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Unit 1 How do you study for a test复习教案

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1.为考试学习 study for a test
2.和…学习(工作) work(study) with
3.制作抽认卡 make flashcards
4.制作词汇表 make vocabulary lists
5.听磁带 listen to tapes
6.向…询求帮助 ask sb. for help
7.看英语语言录相 watch English language videos
8.和…练习对话 practice(have)conversations with sb.
9.朗读 read aloud
10.练习发音 practice pronunciation
11.学到很多 learn a lot
12.提高…的口语技能 improve one’s spoken skills
13.向…询问关于…的事 ask sb. about sth.
14.学习语法 study grammar
15.具体的建议 specific suggestions
16.对…感到兴奋 get excited about
17.结果做…,告终 end up doing sth.
18.发现…令人沮丧 find sth.frustrating
19.有一点点帮助 help a little
20.做…事的最好方法 the best way to do sth.
21.做调查 do a survey (about sth.)
22.记日记 keep a diary
23.犯错误 make mistakes
24.在语法方面 in grammar
25.英语口语 spoken English
26.得到…正确 get ...right
27.在杂志上 in magazines
28.写作练习 writing practice
29.加入英语俱乐部 join an English club
30.练习做… practice doing sth.
31.首先 first of all (at first)
32.一开始 to begin with
33.后来,随后 later on
34.害怕做… be afraid to do sth.
35.造完整的句子 make complete sentences
36.做大量的听力练习 do lots of listening practice
37.在课堂上 in class
38.讥笑,嘲笑 laugh at
39.做…有困难 have trouble (problems)doing sth
40.在原始的句子中 in original sentences
41.作笔记 take notes
42.(在字典,参考书)中查询 look up
43.听流行歌曲 listen to pop songs
44.全世界 around(all over) the world
45.作为第二语言 as a second language
46.编造对话 make up conversations
47.本族语讲话者 native speaker
48.母语 native language
49.处理,处置 deal with
50.为…担心(着急) worry about
51.(指时间)过去,消逝 go by
52.把…视为… regard ... as
53.抱怨… complain about (of)
54.对…(人)严格要求 be strict with
55.把…转变… change ...into
56.作为年轻人 as young adults
57.尽力…做 try one’s best to do sth.
58.要…帮助之下 with the help of...(with one’s help)
59.将…比作(作比较)… compare ... to ...
60.中断 break off
61.例如 for example
62.太…而不能… too...to...
63.听音乐 listen to music
64.发疯,生气 get mad
65.有助于做… help to do sth.
66.看上去着急 look worried
67.听起来像 sound like
68.在上次英语考试中 on the last English test
69.在去…路上 on the way to sp. (on the way home)
70.英语的重要性 the importance of English
71.遇到麻烦,陷入困境 in trouble
72.根本不 not at all
73.改决困难 solve a problem
74.没关系 it doesn’t matter
75.谈论 talk about
76.做…怎么样? what about doing sth.?
77.用英语和…谈话 speak to sb. in English
78.讲得太快 talk too quickly


Unit 1 How do you study for a test复习教案
