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1.Neither he nor I _____at home today.
  • A. am
  • B. is
  • C. was
  • D. were
2.The water has _____ice because of the cold weather.
  • A. turned on
  • B. turned into
  • C. turned down
  • D. turned off
3.Children's lives are in _____every time they cross the bridge.
  • A. shower
  • B. danger
  • C. plenty
  • D. basic
4.What a strong _____!It blew away my hat.
  • A. rain
  • B. wind
  • C. snow
  • D. water
5.—Is Larry as _____as Oliver?
—No, he isn't. Larry is shorter.
  • A. small
  • B. tall
  • C. long
  • D. wide
6.The little dog is afraid _____thunder.
  • A. of
  • B. from
  • C. with
  • D. for
7.—What's the _____ of writing this passage?
—To tell people the importance of health.
  • A. value
  • B. search
  • C. purpose
  • D. courage
8.It's _____ to work with Jack. He is so kind a man.
  • A. hard
  • B. pleasant
  • C. boring
  • D. shy
9.This machine doesn't work? Do you know the _____?
  • A. reason
  • B. technology
  • C. hole
  • D. courage
10.Do you know what Dingzhou is famous _____?
  • A. for
  • B. as
  • C. with
  • D. in
11.— _____is the school from your home?
—About 30 minutes' walk.
  • A. How far
  • B. How much
  • C. How long
  • D. How soon
12.When it comes _____my study, I have confidence to do it well.
  • A. on
  • B. to
  • C. with
  • D. up
13.We all have fun _____classes on the Internet.
  • A. having
  • B. filling
  • C. protecting
  • D. killing
14.If more people go to work by bus, there will be_____ air pollution.
  • A. fewer
  • B. less
  • C. fewest
  • D. least
15._____, he is the best teacher in our school.
  • A. In a word
  • B. One by one
  • C. Instead of
  • D. In seconds
16.阅读下面短文, 从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项.
  Have you planted a plant?How do you (1)       your plant?All plants that grow indoors need these (2)       things to grow:room, the right temperature, light and water.
  All plants need room to grow. The parts of the plants above ground need space, so leaves can(3)      . Roots also need room to grow.
  Different plants need different temperatures. Some like to be warmer, but others may prefer to be (4)      . It is necessary to (5)       where plants come from so that you can make them feel at home.
  Plants that grow indoors like bright light. Plants (6)       their energy from sunlight. Windows facing south or west have the (7)      light. Try to put the plants close to the window to make full use of light. (8)      they don't get enough light, their stems will be thin and they will lean(倾斜)towards light. If there is not a bright(9)       indoors, try using plant growth lamps(灯).
  Water is important. Without water or with too much water, a plant will (10)      . When the soil is a little dry, you should water it.
17.  Do you often make the"V"sign when taking photos?You might have to do so less often from now on.
  Experts(专家)say that it is possible to use the"V"sign to copy someone's fingerprints(指纹). Someone could take your photo, zoom in(使画面放大)on your fingers, and then use AI technology to copy your prints.
  Does that mean you should not make the"V"sign in photos anymore?Not really. The fingerprints in your photos must be clear enough to copy. If the photo is taken from 1. 5 metres or less away, it is possible to copy your prints. But if the photo is taken from over 3 metres away, your prints won't be clear enough to copy. The photos we put online are usually not clear enough to copy. But still, you should be careful.
18.  Kate had a big, old apple tree in her backyard. The tree was full of apples. "Those apples look good, "she thought. "They should be ripe in a few days. "
  Every day, Kate looked at her apple tree. Every day she saw more ripe apples. "I'll start picking them tomorrow morning, "she told her husband(丈夫)Frank excitedly.
  The next morning, Kate went out to pick the apples, "Oh, no!"she cried. "Someone has eaten a few of my apples!"
  Kate picked enough apples to make a pie. "I'll pick the rest(剩余部分)of the apples tomorrow. "
  The next day, more apples were gone. Kate said, "I must find out who is eating my apples. "
  That night the moon was full. Kate took a coat and went to the backyard. She sat still and quiet, watching the tree.
  At last, Kate heard a noise. She saw it!A fox(狐狸)in the tree!It was carrying an apple in its mouth. "So you've been eating my apples!Kate said. When the fox heard Kate, it came down from the tree and ran away quickly.
  Kate ran back into the house and told Frank what she had seen. "How are you going to keep the fox out of your apples?"asked Frank.
  Kate didn't say anything.
  The next day, Kate picked the ripe apples. She left a few on the tree. "I think we can share the apples, she said with a smile.
19.  A 15﹣year﹣old student from Sichuan named Wei Fang was preparing a talk on Western festivals. She searched online for information and made a PowerPoint slide(幻灯片). Zhu Hui her classmate. was doing his chemistry homework. But he couldn't work out the last problem even though he had tried his best. So he took out his smart phone opened a special app and searched for the problem. Solutions appeared on his screen after several seconds.
  Like Wei and Zhu, nowadays , many students do their homework with the help of the internet. They search for information online, or discuss with their classmates through QQ and WeChat.
  "It's convenient. You don't have to wait for your teacher to explain it to you face to face. " According to Zhu. You can also learn by seeing how others work the problems out. What's more. it improves students' problem solving abilities. This is especially true for homework that requires some research work. "I am now quite skilled at finding information online, " Zhu added.
  However. this trend (趋势) also causes problems. Some lazy students just copy the answers from the internet without thinking on their own. Some even let their classmates do their homework for them. And their teachers may not know this.
  But knowing how to use the internet is important. The key is to have good self﹣control. When you meet a difficult problem, think about it by yourself first. Be sure to understand the reasons behind the answers after you have turned to the internet, or you won't make any progress. If you are not sure about your self﹣control, ask your parents for help.
20.  In Britain, some people say they will do anything if a famous person they love asks them to. About one in three people in Britain have a new kind of disease(疾病)一they love a famous person too much.
  Some people love famous stars like Britney Spears, David Beck ham or even Tony Blair. It is not just the young;grown﹣ups have the same problem. One in four people are so interested in their heroes that it affects their life.
  There are two ways of worshipping(崇拜)famous people. One way is just to follow them or talk about them with friends for fun. The other is a more serious way. People have very strong feelings for them and think they are their friends. People who do so for fun are found to be happier. But those who have strong feelings for a famous person are perhaps to feel more lonely and worried.
  "Worshipping famous people is not certainly a bad thing, "Dr. John, an expert(专家)said. "But like many things, overdoing it may not always be good for you. "
21.  Nowadays, more and more Chinese kids enjoy surfing the Internet. Over 60% of Internet users under 18 play video games, while 20% watch livestreams(直播), according to a 2019 report. Some of them also spend money in playing games and watching livestreams.
  To better protect children, the Supreme People's Court(最高法院)made an announcement(公告)on May 19, 2020. According to the court, it's invalid(无效的)for children under 18 to spend money online. Because they don't have the experience or knowledge like their parents or guardians(监护人). In this way, parents or guardians have the right to ask to return the money their children spend.
  "Children aren't old enough to make all decisions(做决定)by themselves. Their parents have the right(权利)to get the money back. "Liu Guixiang, a member of the court's judicial committee(审判委员会), said at a meeting.
22.I felt happy yesterday. (改为感叹句)
      happy I       yesterday!
23.She has some pink markers. (变否定句)
She        have       pink markers.
24.Neither Jack nor Tom likes listening to music. (改为肯定句)
      Jack       Tom like listening to music.
25.The sun will set in about an hour.(对画线部分提问)
      the sun set?
26.Lucy is the same weight as Lily. (改为同义句)
Lucy is       heavy       Lily.
27.A:Hello!May I speak to Jim?
B:This is Jim. (1)      
A:Mary speaking. Are you at home now?
B:(2)       What's up?
A:Why didn't you take part in the art club activity this afternoon?
B: (3)      
A:A dog?
B:Yes. On my way to the club, I found a dog lying by the road, weak and helpless.
A: (4)      
B:Yes. I took it to the animal shelter(收容所).
A:How kind you are!But you missed the club activity.
B:What did you do in the club?
A: (5)       It was so interesting.
B:It's a pity. But I'm glad to help the dog.

A. We learned paper cutting.
B. Who's that?
C. It was because of a dog.
D. You learned how to make a kite.
E. Did you help the dog?
F. Yes, I'm at home.
G. You helped a bird on your way to the club. 
28.  All living things on the earth (1)d       on each other. At the same time, they all need sunlight. But only plants can (2)t        sunlight into food for themselves. Plants make food from sunlight, water and things in the soil and air. They also help to clean the air. Plants are important to people. They help us fulfill our (3)b        needs. So we should plant plants. There (4)      (be )some steps for planting. (5)      , we make a hole and make sure it is (6)l        enough to hold the roots of the seedling. Then put the seedling inside, (7)c        the roots and fill the hole with dirt. We must look(8)      the plants carefully, (9)      they will get dry. In a (10)      , it's pleasant to plant. We should plant many plants around us.
29.us, would, join, you, to, like
30.o'clock, sun, will, the, set, at, six (连词成句)
31.coin, two, has, every, sides
33.I, learned, computer, a, to, use, how, have
34.当前, 许多学生在课外沉溺于智能手机(smart phones). 针对这一现象, 学校将组织开展一次"拒绝手机诱惑, 健康学习生活"的演讲活动. 请你根据下面的提示用英语写一篇演讲稿.
活动内容 1. 花大量时间玩游戏, 上课睡觉, 不按时完成作业. 
2. 伤害眼睛, 不利健康. 
建议 1. 远离智能手机, 认真学习. 
2. 多花时间与家人、朋友交流. 
3. 积极参加各种活动, 如打篮球、唱歌…… 

要求:1. 字迹工整, 书写规范, 包含全部要点, 适当发挥;
2. 文中不得出现真实的学校、班级名称;
3. 80词左右, 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数;
4. 请将书面表达内容写在答题卡上相应的位置.
参考词汇: eyesight(视力) disadvantage(不利条件) keep away from(远离)
take an active part in(积极参加)
Girls and boys,
  With the develop of the Internet, many students have smart phones. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  That's all Thank you!


