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1.Jack is ________ 18-year-old boy, he will get into ________ university this year.
  • A. an;the
  • B. an;a
  • C. a;a
2.The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics saw the rise of new Chinese sports stars. Many post﹣00s athletes challenged (挑战) ________ and showed love for their sports.
  • A. them
  • B. themselves
  • C. they
—He has a headache.
  • A. What's wrong?
  • B. What's matter?
  • C. What's happened?
4.My grandparents _______ live in the country, but now they _______ living in the city.
  • A. used to; are used to
  • B. were used to; are used to
  • C. used to; used to
5.—My toy car is broken. Could you help me to ________?
  • A. make it up
  • B. set it up
  • C. fix it up
6.John was late for school ________ the heavy rainstorm.
  • A. because
  • B. because of
  • C. with
7.It's raining so _______that we can ______ go out.
  • A. hard; hard
  • B. hardly; hard
  • C. hard; hardly
8.—Tony, what do you think of my new dress?
— Sorry, but what did you say?I ________ about something else.
  • A. thought
  • B. am thinking
  • C. was thinking
9.—I'm going to the supermarket this afternoon.
—________you're there, can you get me some milk and carrots?
  • A. After
  • B. While
  • C. Unless
10.I didn't believe what he said ________, but then I realized it was true.
  • A. at first
  • B. at last
  • C. at most
11.A:What are you going to do this weekend?
B: (1)       Have you got any good advice?
A:How about shopping with me?I hear that a shopping center is having a big sale.
B:Hmm, but I don't want to stay indoors. (2)      
A:Then let's go to Qingshui River Park. We can take some nice photos there.
B:That's a good idea. (3)      
A:But how are we going there?
B:Let me see. (4)      
A:OK. (5)      
B:Let's make it early. How about 10:00 a. m. ?
A:OK. See you then.
B:See you.
A. The air isn't fresh.
B. I haven't got any ideas.
C. We can take the No. 1 bus there.
D. I'm going to bring my new camera.
E. When are we going to meet at the bus stop? 
12.  Chores were not popular at my house. My children didn't like to do chores. They always(1)       me do chores, but they hardly ever helped me do them.
  A year ago, I made a game called "The Endless Chore Game". It is really great. Here's(2)       the game works.
  I make a card with forty squares (方框), and I write a different chore(3)       each square. These chores can be easy and interesting like making dessert. Then my family rolls the dice (骰子) to decide what chores we have to do. The card also has a few squares with fun things, like watching TV and singing. (4)      you are lucky, you can watch TV when the others are doing the chores. My son likes the game very much. He goes to the kitchen(5)       every morning to play the game. It is really a good way to make my children do chores. You can have a try if you have the same problem as me.
13.  Kindergartens(幼儿园)may teach you very important things you need to know. Danny, a five﹣year﹣old boy, (1)       his father' s life with the skills he learned.
  The boy's father became(2)       ill on the way home from a father﹣son shopping. He couldn't speak and could hardly move, but he tried hard to stop the car safely. At that point, Danny used his father's phone to ask his(3)       for help. The five-year-old boy tried his best to give her(4)       information telling where they were. Just as he had learned in the kindergarten, Danny read the(5)      on a nearby store sign : "F﹣U﹣R﹣N﹣I﹣T﹣U﹣R﹣E". But that wasn't enough for his mother to find them. Then he(6)       that they were near a bridge. Finally, his mother understood he was talking about a store(7)      Furniture 22 on New Jersey's Route 22. The mother called 911 and the father was saved.
  "He just thought his dad needed help. " Danny's mother told the reporter. She also said that her husband was a hero, too. "It is(8)       for him to get off the highway(高速公路)and get himself and his child to safety even when he was sick. " She said.
   Shine, head of the kindergarten, felt very proud(自豪的)of his pupil. " Danny's(9)       skills helped him catch the moment, " he said, "And that's the value(价值) of(10)      . "
14.阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容判断句子正误.正确的涂"A", 错误的涂"B".
Sanxingdui Museum
Address: 133 Xi'an Road, Guanghan, Deyang, Sichuan Province
Opening hours: 8:30﹣18:30(Last tickets sold at 17:00)
Ticket booking: 0838﹣5651526
Ticket price: 80 yuan each person(Children under 12 years old can visit the museum for free. ) 

Sanxingdui is the ruins (废墟) of the capital of the ancient Shu, a kingdom over 4, 000 years ago. It is one of the world's most important ancient sites because of its size, age and cultural relics(遗迹). It was first found in 1929 and in late March, 2021, scientists made some new major discoveries. Visitors to Sanxindui Museum are lucky enough to be able to know about some of Shu's history and culture.
15.  Two men, Jim and John, were walking their dogs when they walked by a restaurant. "Let's go in and get something to eat, " Jim suggested.
  "We can't, " John responded (回答). "Don't you see the sign?It says 'No pets allowed'. I don't think they will let us enter the restaurant, unfortunately. "
  "Ah yes, that sign, " Jim said. "Don't worry about it. I have a plan. Just follow me. " Jim took out a pair of dark sunglasses and put them on. He then walked up to the door. As he tried walking into the restaurant, a doorman stopped him and said, "I'm sorry sir, but we do not allow pets in this restaurant. "
  "Can't you see?" Jim said. "I am blind!This is my seeing﹣eye dog. Can I go in now?"
   "But it's a Doberman Pinscher (杜宾犬). Who uses a Doberman Pinscher as a seeing﹣eye dog?" the doorman asked.
  "Oh, " Jim responded, "you must have not heard. This is the newest kind of seeing﹣eye dog. They do a very good job!" The doorman then allowed Jim to enter the restaurant.
  Seeing that Jim's trick (诡计) worked, John tried walking in with his Chihuahua. But before he could even open his mouth, the doorman said to him, "Don't tell me that a Chihuahua is the newest kind of seeing﹣eye dog. "
  Thinking quickly, John responded in an angry voice, "What?You mean they gave me a Chihuahua?!"
16.  Have you tried these apps?Maybe they can make your life more interesting and convenient.
Tasty is a mobile cookbook with thousands of recipes. You can look for recipes by ingredients, dietary (饮食的) needs and more. If you are new to cooking, you can check out the "5 Ingredients or Less" section. If you feel the meal you cooked wasn't tasty, you can leave a comment (评论) in the "tips" section. 
Are you trying to get into good habits or break bad ones?Habitica helps build healthy habits and achieve goals (目标) step by step. The app is like a game. You have your own avatar (虚拟身份). When you make progress, your avatar can level up (升级) and get experience points. If you fail to achieve your goals in daily life, your avatar will lose strength (力量). 
 1 SE
This app will help you make beautiful memories. It's about filming (拍摄) one second every day. You may think that one second is short. But if you put together one﹣second videos for each day of the year, it's more than 6 minutes!When watching your video, you'll feel like you're on a memory roller﹣coaster (过山车). 
Do you have a food allergy (过敏) or are you on a special diet?Checking the ingredients of products (商品原材料) can be hard. The app Soosee is here to help you!It can scan (扫描) the ingredient label of products. It then tells you if the product has any food you cannot eat. It includes more than 30 categories (分类), such as common allergies, a vegan (素食的) lifestyle, gluten (麸质) and more. It works in almost 20 languages. If you travel to other countries or buy a product from another country, it can translate for you. 
17.We should make good use of the Internet instead of w      our time on it.
18.The o       of the house changed his mind and refused to sell the house to the old woman.
19.Unluckily, the bus went out of c      and ran down to the hill.
20.We were raining in the library when the rainstorm s       came.
21.—Did you feel n       when you spoke in front of people for the first time?
—Of course I did.
22.W﹣Mr. White L﹣ Lin Hai
W:Hello. Lin Hai.
L:Hi, Mr. White. Nice to meet you here.
W:You seem busy, don't you?
L:Yeah. Well, I'm going to meet my teammates in the park.
W:A sports team?
L:No. In fact, I have been busy with a volunteer program(1)      .
W:Sounds good. What's your(2)      ?
L:I have called up another 5 kids in my neighborhood to help people learn about rubbish sorting(分类) these days.
W:Great!Rubbish sorting(3)      a lot to the environment because some rubbish is harmful(有害的)to air, water and soil.
L:That's right. Now Chengdu is much cleaner than before as(4)      people throw rubbish everywhere. But many people don't know the importance of sorting rubbish, they don't throw it according to the(5)       on the trash cans at all.
W:So every weekend, you, together with your teammates, go out to help teach people?
L:Yes. At first, we felt upset because not many people(6)       to us. But to our joy, more and more people would like to accept our help now.
W:Well done!I think people in Chengdu are changing and (7)       is the city. Chengdu has developed rapidly(快速地) in the past few years. It won the rights to host the 31st Summer Universiade(世界大学生运动会)in 2021 and the World Games in 2025.
L:Yeah. The news has excited me so much that I can't(8)       to take part in. But I'm not sure what I can do.
W:Don't worry. Chengdu is becoming an international city. Many foreigners will come to Chengdu by then. And you could(9)       them help as a guide.
L:Good idea!Thanks for your advice, Mr. White. I hope Chengdu will be more beautiful and attracts(吸引)more (10)      both from home and abroad (国外).
W:I believe so.
almost as ask continue however kindness many play practice read result surprised 

  A study by Dr. Martin Wang shows that students are watching television less but playing computer games and using the Internet more. In the study, Dr. Wang (1)       quite a few students some questions in Taiwan. He asked them what they did in their free time. And here are the (2)       .
  "Although students are watching TV less, they are still (3)       indoors, " said Dr. Wang. "We saw a big increase(增长) in using the Internet and playing computer games. " Dr. Wang finds that students watch TV(4)      ten percent less, but they play computer games five percent more and use the Internet eight percent more. Some experts think it is good for students, because playing computer games and using the Internet may help(5)       their brain(大脑).
  (6)      , Dr. Wang doesn't think so. He thinks it's not healthy for students. Using computer too much makes students become nearsighted(近视的). Besides, the (7)       students stay indoors, the less they exercise.
  The study shows that less than two percent students do sports(8)       their favorite activities. "The lack of exercise can cause(引起) bad feelings and overweight, " said Dr. Wang. The study also shows that students are reading more. But to his(9)      , most students are not reading novels but Japanese cartoon books. Dr. Wang points out(指出) that most students are too tired(10)      serious books after doing their homework. Dr. Wang says that there should be less homework for students in Taiwan schools, so that they may have enough time to read and exercise.
24.  WC, toilet, lavatory, bathroom, restroom, john – English has many words for the little room we all have to go to every day. (1)      
  In Britain, the most commonly used words are "toilet" and "bathroom". "WC", which stands for "water closet", and "lavatory", are also used. A public toilet is a "public convenience". You used to see the words "Ladies" and "Gentlemen" above the entries to public toilets. (2)      
  In the US, you will get where you need to go if you ask where the "bathroom" is. If you're in a shopping mall, you should ask for directions to the "restroom". Americans also use the word "john". (3)      
  Australians say "loo". It is also quite popular in the UK. (4)       New Zealanders "bog", and South Africans "want (to) go to the bathroom".
  (5)       Well, it's from the French "toilette" – to wash yourself. People from English﹣speaking countries also use some witty (智慧的) words. For example, "throne (王座)" to describe the toilet and "throne room" for the bathroom.

A. Canadians use the word "can".
B. Where does the word toilet itself come from?
C. Why does English have so many words for it?
D. However, "Men" and "Women" are more common now.
E. Here are some of the words that are used in different countries.
F. It comes from the name of the 19th century British man who invented the flush toilet (冲水马桶). 
25.  On Oct 16, 2021, Shenzhou XIII carried three Chinese astronauts (航天员) into space. They are Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu. And they breathed fresh air again at 10:03 am on April 17, 2022. They lived and worked in Tiangong's core module (核心舱), Tianhe, for six months. They celebrated Spring Festival in space. It's the first time for Chinese astronauts to stay there for so long.
  Zhai Zhigang, 55
  Nice to meet you!My name is Zhai Zhigang. I'm from Longjiang, Heilongjiang province. I am the commander (指挥官) of the Shenzhou XIII manned mission. I became one of China's first astronauts in 1998. In 2008, I carried out the Shenzhou VII manned mission and became the first Chinese astronaut to leave the space capsule. In my spare time, I like watching TV shows. I downloaded (下载) many movies and TV series videos for this trip.
  Ye Guangfu, 41
  Hello, I am Ye Guangfu. I come from Chengdu, Sichuan province. I like flying. I used to be a pilot. In 2010, I became the youngest member of the second batch (一批) of Chinese astronauts. I like learning English and I can explain my training in English fluently (流利地). The Shenzhou XIII manned mission is my first flight into space. I trained for 11 years to get ready.
  Wang Yaping, 41
  Hello, everyone. I'm Wang Yaping. I come from Yantai, Shandong province. I am the first female (女性的) Chinese astronaut to enter the Tiangong space station. On Nov 7, I had a 6. 5﹣hour spacewalk with Zhai. It made me China's first woman to walk in space!It's not my first time in space. In 2013, I carried out the Shenzhou X manned mission. For this trip, I brought a toy rabbit with me. My daughter gave it to me.

All about the (1)       
Zhai Zhigang ●He has been an astronaut for about(2)      .
●He became the first Chinese astronaut to leave the space capsule in 2008. 
Ye Guangfu ●He comes from Chengdu.
●He (3)       English.
●It is the first time for him to fly into the space. 
Wang Yaping ●She is the first Chinese woman to walk in space.
●It is (4)       time for her to get into the space. 
Importance:It's (5)      space journey by Chinese astronaut. 

26.最近, 学校正在进行五星奖章优秀少年竞选活动, 李华是你的同班同学, 他14岁, 在生活中阳光积极, 乐于助人, 全班推荐他参加本次竞选.请根据以下图片信息写一篇英语短文介绍他的这次事迹并发表你自己的感想.

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