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Unit 2 Module 3 Language Points

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Unit 2 Module 3 Language Points
vocabulary; tribe; European; invade; invasion; factor; conquer; conquest; ox; bacon; plural; ending; upper; class; Greek; undergo; dialect; context; numerous; peak; element;
throughout; confusing; create; nowadays; official; lift up; development; rule; servant; mother tongue; occasion; modern; include; pronunciation; pronounce; style; process; difficulty; unknown; disagree; standard; phrase; department; pure; easily; across; racial; character; action; combine; writing; drawing; physical; square; simplify; complex; as a whole; originally; eventually; turn into; reflect; prisoner; symbol; direction; opposite;
be made up of; consist of; pick up; contribute to; take control of; replace; despite; impact; raise; adopt; depend on; record; promise; look up; set; care about; ban; spread; access; differ from; represent; indicate;
1. stand for = represent代表, 为…的缩写
例:What does WPO stand for?
2. pick up 1) 捡起, 收拾; 2) 收听,接收; 3) (用车)来接 4) (不是通过正规教育和指导)学会
5) (偶然)得到消息 6) (无意地廉价)买到 7) (生意)好转
请写出下列句中pick up 的含义:
1) She went over to the crying child and picked her up.
2) I will pick you up at the airport at five.
3) We were able to pick up the BBC World Service.
4) She picked up Spanish and many a good habit when she was living in Mexico.
5) Trade usually picks up in the spring and the sales have picked up 14% this year.
6) You can pick up lots of used stamps very cheaply.
3. plus prep 1) 加上 2) =as well as 和
例: 1) 2 plus 5 is 7. 2) The teacher plus five students is going to Nanjing next week.
adv = besides 另外
例:He has a strong army. Plus, it is highly trained.
4. contribute (sth) to 给….作出贡献,捐赠
译: 1)Immigrants have contributed to British culture in many ways.
2)The writer personally contributed $5000 to the Hope project.
contribute to 导致,是…的成因之一
例:1) All these factors contributed to his success.
2) Medical negligence was said to have contributed to her death.
◆同义词组:result in; lead to
5. control vt. 控制
例:1) The police couldn’t control the situation.
2) He couldn’t control his anger and gave his boss a good beating.
n. 短语:lose control of 失去对…的控制; take control of sth 控制住…
get out of control 失去控制; bring sth under control 把…控制住
例:1) He lost control of his temper. 2) An armed group took control of the school.
3) At first the fire got out of control. Fortunately, the fire was finally brought under control.
6. replace vt. 取代,替换 短语:sb replace A with B:用B取代A
同义短语: take one’s place=take the place of sb / sth…
例:1) He was hurt and another player replaced him. 2) The gate was broken so we replaced it with a new one.
7. despite prep = in spite of尽管,不管,不顾
例:1) Her voice was shaking despite all her efforts to control it.
2)尽管天气不好,我们的假期仍过的很愉快。(用despite, although分别翻译)

8. adopt vt. 1) 采纳、采取 2) 收养,过继
例:1)After much consideration, the president decided to adopt her suggestion.
2)Mr. Kern adopted the orphan as his own son.
9. promise vi. vt 许诺,答应
短语:promise (sb) to do sth; promise sb sth; promise sth to sb; promise sb that + clause
例:1) -----Promise me (that) you won’t do anything stupid.
----- I promise.
2) The children have promised to give us a hand with the packing.
n. 诺言,承诺 promise (n) 构成的常见词组:
?make a promise keep a promise
?carry out a promise break a promise
例:1) Don’t make promises you can’t keep.
2) He has broken his promise that everyone will be given a rise.
promising adj. 有前途的,有希望的, 会成功的
例: 1) The weather is promising.天气可望好转。
2) He is a promising young singer.
10. ban banning, banned vt. & n. 禁止,取缔
例:1) There is a ban on smoking. 2) a banned book / film
短语: ban sb. from doing 同义短语:1) ______________2) _________________3) ___________________
译: 他被禁止出席这次会议。
11. access 1.) vt. 接近,利用,靠近 2.) n. 接近的机会,享用权 accessible adj 可接近的,可进入的
短语:have access to sth / sb 有机会(使用或接近)
例:1) They accessed the building but didn’t know which room I was in.
2) Fallen rocks cut off the only access to the village.
3) He gave me access to his records.
译:1) 每个学生都可免费使用图书馆。
2) 只有高级官员才能接近总统。
12. mix 混合、掺和
短语:mix A with B: 把A和B混合; A mix with B :A和B相交融
例:1) If you mix blue and yellow, you will get green.
2) It is better to mix work with pleasure.
3) Oil doesn’t mix with water. 油和水不相交融。
◆ mixture n 混合物; mixed adj 混合的,混杂的,男女混合的
例:1) The city is a mixture of ancient and modern buildings.
2) Hearing the news, I had mixed feelings.
3) a mixed school 男女兼收的学校 4) mixed doubles 男女混合双打
◆Fill in the blanks with : mix, mix… up, mixture, mixed
1)Don’t ______the flour and the sugar.
2)Oil won’t _____ with water.
3)You’re always ______ me _____ with my twin sister.
4)We listened to the news with a ______ of surprise and horror.
5)Add the eggs to the _____ and beat well.
6)I still have ______ feelings about going to Brazil.
7)You come from a _____ school .What do you think of a _______ marriage?
13. consist vi 组成,构成 A consist of B:A由B组成/构成(无被动) 同义短语:A is made up of B
例:1) A university consists of teachers, administrators and students. 大学由教师,行政人员和学生组成。
2) Our book consists of 3 units. 我们的书有3单元。
This club consists of more than 200 members. 转换:___________________________________________
14. differ vi 不同 different adj 不同的
短语: A differ from B (in sth) A(在…方面)不同于B
同义短语:A be different from B (in sth )
反义短语:A be similar to B
例:Old English differs from the English we speak now.
= Old English is different from the English we speak now.
15. care about 1) 关心、关怀 例:He sincerely cares about his employees.
2) 在乎、在意 例:She didn’t care about anything people might say.
◆care for 1) 喜欢、关心
例:The emperor cared for nothing more than new clothes. How the Party cares for us!
2) 照顾、照料
例:The children are well cared for in the kindergarten.
◆Fill in the blanks with care about or care for:
1) He is very good at _________ sick animals.
2) He was given treatment and _________ until he recovered.
3) They don’t ______ much______ music.
4) I don’t _______ your opinion.
16. what if… 假设/如果…, 将会怎么样
译:1) But the question is what if I still can’t understand the meanings.
2) What if we moved the sofa over there?
3) What if we fail in the exam?
4) 假如他明天不来怎么办?
17. word n 1) 词; 2) 话; 3) 消息
Translate the following sentences:
1) Can you spare me a few minutes? I want to have a word with you.
2) Rather than have words with his wife, he left home.
3) He has promised to help you and I’m sure he will keep his word.
4) They asked him to leave-----in other words, he was fired.
5) He is clever, diligent and honest. In a word, he is a good student.
6) Word came that he had been accepted by Nanjing Normal University.
18. 表示“许多”的词语归纳:
a good /great many,
a (large/great) number of,
many a +nmuch,
a great/good deal of,
a great amount ofa lot of, lots of,
plenty of,
a large/great quantity of,
quantities of
(选) 1) _____ of students whose parents have _______ money go abroad for further study every year.
A. A number; a great many B. A good many; a great deal of
C. A number; a large amount of D.A great many; a great amount of
2)As a result of destroying the forest, a large _____ of the desert _____ covered the land.
A. number; has B. quantity; has C. number; have D. quantity; have
19. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of rise or raise:
1) Everyone knows that the sun ______ in the east and sets in the west.
2) Seeing the national flag _____on the playground, we couldn’t keep back our tears.
3) She ______ to her feet and _______ her right hand with great difficulty.
4) With prices ________ quickly, people were in a panic.
5) The question ________ by him made no sense.
6) We _______ a lot of money to help _______ the orphans.
注释:rise vi 1) 上升,升起 2) 起身,起立
raise vt 1) 举起,升起 2)筹集(钱) 3) 提出(问题)4) 养育(孩子)


Unit 2 Module 3 Language Points
