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1.Many people think that doing sports can help ______ keep fit.
  • A. they
  • B. them
  • C. their
  • D. theirs
2.Janek and the team got to the pole ______ April 24th , 2004.
  • A. in
  • B. at
  • C. of
  • D. on
3.I like playing ping-pong, ______ I'm not very good at it.
  • A. but
  • B. and
  • C. so
  • D. or
4.—Excuse me, ______ I have the seat next to the window?
—Yes, of course.
  • A. must
  • B. should
  • C. need
  • D. may
5.Sandy is only 12 years old. She is ______ on the team.
  • A. young
  • B. younger
  • C. youngest
  • D. the youngest
6.—______do you go shopping?
—Once a week.
  • A. How long
  • B. How many
  • C. How often
  • D. How soon
7.______ we can get Vitamin D from food, we can also get it from the sun.
  • A. Although
  • B. For
  • C. Because
  • D. If
8.— How was your weekend, Jack?
— Good. I ______ lots of new games with my sister.
  • A. play
  • B. played
  • C. am playing
  • D. will play
9.My aunt and uncle ______ in the yard when their dog became really noisy.
  • A. work
  • B. worked
  • C. will working
  • D. were working
10.It's rainy and cloudy today. Dad and I ______ the art museum tomorrow.
  • A. visit
  • B. visited
  • C. will visit
  • D. are visiting
11.—Tom, where is your mum?
—Oh, she ______ in the kitchen.
  • A. cooks
  • B. will cook
  • C. is cooking
  • D. cooked
12.Mr. Jiang ______ children to swim every weekend.
  • A. is teaching
  • B. teaches
  • C. taught
  • D. will teach
13.  Tom loved cars more than anything else. This spring he thought of building a model car to enter for a competition. So he asked his dad for(1)      .
  "Well," Dad said. "How about this:you do some research first and then come back to me with a design (设计)."
  A week later, Tom brought his notes and drawings to Dad. Dad looked over his work, thinking. "Well, that's interesting," he said. "Try to (2)       it as you've designed."
  Over three weekends of hard work, Tom turned his design into a real model car and (3)       it light blue. Dad asked Tom to take it for a test drive. Tom agreed.
  After a while, Tom came back to Dad. "Well," he said. "Now I know (4)       you wanted me to have a test drive. When I drove fast, there was a problem with it."
  "Very good!" Dad said.
  "So, why didn't you tell me about that (5)       in the first place?" Sally asked.
  Dad laughed. "Where's the fun in that?If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. But if you (6)      a man to fish, he'll eat for a lifetime."
  Tom said, "I see. Anyway, designing is half the fun!"
  Dad smiled. "Good. Sometimes, learning happens during the process. We learn how to do something right by doing it a few times first and making (7)      along the way."
  That encouraged Tom and he worked even harder. The competition doesn't seem as (8)      . He had already learned a lot by building something better than ever before.

My favourite subject at school is science and I'd like to be a doctor in the future. I don't like music — I think it's boring. I like reading but I prefer paper books to e﹣books. My favourite free time activity is spending time with my friends. 

My friends think I'm strange because I don't enjoy playing online games and I can't stand reading e-books. My favourite subject at school is music. I love playing the piano and I'd like to be a musician one day. 

I want to work in a restaurant as a chef (厨师) when I leave school. I love preparing meals for people!I enjoy going to the cinema. I like playing games but I prefer playing online games. 

I don't like cooking. I'm not good at sports. But I can sing and dance and I enjoy both of these activities. I can also act and I love being in plays. I am in the drama club at school and I'm going to be an actress (女演员) one day. 
15.The Boy Made it!
  One Sunday, Nicholas, a teenager, went skiing at Sugarloaf Mountain. In the early afternoon, when he was planning to go home, a bad snowstorm happened. Unable to see far, Nicholas was lost, all alone!He didn't have food, water or a phone. He was getting colder by the minute.
  Nicholas had no idea where he was. He tried not to worry too much. He thought about all of the survival (幸存者) shows he had watched on TV. It was time to put the tips (提示) he had learned to use.
  He decided to stop skiing. There was a better chance of someone finding him if he stayed put. The first thing he did was to find a shelter (躲避处) from the cold wind and snow. If he didn't, his body temperature would get very low, which could quickly kill him.
  Using his skis, Nicholas built a snow cave (洞穴). Then he put branches (树枝) on top of himself to keep himself warm.
  By that evening, Nicholas was really hungry. He ate snow and drank water from a nearby river so that his body wouldn't lose too much water. Not knowing how much longer he could last, Nicholas did the only thing he could – he slept in his cave.
  The next day, Nicholas went out to look for help, but he couldn't find anyone. He then returned to the snow cave, because without shelter, he could die that night. On Tuesday, Nicholas went out again to find help. He had walked for about a mile when a volunteer searcher found him. Nicholas was saved.
  Nicholas had often watched Gryll's survival show Man vs. Wild. That's where he learned how to save his life.
  When Grylls heard about Nicholas' amazing experience, he was very surprised that Nicholas had made it since he knew better than anyone how hard Nicholas had to work to stay alive.
16.Porridge — a perfect breakfast?
  Porridge (粥). It doesn't have a very tasty name, does it?I'm here to try and tell you that porridge isn't boring and tasteless, that it can be a delicious, easy to cook and very healthy way to start the day.
  If you've never eaten it (although you probably have!), porridge is a kind of food for breakfast. It is usually a kind of grain (谷物) with either milk or water, and often warmed up. It is very healthy, so it's a very good choice for people who are ill, and it gives long-lasting energy (能量) for the day.
  Porridge preparation is up to what you choose to use. If I'm cooking for myself, I put a very big handful of oats (燕麦) in a pan, add a little bit of water and about 200 ml of milk, and let it boil. It takes about five minutes to cook. Once it's cooked, the fun part is putting more things in for the flavours (味道). Porridge alone doesn't have a very strong flavour. Although some people think this makes porridge boring, I think this is what makes porridge exciting!It is like a piece of white paper — you can put in almost anything you want in the porridge. Dried fruits and nuts are very healthy choices and can give you energy for the day. But if you don't like these, then chocolate is also very delicious choice. (Just don't add too much!)
  One of the best things about porridge?You can make it almost anywhere in the world. You can usually buy big bags of oats, then add other things to make your porridge interesting — whatever is cheap and easy to find, wherever you are. Porridge? Hopefully it sounds a lot tastier now!
17.  It seems that four out of five young people now get on well with their parents. It is different from the image of unhappy teenagers staying in their room after arguing with their parents.
  An important new study surprisingly shows that their family life is more harmonious (和谐的) than it has ever been in the past. "We were surprised by just how positive (积极的) today's young people seen to be about their families," said one member of the research team. "People think they are rebellious (叛逆的). In fact, they have other things on their minds;they want a car or a phone, and they worry about their grades. There is more discussion between parents and children, and children want to take part in the family decision-making process.
  So it seems that these young parents is much more possible than parents of 30 years ago to think their children as friends. "My parents are happy to discuss with me and willing to listen to me, "says 17﹣year﹣old Daniel Lazall. "I always tell them when I'm going out clubbing. As long as they know what I'm doing, they are fine with it." Susan Crome agrees. "Looking back on the past 10 years, children negotiated with their parents a lot. For example, as long as I finish my homework, I could watch TV. But I think my grandparents were a lot stricter with my parents than that."
  Maybe this positive view of family life is what it should be like. It is possible that the idea of teenage rebellion is not because of real facts. A researcher says, "Our surprise that teenagers say they get along well with their parents comes because of a short time in our history when we think teenagers are different being. But that idea of rebelling and breaking away from their parents really only happened during that one time in the 1960s when everyone rebelled. It has been a change from helping out with the family business to taking it over."
18.What is space tourism?
  Space tourism is space travel for leisure purposes (休闲目的). What was once only a dream — described in books such as Arthur C. Clarke's 2001:A Space Odyssey — is now becoming a reality.
  Futurologists (未来学家) are scientists who try to predict (预测) what life will be like in the future. After the first man landed on the moon in 1969, they thought that hotels would be built on the moon by the year 2000. Futurologists also considered the possibility that, in the 21st century, families might go for a holiday on the moon. Neither of these predictions have come true yet — but the rapid development of technology may mean these predictions are a possibility in the years to come.
  Space Adventures is the only company to send people into space. Space Adventures worked with the Federal Space Agency of the Russian Federation and Rocket and Space Corporation Energia. Each person paid over $20 million for their 10﹣day trip to the International Space Station.
  Following several successful trips into space, more companies are now thinking about the possibility of sending tourists into space. In order to make it cheaper, suborbital (亚轨道的) space travel is a choice for many companies, including Virgin Galactic. Passengers would go to a height of between 100 and 160 km above earth, experience 3 — 6 minutes of weightlessness and a view of the stars, then come back down to earth. This costs about $200, 000 per person.
  While it could be an amazing experience, there are some problems with space tourism. Many people believe that it could make global warming (全球变暖) worse and it is not good for the ozone layer (臭氧层). What's more, space travel is only really for the rich people. There are still millions of people worldwide who couldn't pay for it.
19.根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于 50 词的文段写作.文中已给出内容不计入总词数.所给提示词语仅供选用.请不要写出你的校名和姓名.
良好的生活习惯对我们非常重要, 它能保证我们有一个健康的身体和愉悦的心情.某英文报社正在举办关于"健康习惯"的主题征文, 请你写一篇短文投稿, 介绍自己的一个健康习惯, 并说明这个习惯为什么健康.
提示词语:go to bed, early, get up
●Introduce one of your healthy habits.
●Why do you think it's healthy?
  It is very important to have healthy habits._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


