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初二下Unit 9 When was he born 教案

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Teaching Goals: Talk about famous people
Talk about profession
Improve students’ speaking skills, reading skills and writing skills.
Te aching Importances: Key words: born hiccup sneeze record start stop
Key sentences: When was he born? He was born in 1970.
How long did he hic cup? He hiccupped for 69 years.
Teaching Methods: computer and tape-recorder
Emotion Teaching: Work hard for your dream.
Blackboard: Unit 9 When was he born?
1. record n. 1) break the re cord 打破记录 eg: Liu Xiang broke the world record
2) keep/hold the record 保持记录
2. record v.
3. tape-recorder 录音机
1. stop doing sth 停止做某事eg:The students stopped talking.
2. stop to do sth 停下来去做另一件事 eg: He stopped to help the old woman.
3.stop sb( from) doing sth 阻止某人做某事 eg: Don’t stop me from going out.
1. begin/start + doing sth
+ to d o sth eg: I started learning English when I was young.;
2.start 出发;动身;开动机器eg: I will start for Beijing tomorrow.

how long
How long did he hi ccup? He hiccupped for 69 years

Step4 Do 1b
Step5 Introduce some other famous people. An d let them make conversations like 1c.
Step6 Learn some new words in 2a. Then do the listening. Complete2c.
Step7 Introduce some other world records.


初二下Unit 9 When was he born 教案
