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1.In this fairy tale, there was ________ European emperor who only wore _______ underwear walking outside.
  • A. a, an
  • B. an, an
  • C. the, a
2.—Which do you like better, tea or coffee ?
— _______. I don't mind.
  • A. Both
  • B. Either
  • C. Neither
3.The earlier we learn to be independent, _____it is for our future.
  • A. the later
  • B. the worse
  • C. the better
4.Nowadays, there are so many students under pressure. I think parents need to think about ______ kids' after-school classes.
  • A. cutting up
  • B. cutting off
  • C. cutting out
5.He walked home _________ because his friend told him he failed the exam again.
  • A. in silence
  • B. in surprise
  • C. in excitement
6.We'll finally win the fight against the air pollution ___________we never give up.
  • A. even though
  • B. as soon as
  • C. as long as
7.Cindy __________ help the young, but now she often volunteers in an old people's home.
  • A. used to
  • B. was used to
  • C. as long as
8.—Did you see a man passing by just now?
—No, since I _________ a newspaper.
  • A. am reading
  • B. was reading
  • C. will read
9.—Will you go to Jerry's party this Friday evening?
—I haven't decided yet. If you go, ______________ .
  • A. so will I
  • B. neither do I
  • C. neither will I
10.―Mom, could I go to the movies with Jenny tonight?
—__________. It's not right for girls to stay out late.
  • A. That's for sure
  • B. No problem
  • C. I'm afraid you can't
11.A: Sam, why didn't you go home with Tony this afternoon?
B: (1)      
A: What happened?
B: I laughed at him this afternoon.
A: (2)      
B: He looked silly while singing for us at the class show. (3)      Was it a big deal?
A: I'm afraid so. (4)      
A: I'm afraid so.
B: It seems I'm wrong. What should I do?
A: Just say sorry to him if you don't want to lose a friend.
B: But it's not easy for me to do so face to face.
A: (5)      
B: That's a good idea. Thank you!
A. Why did you do that?
B. Maybe you can write him a letter.
C. I couldn't help laughing because of that.
D. How will you feel if your friend laughs at you?
E. He led for home alone after school without telling me. 
12.  In the Spring and Autumn period, a man from State Chu once got a pearl (珍珠) from the river. It was so unusual that he decided to sell it.
  (1)       he went to the market, he made a wooden box at home and decorated it with valuable stones and beautiful feathers (羽毛). The man thought, "I will sell the pearl for (2)       money if it has a good-looking box." Then he put the pearl into the box and went to the market.
  A man from State Zheng saw the beautiful box. He liked the box and decided to buy it. He (3)      the pearl and gave it back to the man from State Chu.
  "I will take the box only. The pearl is useless o me. You can keep it for yourself," the man from State Zheng said. He paid for the box and went away (4)      .
  The man from State Chu could not understand this. He thought, "The man paid so much only for the box. Why didn't he take the pearl?"
Some people may choose in a (5)       way because they judge things only by how they look.
13.  I used to see a guy on my train to work every morning. He always sat alone, never (1)       with anyone and never watched movies through his cellphone.
  About eight days ago, I noticed he was doing a video call with a friend and using sign language. After he ended the (2)       , he looked so sad. I thought I should say something to cheer him up or just (3)       if he was okay;but we were (4)       to understand each other. The only thing I could do was to put my hand on his shoulder and smile. I felt so helpless and sorry how (5)       he must be.
  From then on, I started staying up several hours a night after work to learn American Sign Language from some videos I found online.
  This morning, I "said"(6)       to him for the first time and asked him how he was by using sign language. The shocked smile on his face made all the (7)       nights and tired days worthwhile (值得的). (8)       it wasn't a big deal, he happily took his phone out, typed in a message and handed me the phone. It just said "(9)      ".
  It was the last encounter (相遇) we had on the (10)      and I haven't met another person who uses sign language since then. However, I really appreciate (感谢) how he helped me become a better person.
14.阅读短文, 根据短文内容判断句子的正误.正确的涂A, 错误的涂B.
  While long-distance travel is not a top choice because of the COVID-19, camping gets more popular for people living in cities.
  A report showed that during the May Day holiday in 2022, searches about camping increased by 117 percent compared with April. Forests and islands were the two most popular places. Ji Nan went camping with her friends in the mountains during the holiday. She said camping is a good way to get closer to nature and enjoy outdoor activities for good health. "At the some time, it can bring friends together and close," she added.
  The growing popularity has also increased the need for camping things, such as tents, outdoor tables and chairs and sleeping bags. That's good news for businessmen.
  However, the need for campsite is greater than the available places. "Everywhere is full and there is a lent every several meters." a tourist said. Besides, camping isn't always good for the local environment. In the campsite, some of the grassland is getting harder and harder without grass on it because of too much foot traffic. Trash, like bamboo barbecue (烧烤) sticks and disposable (—次性的) plates, could be seen everywhere.
  The government needs to provide more green space for tourists and call on people to protect the environment while camping.

15.  When you travel in Chengdu, never miss the wonderful face-changing at the local tea houses. How much do you know about this traditional skill?Let's learn something about it.
  Face-changing is unique skill in Sichuan Opera, one Intangible Cultural Heritage (非物质文化遗产) in Sichuan. It is also a very lively way to show the thoughts and feelings of different characters of the play.
  It is widely believed that the skill of face-changing could date back to ancient times. To scare away the dangerous animals and protect themselves, the ancient people painted their faces in different colors, making themselves look scary. Later, it developed into a famous art form.
  Generally speaking, there are three kinds of skills of face-changing, including wiping (擦) the face, blowing the face and pulling the face. Besides, breathing is another skill of face-changing, but few people know it.
  Before performing the skill of wiping the face, the performer will first spread some special paint on the face. Then he could change the color of his face in a second by wiping it. When the actors perform the skill of blowing the face, he blows a small box full of cosmetic powders (化妆粉) which is placed on the stage. And then the powders are blown to his face, changing the color into another. The skill pulling the face is more difficult. Under the cover of the dancing movements, the actor pulls each piece of the facial makeups which is tied with a thin threa (线). The performer must do the movements carefully and very quickly. This skill master Peng Denghuai changed 14 masks in 25 seconds. This was his latest Guinness World record.
  Do you like this traditional skill?
16.Most people hold different o       about whether Yugong should move the mountain in his old way.
17.The popularity of Chengdu has r       a lot because we've made so many achievements these years.
18.T       of soldiers died in the war between Russia and Ukraine.
19.Many people are strongly n       building a factory in the small town because of the pollution.
20.It's hard to believe that a d       girl with only one arm can play basketball so well.
21.A: Hello, this is Mario speaking. Is that Jimmy?
B: Yes!It's Jimmy here. Mario, are you feeling better now? I heard many (1)       on the bus you took last Tuesday got hurt because of a speeding car.
A: Yes. Thanks. I feel much better now, but still (2)      . Sometimes I had bad dreams at night.
B; Oh, I'm sorry to hear that How did that happen?
A: Our bus ran very slowly when suddenly a truck rushed from the (3)       direction. They knocked into each other (4)       with a big sound and then my leg was badly hurt.
B: (5)       may happen every day. No matter what we are going to do, safety comes first.
A: Yes. We should not only take care of ourselves, but also exercise to stay strong and healthy.
B: Exactly!You know weeks ago, Will Liu, a singer and actor from Taiwan, (6)       in catching the eye of people across our country online by giving people personal training class on Douyin.
A: Yes. I'm wondering why he is so popular with people.
B: There are lots of reasons. Firstly, the epidemic (疫情) has made it much (7)       for people to go to fitness corners (健身中心) than before, so simple exercises at home is a very good choice.
A: But it's not easy for people to keep on doing sports in real life, how can they finish that online?
B: Because of livestream (直播). When watching the livestream, people will keep (8)       with others by messages. They feel like they are working out with many people, which (9)       them to keep going until the last minute.
A: Yes. How could we refuse a star singer as a personal trainer?
B: You're right. Dancing to music like A Herbalist's Manual (本草纲目)is tiring but relaxing. His training class is (10)       in ten minutes, I'll put on my sports suit!I hope you could be better soon. Then we can be "Will Liu Boys, " together!
A: Thank you!I really hope so.
decide end explain find imagine little much satisfy silence something start strange 

  Matthew Cuthbert was on his way to Bright River on his horse and carriage. He was a quiet man who didn't speak much, especially to (1)      . So he enjoyed the journey and the smell of the apple trees (2)      . He reached Bright River but there was no sign of the 5:30 train which he'd come for. Matthew asked the station manager if it would (3)       wrong.
  "It has arrived for half an hour already, " answered the manager. "There was only one passenger. You'll have no trouble (4)       her. She's sitting over there."
  "I don't understand. I'm not expecting a girl, " said Matthew, "It's a boy that I've come for."
  "Guess there's some mistake," he said "Talk to the girl. She's very good at talking. That's for sure." Matthew wasn't (5)       with the answer, but he still went on to the girl. Her face was small and thin. Her big green eyes looked back at him. Matthew began walking over and (6)       the conversation.
  "I suppose you're Mr. Matthew Cuthbert of Green Gables?" she said in a clear, sweet voice.
  "I'm Anne, I'm so glad to see you. I was afraid you weren't coming and I (7)       all the things that might have happened to you. If you didn't come for me tonight, my (8)       will be going down the road to that cherry tree at the corner, climbing up it and staying all night. I wouldn't be afraid and it would be lovely to sleep in a wild cherry tree, don't you think?" This girl was different.
  "I'm sorry I'm late" he gave his (9)       shyly. "Come on. Give me your bag."
  As they rode home, Anne talked on and on. Normally, too much talking would make Matthew angry, but from Anne, he felt he minded (10)      .
  "Oh, you can talk as much as you like. I don't mind," said Matthew.
  "Oh, I'm so glad. I know you and I are going to get along fine."
(From Anne of Green Gables)
23.补全短文.根据短文内容.从短文后的选项中选出适当的选项补全短文, 并将选项的编号依次填入下边的表格内(有一个选项多余).
  A bully is a person who enjoys hurting other people. A bully can hurt people with words or by hitting them. Bullying is a common situation at school. Here are some ways for children to solve bullying problems.
  (1)       When someone says something bad about you, say something positive to yourself. Remind yourself of your positive attitude(态度).
  Tell the bully how you feel, why you feel the way you do. and what you want the bully to do. (2)      .
  Don't reward the bully with tears. The bully wants to hurt your feelings, so act like his name-calling (辱骂) and taunts (嘲弄)don't hurt. You can do this. For example, when the bully calls you "fatty", look at his eyes and say, "(3)      " Then walk off with confidence.
  Follow your instincts. If the bully wants your homework, and you think he might hurt you, give him your work and walk off, Then tell an adult what happened.
  Don't expect to be mistreated (虐待). When walking toward a group of children, think of them as being nice to you, and do your best to be friendly. (4)      
  (5)       Finally;it's up to parents to help a young child solve bullying. Help him learn how to make smart choices and take action when he feels hurt or sees another child being bullied.
A. You are taller than me.
B. Take action to stop bullying.
C. Don't let a bully make you feel bad.
D. I do need to start getting more exercise.
E. Learn to do this in a calm and determined (坚定地) voice.
F. Most importantly;treat others the way you want to be treated. 
24.完成表格.阅读下面短文, 完成题后的表格.
ID cards around the world
  In the US, there is no national-level ID card. We usually just use our drivers licenses, since each state accepts them. If you don't learn to drive, your state can give you an official (正式的) ID card that looks similar to a drivers license. Don't worry, though. If you visit another state, your ID will be also adjoined (承认). This means, for example, that you can drive in California with a license from New York. For national-level identification, passports are common. However, most people in the US do not have a passport.
  Australia does not have a national identity card. There are various forms of ID that can be used to confirm someone's identity. The most common is a drivers license. An Australian drivers license includes your full name, date of birth, current address and headshot (头部特写) photo. The majority of Australian adults have one. If you don't have a license, you can apply for a Proof of Age card or a Keypass ID. Of course, an Australian Passport works, too. Another form of ID is a Medicare card, but it only has your name and card number. Medicare is like China's social insurance (保险) system. All Australians have access to it
  In the UK, we don't have ID cards. To book a hotel room or visit the doctor, we only need to provide our phone number and name. The only situation in which someone would have to show ID would be to prove their age. An example of this may be if they want to watch a scary film at the cinema. In this situation, we most commonly use our drivers licenses, sometimes even our passports. If you haven't learned to drive yet, you can apply for a provisional (临时的) drivers license that can be used as an ID. This is the document you need to learn bow to drive.
25.Sunday Mail Magazine 正在征集来稿, 假如你是李华, 你做了一项关于"父母是否同意孩子做志愿者"的调查, 请你根据图表内容, 写信投稿, 汇报调查结果, 并表达出你自己的观点及理由.
比例 意愿 原因 
85% 赞同 (1)可以学会关爱他人.(2)能学会团队合作、与他人相处. 
15% 反对 (1)浪费时间, 影响学习.(2)担心活动中的安全问题. 
你的观点 …… (1)……(2)…… 

1. 文章应涵盖所有要点.内容简洁明了, 衔接过渡自然, .
2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称.
3. 词数:100词左右.


