seemed so light that he thought it would fly away. Maybe this project wouldn't be so bad.
  They sat at the table and made a list of ideas. Finally, they (6)       to build a robot from old boxes.
  Two hours later, the robot was finished. The table was untidy, but David couldn't stop (7)      .
  "I think it's the best robot I have ever built. Now I'll write my report, David said.
  He turned towards his room, but he stopped. He ran to Grandpa and hugged him. "Thank you for helping me, Grandpa. I had a lot of (8)      ."
  Grandpa patted his shoulders. "Me, too. Now, go and write your report. Maybe next time we can make a rocket."
  David smiled. He couldn't wait any more.
10.Four great campsites (露营地) to try this summer
  Sandy Bay
  This campsite is on an excellent beach, and has its own surfing (冲浪) school with special prices for campers. The sea is safe for swimming, so it's a great place for families. It doesn't matter what size tent (帐篷) you bring, as the campsite is large and you won't be too near to your neighbours.
  High Wood
  There are lots of activities you can do at High Wood campsite, from fishing to cycling. It's not as large as some campsites, but it's clean and modern. There's a special area where you can watch films under the stars. For food shopping, try the shop in the nearby village.
  Black Lake
  The wonderful thing about Black Lake campsite is waking up in the morning and seeing the beautiful mountains all around you. You can swim in the lake or walk in the forest. You don't have to bring your own tent — there are some you can pay to use. Don't forget to bring your mountain bike with you. Its small supermarket has long opening hours.
  White River
  There are many outdoor activities at White River campsite. There is a swimming pool, several playground areas, volleyball and basketball courts. You can go fishing, go hiking or just read a book you like at your campsite. There's camp shop where you can buy food and drinks.
11.  Seven years ago, I was studying Tourism at college, but I needed to find a part-time (兼职的) job because it was very expensive to study at college. I decided to become a weekend tour guide in my home city — Chicago, USA. I was surprised to find how much I enjoyed taking visitors around the city. I got to see the city through the eyes of tourists, and it felt like a new experience every time.
  After finishing my studies, I decided to go into tour guiding full-time (全职). I thought it would be quite easy. But when I researched what I had to do, I found out that I needed to know a lot more than I'd learnt so far to get a licence (执照) asa full-time tour guide. All city guides have to be able to answer hundreds of questions about the city, covering everything from local history to the rules of public transport. After several difficult but interesting months, I got my tour guide licence and became an independent tour guide.
  Tour guiding isn't just about knowing historical facts or making sure you don't lose anyone from your group in the crowds. There are many other necessary skills. You should be able to tell interesting stories, and the most important one is to be able to face changing situations, for example, if a place that you thought was open is closed when you arrive. Tourists don't want to hear what the problems are or that they're missing out on something, they just want to enjoy a well﹣planned tour.
  The visitors are happy with my tours because of the hard work I put into my job, and my tours are popular with the visitors coming to Chicago.
12.  Koalas look so cute that you want to give them a hug. Of course. koalas don't hug or do they?During the hot season in Australia, scientists noticed something unusual. As the temperatures rose, koalas high in the trees climbed down from the treetops. They sat on lower tree limbs and looked as if they were hugging the trees. But why would koalas hug trees?
  Scientists have studied koalas for years. They know that koalas cannot sweat (出汗). The animals have few ways to stay cool during the hottest days. They can lick or pant like dogs to keep cool. However, both ways can dry them out. They could leave the safety of their trees to search for water, but water is difficult to find.
  The scientists decided to do some study. They followed 37 koalas. First, they noted their posture (姿势) and where they stayed in trees. When the weather was warm, the koalas sat high up in the treetops. They ate tree leaves or rested. However, as the weather turned hot, the koalas climbed farther down. They kept their bodies close to tree trunks (树干). Next, scientists used technology to find out why the koalas acted differently because of the weather. They used a special camera to take photos. The camera made thermal images (热成像). In thermal images, darker colors show cooler temperatures. Lighter colors show hotter temperatures.
  These images showed that koalas hug trees to keep cool. They showed that the tree trunks were up to nine degrees cooler than the air around them.
  Koalas were using the trees to keep cool. By hugging the cooler trees. the animals could lower their temperatures as much as 68 percent. This allowed the koalas to keep the water in their bodies. Clearly, hugging trees offers relief to koalas when temperatures rise.

13.  How good are you at remembering names, dates, and telephone numbers? It is not easy for all. Remembering things is one of the most interesting functions (功能) of the human brain (大脑). That's why scientists spend so much time studying how it works.
  Studies show that when we learn something new, it stays in our memory (记忆) for 20 — 30 seconds. This is our short-term memory. Remembering a phone number long enough to find a piece of paper is an example. The opposite of short-term memory is long-term memory, which is where things are stored in the brain for a long time. The brain can turn short-term memory into long-term memory. For example, when studying for an exam, instead of just reading the information once or twice, you might go over your notes again and again until you can remember the important information.
  Dave Farrow is known for his excellent memory. He has been listed twice in Guinness (吉尼斯) World Records for Greatest Memory. As a student, Dave had great difficulties in learning. He found some ways to improve his memory in order to do well in school. Here are some you can try.
  One way is to look at the first letter of each word you want to remember. Then, make your own word or sentence using all of those letters. For example, if you want to remember all the colours in a rainbow, try remembering the name Roy G. Biv. Each letter in this name matches the first letter of a colour:red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Another way is to remember information in groups. For example, when you remember a telephone number, remember three numbers as a group, the next four numbers as a group and the final four numbers as a group. This way, your brain only has to remember three things instead of 11.
  If you are interested in improving your memory, apart from using some ways to remember things, there are lots of simple things you can do, like eating healthily, sleeping well and exercising daily. Challenging (挑战) your brain also helps you keep it healthy and active. So, why not start playing mind games, learning a musical instrument or studying a new language?
14.阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题.
  This fall, children in the Eixample area of Barcelona, Spain have a new way to get to school on Fridays — they ride their bikes. In September, a group of five children began biking to school with their parents on Fridays. Soon the group grew to 150 or more. The program is called"bicibús'"or bike bus.
  The Eixample bike bus begins around 8:25 every Friday morning. The path it will follow is always posted ahead of time, so everyone knows where to join.
  The bicibús starts off with just a few students and parents, with more and more joining as it travels along.
  Most kids ride their bikes, but others ride scooters or use skates. Instead of riding in bike lanes or on sidewalks, the bicibús takes over the whole street. With music playing and bike bells ringing, the bicibús feels like a party.
  Being able to ride with a lot of children is a big part of the fun. Nine-year-old Maria Pitarch says, "The best part of the bicibús is that we ride along and pick up my friends and we ride together."
  The Eixample bicibús goes to several schools. When students reach their school, they leave the bus and park their bikes. Some parents have made the bicibús the way they get to work on Friday.
  It was possible to bike to school in Eixample before, but it wasn't really safe for children. One of the main roads used by the Eixample bicibiús has about 20, 000 cars and motorcycles every day. So the local police are helping stop traffic by riding in front of the bicibús and behind it.
  Some parents think the bicibús will help change ideas about how people can get around in the city. They want the city to build wider, kid﹣friendly bike lanes that are separate from car traffic. They point out that the bicibús also helps cut down on pollution.

15.课上尽可能多说英语是个好主意.(speak English)
17.为了保护野生大熊猫, 政府正在建立自然公园. (the government)
18.根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作.文中已给出内容不计入总词数.所给提示词语仅供选用.请不要写出你的校名和姓名.
"安全无小事".无论是在上下学的途中, 还是在校园里, 或者是在其他场所, 我们都应注意安全.
假如你是李华, 你校英文报刊正在开展"安全大家谈"的征文活动, 请用英语写一篇短文投稿, 谈谈生活中你发现了什么安全问题并提出相应的建议.
提示词语:fast, dangerous, pay attention, traffic lights
(1)What safety problem do you notice?
(2)What's your advice on keeping safe?
  I notice a safety problem.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


