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3.在家 _________

4.be excited about_________

5.Easter holiday_________


1. What day is it today?(周三) _________

2. What day was it yesterday? _________

3. What’s the date today?(10/1) _________

4.What was the date yesterday? (9/30) _________

5.What’s the weather like today? _________



1. Mike ________(like) cooking.

2. They ________(have) the same hobby.

3. My aunt ________(look) after her baby carefully.

4. You always ________(do) your homework well.

5. I ________(be) ill. I’m staying in bed.


1. He ________ them free and ________ their life better. This made them ________ happy.

A. get; let; felt  B. let; got; feel C. set; made; feel  D. made; set; feeling

2. We can always ________ a bus ________ there is a problem with the car.

A. take; if  B. stop; though  C. lend; while  D. keep; because

3. The vase ________, and it ________ by Tom this morning.

A. broken; is broken  B. is broken; was broken C. has broken; is broken  D. was broken; had broken

4. What are you ________? I’m thinking we must ________ our teaching plan.

A. thinking of; talk of  B. thinking about; talk about C. think of; talk about  D. thinking about; talk with

5. The lazy boy ________ to school ________ ten o’clock yesterday morning.

A. didn’t got; until  B. didn’t get; until C. didn’t get; at  D. didn’t arrive; until



1. What they often ________(do) on Saturdays?

2. your parents ________(read) newspapers every day?

3. The girl ________(teach) us English on Sundays.

4. She and I ________(take) a walk together every evening.

5. There ________(be) some water in the bottle.


1. She is afraid of ________.

A. laughed  B. being laughed at C. laughing at  D. being laughed

2. The villagers are ________ the factory. They keep complaining about the noise.

A. pleased with  B. fed up with C. surprised at  D. worried about

3. --Do you feel like ________ or shall we go by bus?--I prefer to walk, but we have ________ a taxi, for time is short.

A. walking; to take  B. to walk; taken C. walking; taken  D. to walk; to take

4. This CD - ROM is quite useful. It can help us learn English and geography ________.

A. at times  B. at this time C. at the same time  D. by the time

5. The English words “Made in China” ________ the back of a watch.

A. are written in  B. is writing on  C. is written in  D. are written on



1. He often _________(have) dinner at home.

2. Daniel and Tommy ________(be) in Class One.

3. We ________(not watch) TV on Monday.

4. Nick ________(not go) to the zoo on Sunday.

5. they ________(like) the World Cup?


1. He speaks English very well.(改为否定句)


2. I like taking photos in the park.(对划线部分提问)


3. John comes from Canada.(对划线部分提问)


4. She is always a good student.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)


5. Simon and Daniel like going skating.(改为否定句)




1. Daniel watches TV every evening.(改为否定句)


2. I do my homework every day.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)


3. She likes milk.(改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答)


4. Amy likes playing computer games.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)


5. We go to school every morning.(改为否定句)



1.他在第三小学上学。他每天早上七点上学。(No. 3 Primary School)









A. What are you going to buy?

B. Where are you going this evening?

C. Is it far?

D. When are you going there?

E. How can you get there?


B: I am going to the fruit stand this evening.


B: I am going to buy some grapes.

A: ________________________________________________?

B: Yes, it’s far. The fruit stand is next to the pet shop.

A: ________________________________________________?

B: I can get there by the No.112 bus. Then get off at the pet shop.

A: I want to buy a big watermelon. Can I go with you?

B: Sure. Let’s go together.

A: Thank you.


Hello! I'm Liu Ying. I'm going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I'm going to the Renmin Park with my sister Liu Hong by bike. In the afternoon, we are going to visit my grandparents. In the evening I'm going to visit my aunt with my mother. On Sunday morning, I'm going to the bookstore with my good friend Tom. I'm going to buy some story-books. After lunch, I'm going to play sports with Amy. In the evening, I'm going to watch TV and clean my room. How happy I am!

( ) 1. Liu Ying is going to __________ on Saturday.

A. the bookstore B. the zoo C. the park

( ) 2. How is Liu Ying going to the Renmin Park?

A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus.

( ) 3. -----What is Liu Ying going to do in the bookstore? -----She is going to ___________.

A. buy a new CD B. buy a pen C. buy story–books

( ) 4. Liu Ying is going to the bookstore with __________.

A. Tom B. Amy C. her sister

( ) 5. Liu Ying is going to clean her room on ___________.

A. Saturday morning B. Saturday evening C. Sunday evening



1.singer   writer   mother

2. grandmother   actor   actress

3. artist   car   subway

4. hobby   football   basketball

5.make   collect   actor







______accountant _____engineer _____policeman


1.----What’s your hobby? ------I like ______(swim, swimming).

2.He_______(like,likes) reading newspapers.

3._______(Do, Does) she live in Dalian?

4.Wang Hai likes_______(collect,collecting) stamps.

5. What’s ______(her,she’s) mother’s hobby?


1. Her mother is __________.

A. an actor   B. an actress   C. a actress

2. My pen pal likes ____________,

A. rideing a bike   B. collecting stamp  C. playing the violin

3. I usually go to school__________.

A. on bus   B. by bike   C. by foot

4. _______does your father do?

A. What   B.Where   C. Which

5. First, put the _______in the soil.

A. plant   B. sprout   C. seeds

6. –What’s your _______?

-I like making kites.

A. like   B.going   C. hobby

7.-Does your pen pal live in Beijing?


A. Yes, he doesn’t.   B. No, he doesn’t.   C. No, he does.

8. I want to buy_________.

A. some apple   B. book   C. a pair of shoes

9. The park is ______the cinema.

A. near   B. next on   C. in front to

10.-________are you going?

- We are going at six o’clock.

A. What   B. When   C. Where


1.I write an e-mail _______Alice every week.

2. His father goes to work _______bus.

3. We watch TV ______ the evening.

4. Her mother goes home _______5:30.

5. Where does the flower come ________?


1.He goes to bed at ten o’clock.(变成一般疑问句)

2. Miss Wu teaches math.(变成否定句)

3. Does your mother go to work by subway? (作出肯定回答)

4. She’s a writer.(就画线部分提问)

5. What do you father do ?(改错)


1.how, he, to, go,does, work(?)________________________________

2. do, mother,does,your,what(?)________________________________





In Zhang Peng’s class,every student has a pen pal.Miss White helps them to send letters once a week .Zhang Peng knows his pen pal goes to school on foot, and his pen pal’s mother is a doctor.His pen pal’s father is a teacher. They live next to a hospital. He also knows his pen pal’s favorite food is noodles,and his pen pal’s favorite color is red. Zhang Peng knows a lot abut his pen friend , but he doesn’t know his pen pal’s name.

Answer the questions

1. How does Zhang Peng’s pen pal go to school?


2. What’s his pen pal’s mother?


3. Where does his pen pal live?


4. What’s his pen pal’s favorite food?


5. Does Zhang Peng know his pen pal’s name?



一、用is, am 或are 填空

1.Excuse me. What _______ this in English?

2. ________ the your coat, Mr Green? No, it _________ not.

3. What ________ these? ___________ they maps?

4. This __________ your bike. Where __________ my bike?

5. I __________ in Class Eleven. What class ___________ you in?


1. -What’s your name, please? ---- ________

A. It’s Tom   B. My name is Tom

C. Thank you   D. Fine, thank you

2. ----Hello, Lin Tao. How are you? ---- _________.

A. hello. Li Ming. How are you?   B. Good morning. Li Ming.

C. Thank you   D. Fine, thank you

3. ----It is _________ ruler. ---- It is not __________ eraser.

A. /, an   B. a; an   C. the; the

4. ---- Is that your watch over there? ----No, it’s _______ watch.

A. my   B. this   C. my sister’s

5. ----What _______ do you speak? ---- I speak Chinese.

A. language   B. science   C. subject

6. Thanks ______ your present.

A. of   B. from   C. for   D. to

7. Is ______ your aunt? What’s ________ name?

A. he; his   B. she; her   C. he; her   D. she; his

8. The movie is very _______ and I like it.

A. boring   B. interest   C. interesting   D. difficult

9. ________ your brother __________ a soccer ball?

A. Do; has   B. Do; have   C. Does; has   D. Does; have

10. --- Let’s ___________ basketball. ---- Good idea!

A. plays   B. to play  C. play   D. playing

11.Mike doesn’t play sports. He only ______ them on TV.

A. sees   B. watches   C. looks at   D. find

12.I need to write a lost note. Can you _______ me _________?

A. take; a pencil   B. bring; some book   C. take; some papers   D. bring; a pen

13.He wants _________ the art club.

A. to join   B. join   C. joins

14.---How does your father go to work every day? ---- _________ taxi.

A. In  B. By   C. On   D. With

15.Yesterday after class I ______________ my homework.

A. do   B. did   C. make   D. made


A boy and a girl catch a bird and ___1___ it in a birdcage (鸟笼). They like it ___2___ and __3___ it every day. A cat sees the bird and wants ___4___ her supper. ___5___ the bird is in the cage. She can’t catch it. So she is very ___6____.

One day, she opens the door of the cage ___7___ wants to catch it. But the bird fillies away. The cat ____8_____, and she has ____9_____. The two children ___10_____ and see the bird isn’t in. They are very angry and put the cat into the cage.

1.A. take   B. put   C. carry   D. bring

2.A. well   B. very   C. much   D. very much

3.A. see   B. look   C. have a look   D. have a look at

4.A. have it for   B. has is for   C. to have it for   D. to has it so

5.A. But   B. And   C. So   D. Then

6.A. angry   B. happy   C. glad   D. tired

7.A. but  B. and   C. so   D. or

8.A. can to fly   B. can fly   C. can’t to fly   D. can’t fly

9.A. no ways   B. some ways   C. any way  D. not way

10. A. come back to home   B. come back home

C. come to home   D. back home



An old tiger lives in the forest. He doesn’t want to look for food now. He often tells other animals to get him something to eat.

He sees a monkey and says, “I’m hungry, Monkey. Go to the village and get me a fat pig.”

“Oh, Tiger,” says the monkey. “I can’t do that now. There is another tiger over there. He also wants a fat pig. He will not let me get anything for you to eat. I am afraid of him.”

“What?” cries the old tiger. “Show me that tiger. I will eat him.”

“Come with me,” says the monkey.

The monkey and the tiger get to the bridge over the river. “Now look down at the river.” Says the monkey. “Do you see it? The tiger?”

“Yes, I do.” cries the old tiger. “I will eat him up!” With these words, the tiger jumps into the river.

1. How many tigers and monkeys are there in the story?

A. Two tigers and one monkey   B. Two tigers and two monkeys

C. Only one tiger and one monkey   D. Two monkeys and one tiger

2. Why does the tiger tell the other animals to get him food? Because ____________.

A. only they can look for some food   B. he is old and they are afraid of him

C. gets to the bridge with the tiger   D. tells the tiger to jump into the water

3. The monkey _____________________

A. goes to the village to get a pig   B. knows there is another tiger

C. gets to the bridge with the tiger   D. tells the tiger to jump into the water

4. Which of the following is right? __________

A. The monkey eats up the tiger   B. The tiger eats up another tiger

C. The tiger jumps into the water   D. The tiger is clever


Mrs. Green is going to give a birthday party to Mary. Mary is her daughter. She will be ten years old. A lot of her friends are coming to the party. Twenty of them are girls.

Mrs Green is getting ready for the party. Mrs. White is helping her.

“That’s a big nice cake,” says Mrs. White to Mrs Green.

“Thank you very much.”

Mrs Green is going shopping now. She is going to buy fruit for the party. Mrs Green buys a lot of pears, apples. Oranges and bananas. Then she goes home.

It’s five o’clock in the afternoon. Everything is ready. Now the first girl is arriving. The party is going to begin in thirty minutes.


1. Who is Mrs Green going to give a birthday party to?


2. How old is Mary?


3. What does Mrs Green buy fruit for?


4. When is the party going to begin?


5. How many girls are there at the party?



1. In our school, we have many ___________ (club).

2. Helen can _______________ (speak) three languages.

3. The Whites have four ___________ (child), two daughters and two sons.

4. My pen pal _____________ (live) in Japan.

5. I want to eat _____________ (a) apple.

6. Please come and __________ (help) me.

7. She _________ (have) a dictionary.

8. There isn’t _____________ (some) tea in the cup.


一、 单项选择。

( ) 1.New York is ____ the east of America.

A.in   B.on   C.to

( ) 2.There are ____of things to see.

A.a lot   B.lots   C.lot

( ) 3.____ a big cake it is !

A.How   B.What   C.Where

( ) 4.Where is _____?

A.the Mexico   B.Mexico   C.the Canada

( ) 5.__ Beijing ___Lhsa, it’s such a big country.

A.To, to   B.From , from   C.From , to

( ) 6.He has got _____ apple.

A.such a big   B.such an big   C.such big an

二、 英汉互译。

1.一张中国地图________________   2.长城________________  3.五千三百千米________________

4.in the east_______________  5.ten million________________   6.lots of = ________________


1.New York is in the ________of America.

2.The America flag’s got________stars.

3.What________I ?

4.Tell me more ________China . Where is Qingdao?

5.________New York to Tennessee , it’s such a big country.


1.How long is it ?  A.It’s in the east of America.

2.How big is Beijing ?  B.Beijing’s got about fourteen million people.

3.Are you a teacher ?  C.It’s in the northeast of China.

4.Where’s Harbin?  D.Yes, I am .

5.Where’s New York ?  E.It’s about two thousand kilometres.


things、 more、 map 、night 、white

1.What a big ________of America !

2.Tell me ________about the Great Wall .

3.There are lots of ________to see.

4.The American flag is red and blue and ________.

5.You can always see it , every day and ________.

lots in of million more

A: Where’s Beijing ?

B: It’s________the east of China.

A: Tell me________about Beijing.

B: Beijing has got about fourteen________people. It’s the capital________China. And there are________of beautiful things to see.


Lucy is my friend. She lives in a small house near a park in Canada. I am ten, Lucy is ten , too. Lucy tell me more about Canada. I know Canada is such a big country. So I want to learn English. And I tell Lucy more about China. Lucy likes China and she wants to learn Chinese . We usually write emails to each other on Saturdays and Sundays.

( ) 1.How old is Lucy ?

A.Ten   B.Eleven   C.Twelve

( ) 2.Does Lucy like China ?

A.Yes, she does .   B.Yes, I do .   C.No, she doesn’t.

( ) 3.What do they write on Saturdays and Sundays ?

A.Letters   B.Emails   C.Homework

( ) 4.Is Canada a big country ?

A.Yes , they are   B.Yes, it is .  C.No, it isn’t.



