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1.Dear Nancy,
  Friendship (友谊) is important in a person's life. Now I want to tell you some of my (1)       about it.
  Today I met (2)       18-year-old girl named Lily. She told me her experience. Some years ago she (3)      her best friend Bob's heart in a basketball game. She wasn't happy and didn't know (4)      to get Bob back. From then on, Lily (5)       had true friendship.
  This is not only Lily's problem. We all may meet kinds of problems in our life. Almost all the people have friends but only (6)       of them can get true friendship. That's because they think what their friends do is what they should do. And they won't (7)       it before losing it.
  How can we get true friendship? It (8)      much time and also needs love. If you spend much time (9)      good to your friends, they can feel it and love you, too. When there are problems what we should do is to face them but not to ignore (忽视) them. Try to find a way to do with them.
  I also hope you can have true friendship in your life. I'm sure you'll be much (10)      .
2.  What would the future life be like?I think we can travel (1)       and more safely in many places even into space. Maybe one day we can work in Beijing, sleep-in-Chengdu and visit the moon for a (2)      .
  We will have new energy (能源) and it doesn't make (3)      . Possibly, people will find ways to use cleaner things, such as sea water, to make energy (4)       polluting the earth.
  We will have machines that can copy everything in the future. Put a cake on the machine and (5)      will make a new one. We can (6)       food and present to our friends easily.
  We will have clever robots that work for us, and the robots can (7)       us useful things and take away our trash. Now we have to press a key (按键) or type a word to make a machine work. But in the future, (8)       we think of something, the machine can make it for us. The machine can understand (9)       ideas.
  We can go into computer games and films, and everything will feel (10)      . We can make our homes like forests or sunny beaches or anything we want. Maybe, one day we can collect(收集) our dreams and put our dreams on DVDs.
Shen Yuzhe 13, Beijing The "double reduction" policy ("双减"政策): really helps me. Our homework is clearly less than before. I can finish it at school with no need to take it home. Besides, teachers now teach at a much slower pace so that we have enough time to understand what we have learned. We don't need to buy workbooks anymore and the exercises are mainly from the textbook. I'm also happy to find there are fewer exams. 
Zhang Hangming13, Tanjin The best thing about the "double reduction" is the increased (增加的)time in after-school activities such as dancing, volleyball and drama (戏剧). I have joined a group called "leadership development", learning all kinds of useful skills. Teachers are also giving us more chances to learn from real life. For example, we went to research earthworms (蚯蚓) in a field (田野) during a biology class. I believe this is a much better way to learn than just reading the books. 
Yu Zhiyue 14, Jiangsu With the "double reduction", I have indeed (确实) got less homework to do. But since I can only take tutoring classes (辅导班)on weekdays now, Monday has become an especially long and tiring day for me. On Monday, I need to take an online class at home after I come back from school. But at least I can have happy weekends. I used to be busy taking classes on weekends. Now I have, more free time to enjoy what I like to do! 
Cui Ruqi 12, Laoning Because of "double reduction", we have less homework than before. I have got more time to read extracurricular (课外的) books and play sports. Also, art subjects are becoming more important. For example, I have been learning music for a long time. Now I feel more encouraged to do so. There is only one concern: We can't see the ranking (排名) after each exam. For sure, I do feel less stress without knowing them. But at the same time, it leaves me confused (困惑的) about what level (水平) I am at. 
4.  If you think you're too shy and want to be a little braver, try the followings. You can make it.
  Tell people you're shy. (1)       When they get to know you're a shy kid, they understand you better. This also helps you feel easier in talks.
  (2)      When you smile, people think you're friendly and easy to talk with. Remember that other people have feelings, too. And most people will stay away from an angry-looking face.
  Learn to be a good talker. If you find it hard to start talks, (3)      Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesn't it make you want to keep talking to that person?
  (4)      Think more about ways to enjoy the party or the game. Don't waste time worrying about your looks or whether people like you or not.
  (5)      Each time after you say "hi" or smile at someone for the first time, say "I did it!" to yourself. Keep trying and one day you'll never be shy when you talk to others.

A. Get your attention elsewhere (别处).
B. Try to smile more.
C. Take one small step at a time.
D. There's no need to hide (隐藏) it.
E. Share your problems with friends.
F. say something nice about people around.
G. Find time to relax as possible as you can. 
5.在镇上, 蓝月亮服装店服务最好.
Blue Moon clothes store has the       in town
He is always afraid to       when he speaks English.
Mom says drinking milk        your health.
8.只要我叔叔有时间, 他就会教我下象棋.
      my uncle has time, he will teach me to play chess.
He        the TV and watched the news.
spend, many, activity, use, serious, he, help, after, be, sometimes 

  In the past 18 years, Meng Fanduo, from Changchun, Jilin, (1)       most of his free time volunteering (从事志愿者活动) .
  Meng, 40, once was a soldier (军人) in Inner Mongolia (内蒙古). "When I (2)      a soldier, my father wrote me a letter one day. He also sent me a book. It was Lei Feng's Diary. (3)       reading the book, I was touched (感动)and I wanted to learn from (4)      ," he said. "In the letter, my father told me to be a good man and do right things that a soldier should do. So I decided to take the volunteer work (5)      .
  "Meng was happy to do the work I feel quite warm when I do something (6)      for others." he said. "I will never stop (7)      others."
  (8)       when Meng volunteered, he took his daughter and son with him. He hoped that they would learn to help people through these (9)      . I hope more people could join us in the future. Together we can help (10)       people and families in need," Meng said.
11.  After a short break from the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics (残奥会), China welcomed its 14th National Games, held from Sept 15th to 27th.
  The games were held mainly in 13 cities in Shanxi Province. With a total (总计) of 54 sports and 595 events, it was seen as a "mini-Olympics", said China Daily.
  The National Games was n good chance (机会) for athletes to show the best of themselves. The Tokyo 2020 Olympians (奥运会选手) made the Games even more exciting to watch.
  The theme of this year's National Games was "Games for all, together in mind and action", the mass event (群众赛事) became a highlight (亮点) of this year's National games. A total of 185 events in 19 different sports were open to the public (大众).
  There were two types of mass events:competition events and performance events. Competition events included table tennis, dragon boat racing, bridge (桥牌) and Chinese wrestling (摔跤), There were also performance events, like square dancing and tai chi.
  Making mas sport is events a part of the National Games was to get more and more people to play sports, reported China Daily.
12.A: Hello, Jill. Are you free this Saturday?
B: No, I'm quite busy.
A: (1)      ?
B: I am going to have two music lessons and have lots of homework to do that day.
A: (2)      ?
B: I have music lessons three times a week, on Monday, Thursday and Saturday.
A: (3)      ?
B: I'm learning pop music now.
A:Well. Are you busy this Sunday?
B: (4)      .
A: Great! Would you like to go to the beach with me?
B: (5)      . I want to go there to relax.
13.假如你是一位在中国学习的英国学生, 请你根据以下要点给在英国的祖母写一封信, 介绍你的相关情况.
①比以前更开朗更有趣, 拥有更多的朋友(more outgoing, funnier);
②喜欢运动, 每周锻炼三四次;每天放学后打篮球(love sports);
③平时喜爱看新闻, 因为从中可以弄清楚世界各地发生的事情(find out);
④新的一年即将来临, 打算制定些决心(包括身体健康、学业情况或业余爱好等) (make some resolutions)
①参考提示内容, 可适当发挥;
②语句通顺, 意思连贯, 书写工整;
③文中不得出现你的任何真实信息(姓名, 校名和地名等);
④词数:不少于70词.(开头和结尾已给出, 但不计入总词数)
Dear Grandma,
  How's everything going?Now I'm studying in China. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  Best wishes!


