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1.It was careless ______ you ______ the window on such a rainy day.
  • A. of;to close
  • B. for;to close
  • C. of;not to close
  • D. for;not to close
2.The mobile phone looks very nice, but I can't ______ it. Do you have a cheaper one?
  • A. pay
  • B. spend
  • C. afford
  • D. cost
3.Jenny once worked for a travel magazine for one year and the ________ helped her get a job as a reporter.
  • A. experience
  • B. condition
  • C. education
  • D. situation
4.—Oh, my god. I've left my keys at home again.
—Why not choose a smart lock?You search for keys any more. Just use your finger.
  • A. mustn't
  • B. can't
  • C. needn't
  • D. shouldn't
5.International Olympic Committee is an international sports organization and it was ______ on June23, 1894.
  • A. set up
  • B. set off
  • C. set out
  • D. set down
6.—Sir, it seems hard for me to finish the task alone.
—Don't worry. A lot of support ______ soon.
  • A. was offered
  • B. is offered
  • C. will be offered
  • D. were offered
7.—Remember to _________ the lights when you leave the room.
—OK!I will.
  • A. turn on
  • B. turn off
  • C. turn up
  • D. turn down
8.— Tom, could you tell me why you are late today?
—I'm sorry, but I ______ when to start.
  • A. didn't tell
  • B. wasn't told
  • C. won't be told
  • D. hasn't told
9.—A good friend should have many good qualities. ______ to be honest.
—Yes, that's true. No one is willing to make friends with a person who often tells lies.
  • A. In all
  • B. At all
  • C. Above all
  • D. After all
10.—Tom, I'm afraid I can't carry the bag upstairs. It's too heavy.
—Let me help you. ______.
  • A. No pain, no gain
  • B. Practice makes perfect
  • C. The early bird catches the worm
  • D. Many hands make light work
11.  Can plants keep alive for more than 60 years when being sealed up(被密封)in a glass bottle?The answer is YES, which may sound(1)      . What David Latimer did will throw light on this question. He has a garden sealed inside a huge glass bottle. He has only opened it once since he started it over 60 years ago.
  In 1960, when the bottle garden was popular, David also had a great interest in it. He decided to(2)      a bottle garden. .After putting some compost(混合肥料) and water, which are(3)      for plants to grow, into the 10﹣gallon bottle, he put a young plant into it. David wondered what would happen if he sealed it up. So he did like that and put it near a sunny window(4)      light to enter through the glass.
  The bottle garden soon made an ecosystem(生态系统)of(5)      own through the magic of the sun just like what plants do in nature. In1972 David did open the bottle to water the plant. But then it was kept sealed(6)      fresh water or air. It may seem strange that the plants(7)      to grow, but it's not﹣the garden is a self﹣﹣sufficient(自给自足的)ecosystem. It's a(8)      example of how nature can provide everything necessary for itself to live. The bottle just(9)      in the way that the earth does as a whole. How amazing the bottle garden is!
  David plans to(10)      the bottle garden to his children after he passes away. If they don't want it, the mini﹣ecosystem will go to the Royal Horticultural Society.
12.  Imagine that a girl sits down for a test in a future classroom. Her exam paper is made by an artificial intelligence(AI)(人工智能)model based on her own laming. When she finishes her paper, she hands her paper to her teacher, who uses another Al model to grade the paper. Based on the result, a new learning plan is made for the student according to her strengths(优势)and weaknesses. This is personalized(个性化的)education at its best.
  Could this be the future of AI in education?It is certainly possible. With the development of high technology, the dream about the AI classroom will come true even faster than we expected.
  However, it also puts a question:How can AI help students improve their schoolwork?
  AI can use past information to make personalized learning plans according to students' performances. The plans allow students to learn at their own speed and in their own way. AI can easily catch expressions(表情)on students' faces. When students get into trouble, AI models can make a mark. Even before they start to show signs of trouble, AI models can make correct predictions(预测). At the same time, AI models can provide ways of dealing with problems and improving learning plans quickly.
  What's more, AI can provide the special program for those who have problems in learning. One example of a company developing AI to improve the learning experience is Nuance. It offered Dragon Speech Recognition technology. With the support of voice recognition(识别), AI allows students to complete tasks only by speaking. This offers a chance to those who have problems in writing. Al will become more and more important in education. In the near future, we will see an Al classroom. It can not only provide personalized learning plans but also use technology to predict results. Education will be personalized to a student's strengths, bringing a more enjoyable learning experience for all students.
13.  Tianjin is a fun city to travel. Here are three activities one must not miss while in the city.
  Visit an art museum
  The Porcelain House(瓷房子)is famous for its special design(1)      . About 7 billion porcelain pieces and more than 13, 000 antiques from ancient times were used to cover the building's outer walls.
  The house used to be the home of Huang Rongliang from the Qing Dynasty. In 2000, a Chinese collector called Zhang Lianzhi bought it. His family has collected antique pieces for many years. In2005, Zhang decided to decorate the building's outer walls with porcelain items. (2)      
  It is now a famous art museum.
  Try a local snack
  Jian Bing Guo Zi, the pancake in English, is the most famous local food. (3)      Locals say they can never have enough of it.
  As it becomes more and more popular, people have begun to try something new. Now people eat the pancake with ham, all kinds of vegetables and even seafood in it.
  Enjoy a cross﹣talk performance(相声表演)
  Tianjin is said to be the home of many traditional art performances. Cross﹣talk is one of them. The performers with top skills can speak, imitate, tell jokes and sing. It is a must﹣watch in Tianjin.
  (4)      People could drink tea and have snacks while enjoying it. Now people can enjoy it in shopping malls and many other places.
A.In the past, it was performed at tea houses.
B.It is a mix of Chinese and western culture.
C.They are very beautiful but they're expensive.
D.It is usually sold on the street early in the morning.
E.After he finished the work in 2007, it opened to the public.
F.The outer walls and even part of the floors are covered with porcelain.
14.  Glass is 100% recyclable and can be recycled again and again. Do you know how it's recycled?
  Let's find it out together.
  The glass recycling begins when you put your used glass bottles into the recycle bin. It's very important that you do your part. After all, if you throw it in the rubbish bin instead(1)      there cycle bin, it will end up in a landfill(垃圾填埋场). Though it might not be(2)      (harm)to the soil, it's a waste of resource.
  When the glass is collected by the factory, it will(3)      (clean)first. That means washing away the waste inside and(4)      (take)away metals and paper or plastic labels(标签).
  Now the glass is clean. It's time(5)      (separate)different kinds of glass for recycling.
  For example, coloured glass and clear glass are two different kinds, and non﹣food containers(容器)cannot mix(6)       food containers.
  In the next step, the glass will be sent to a machine where it's broken down(7)      small pieces. The pieces are called cullet. After the cullet travels down a conveyor belt(传送带), some special(8)      (tool)are used to take away remaining(遗留的)metals and small paper labels. . The cullet becomes much(9)      (clean).
  Finished cullet is then sold to other factories(10)       a material. The factories melt down the cullet and then form it into new things. Your glass bottle now may become a part of a desk, some beach sand or paint for street lines.
  Altogether, the whole recycling and re﹣production process(过程)can take about 30 days.
15.He seems very       (严肃的), but in fact he has a good sense of humour.
16.Sandy enjoys      (translate)English poems into Chinese in her free time.
17.Try to      (避免)going out in very cold or icy weather.
18.Many kinds of fruits are       (富含的)in vitamin C, such as strawberries, oranges and mangoes.
19.To help the sick people in Hong Kong, many       (医学)teams from different places were sent there.
20.水是生命之源, 然而水资源短缺已经成为一个严重的问题, 我们应该提倡保护水资源.请以"Water is precious(水是珍贵的)"为题, 围绕以下三个问题写一篇80词左右的文章, 呼吁全社会保护水资源.
1)Why is water very important in our life?
2)What are the causes of the water shortage(缺乏)?
3)How can we protect our water resources?
1)条理清楚, 语言流畅, 语法正确, 书写工整;
2)必须包含所给提示, 并做适当发挥;
Water is precious


