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Creative Fun Camp
For ages two to five
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
Starting from July 9th, three weeks
9:30 a. m. to 12:15 p. m.
Playing, group games, music fun and outside play
All campers can get a free camp bag 
Parents & Kids
CampShare a special time with your children aged one to four
Wednesday, starting from July11th, four weeks
1:00 p. m to 3:30 p. m.
A discount (打折) for twinsPlaytime, story time and outside play 
Summer Art Camp
For ages two to eight
A discount for twinsFriday, starting from July 13th, five weeks
9:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. Painting, making toys with different kinds of materials 
Piano Kids Camp
For ages four to eight
Tuesday, starting from July 10th, six weeks
4:00 p. m. to5:30 p. m.
An introduction to piano or an improvement for children that already play 

根据材料内容, 选择最佳答案, 并将其标号在答题卡上涂黑.
2.  During the Tang Dynasty (朝) there lived a man named Meng Jiao. He loved poems (诗). He loved studying it. He loved writing it as well. He gave all his life to the art. And luckily, his hard work showed. It helped him become a poet (诗人).
  But poets were not a good paying job. Meng Jiao was poor most of his life. When he got older, he realized this had to change. He decided to take the Ke Ju exams. The Ke Ju was the offcial(官方的) test of China. The exams were open for anyone even a farmer to take. Whoever passed it could get the job of an officer.
  Meng Jiao studied hard for the tests. He took them several times though each time he failed (失败). It was until he was forty﹣six years old that he passed.
  To celebrate, Meng Jiao put on new clothes and wore red flowers. Then he rode on a horse through Chang'an City.
  During his ride, Meng Jiao wrote a poem. In English, it is"Horseback riding quickly through the spring wind, while seeing all the sights(风景) and flowers of Chang'an in one day. "On that day, he was able to let go of the unhappiness of the past.
  The poem was passed down through the years. But people said it would be impossible to really enjoy everything in one day. This led to the phrase(成语)"The warm spring wind suits the good feeling. "It describes how happy people are when things work out really well.
3.  Mr. White is sixty years old. He always talks about how fast things have changed, and he often says that life in the past was better than it is these days.
  Now cities are full of cars. Some families even have two or more cars, so parking is becoming a big problem. The traffic (交通) in some cities is getting worse and worse, too. Car drivers drive so fast that there are more traffic accidents.
  More and more people are always looking at their mobile phones with their heads down. Mr. White often sees people in the restaurant eating face to face while looking at their own mobile phones. He thinks it is strange that they don't talk to the ones who sit opposite to them during the meal. Some of them even have fun chatting (闲聊) with others on the phone.
  Most families own computers now. A study found that children use the Internet more and more. The number of children using the Internet has grown by three times in the past three years.
  Mr. White's grandson is a middle school student. He often stays up late playing computer games on the Internet. He falls asleep in the early hours of the morning and spends less time doing homework. His teacher told Mr. White that his grandson failed (失败) another test. Mr. White got very angry with him.
  Mr. White thinks that life was simple and happy, but now it has changed a lot.
4.  Have you ever heard about interactive (互动式的) museums?They encourage people to touch, or even walk through their exhibits (展览品)! Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry is one of them. (1)      
  The sound made by the heart.
  A popular exhibit is "The Heart". As you walk through the model (模型), you can listen to the strange sound the heart makes. (2)      As you walk through the model, you become a drop of blood working your way through the human heart.
  Now let's have a first-hand look at what life was like over a hundred years ago. "Yesterday's Main Street"is an exhibit where you can walk along the stone streets of 1910.
  Take a close look inside an eggs.
  Which came first, the chicken or the egg?This exhibit might not answer this question, but it does give an up-close look at what happens inside an egg. (4)      
  The making of a movie.
  Going to a movie is fun, but seeing how a movie is made is even more fun with "Action! Adventure in Movie Making". You can see how a studio set (摄影棚布景) becomes a city street and how make up turns actors into aliens (外星人). (5)      
根据材料内容, 从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项, 使文章意思通顺.内容完整.
A. You can also make your own film here.
B. At 16 feet tall, it shows what a real human heart looks like-inside and outside!
C. Walk back to the past.
D. Let's go through some of the exhibits.
E. Those baby chicks are so cute when they make their way out. 
5.  Frank is nineteen years old. He is happy that he can help his parents to take care of his little sister Mary. But it can (1)      feel like a lot of work. One Friday afternoon, Frank's parents asked (2)       to pick Mary up later at school. Of course Frank agreed, because he knew it was very (3)      to help his parents when he could.
  Around 3:00 p. m, Frank got a (4)      from his friend, Paul.
  "Frank!" Forget about whatever (5)      you had for today!Jessica's mother just (6)      to let us use her country house this weekend!Come on. We will (7)      in fifteen minutes!" he said excitedly on the phone.
  Frank always talked about going there and he really wanted to go with his (8)      . Frank looked at his watch and (9)      how much fun he could have in the country. He knew that the teachers at Mary's school (10)      call his grandmother if he didn't pick her up. But he knew he could not let his parents and sister down and leave Mary alone. He thanked Paul for the invitation, (11)      said he really couldn't go. Without much time left, Frank(12)      to his sister's school.
  He was five minutes late, and when he got there, he saw that Mary was about to cry. She was the (13)      students at the school, and the teachers were waiting with her.
  (14)       seeing her big brother, Mary smiled, ran to him and gave him a big hug. Frank realized that he had done the (15)      thing. He must always keep his word and be worthy of trust.
Wonderful they and flower pollute real when bring travel in 

  I'm Zhao Jie from Zhengzhou, China. I like traveling very much. I visited many places. I can't remember most of (1)      clearly, but I will never forget White Lake in my hometown.
  When I was young, I liked to swim (2)      the lake. I liked to float (漂浮) on my back in the water and watch beautiful clouds. Sometimes I swam to the island to pick some wild flowers. White Lake (3)      me a wonderful time.
  (4)      my best friend Jack visited White Lake for the first time, it was winter time. The trees lost their leaves (树叶) and there were not any beautiful (5)      , but he still thought this lake is a (6)      place. Last September Jack took some friends to my hometown, (7)      they took a boat out on the lake. Everyone said, " It is (8)      a beautiful and charming (迷人的) lake!"
Every year there are thousands of tourists (9)      to White Lake. I am very happy that people like the lake, but I'm afraid that they will (10)      the lake.
7.阅读短文, 根据语篇要求填空, 请将答案写在下面题号的横线上, 每空一词.
  Do you like eating sugar?Do you know if (1)      is not good to eat too much sugar?Many people, especially children, have a sweet tooth. Scientists say when these people eat sugar, their mind makes them feel good for(2)      short time. After the good feeling goes away, the mind tells them to eat more. And over time, they have to eat (3)      and more sugar to get that good feeling again.
  Eating too much sugar can make people become fat. When we eat small amounts of (少量的) food with good sugar, our body slowly makes energy (能量). (4)      if we eat too much sugar, the body can't use all energy right away. The rest becomes fat. What's more, eating too much sugar can bring many health problems.
  Too much sugar doesn't make people live a better life. (5)      fact, it makes life more diffcult. To enjoy good health, we'd better eat less sugar.
8.A:Good afternoon, Eric!
B:Good afternoon, Alice!
A:I haven't seen you for a long time, where did you go last week?
B:(1)      .
A:Where is Zhengzhou?
B:It's in the north of Henan.
A:(2)       ?
B:It's famous for Mang mountain and the Yellow River.
A:Do many people go there to enjoy their holidays every year?
B:(3)      .
A:How long did you stay there?
B:For three days.
A:(4)       ?
B:Certainly. We took many photos there. (5)      .
A:What an exciting trip!I'll go there one day.
9.当我们遇到困难时你的选择是什么.迎难而上还是轻言放弃?要想克服困难取得成功, 需要持之以恒的精神.请你以"A thing I keep doing"为题, 根据以下要点和要求用英语写一篇短文.
要点:1. 你坚持做的事情是什么;2. 你是如何坚持做这件事情的;3. 坚持做这件事情带给你的好处.
要求:1. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;
2. 词数80左右.
A thing I keep doing


