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1.My best friend is than me. He makes us laugh a lot.
  • A. funny
  • B. less funny
  • C. funnier
  • D. funniest
2.At that time most people wanted to be like Mickey Mouse because he tried his best to face any danger.
  • A. sometimes
  • B. always
  • C. never
  • D. once
3. do you use the Internet?
—Usually twice a week.
  • A. How long
  • B. How often
  • C. How far
  • D. How soon
4.Vegetables are ________. They are good for our ________.
  • A. health;healthy
  • B. healthy;health
  • C. healthy;healthy
  • D. health;health
5.With the help of Internet, information can every corner of the world more easily.
  • A. get
  • B. arrive
  • C. turn
  • D. reach
6.—Did you buy in the shopping center?
—No, I didn't. was very expensive.
  • A. anything;Something
  • B. nothing;Everything
  • C. anything;Everything
  • D. something;Nothing
7.—What does Tim look like?
—He is the second______ student in our class, but_______me.
  • A. tall;not so tall as
  • B. tallest;not as tall as
  • C. tall;taller than
  • D. tallest;so tall as
8.It's good you some milk every morning.
  • A. of;to drink
  • B. of;drinking
  • C. for;to drink
  • D. for;drinking
9.Students didn't go to school the novel coronavirus epidemic(新冠疫情).
  • A. so
  • B. because
  • C. so that
  • D. because of
10.A true friend always you and always touches your heart.
  • A. cares about
  • B. makes up
  • C. dresses up
  • D. laughs at
11.请阅读以下10个句子, 然后从方框中选择最佳选项完成句子.每个选项限用一次.
A. quite a few B. feel like C. hardly ever D. find out E. educationalF. in fact G. similar to H. play a role I. up to J. anything 
A:Hello, Peter. (1)      
B:In my free time, I play basketball, listen to music, read books and so on.
A:You must be very busy every day. (2)      
B:I like books about science best.
A: (3)      
B:At least one hour every day. What do you do in your free time, Jack?
A:I do outdoor (户外的)sports such as climbing and swimming
B:How often do you go swimming?
A: (4)       Usually I go swimming on Sunday.
B:Can you take me to swim next time?I want to learn to swim.
A: (5)      

A. No problem.
B. Once a week.
C. How often do you play basketball?
D. What do you think of the books?
E. How long do you read every day?
F. What do you do in your free time?
G. What kind of books do you like best? 
Boonie Bears (《熊出没》)
It is a Chinese cartoon. It was first shown(上映) in February, 2012, and the children in China love watching it. 
Name:Briar (熊大)
Personality(个性): smart
Family: his brother Bramble(熊二)
Likes: making fun of Logger Vick(光头强), sealing fruit from Logger Vick, destroying( 破坏) Logger Vick's home and protecting the forest 
Personality: dull (呆头呆脑的), lazy
Family: his brother Briar
Likes: eating all kinds of delicious foods and sleeping 
Name: Logger VickPersonality:tricky (狡猾的)
Job: cutting trees in the forest
Favorite saying: If you make me angry, I will hit you anyway. 
14.  Read or listen to something in English:a book, a song, someone speaking in English, for example. Choose something you are interested in and enjoy.
  Notice (注意到) words that you don't know and see a lot. Do you meet some words more than once?These words may be helpful for the future. Choose five English words that seem important. Write each word on a card.
  Find the meaning of each word in a dictionary or ask someone to help you understand.
  Write the meaning of the word on your cards. Then go back to the sentence and write the sentence. At last, write your own sentence using the word. Use picture they help.
  Follow these steps each time you read or hear something in English that you want to remember. Bring your cards to school every day.
15.  Preparing to g traveling abroad can be really stressful, especially(尤其) it you don't know what to expect. Here is a list of important things to remember, so you know what you need to do before you take off.
  What vaccines(疫苗)do I need?
  Go to your doctor for suggestions as soon as you know you're going traveling. They know what vaccines you need and they know when you need to have them. Remember, some vaccines need to be given months ahead, so make sure you go to your doctor as early as possible.
  Do I need a visa(签证)?
  It's important that you have the correct official(官方的) papers for traveling abroad. If you don't have the correct paperwork, you might not be able to enter the country. You have to check that your passport(护照) is not out of date either.
  Do I need travel insurance(保险)?
  Travel insurance is really important and it's a must for your travel. It can protect you in many ways, such as if you get ill or your fights are unable to take o. You can do you travel insurance online or over the phone. You can also find a travel agency(旅行社)in your neighborhood and ask them for advice.
16.  I went cycling one day and saw a man in front of me, for about 250 meters. I could tell, he was cycling a little slower than me and I decided to catch up with(赶上) him. So I started cycling faster and faster. After a few minutes I was only about 100 meters behind him, so I rode my bike really fast and pushed myself.
  Finally, I caught up with him and passed him. I felt so good. I win. " I thought. "Although he didn't even know. " However, after I passed him, I found that I missed my turn. I went too far and had to turn around and go back. It was not so good.
  Isn't it just like life?We often focus on (集中注意力于) competing (竞争) with others, trying to show that we are better than them. We spend our time running after them and we miss out on our own paths( 道路) in life.
  The problem with unhealthy competition is that it never ends. There will always be somebody in front of you. So don't worry too much and live a healthy life. Run your own life and wish others well.
17.在过去的第五单元我们学习了很多关于电视节和电影的知识, 你一定对电影有了更多的了解.平时看电影也是人们喜欢的娱乐方式之一.现在, 请你在以下两部电影中挑选其中一题或自选一部, 谈谈你对它的见解及看法.然后以根据提示形成书面写作.要求:
1. 文章中不得出现本人真实人名及地名;
2. 文章需涵盖四个要点, 可适当发挥;
3. 字数不少于80词.

Key points :
●The name of the movie ●The kind of movie ●What the movie is about
●What you think of the movie/ What you learnt from the movie

18.Similarities(相同之处) enable us to understand and share. Differences enable us to explore(探索) and be special. Please write down five sentences comparing your best friend and yourself.
Example 1:My best friend Kai works as hard as me.
Example 2:My best friend Kai is taller but thinner than me.
Here are five ways my best friend and I are similar/ different:


