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1.  Long ago and far away, there lived an old man and an old woman. One day, while the woman (1)       clothes in the river, she saw a great big orange on the water moving slowly towards her. Excitedly, she caught the orange and decided(2)       it home to eat.
  (3)       the woman began to open the orange, suddenly, out jumped a little lovely boy!The man and woman didn't know what they should do. But they felt very happy and named the boy Bobonaro, or Orange Boy. As time went by, the boy became very strong and brave.
  Life was wonderful until some robbers (盗贼) moved onto a nearby island. The robbers were always stealing(4)       things from the people. Bobonaro wanted to drive all of them away. So he put some of his mother's delicious food into(5)       box and left home with it for the island. Along the way, he met a dog, a monkey and a bird. Bobonaro gave(6)       food and helped them a lot. So they became good friends. When he told them about his problem, (7)       of the three friends said, "I will help you get the robbers away."
  Finally, Bobonaro and his friends drove the robbers away(8)      . Bobonaro could return home with the valuable things that were stolen by the robbers(9)      the help of his three friends. All the people in the town(10)       so happy to see their things back that they cheered and called him a hero.
2.  Have you ever seen groups of people, mostly the elderly dance in public (公共的) places?In our country, this kind of dance is known as "Guangchangwu". (1)       the elderly dance "Guangchangwu"?For a long time, people have had different opinions (2)       it.
  Some people say yes and they think it (3)       the elderly to live a healthy lifestyle. It(4)       the elderly with a good way to relax, keep healthy and make friends. They feel that it's better for the elderly to go out to(5)       with their neighbors, friends than to play cards or watch TV at home.
  However, other people(6)      it. They complain (抱怨) that the elderly who dance "Guangchangwu" take up too much public space and make too much noise. You may have the following (7)      you want to sleep late on a weekend morning but find it (8)       because the elderly are dancing out, making a lot of noise. Sometimes you want to have a rest or talk for a while with your friends in a park, but you can't because of the(9)       music from the dancing.
  (10)       do you think of the elderly dancing "Guangchangwu"?You are welcome to share your opinion with us. Please write to us by Friday.
The Southern Media Company
We are looking for a few volunteers to work with us, which may lead to part﹣time or full﹣time work. Working hours are flexible and successful candidates (应聘者) will be working on social media and getting phone calls with organizations and groups. Candidates (候选人) can be sir or madam, but he or she must speak excellent English. 
Strawberry Music Festival
Our company is looking for volunteers for our music festival on Jan 6—7. The festival takes place in Chimelong Paradise in Guangzhou. There will be over 30 bands and DJs playing all forms of music. We need a team of volunteers to raise money for charity. If the festival interests you, please come to our open recruitment session (招聘会). 
The British Red Cross Foundation
We would like an outgoing volunteer for our team at our London Head Office. We need a well-organized person with good computer skills. You will support our team by sending thank﹣you letters, answering the telephone, and helping with all kinds of event organizations for 2 days a week. 
Royal Voluntary Service
This is a national charity to help elder people keep active and independent in their communities (社区). We are growing our new Dementia Support Service in Hillingdon. We need help from you!You are supposed to have good communication skills. 
4.  I am a student in a junior high school. Today in my class, my teacher Mr. Zhang told us to challenge ourselves to live on 6. 3 yuan a day tomorrow. This challenge is set to remember the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty by the World Food Program.
  Many of us regarded it with great interest, but all of us thought it impossible to live on 6. 3 yuan a day. As for me, to be honest, I find it difficult to imagine myself in a such a situation. So far I've spent 30 yuan. I bought myself breakfast and lunch and a friend a bottle of water. It's only the start of a day. I need more money to pay for my supper, snacks and my bus fee later of the day. Totally, I think I will spend more than 50 yuan today.
  Mr. Zhang said, "Just consider the things we buy every day:that bar of chocolate, a can of coke or small toys from a street seller, and so on. Are they really so necessary for us?" We thought for a while and shook our heads. " It is true that China is getting stronger and stronger nowadays. Many more people can afford what they want to buy. " Mr. Zhang went on, "However, there are still over 100 million people living below the poverty line. They don't have enough money for food or their children's education, especially the people who live in poor mountain areas. In my opinion, we can try to challenge ourselves to experience a poor child's life, so that we can value every cent our parents make and cherish our happy life. "
  We all agreed with Mr. Zhang. Although it is hard to part with our snacks and toys, we would like to challenge ourselves and started to be excited discussing about how to spend 6. 3 yuan a day tomorrow.
(1)       My problem is that I am too shy. It's not easy for me to talk with other people. I always stay away from my classmates at school. I am really upset about this and want to make a change.
(2)       Some classmates always make fun of me and I am really sad. They laugh at me because I am short. I have few friends in class and I feel very lonely and don't know what to do.
(3)       I have great problems in my study. I cannot do well in my math and physics and I worry about them a lot. I keep thinking about my problems and always feel upset. What should I do?
(4)       Eric's problem is getting angry very easily. When his parents ask him to pay attention to study, he always gets annoyed and shouts. How can he stop getting angry easily?
(5)       Alice has no interest in learning. She thinks all the subjects at school are boring. When she gets bored in class, she will draw pictures or even sleep. As a result, she is poor in all subjects. 
A. Anger is one of our common feelings. Everyone feels that way sometimes. We don't like it, but it doesn't make us weak. It makes us human. It is helpful to listen to music to cool yourself down.
B. If you are afraid of sleeping alone, you can sleep with your bedroom door open. When you know there is someone else in the next room, you will feel much safer and won't be afraid so much.
C. Learn to be a good talker. If you find it hard to start talks, say something nice about people around you. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you.
D. As a student, it is your duty to study. Studying well takes lots of efforts and it is not easy. However, you can find ways to make learning fun. You can draw mind maps to make learning more interesting.
E. It is not good for others to laugh at your appearance. You should tell them how you feel and ask them to stop doing that. Smile more, and then you can make friends more easily and won't feel lonely.
F. One of the key ways to deal with "worrying" is learning to accept your problems and try to solve them. You can ask teachers for advice so that you get to know how to make progress.
G. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. The most important thing is to learn from mistakes. Believe in yourself and you can get over them. 
6.He was shocked when he heard the news of Dr. Martin Luther King's       (die).
7.We have trouble       (想象) living without arms or legs.
8.Studying abroad is a good way to help to develop children's i      .
9.Parents should       [kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt] with their children often to understand them well.
10.She       (意识到) she left her homework at home when she was on her way to school.
What the teacher said        a big        to his study.
Can you        me why you didn't hand in your homework?
Getting good grades will        it        for you to get into a good high school.
My money        just now. Could you lend me some?
15.当迈克在喝咖啡的时候, 迈克的爸爸正在浏览报纸.
Mike's father was        the newspaper while Mike was drinking coffee.
  My son, Owen, was away on holiday with my dad. On the way back to the airport, they stopped at a hotel for the night. They didn't notice that Puppy, my son's pet dog, was lost (1)       the next night when Owen was going to bed. Owen has autism(孤独症), and he cannot sleep(2)       Puppy.
  My dad called the hotel to see(3)       Puppy was there. In fact, someone there had found Puppy and the hotel mailed Puppy to my dad. They hoped that it would reach my son before the flight home. But Puppy didn't make it, and Owen had to go home with my dad alone. The flight home was filled (4)       kind people. A lady saw Owen was upset about Puppy, so she went and bought (5)       dog for him.
  I can never thank the hotel enough for(6)       Puppy back when they did not have to, or the lady at the airport who made Owen feel a little safer.
  Owen never forgot about Puppy's trip, so when he got two tickets (7)       a basketball game, he decided to give them to two friends. They were basketball fans and they were going to watch the game outside. Owen told me that Puppy would have never come home if people had not been nice, so he wanted to be nice to (8)       .
  Owen opens doors for others, and he is always giving his old toys (9)       to kids who don't have any. Every time he does that, (10)       face lights up with pride.
17.  I have been a middle school student since about two years ago and I'm going to graduate a year later. However, with the increase in age, I seemed to get more trouble. For example, I couldn't get along well with my classmates because I was very easy to get angry and my classmates didn't like me. I wanted to change, but I couldn't control myself!
  Great changes have taken place when my mother gave me some suggestions. Here is her advice. First, I should make up my mind to change the relationship between me and my classmates. Second, when I want to be angry, I must think about the result. Third, I must try my best to reduce (减少) the times of getting angry. I followed my mother's suggestions and I succeeded!
  Now I know that it's normal for everybody to have trouble. Don't be afraid of it. Instead, try to face and solve it!
18.八年级是初中的重要阶段.某英文网站的"成长"专栏正在就八年级学生在学习和生活中遇到的困难进行专题讨论.请根据以下要点, 以"Ishare"的笔名在专栏里发文给即将步入八年级的学弟学妹们讲述他们将会遇到的问题及给出合理引导.
Dear students,
  Grade Eight is an exciting time, but you will also meet some problems. _____________________


