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  Nancy's Gym
Keep fit! Lose weight!
Open: Saturdays and Sundays
Tel: 4556—2233 
 Ice World
Have fun skating here!
$ 20/hour for children
$ 30/hour for adults
Tel: 8868—2526 
 Water World
Open: 9:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m.
Adults: $ 10
Children (aged 15 or under):$7
Tel: 2151—8296 

2.  Some people smell their socks to see if they might wear them another day. It might seem like a harmless habit. But what if a dangerous fungus (真菌) has developed in your socks?
  A man from Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, was sent to a local hospital. He had a pain in his chest and usually coughed. An X-ray showed that he was getting a serious lung infection (感染). Much to everyone's surprise, the following tests showed that the infection was caused by a fungus. The fungus is usually found in shoes.
  In order to find out the truth, doctors had a long talk with the man. They finally found that he was used to smelling his dirty socks when he got home from work every day. They believed when the man took a deep breath to smell his dirty socks, he breathed in the fungus as well. When the fungus entered his lungs, it caused an infection.
  Can people actually develop an infection from smelling their dirty socks? According to the doctors, this kind of infection does not happen very often. In this case, it might also have been linked to the man's weak immune (免疫) system. He had been under stress for a long time. He went to work every day and had to wake up several times a night to take care of his baby. All of these things were affecting his immune system.
  Luckily, the man was treated immediately in the hospital. He is expected to make a full recovery (恢复). We can only hope that the experience will help him change his strange habit. This story is a warning to us all!
3.  What is your favorite food?We have a lot of food in our everyday life, such as milk, bread, fish and rice. They can give you energy to grow. Before your body uses the food you eat, it has to change the food. That's what digestion (消化) means.
  Digestion begins with chewing (咀嚼). The more slowly you chew your food with your teeth, the smaller the pieces of food become. After you swallow (咽下) your food, it will move to your stomach. Your stomach can stretch to hold the food. Special fluids (液体) come in and help to break the food into smaller and smaller pieces. The food stays in your stomach for a few hours. Then the food moves into the intestines (肠).
  The first part is the small intestine. It is about 21 feet long. There, the food breaks down into nutrients (营养素) and your body can use them. Blood caries the nutrients to all parts of the body. Your body can't use everything you eat. Anything that is not used goes to the large intestine, which is4 or5 feet long and much wider than the small intestine. How to get rid of (去除) these? Go to the washroom!
4.  Boys and girls, this summer vacation is the time for you to take your mind off homework and prepare yourself for future life. The following is some advice on how to make your vacation meaningful and colorful.
  Take exercise. You have worked hard most of the time so far. (1)       You can benefit from different kinds of exercise such as swimming, jogging (慢跑) and mountain climbing.
  (2)       One day, you will live alone. As a result, you can't depend on your family any longer. In order to deal with your personal matters in your own life, you should learn cooking, washing and other life skills.
  Go for a journey. Travel to places of interest. (3)       And beautiful scenery can also make you relaxed. Imagine that you are lying on the warm beach in bright sunshine, with light sea wind gently blowing. Isn't it enjoyable and comfortable?
  (4)       Home is the place in which you can rest, receive love and care from family members. Don't always sit in front of a computer alone. Instead, the whole family should spend some time watching a movie on the sofa together. It's also great fun for family members to gather around the table, talking about sports, clothes or other common topics.
  If you follow the above advice, you will achieve health, independence, peace of mind and feelings between family members. The summer vacation is coming. Take action (行动起来)! (5)       Wish you a wonderful time!

A. Learn some basic life skill.
B. Enjoy family time.
C. Your summer vacation must be full of joy and success.
D. In this way, you can find the culture there is different from that of your hometown.
E. So you need to join in outdoor activities, which can make your whole body active. 
5.  "Please don't go to Wuhan if it's not necessary." Zhong Nanshan said when COVID-19 hit Wuhan. At the same time, the 84-year-old expert (专家) went on a (1)       to Wuhan to fight the disease.
  Chinese people say they believe every word Zhong says. He always gives Chinese people confidence (信心) and (2)      .
  As a doctor, Zhong says his goal is always to (3)       as many lives as possible. In 2003, SARS broke out in Guangdong. He asked other doctors to send their most (4)       patients to him. (5)       months of hard work, he saved thousands of lives. Zhong was (6)       enough to fight the disease. He spent days and nights finding the cause (7)       the disease. And with his way of treating, many patients began to get much (8)      . Zhong finally won people's trust.
  In 2020, Zhong once again led an expert team to deal with COVID-19. It spread (传播)(9)       and around tens of thousands of Chinese people were infected (感染). Zhong led (10)       team to Wuhan to fight the disease. His team took many measures to cure the patients. He asked people to wear masks, (11)       hands often, stay at home and not to go to (12)       places.
  Zhong likes sports very much. (13)       he was 67, he could still play basketball. Now, Zhong still treats patients in the hospital and (14)       young doctors. "I'm just a doctor." Zhong says. But we think he is a hero and a fighter. Once again, he won people's respect.
  In difficult times, many people always bring (15)       hope and confidence. Zhong Nanshan is one of them.
be, day, time, die, she, pull, happy, lie, too, beautiful 

  A middle-aged woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While she was (1)       on the operating table (手术台), she had a near-death experience. When she was visiting God, she asked, "(2)       my time up?" God answered, "No, you have another 40 years, 2 months and 8 (3)       to live."
  When the woman got better, she decided to stay in the hospital a little longer to make herself (4)      . Thinking of God's words, she was very (5)       about her future. She decided to have a facelift (去皱整容手术) and liposuction (脂肪抽吸术). She even had someone come in and change (6)       hair color. Since she had so much more (7)       to live, she thought she might as well make the most of it.
  After her last operation (手术), she left the hospital. While she was crossing the street on her way home, she was hit by a car and (8)       immediately (立刻).
  After she arrived in front of God, she asked God, "My God, you said I had another 40 years, why didn't you (9)       me out of the path of the car?"
  God replied, "You have changed (10)       much. I didn't recognize (认出) you at that time."
7.  One of the world's most dangerous sports is mountain climbing, and one of the most popular places for this (1)       the Himalayas. The Himalayas run along the southwestern part of China. Of all the mountains, Qomolangma rises the highest and is the most famous. It is 8848. 86 meters high and is very difficult (2)       reach. The first people to reach the top were Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hilary in 1953.
  Why do so many climbers risk their lives? One of the main reasons is (3)       people want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties. The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give (4)       trying to achieve our dreams. It also shows us that humans can sometimes be stronger (5)       the forces of nature.
8.A: Hello, Tom! You look so well these days.
B: Thanks. I often play basketball after school.
A: (1)      ?
B: Oh, no. I don't want to be a basketball player. You know I was not in good health before. (2)      .
A: You are right. To keep healthy is the most important. (3)      ?
B: I want to be a math teacher when I grow up. It's my dream job.
A: I see. How are you going to do it?
B: (4)      .
A: Oh, you are great. By the way, do you like watching movies?
B: Yes. I like watching movies very much.
A: There will be a movie tonight. Can you go with me tonight?
B: Sure. (5)      ?
A: At half past seven. OK?
B: OK. See you then.
9.每个人都有自己的梦想, 许多人为了实现梦想一直在努力.请根据提示内容, 以"My Dream"为题写一篇英语短文.
1. What's your dream?
2. Why is it your dream?
3. How are you going to make it come true?
1. 短文应包括要点中的所有信息, 可适当发挥;
2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;
3. 90词左右.


