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Some students' favourite sports 
  PE is difficult but I like it very much. I am in our city sports club. The members in the club are all young, between 6 and 13 years old. I go to the club every Sunday. I do the sports very hard. I want to be an Olympic champion (冠军). —Sara 
  Running!Lots of people don't think it is exciting. However, I like running very much. I run every morning. Running isn't expensive so anyone can run. Running is a good sport. Let's run together!
  Basketball, the Miami Heat T-shirts and James are parts of my life. I play basketball with my classmates on Saturday mornings. I watch basketball games on TV with my brother on Saturday evenings. However, my sister Lisa doesn't like watching that. She likes tennis. —Frank 

2.  There is a cat in the Shrek movies. The cat's name is Puss. He always wears a hat, a sword and a pair of boots (靴子). And he likes to help others. Do you want to know more about this cat in boots? You can see the movie Puss in Boots.
  Before Puss meets Shrek, he arrives at a town. Puss has a childhood friend, Humpty. They have the same dream. They want to find the magic beans (魔豆). But two bad persons, Jack and Jill want to use the beans to rule the world. They have already taken a few steps ahead. They put the magic beans in a box and a wild pig watches the beans day and night. Puss has to get the beans to save the town. What he has done makes him a brave hero among the people in the town.
  The movie is very popular with American kids. Let's see what they said. "Humpty is very funny. Jack and Jill are a little scary," said Ryan.
  "This 3D cartoon movie is really cool! You can't miss it," said Nicole.
3.  Now people are trying to make the world a better place for birds to live in. People in China start the Bird Loving Week. Students from all parts of the country have been doing something to care for birds.
  Meng Yiru, a 16-year-old student from Nanyang Model High School in Shanghai, asked people to protect birds: Never put birds in cages. Go to visit them in the wild if you really love them. "I'll never forget the little sparrow (麻雀) I kept in a cage," said Meng. "It stopped eating after I caught it and soon died." Meng and her classmates put many of their ideas in their 300-word report to ask people to take better care of birds.
  China is the home of more than 1,000 kinds of birds because the country is large and has almost every weather type to suit them.
  But not everyone knows how to take god care of them. Some cut down trees and destroy the bird's homes. This has made the number of the birds go down quickly. A study shows that one out of eight birds, more than 1,200 kinds, in the world could die out. This includes 95 percent of albatrosses (信天翁) and 60 percent of cranes (鹤). Some birds you see every day, like pigeons and parrots, are also in danger!
  To help them, people have set up 7,500 reserves which are suitable and safe for the birds. In China there are big reserves like the ones near the Dongting Lake in Hunan and the Poyang Lake in Jiangxi. Is there anything that you can do for birds? Take care of their homes. Feed them with something delicious. Well, think it over and begin to do it now!
4.  Think about this question:what would it be like if there were no other way to get around and we could only use our feet? (1)       Also we would spend a lot of time on the way before we got somewhere. So we really need to thank all those modes of transportation (交通方式).
  Boats are maybe the earliest mode of transportation. (2)       Later there were sailing boats, but they could only be used in one direction. (3)      
  In the 19th century, some modes of transportation that we know today came out, such as the bike, the train and the underground. (4)       As it got easier to travel, people wanted to get to places faster. In the early 20 h century the firs plane in the world came out. By the 1970s, many families in the UK had a car.
  (5)       They all make our travelling easier and faster and help us see this world better.

根据材料内容, 从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项, 使短文意思逐顺、内容完整.
A. In 1863 the world's earliest underground opened in London.
B. The earliest boats were canoes (独木舟).
C. In today's world, we have many modes of transportation.
D. If that were true, we would make our feet very tired.
E. If the wind blew in another direction, people had to try hard to make the bots move.
5.  My partner Chris and I went travelling around the world for a year, and in the end, Chris's brave spirit led us to the Amazon and we couldn't wait to spend 10 days (1)       the world's largest rainforest. Tours are the (2)       way to visit the Amazon, and we did (3)      . On the first tour, we left from a small town to go through the forest's wetlands. With a group of six(4)       we made our way in a small (5)      , wanting to see anacondas (水蟒) — big snakes!
  Our (6)       tour led us deeper into the rainforest by boat, jeep and on foot. Both our guides have lived in the Amazon their whole lives and they knew (7)       about the rainforest. As we slept in a small wooden house with (8)       around it, crocodiles (鳄鱼) would swim around us while the sounds of the forest came alive. There aren't any (9)       paths deep in the forest, so we were (10)       to have guides lead us!We also got the chance to visit a tribe (部落) in the middle of the (11)      . It was (12)       to learn how the local people live off the land. We saw (13)       make traditional baskets for carrying fruit and met the (14)       from a local school.
  So much wildlife!The Amazon is full of different (15)      . We also went fishing for piranha, the Amazon's infamous (臭名昭著的) sharp toothed fish!
do when take child with everything go cheap carry careful 

  One day Mrs. Black (1)       Tom and Jim to go shopping. They went to the supermarket in the new shopping mall. "Why do you buy things here. Mom?" Tom asked. "Because they are (2)       than those at the corner store," Mrs. Black said.
  The Blacks didn't have enough money and Mrs. Black was always careful (3)       her money. She looked (4)       at the prices of things she bought in the supermarket.
  (5)       they got home, the (6)       said, "We don't think you spent less money by (7)       to the supermarket there." "Why?" said Mrs. Black. "(8)       was cheaper there." "We know." said the children, "but we came home by taxi because we had too many things to (9)      . The cost of the taxi was more than the money you saved!" Mrs. Black added (加起来) everything up and found her children were right. "Well done," she said. "Next time we will (10)       shopping near our home."
7.  Hello, everyone! Welcome to our English programme. Today we'd like you to listen to a short play called Asking the Way. It is a very common problem in your daily life. When you are in a strange place, you're likely to lose your way. Then you may have to ask people questions (1)       "How can I get to the station?" or "Which is the way to the college?" and so on. Of course you may look at a map, (2)       sometimes it doesn't help much. So the most convenient (方便的) thing (3)       you to do is to open your mouth and ask local people the way. Luckily, people are usually pleased (4)       help others and then you can find your way. (5)       can also improve your ability (能力). Do you all remember the old saying in China, " The way is just in your mouth." Now, let's listen to the radio and enjoy the play.
8.A: Hi, Bill! (1)      ?
B: It's in the west of America.
A: (2)      ?
B: It's more than fifty thousand.
A: Oh, it's larger than the population of my home town.
B: (3)      ?
A: No, sometimes I go back to my hometown.
B: (4)      ?
A: The streets are wider and the traffic is busier now.
B: What else?
A: (5)      . I think people will have a new life in the future.
9.学校广播社正面向八年级同学征文, 要求用英语写一篇题为"I want to be a writer"的短文参加此次活动.
1. What do you want to be?
2. Why do you want to be a writer?
3. How can you make it come true?
1. 条理清楚, 行文连贯, 书写规范;
2. 文中不要出现所在学校的校名和师生姓名;
. 3. 词数100左右.可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯.
I want to be a writer


