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1.  One day, Mike and Sally saw a man walking with a stick (手杖). They found that the man couldn't (1)      .
  "It must be difficult for him (2)      on the busy street," said Mike.
  The man walked to the traffic lights (红绿灯) and then (3)      When the lights turned green, he started walking again. "He walked just like (4)       normal person," said Mike. Then he asked the man, "Excuse (5)      , sir. Could you tell us how you know when and where to go and to stop?"
  The man laughed, "I make good use of my (6)      . I listen to everything carefully. And when my stick (7)       something, I stop and go around it."
  "But it is (8)       to go out than staying at home, isn't it?" Sally asked.
  "Yes. But I love to go out. Also, I can't get any exercise (9)      I go out," the man answered.
  Sally said, "Thank you!We learn something important (10)       you today. We are too lazy in our daily lives. The two kids decided to do more exercise in the future.
2.  Mr. Black is a (1)      . He works in a middle school. He is always kind and friendly to others. It was his (2)       birthday yesterday. He didn't tell (3)      about it. He thought all his (4)       were busy and he didn't want his students to give him any presents, (5)      . After school he came to a (6)       to have some delicious food to celebrate his birthday. He told the waiter to (7)       him a birthday cake, a roast chicken (烤鸡) and a bottle of orange. He waited for a long time, but the (8)      didn't bring him the food or the drink. He had to ask the waiter about it. "Oh, I'm sorry, sir," said the waiter, "I forgot it. Please wait for a few more minutes and I'll bring them to you soon."
  At last his food was (9)      . Mr. Black found one leg of the chicken was shorter than the other. He stopped the waiter again and asked him the reason. The waiter looked at the roast chicken and said, "It doesn't (10)       if you don't want to dance with it."
3.  When I was a child, I didn't have hair on my head. I liked to watch my friends play. I would join them now and then, but I liked watching them better. Every day, we could see an old man walk by our playground, carrying an umbrella. He had big ears and a bald head. The moment my friends saw him pass by, they would shout, "Hey, deaf and dumb , what's the time?" They told me that he could not hear or speak.
  It was early evening , I was standing at the gate of my house when I saw the old man coming. I was alone, There were no friends around to shout the usual words of "greeting". But how could I let this man walk by without saying anything?" So for the first time, I asked in a soft voice, "Hey, deaf and dumb, what's the time?"
  The old man looked at me. Then he looked at his watch and answered, "It's five thirty." I ran inside the house and never shouted at the man after that.
Movies in Wanda Movie Theater (Huangxin Road) in winter vacation 
American action film
Release (上映): January 4th
Length(时长): two hours
Ticket price: ¥34 
White Snake
Chinese cartoon
Release: January 11th
Length: an hour and a half
Ticket price: ¥30 
Crazy Alien
Chinese comedy
Release: February 5th
Length: an hour and forty minutes
Ticket Price: ¥28 
5.  One day, my mother said, "Let's go shopping and buy you a new dress." I was very happy to hear that. We went to a big clothes shop on Bridge Street. I was interested in four dresses, a pink one, a blue one, a yellow one and, best of all, a purple one. I liked them all and didn't know which one to choose. To my surprise, my mother bought all of them for me. You know, my family was poor at that time.
  Later on that day, I showed my new dresses to my best friend Emily. She loved them all and was happy for me. But she also felt sad and said her mother could only buy her new clothes for her birthday. So I asked her to pick one. Then she picked the purple dress — my favorite! You should know that I was only seven and it was my turn to feel sad. She put it on and I saw the smile on her face, so happy and beautiful. I could feel her joy I told her it looked great on her. "Thank you, Amy! You're like my sister!" Emily said happily. When I told my mother about it, she smiled and said, "You're quite understanding. You're always my good little girl!"
6.根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.
  (1)      Most American people think it is very exciting to have surprise parties for their friends or family members. It is quite possible to plan a surprise party when one's birthday is coming. (2)      Look at the following example.
  It is Saturday night. Bob's wife asks him to go to the kitchen and bring her a glass of milk. Bob walks to the kitchen and opens the door. (3)       Bob is very scared and falls backwards. Just then the lion takes off his clothes. It's Bob's friend Charles! There are also some other people behind him. (4)       Bob is very surprised, and he does not know what it is until his friends say "Happy birthday!"to him.
  (5)       A successful surprise party always makes people feel surprised, excited and unforgettable.
A. All of them say to Bob, "Surprise!"
B. There is no food or milk in the kitchen.
C. The surprise party is very popular in America.
D. In fact, there are many kinds of surprise parties.
E. Do you want to know what a surprise party is like?
F. A good friend brings Bob to the party without telling him.
G. He hears a loud sound and sees a lion standing in front of him! 
Mary is       young       go to school.
When did you      this morning?
Could you help me       the light?
I hope to       you soon.
11.除非被邀请, 否则我明天是不会参加聚会的.
I won't go to the party tomorrow       I'm invited.
say; angry; die; prepare; he; without; know; one; surprise; other 

  He was a single father, raising a 5-year-old boy by (1)      . He was often worried about his son growing up (2)      a mother to care for him.
  One day, he went away on business, leaving the child alone. He worried about the child all the way, not (3)       if he had eaten. But his child always said, "Don't worry, Daddy". He went home after he finished his work. When he got home, the child was deep asleep. He was tired out. He was about to sleep when he was (4)       to find an overturned (翻倒) bowl of noodles under the quilt. He hit his sleeping son (5)      , "why are you so careless, making the quilt dirty? Who will wash it?"It was the (6)       time that he had hit his boy after his wife's (7)      .
  "Sorry, but... "the child explained with tears in his eyes, "This is your supper, Daddy. In order to let his father eat dinner the moment he got home, the child (8)       two bowls of noodles: one for himself, the (9)       for his father. He was afraid that his father's noodles would get cold, so he placed them under the quilt.
  Hearing this, the father hugged (拥抱) his boy tightly (紧紧地) without (10)      a word.
13.Dear Marcia,
  How are you?Are you busy at school?I hope you did well in your history exam. I'm enjoying my visit to Canada. Do you remember Aunt Mary?She is my old friend from school.
  Aunt Mary's husband, Uncle Alex, tells me a lot of good stories about Canada. He's a very interesting person. Aunt Mary tells jokes. She is very funny. She always makes me laugh. Dick is Aunt Mary's son. He's very clever and gets very good grades at school. He is interested in sports. He's the best player on the basketball team. He says I should bring you to Canada next year.
  Remember, you have to begin studying for your English exam so that you will get a good result next week. However, you mustn't stay up too late.
  Be a good girl, Marcia. I'll write to you again.
14.A: I'm hungry!Let's make fruit salad to eat.
B: I'm listening to music. (1)      ?
A: It's 12:20. Oh, it's lunchtime now.
B: Right. What do you want to eat?
A: I'd like some noodles. (2)      ?
B : I want a sandwich. I have to eat quickly.
A: (3)      ?
B: Because I'm going to the office for a meeting in an hour.
A :I see. (4)      ?
B: No, I won't drive there. The traffic (交通) is heavy then.
A: (5)      ?
B: I'll ride a bike there.
A: That's a good choice.
15.假如你是Mary Green, 下周六是你的生日, 你邀请你的同学Nancy参加你的生日聚会, 你希望她能早点到你家, 并带上一些音乐光盘(CD)和有意思的故事书. 请根据以上内容写一份邀请函.
1. 文中不能出现考生和老师真实姓名.
2. 可围绕主题作适当发挥, 词数不少于60个.
Dear Nancy,
Mary Green


