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Module 12 Summer in LA学案

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odule 12 Summer in LA
12U1 预习导纲
1. short
(1) n. (pl.)短裤
(2) a. 短的
(3) Shortcoming 缺点,不足 Laziness is my worst shortcoming. 懒惰是我最大的缺点。
(4) shortage 缺乏 The country has a serious shortage of food.这个国家的食品严重短缺。
2. guest 的常用搭配
(1) guest writer 客座作家(2 U2)
(2) guesthouse n.上等旅社,宾馆
(3) guestroom n.(私人住宅的)客房
(4) guestbook n. 留言簿,留言板
3. 你知道吗,名词的单复数也很有讲究!
(1) 只能以复数形式出现的名词:
shorts, pants, trousers, glasses, sunglasses, scissors剪刀, tweezers镊子
(2) 通常以复数形式出现的名词:shoes, socks, gloves,
你能发现其中的规律吗? ______________________
(3) 单复数表示不同意义的名词:cloth 布料, clothes 衣服
4. 你知道吗,很多英名词也有性别!
host主人 hostess女主人; actor演员 actress女演员
waiter服务员 waitress女服务员; god神 goddess女神
5. present
(1)当前的,现在的(adj.): We do not have any more information at the present time.
Be present at... 出席,在场:He wasn’t present at the meeting.
(2)礼物,礼品(n.): What can I get him for a birthday present?
(3) 颁发,授予(v.):Our teacher will present the prizes at the parents meeting.
1. a bit _______________________________________
2. be pleased to ________________________________
3. what about _________________________________
4. watch sb. do ________________________________
5. look smart __________________________________
6. give a warm welcome to… ____________________
7. present the prizes ____________________________
8. as a pupil __________________________________
9. pocket money ______________________________
10. Don’t be silly _____________________________

Tom together with his parents has visited the Great Wall.汤姆和他父母一起游览过长城。
The number of students in our school is rising. 我们学校的学生人数在上升。
2. 意义一致原则
Eating too much is bad for your health. 吃得太多有害健康。
Two years is really a very long time. 两年的确是个很长的时间。
3. 就近一致原则
当两个主语用or, either ... or ..., neither ... nor ..., not only ... but also ...等连词连接时,谓语动词应与最邻近的主语在数上保持一致。
There is a book and three rulers on the desk. 桌子上有一本书和三把尺子。
Not only ary but also her brothers are going to help me. 不仅玛丽还有她的兄弟们会帮助我。
1. An old man with his two children ___________ to the park every weekend. (come)
2. Be careful! The rest of the water ___________ hot. (be)
3. Tom’s parents ___________ from England. (be)
4. Not only the children but also their father ___________ living in the town. (be)
5. One pair of trousers ___________ not enough. (be)

odule 12 Summer in LA
12U2 预习导纲
1. experience
(1)experienced a. 有经验的
(2)experience v. 亲身经历、体验
Did you experience the 5•12 Earthquake? 你经历过512大地震吗?
(3)experience n. 经历、经验
[C](可数名词) (一次)经历
It was one of the most incredible experiences in my life.那是我今生最非凡的体验之一。
What was your experience with the work? 你对这项工作有什么体会?
(1) well-trained 训练有素的,经过良好训练的
(2) developed 发达的,发展过了的
(3) advanced 高级的
你能发现其中的规律吗? ______________________
2. organize
(1) organize v. 组织 They organize a shipping company.他们组织了一家船运公司
(2) organization n. 组织 The united nation is a large organization.联合国是个大机构。
(1) expect v. 期待 Don't expect me to believe you.不要指望我会相信你。
(2) expectation n. 预期、期待 I am in expectation of your visit next week.我期待你下周访。
你能发现其中的规律吗? ______________________
3. form的不同词性具有不同意义。
(1) n. 表格 Design a new blank form. 设计一个新的空白表单。
(2) n. 方式,种类 She dislikes any form of exercise.她不喜欢任何一类运动。
(3) v. 形成 Steam forms when water boils. 水沸腾了就形成蒸汽。
1. A pair of ______________________
2. Look nice______________________
3. Get the prize______________________
4. At the airport______________________
5. learn about ________________________
6. at the same time ____________________
7. at the beginning of ___________________
8. take part in _________________________
9. do some activities ____________________
10. take trips to ________________________
1. Why don’t you do ______________________
2. try to do sth.… ______________________
3. I’m pleased to… ______________________
4. enjoy doing sth. ______________________

第一时(听说) odule 12 Summer in LA
Unit 1堂学案
Step 1. 前预习检测
1 英汉词组互译。
1)有点紧 ______________________ 2)给予某人热烈欢迎 ______________________
3)颁奖 ________________________ 4)在机场 ________________________________
5)as a pupil _____________________ 6)look smart ______________________________
7)Don’t be silly __________________ 8)pocket money ___________________________
2 根据句意选词填空
sunglasses, course, guest, trousers, host, accommodation
1). Did you like your __________ at the hotel?
2). Dr. Linton is visiting our country as a __________of the government.
3). At the end of the party, we thanked the __________.
4). ate is wearing a pair of __________ instead of a skirt.
5). I’m taking a __________ in music at a college.
6). The sun is too bright. You’d better wear your __________ to protect your eyes.
Step 2 听力训练
( ) 1. Where are the students?
A. at school B. In the library C. In the park
( ) 2. What does Becky Wang do?
A.A writer. B. A teacher. C. A singer.
二、听第二段对话,填写表格信息(Becky Wang-ending)
Becky Wang presents the prizes.
Charge to travel:1. _______.
Accommodation: With 2._______ _______.
3._______ _______:$100 each.
Lingling & Daming: 4._______ _______ _______ course.
5._______ & _______:Watch Crazy Feet record its latest CD.
Step 3语法讲练(Activity 3)
1 请在对话中找到下列各句,请关注他们的动词形式!
1)Are you O, Betty? Your hair _____ nice! And you _____smart, Daming.
2)Everyone ______watching us. The whole class _______ just behind us.
3)As a pupil, my time here________ very important…
4)So finally, the New Standard team________ the special prize.
5)Your travel ______ free, your accommodation _______with American families, and your pocket money_______100 dollars each.
6)Lingling and Daming ________doing an English course. It ________on 1st August and your host family _________ meeting you at the airport.
2 请同学们它们的特点:
3 举一反三
1) Something________ (is , are) wrong with my bike.
2) Physics ________ (is, are) my favorite subject.
3) The teacher with his students ________ (is, are) going to visit the museum.
4) Both he and I _______ (am, is, are) right.
5) A lot of people _______(is, are) dancing in the park.
Step 4 当堂检测(语法和句型)
1. We __________ here for more than ten years.
A. liveB. have lived C. has lived D. lived
2. There ____ a talk show on CCTV--4 at eight last night.
A. isB. was C. will beD. are
3. ― ____ you ever _____ the Bird Nest?
― Yes. It’s really wonderful. I’m very proud of Chinese workers.
A. Have ... been to B. Have ... gone to C. Has ... gone to D. Has ... been to
4. Sh! Don’t make any noise. The teachers ______ a meeting.
A. are having B. is having C. have D. had
5. There ______ some old people taking a walk in the park every morning.
A. is B. has C. are D. have
6. ―Who’s in the room?
―There _____ some teachers talking in it.
A. has B. have C. is D. are.
7. Not ony you but also I ______ going to climb the moutains tomorro
A. are B. am C. is D. was
8. Either Lucy or Tom ______ invited to the party yesterday.
A. were B. was C. are D. is
9. Neither she nor we _______ going to have a meeting tomorro
A. are B. is C. are going D. is going
10. Here _______ the bus.
A. comes B. coming C. are coming D. come
1. 我的新鞋有点紧。 y new shoes are _____________ tight.
2. 我很高兴帮助别人。 I’m _____________ others.
3. 全世界的人都为这个消息兴奋不已。
People in the _____________ are excited by the news.
4. 我们应当热烈欢迎他们。 We should _____________ to them.
5. 我没有什么可吃的。 I haven’t got _____________
6. 每本书售价20元。 The books are 20 yuan _____________.

第二时:(阅读)Unit 2 堂学案
Step 1 前预习检测

1 英汉词组互译。

6) place of interest___________________
7) language skill_____________________
8) various places_____________________
9) well-trained teachers________________
10) experienced teachers_______________

2 用方框中所给的词组的正确形式完成下列各句。
culture, fill in a form, make progress, pay for, skill, take part in
1) Tony likes Chinese __________ very much, so he often visits some places of interest.
2) If you want to join our club, please _________________..
3) It’s a good way to ________________ if you keep reading English in the evening.
4) I often ____________ basketball matches.
5) Singing English songs can train you listening_________________.
6) Yesterday evening my father ________________ the dinner.
Step 2 阅读训练
1. 主旨阅读。
P 1 Teaching
P 2 Sightseeing and other activities
P 3 Accommodation and food
P 4 ore details
P 5 Why our students enjoy themselves

2. 细节阅读。阅读,找到题目信息所在的段落,并作答。
(1) What do you learn about in an English summer course? Paragraph ___
(2) What are language skills? Para. ___
(3) Why are there weekly tests? Para. ___
(4) Are the books you use in class free? Para. ___

(5) Why do students live with an American family? Para. ___
(6) What kind of trips can you choose? Para. ___
(7) What do you have to do if you’re interested in a course? Para. ___
(8) What does this passage talk about ? Para. ___
3. 阅读提升
We provide summer English courses which are the best you can find. You will enjoy coming to Los Angeles to learn about___1___ culture and improve your English at the same time. The courses ___2___ for four, six or eight weeks. They start at the beginning of July and August. Our teachers are ___3___ and very experienced. They teach English classes for four hours a day. You can ___4___ between small groups of two or three, ___5___ larger groups of up to 15. We provide weekly tests to see the progress you’re ___6___ with your language skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. We ___7___ provide books and other materials.
( ) 1. A. English B. Japanese C. American D. Chinese
( ) 2. A. last B. keep C. have D. take
( ) 3. A. well-behaved B. well-trained C. well-known D. well-educated
( ) 4. A. make B. agree C. have D. choose
( ) 5. A. however B. or C. and D. but
( ) 6. A. doing B. having C. providing D. making
( ) 7. A. also B. even C. can D. too

We provide summer English courses which are the best you can find. You will enjoy coming to Los Angeles to learn about American culture and improve your English at the same time. The courses last for four, six or eight weeks. ___________1__________. Our teachers are well-trained and very experienced. We provide weekly tests to see the progress you’re making with your language skills. ___________2____________
__________3__________ You live with an American family, and you take part in American life. You have meals with an American family and do some activities with them, too. For many of our students this is the most interesting part of the course.
__________4__________ Every day we have activities which take place after class. You can choose to take trips to Hollywood, Disneyland or the famous beaches around LA. You can also go to various shopping centers, sports centers, movies and concerts.

A. We also provide books and other materials.
B. Of course, there are many things to do in Los Angeles.
C. They start at the beginning of July and August.
D. As well as learning English, we want you to experience life in the USA.

Step 3 巩固加深

做一些活动 ________________
参加;成为…… 的一员________________
持续很久 ________________
持续4周 ________________
最多15人的大组 _______________
每周一测 ________________
2. 你理解下列句子的含义吗? 翻译下列句子。
(1) As well as learning English, we want you to experience life in the USA.
(2) Every day we have activities which take place after class.
(3) There are also weekend visits organized to San Francisco and other places of interest in California.
(4) We try to give our students the best possible experience of English and life in the USA.
(5) If you are interested, please fill in our application form where you will also find our list of prices.
3. 练练吧!
(1) 自从你去年到这里,你已经取得了很大的进步。
You _____________________________ since you came here.
(2) 除非被邀请,否则他不会参加你的派对。
He _____________________________ unless he’s invited.
(3) 请把这个瓶子灌满橘汁。
Please _____________________________ orange juice.
(4) 抱歉我不能跟你去看电影。我今天有好多事情要做啊!
Sorry I can’t watch movie with you. I have _____________________________ today!
Step 4 当堂检测
( ) 1 -How many children ____ in the picture? -Three.
A. has there B. is there C. have there D. are there
( ) 2 There ____ a great many accidents last year.
A. were B. are C. is D. was
( ) 3 This pair of trousers ____ too long for him.
A. is B. be C. are D. were
(1) 尽管我只取得了一点点进步,我还是感到很开心。
Even though I just _______________________________, I felt quite happy with myself.
(2) 在体校的时候,张怡宁参加了所有的训练。
Zhang Yining _______________________________ when she was at sports school.
(3) 我想用这个袋子装满下落的沙子。
I want to _______________________________.
(4) 图书馆里有很多供我们阅读的书籍。_______________________________ in the library.

第三时 写作Unit2
Step 1 前检测复习
1. 英汉词组互译

take trips to ______________
large groups of up to 15 ______________
weekly test______________

2. 完成句子。
(1) 我希望我们班所有人在下学期都能取得进步。
I hope that everyone in our class _________________________ next term.
(2) 很遗憾我从没参加过一届运动会。
It’s a pity that _________________________ a sports meeting.
(3) 她的工作就是往表格里填数字和名字。
Her job is _________________________ with numbers and names.
(4) 我没什么要告诉你的。I have _________________________.
(5) 在我有困难的时候,我所有的朋友都选择留下并帮助我。
All my friends _________________________ when I was in trouble.
Step 2 写作训练
提示词:name, hobby, be interested in , culture, experience, hope, improve, look forward to

1. 话题

审题 2. 时态

3. 人称

1. 开头

构思 2. 信息点 2
3. 结尾

1. I, a middle school student, named
2. lot, hobby, such as,
3. be interested in, various, kinds of

4. hope that, improve
5. look forward to, experience, knowledge
1. 别碰那只叫evin的狗!(named)
2. 她对物理试验如此入迷以至于常常忘了吃饭。(so… that, be interested in)
3. 我们在雅典有一次很愉快的经历。(pleasant, experience, Athens)
4. 这位老人经历了两次世界大战。(experience, World War )
5. 我们班每个人都非常期待即将到的派对。
__________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________

第四时 复习 odule 12 Summer in LA
Unit3 Language in use
Step 1 前复习检测
1. 英汉词组互译

I was ____________________ the news that I dropped the cup on the floor.
We still ___________________________________
I’m sure _________________________________ in the course.
Who ________________________ the next Olympic Games?
Step 2 词组训练
1. 你还记得这些词组吗?
Unit 1 -- 1. a bit 2. be pleased to 3. what about 4. watch sb. do
5. look smart 6. give a warm welcome to…7. present the prizes
8. as a pupil 9. pocket money 10. Don’t be silly
Unit 2 -- at the same time, at the beginning of, well-trained, fill in a form, pay for,make progress
learn about take part in do some activities take trips to
2. 完成本P100 Activities 2,5&6
Step 3 语法训练
1. 梳理语法
1. 如果主语是单数形式,谓语动词也要用单数形式。如:
The population of China is the largest in the world.
2. each, either, neither, nobody, nothing, anything, anybody, everybody, everything等不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:
Each worker has been trained well.每一个工人都经过很好的训练。
Neither of my two hands has scars. 我的两只手上都没有伤疤。
3. 主语的数不受后面修饰它的短语的影响。如:
r. Zhao together with his 10 students is cleaning the classroom no 赵老师和他的10个学生正在打扫教室。
1. 有的主语看似复数形式但表示的是单数意义,谓语动词一般用单数形式。如:
The news is exciting. 这是个令人振奋的消息。
The United States is in North America.
Two years is really a very long time.
10 million dollars is a big amount of money. 一千万美元是笔大钱。
2. what, who, which, all, any, none, more, most 等代词用作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式还是复数形式要根据具体情况确定。如:
What he tells you is not believable at all! 他跟你说的根本不可信!
Which are his articles? 哪些是他的?
3. 表示抽象概念的动词不定式和v.-ing形式作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:
To be or not to be, that is the question. 生存还是死亡,这是一个问题。
Smoking is strictly prohibited in public places. 吸烟在公共场所是被严格禁止的。
4. 一些集体名词(如family, team, group, class, audience, company等) 作主语时,如被看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式;如果强调集体中的成员,谓语动词用复数形式。如:
Her family is a happy one. 她的家庭是个幸福的家庭。
Her family are interested in fishing. 她的家人都喜欢钓鱼。
5. 由“分数 / 百分数 + of + 名词”构成的短语作主语时,如果of后面的名词是可数名词的复数形式,谓语动词用复数形式;如果of后面的名词为不可数名词或可数名词的单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式。如:
Two thirds of the building is large enough for us.
Sixty-five percent of the books have been written in English.
1. 当两个主语用or, either ... or ..., neither ... nor ..., not only ... but also ...等连词连接时,谓语动词应与最邻近的主语在数上保持一致。如:
Either ary or her brothers are going to help me.
2. 由here / there引起的句子中,谓语动词的单复数形式通常和作主语的第一个名词或代词在数上保持一致。如:
Here is a plate of ham and two bottles of wine. 这是给你的一盘火腿和两瓶红酒。
There is a bird, two cats, three dogs and some goldfish in the old granny’s house. 这位老奶奶家里有一只鸟、两只猫,三只狗和一些金鱼。
2. 当堂训练:用Be动词的适当形式填空。
(1) Here ______ an apple and two pears for you.
(2) There ______ two books, three rulers and a pen on the desk.
(3) Either ary or her brothers ______ going to help me.
(4) Two thirds of the building ______ large enough for us.
(5) Sixty-five percent of the books ______ written in English.
(6) Her family ______ a large one.
(7) Her family ______ interested in football.
(8) To see ______ to believe.
(9) Drinking too much ______ bad for your health.
(10) What you said ______ very important.
(11) Which ______ their chairs?
(12) Two years ______ really a very long time.
3. 完成P100 Activity 1, P156 Activities 2, 4
4. 中考链接
( ) 1. There ____ many students in the library after school every day. (2009北京)
A. has B. have C. is D. are
( ) 2. ______ that pair of ______ a little cheaper? (2012湖北黄石)
A. Is; glass B. Are; glass C. Is; glasses D. Are; glasses
( ) 3. Thanks to the organization, some money ______ given to the poor children. ( 2012广东佛)
A. was B. were C. are
( ) 4. A woman with two children ______ along the street at the moment. (2012 广西南宁)
A. is walking B. are walking C. walk D. walks
( ) 5. ---Both Li Lei and Han eimei ______ fond of the TV program A Bite of China.
--- I am also deeply moved by its stories! (2012广东)
A. is B. am C. was D. are
Step 4 当堂检测 语法和句型
1. The woman with a baby _____________coming here.
2. aths _____________an important subject.
3. His car and mobile phone _____________ both made in China.
4. Don’t worry! Forty minutes _____________long enough for us to get there.
5. None of the milk _____________ wasted.
6. Either you or I _____________ wrong.
7. Someone _____________ knocking at the door.
8. Two thirds of the students in our class _____________good at singing.
9. I’m chatting with some children who _____________ from the countryside.
10. Eating less sweets _____________helpful to your health.
The City of Los Angeles is the second largest city in the United States with a p_________ (1) of more than 3.5 million in 2004. It covers an area of 1,200 square kilometres, making it l_________ (2) than either New York City or Chicago in area. There are many overseas Chinese living in Chinatown. The first Chinese was recorded to be in Los Angeles in 1852. Los Angeles is one of the cultural, economic and scientific centres of the c_________ (3). It is also an i_________ (4) sports city and two Olympic Games (in 1932 and 1984) took place there. There are many places of interest, and a large number of v_________ (5) go there every year. If you have a c_________ (6) to go to Los Angeles, you can choose to take trips to Hollywood, Chinatown, Disneyland or the f_________ (7) beaches around Los Angeles. You can also go to v_________ (8) shopping centers, sports centers, movies and concerts.
ore and more middle school students are taking different kinds of training classes at the weekend. There are two different ideas about it. Some people think it is necessary to take training classes. First of all, (1) _________. Secondly, it can strengthen (加强) what they have learned in class. Besides, (2) _________. Others think it is unnecessary. For one thing, students can easily become dependent (依赖的), and for another, (3) _________. What’s more, (4) _________
a. students need time to relax
b. they can learn more knowledge
c. it’s important for students to take notes
d. some training classes just want to make money
e. it’s much better to study with a teacher than by themselves



Module 12 Summer in LA学案
