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1.  Garfield first appeared in a comic strip on June 19, 1978. Garfield is (1)       known all over the world. Lots of Garfield books have been turned into 26 languages. Garfield products (2)       in 69 countries.
  Jim Davis is Garfield's creator. Jim was born (3)       July 28, 1945 in Indiana. He grew up on a farm where (4)       dad raised cows. Jim and his brother Dave helped with (5)       farm work. They had 25 cats, and they always made sure there was (6)       food for the cats.
  As a boy, Jim was in poor health. (7)       he had to spend time resting, he drew pictures. He added words to his pictures (8)       them funny.
  After college Jim worked a few years at an advertising company. In 1969, he got a job to help a cartoonist. Jim noticed that there (9)       many comic strips about dogs but few about cats. He thought that was strange. He believed cats (10)       be a good choice for comic strips.
  He remembered the 25 farm cats he (11)       up with. They gave him ideas for a cat comic strip. In the comic strip, Garfield became the central character in daily difficult experiences with Jon, his owner, and other characters. He was (12)       and funny.
  Jim Davis (13)       many awards for his work. Twice he (14)       the Best Humor Strip Cartoonist of the Year Award. He has won four Emmys (艾美奖) (15)       other honor (荣誉).
2.  People usually communicate by speaking or writing. However, people in some jobs (1)       on gestures for communication.
  Railway workers on the ground have to communicate with engineers on the trains. To do this, they use flags. To tell the train to "go", for example, a railway worker (2)       the flag above his head and moves it up and down.
  Soldiers in war often can not hear each other, so they use gestures to send (3)       to each other. When a leader wants other soldiers to follow him, he points (4)       them, and then he uses his arm to point in the direction they should go. Soldiers from different countries use similar gestures to communicate with each other when they do not speak the same (5)      .
  Gestures are used in (6)       as well. For example, when a classical concert takes place, musicians follow the direction of the conductor (指挥). He or she will lead the musicians through his (7)      . These gestures tell the musicians when to play, and when to (8)      . They also tell when the music should be loud or soft, and fast or slow. Of course, the musicians must understand the (9)       of these gestures to play well together.
  Many other jobs use gestures, but you may not always notice them. The next time you are out on the street, have a look around. You might be (10)       how many gestures you see in use.
3.  I worked as a volunteer at a hospital at the age of sixteen. A year later, a little girl named Lisa lived in hospital because she had a very serious disease and she was dying. The doctor had done his best to help the girl but no medicine really worked. There was an only change to save her life. It was a blood transfusion from her brother who was only six years old and two years older than the little girl. The little boy had the same disease before. Luckily, his body developed the antibodies and the antibodies fought against the disease. The boy was saved.
  The doctor talked to the boy about his sister and asked him if he agreed to give his blood to his sister. The little boy was worried about his sister. He took a deep breath and said, "Yes, I do." During the blood transfusion, the little boy said nothing and lay in bed next to his sister. He looked at his sister and smiled. In the end, when he saw his sister's face turn a little red, his smile disappeared and became afraid. He looked up at the doctor and asked, "Will I begin to die now?" The doctor understood his feelings and was touched. He said, "You are a brave child. You will not die because of this and your sister is saved because of you."
  This brave and kind-hearted boy was too young to understand the doctor's words. He thought he would die if he gave his blood to his sister but he still agreed.
4.  Chinese painting is one of the oldest forms of painting in the world. Chinese artists first began painting over two thousand years ago, and painters in China are still using many of the same methods today.
  Chinese painters often paint natural scenes, animals or people. Buildings are seldom included, unless they make up a small part of a natural scene.
  There are two kinds of traditional Chinese paintings. The first is the gongbi style. This style of painting takes a lot of time to make, as everything is painted in great detail. This style often uses a lot of colour as well. Long ago, most professional painters in China used the gongbi style.
  The second style of Chinese painting is the ink-wash painting (水墨画). Ink-wash paintings are done very quickly, and may not have much colour. Ink-wash painting also have less details, because the painter is trying to get across the impression of the scene with just a few brush strokes (笔画). Long ago, most ink-wash artists did not work as painters, but painted as a hobby. However, a good ink﹣wash artist could still become famous.
5.  Three men have lunch together. After the lunch is over, the men disagree on who should pay for the food. So, like little boys, they play a game called rock-paper-scissors. Around the world, when people want to decide on something or someone, they play this fun game.
  In this game, a closed hand means a rock, an open hand means a piece of paper, and a hand with two fingers out means scissors. We all know how this is played. Peter can cover a rock, so rock loses to paper;scissors will break if they try to cut a rock, so scissors lose to rock;and, scissors can cut paper, so paper loses to scissors.
  It seems that everyone plays this game, but many people do not know where it came from.
  People first started playing a game like rock-paper-scissors in ancient China. During the Han Dynasty, people played a game called shoushiling (手势令). In this game, people used hand gestures like in the modern rock-paper-scissors game, but their gestures meant different kinds of animals. In the 17th century, this game was brought to Japan. The modern form of rock﹣paper﹣scissors was developed in Japan in the late 19th century. From Japan, it became known in Western countries, and even today many people think that it is a Japanese game.
6.  Here is Daily Service. If you need our service or want to know more information about our service, please call 8850331.
A red bag with a cellphone and some books were found in the Guangdong Restaurant near our school. The owner can ring 3465778 and find the manager. 
A blue jacket was left behind on the playground on March 12th. If you find it, could you please come to Class 2, Grade 2 or ring 3622658? 
For Sale
Many coats for teenagers, all sizes, new, $60. After 5 p. m. Call 2455321. Mp4 player, $180. Call 3688686. Recorder, $45. Call 6878968. Many fashion magazines, $5 for each. Call 3546285. 
For Rent
Wonderful room for girls only. Single, $100 a month. Double, $180 a month. Call 8768757. Family paradise, 4 bedrooms, large yard. Call 2637689. Youth Room for boys only. Single, $100 a month. Double $180 a month. Call 2445872 
Help Wanted
If you love kids and have three hours to look after kids every day, please call 24455872. 
7.  Comic books first became very popular with young people in the United States in the 1940s and 1950s. They are more like magazines than books, because they are short, cheap and appear once a month in local shops. Many are about superheroes such as Superman and Batman. (1)       They have special powers, and they fight bad people. At the end of every story, the superhero always wins.
  You can still buy this kind of comic book, but in the 1970s and 1980s a new form of comic book appeared. (2)       The change from the old to the new style is perhaps clearest in Frank Miller's Batman:The Dark Knight Returns. (3)       While he tries to be good, he is not always successful, and he does not always win. In the same way, in the graphic novel Watchmen the superheroes are like real human beings with all their problems, and they are not always good people. (4)       It was the only graphic novel on Time magazine's list of the best 100 books.
  While graphic novels look like comic books, they are more like novels. (5)       They are longer and much more expensive than comic books, and are for adults.

A. In this story, Batman is old.
B. This is sometimes called a graphic novel.
C. In comic books, superheroes are always good.
D. And most are not really for children.
E. Watchmen became very popular.
8.  You may not know it, but your pet dog may be trying to speak to you. Dogs use their body l(1)       to communicate. Here are some s(2)       ways to help you understand your dog better.
  A dog's tail may give you many m(3)      . If a dog r(4)       its tail, it is confident.
  A dog puts its tail down when it feels comfortable, but it puts its tail all the way down to show its sadness. When a dog is afraid or isn't confident, it puts its tail between its legs. Dogs wag(摇)their tails when they are happy.
  You can also learn a lot by looking at a dog's ears. If a dog's ears are back, the dog is probably in low s(5)      . However, if the dog's ears are all the way back against its hear, it is probably very angry.
These books       to the library tomorrow.
10.他们计划举行一个艺术展, 来给贫困山区的孩子筹款.
They plan to hold an art exhibition,        money for poor children in mountain areas.
Volunteers have        for medical training.
12.昨天, 我们校足球队和第一中学的球队进行了一场比赛.
Yesterday, our school football team        the team from No. 1 middle school.
Thank you for        me        the date for our meeting.
14.按照课文内容填空, 每空可填1~2个词.
  Cormorant fishing was once (1)       in many places in South-East China, and there were many fishermen in the area. But today, (2)       young people are interested (3)       it. In 50 years, perhaps there will be (4)       cormorant fishermen in the world.
15.按照课文内容填空, 每空可填1~2个词.
  Next, use a computer to draw (1)       pictures and (2)       colour. To make the characters and things (3)       to move, each picture should (4)       a little different from the one before it. In the next (5)      , a computer programme (6)       to put the pictures together as a film.
16.假如你的学校举办 "传统文化周" 的活动, 请你写一篇文章投稿给校园广播站, 介绍一位传统手工艺人.
名字 老周 (Mr. Zhou) 
外貌 50多岁, 粗糙的双手, 总是精神抖擞 
擅长的工艺 做面团玩具 
作品特点 各种卡通角色造型, 颜色鲜艳, 大小各异 
评价 补充一点你对这个工艺的看法, 以及呼吁同学们了解、保护传统工艺 

词数:80左右(文章的开头已给出, 不计入词数);不得透露个人信息, 否则不予评分.
  Today, I will introduce a craftsman, Mr. Zhou. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


