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高一英语牛津英语模块1 Unit1学案

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M1U1基础知识过关测试 Period 12
1. I usually get up an hour later _______________ _______________(比平时).
2. Going hiking must be ____________ _____________ _____________(激动人心的经历).
3. I don’t know the girl who is sitting ____________ ___________(旁边)me.
4. The best way _______ _________ __________ well(学好英语)is to practise it every day.
5. The ________ _________ (平均年龄)of the students in my class is 15.
6. _________ was hard __________ the children to go to school.(以前孩子们上学困难)
7. I think your English is __________(进步).
8. It’s no good spending too much time ___________ _________ ____________(上网).
9. In some countries children go to school _________ _________(免费).
10.I don’t think it right to _________(放弃) the subjects you’re not interested _________.
11.We often __________ (放松)ourselves by listening to music.
12.Could you tell me __________ your school life _________ ___________(学校生活怎么样)?
13.The workers demanded an i______________ answer(立刻答复).
14.She didn’t pay any ____________ to _________ I said(注意我说的话).
15.To __________ high ____________ (取得好成绩)is not the only reason _______ we study.
16.To remember so many words in such a short time is really ____________ __________ me.
17.He e____________(赢得)his place in the team by training hard.
18.She is such a person __________ is hard _______ ___________(难以取悦).
19.After __________ __________(毕业)university, he once worked as a newspaper reporter.
20.___________ finishing his studies(一完成学业), he started traveling in China.
21.It is urgent that we __________ food and clothing __________ the sufferers(捐赠).
22.I asked the headmaster if music could be played during break time and he ____________(批准)the idea.
23.The school radio often play the songs ___________ __________ _________(学生唱的).
24.This is the most interesting book that I ____________ __________(读过的).
25.I ____________ to _______(遗憾地通知)you that the sports meeting will have to be put off
because of the rain.
26.I am happy __________ my new dress, because it is not only ___________(时尚)but also inexpensive.
27.All students are r_____________ (要求)to attend school assembly ________ Monday mornings.
28.How we look is not ______ important as _________ we learn at school.
29.Some of us prefer(喜欢)staying in the classroom ___________(不喜欢) doing sports.
30.I enjoy _____________ ____________(课外活动) and I am glad that they might also help me get into a good college.
1. Living _______ for long will make you interested in nothing serious.
A. in ease B. at ease C. with ease D. for ease
2. The lesson we learn yesterday was difficult _________.
A. to understand B. to be understood C. we understood D. understanding
3. The little bird missed ___________ and flew away.
A. shooting B. being shot C. to shoot D. to be shot
4. ________ the day went on, the weather got worse.
A. With B. Since C. As D. For
5. When you leave the room, make sure _____________.
A. you lock the door B. that lock the door C. of lock the door D. to locking the door
6. ________ he comes or not, I’ll keep a seat for you.
A. If B. Whether C. When D. No matter
7. The little girl would like ___________ to the theatre.
A. to take B. taking C. to be taken D. being taken
8. ----Would you like to ________ my birthday party this Saturday?
----Sorry, I have an important meeting to _________.www.xkb1.com
A. attend/join B. take part /attend C. attend/join D. attend /attend
9. The place has _________ from a fishing port into a tourist center.
A. increased B. discovered C. developed D. improved
10. Attention must be paid _________ and spoken English.
A. to listen B. listen C. to listening D. for listening
11. These tickets are ________. The film company gave hem away to us ______.
A. for free/free B. free/freely C. free/for free D. free of charge/free
12. We’ve always deeply _________ selling the farm.
A. regretted B. missed C. worried D. doubted
13. ----What’s that terrible noise?
----The neighbors _________ for a party.
A. have prepared B. are preparing C. prepare D. will prepare
14. ----She seems a _________ waitress.
----Yes, each of us always feels _______ with her good manners and service.
A. pleased/pleased B. pleasant/pleasant C. pleased/pleasant D. pleasant/pleased
15. The boys each _______ they came first in the race.
A. say B. says C. are said that D. is said that
16. His health requires that he _________ early.
A. should go to bed B. goes to bed C. will go to bed D. go to the bed
17. In 1960, this was the longest bridge that __________.
A. was ever built B. had ever built C. has ever been built D. had ever been built
18. What surprised me was not what he said but ______ he said it.
A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which
19. ----Do you regret having left your first job?
----Why should I? I _______ as much, but I enjoy more of it.
A. didn’t earn B. don’t earn C. hadn’t earned D. haven’t earned
20. I want you ______ me __________ of how things are going with you.
A. to keep/informing B. keep/informed C. to keep/informed D. keep/informing
21. The second book I want to read is Travels in China.
A. which B. what C. that D. as
22. I’ll never forget the days I stayed in your beautiful country.
A. when B. in which C. that D. for which
23. The school I visited last year was not the one I once worked.
A. which; where B. which; which C. where; which D. where; where
24. She had two daughters, became doctors.
A. all of them B. all of whom C. both of them D. both of whom
25. The magazine Betty paid one dollar was very good.
A. that B. which C. for which D. to which
26. I’m one of the boys never late for school.
A. that is B. who are C. who am D. who is
27. is known to us all, the earth moves around the sun.
A. This B. That C. It D. As
28. Is this museum they visited last month?
A. that B. where C. which D. the one
29. I s this the museum they visited last month?
A. when B. where C. which D. the one
30. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, , of course,
made the others unhappy.
A. who B. which C. this D. what
31. Alec asked the policeman he worked to contact him whenever there was an accident.
A. with him B. who C. with whom D. whom
32. We will be shown around the city: schools, museums, and some other places, other visitors seldom go.
A. what B. which C. where D. when
33. We are living in an age many things are done on computer.
A. which B. that C. whose D. when
34. A modern city has been set up in was a waste land ten years ago.
A. what B. which C. that D. where
35. The English play my students acted at the New Year’s party was a great success.
A. for which B. at which C. in which D. on which
1.The fan which you want it is on the table.
2.The man brought our textbooks here yesterday is in the next room.
3.That’s the child his drawings we were looking at just now.
4.The house where he lives in needs repairing.
5.All the books there, that have beautiful pictures in them, were written by him.
6.I don’t like the way in that he speaks to his father.
7.It is known to all, Taiwan is part of China.
8. I, who is your good friend, will try my best to help you out.
9. After reading , don’t forget to put the books to where they were.
10.Is this museum which they visited last month?
11.There is going to have a lecture on 1 Oct. in the lecture hall.
12.The children get a great number of fun out of dressing in other people’s clothes.
13.Be care of that dog may bite you.
14.Jane: Whom would you like to talk with at the end of the lecture?
Mary: The lady we call her Miss White.
15.I’m looking forward to hear from you soon.
16.I prefer leisure clothes than fashionable clothes.
17.The goods were on displayed in the shop window.
18.The police haven’t got enough informations to catch the criminal.
19.Don’t forget to email me immediate you arrive home.
20.David, as well as his parents, are going to Beijing for a holiday.
1. The school radio always play songs sung by students.(将划线部分改为定语从句)
2. I spent more than two hours covering the distance.(用take重写本句)
3. You gave me a surprise.(改为感叹句)
4. People saw the missing boy playing near the river.(改为被动态)
5. She works seven days a week, and six of them work until one o’clock at night.
6. The sports meet was finally put off because of the heavy rain.
7. Upon finishing his studies, he started traveling in China.(用as将划线部分改为状语从句)
8. His English is not so good as mine.(改为肯定句)
9. As is reported, twenty people were injured in the accident, including five children.
10. He studied hard. He got the highest score in the final examination.(用so…that…句型合并句子)
11. We should pay attention to listening and spoken English.(用划线部分做主语将本句改为被动态)
12. He fell asleep as soon as he sat down..(用immediately替换划线部分)
13. The doctor requires him to go to bed early.(将划线部分改为宾语从句)
14. I did what I could to help him.(将划线部分改为all that句型)
15. 过去,孩子们上学困难。(译成英文)
1. than usual 2. an exciting experience 3. next to 4. to learn English 5. average age
6. It for 7. improving 8. surfing the Internet / on the Internet 9. for free
10. drop 11. relax 12. what is like 13. immediate 14. attention what 15. achieve grades
16. challenging for 17. earned 18. who to please 19. graduating from 20 On 21. donate to 22. approved 23. sung by students 24. ever read 25. regret inform 26. with popular
27. required on 28. as what 29. to 30. out-class activities



高一英语牛津英语模块1 Unit1学案
