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情态动词 篇1


  课题m5u3 语法复习  情态动词课型 复习课


  目标归纳语法情态动词  巩固练习 情态动词

  重点巩固练习 情态动词





















  情态动词有can (could), may (might), must, have to, shall (should, will (would), dare (dared), need (needed), ought to等。 情态动词无人称和数的变化;不能单独使用,必须与其后的动词原形构成谓语。

  1. can, could

  1) 表示能力(体力、知识、技能)。 例如:can you lift this heavy box?(体力) mary can speak three languages.(知识) can you skate?(技能) 此时可用be able to代替。can只有一般现在时和一般过去式;而be able to则有更多的时态。

  例如: i’ll not be able to come this afternoon. (一般将来时)当表示“经过努力才得以 做成功某事”时应用be able to,不能用can。如: he was able to go to the party yesterday evening in spite of the heavy rain.

  2) 表示请求和允许。

  例如:-----can i go now? ---yes, you can. / no, you can’t. 此时可与may互换。在疑问句中还可用could, might代替,但could, might 并不表示过去式,只是语气更委婉。它们不能用于肯定句和答语中。

  例如:--- could i come to see you tomorrow? -- yes, you can. (no, i’m afraid not.) 3) 表示客观可能性(客观原因形成的能力)。例如: they’ve changed the timetable, so we can go by bus instead. this hall can hold 500 people at least.

  4) 表示推测(惊讶、怀疑、不相信的态度),用于疑问句、否定句和感叹句中。

  can this be true?    this can’t be done by him.  how can this be true?



















  2. may, might

  1) 表示请求和允许。might比 may语气更委婉,而不是过去式。否定回答时可用can’t 或mustn’t,表示“不可以,禁止”。 例如:

  ----might/ may i smoke in this room? --- no, you mustn’t.

  ---- may/might i take this book out of the room?

  --- yes, you can. (no, you can’t / mustn’t. ) 用may i...?征徇对方许可时比较正式和客气,而用can i...?在口语中更常见。

  2)用于祈使句,表示祝愿。 例如:may you succeed!

  3) 表示推测、可能性(不用于疑问句)。might不是过去式,它所表示的可能性比may小。 例如:he may /might be very busy now.

  your mother may /might not know the truth.

  3. must, have to

  1) 表示必须、必要。例如: you must come in time.

  在回答引出的问句时,如果是否定的,不能用mustn’t(禁止,不准),而用needn’t, don’t have to(不必)。

  例如: -- must we hand in our exercise books today? --- yes, you must. --- no, you don’t have to / you needn’t.

  2) must是说话人的主观看法,而have to则强调客观需要。must只有一般现在时,have to 有更多的时态形式。

  例如:his play isn’t interesting, i really must go now.  i had to work when i was your age.

  3) 表示推测、可能性(只用于肯定的陈述句)例如: you’re tom’s good friend, so you must know what he likes best. your mother must be waiting for you now.

  4. dare, need

  1) dare作情态动词用时, 常用于疑问句、否定句和条件从句中, 过去式形式为dared。例如: how dare you say i’m unfair?

  2) need 作情态动词用时, 常用于疑问句、否定句。在肯定句中一般用must, have to, ought to, should代替。

  例如:you needn’t come so early. ---- need i finish the work today? --- yes, you must. / no, you needn’t.

  3) dare和 need作实义动词用时, 有人称、时态和数的变化。在肯定句中,dare后面常接带to的不定式。在疑问句和否定句中,dare后面可接带to或不带to的不定式。而need后面只能接带to的不定式。

  例如:i dare to swim across this river.  he doesn’t dare (to) answer.

  5. shall, should 1) shall 用于第一人称,征求对方的意见。 例如:what shall we do this evening?  2) shall 用于第二、三人称,表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺或威胁。 you shall fail if you don’t work hard. (警告) he shall have the book when i finish it.(允诺) he shall be punished.(威胁 )



















  6. will, would

  1) 表示请求、建议等,would更委婉。

  例如: will / would you pa ss me the ball, please?

  2) 表示意志、愿望和决心。例如:  i will never do that again.    they asked him if he would go abroad.

  3) would表示过去反复发生的动作或某种倾向。would表示过去习惯时比used  to正式,且没有“现已无此习惯”的含义。

  例如: during the vacation, he would visit me every other day.   the wound would not heal.

  7. sho uld, ought to

  1) should, ought to表示“应该”,ought to表示义务或责任,比s hould语气重。   

  i should help her because she is in trouble. you ought to take care of the baby.

  2) 表示劝告、建议和命令。should, ought to可通用,但在疑问句中常用should。

  you should / ought to go to class right away.

  should i open the window?

  3) 表示推测

  should , ought to (客观推测), must(主观推测)。

  he must be home by now. (断定他已到家)

  he ought to/should be hom e by now.(不太肯定)

  this is where the oil must be. (直爽)

  this is where the oil ought to/should be. (含蓄)

  一,选用can, could, may, must, shall, should, will, would, can’t, mustn’t, needn’t或have to

  1. there is air around us, thought we ________ see it.

  2. your mother is getting better and better. you _______ worry about her.

  3. you _______ play football in the busy street.

  4. “_______ it be true ?.” “yes. it _______ be true indeed.”

  5. tom _______ come to the party tonight, but i’m not sure.

  6. _______ you please fetch me some water for me?

  7. young trees ________ be planted in spring.

  8. “must we hand in our exercise books today?”

  “yes, you ______.” “no, you ________.”

  9. “may i take this magazine out of the reading-room?”

  “yes, you _______.” “no, you _______.”

  10. please speak a little louder so that i _______ hear you.

  二1. if you are not careful in the street, a car ______ hit you.             

  a. can            b. may          c. would            d. must

  2. may i watch tv now, mum?

  -no, you _____. you _____ do your homework first.

  a. don’t; must     b. don’t; can’t     c. can’t; must   d. can’t; can
















  3. mr. john, we must hand in our work today, ______?

  -no, you ______. but you must bring it to school tomorrow.

  a. needn’t we; mustn’t               b. mustn’t we; needn’t

  c. mustn’t you; mustn’t              d. needn’t we; needn’t

  4. he isn’t in the school. i think he ______ be ill.  a. can b. shall c. must

  5. children ______ play on the road or in the street. it is dangerous.

  a. may not       b. mustn’t    c. couldn’t          d. needn’t

  6. even the top students in our class can’t work out this problem, so it _____be very difficult.  a. may   b. must  c. can d. need

  7. can you ride a bike? -no, i _____.

  a. may not  b. can’t  c. needn’t  d. mustn’t

  8. must i return the book this morning?

  -no, you _____. but you ______ return it before supper.

  a. needn’t; must   b. mustn’t; can  c. mustn’t; may  d. can’t; need

  9. you ____ to go and see the doctor right now.                      

  a. must          b. should           c. have           d. will

  10. don’t play with the knife. you ______ hurt yourself.               

  a. may b. should c. have to d. need

  三,1. what _____ i do for you, madam?

  a. may  b. must   c. can d. will

  2. you’re made the same mistake again. how _____ you be so careless!

  a. shall          b. may            c. can            d. must

  3.    peter _____ come with us this afternoon, but he isn’t very sure yet.

  a. shall          b. may            c. can            d. must

  4.    don’t worry! the news _____ be true.

  a. may not      b. mustn’t           c. will not   d. needn’t

  5. the traffic _____ stop when the lights are red in the street.

  a. can’t         b. don’t have to      c. mustn’t         d. must

  6. look! it _____ be the new headmaster.

  -it _____ be him. he went to beijing yesterday.

  a. can; mustn’t   b. can; can’t     c. must; can’t  d. must; may

  7.    ______ i close the window? it’s so cold here.

  a. must         b. will   c. need    d. shall

  8.you ___ return the bike now. you can keep it till tomorrow if you like.

  a. can’t    b. mustn’t   c. needn’t   d. may not

  9.you _____ yourself about money.  a. needn’t worry  b. needn’t to worry  c. don’t need worry  d. needn’t be worry

  10.many people want to see you. _____ they wait here or outside?

  a. do   b. will   c. need    d. shall

  11.____ i ask your name, please?  a. will b. shall c. may d. must

  12.you _____ do it even if you don’t want to.

  a. can’t         b. mustn’t        c. have to   d. needn’t

  13.i _____ like someone to take me to the museum.

  a. will    b. would   c. shall    d. need

  14.look, what you have done! you _____ more careful.

  a. may be b. had to c. should be  d. should感悟反思:

情态动词 篇2


  专题08  情态动词和虚拟语气i.情态动词基本用法


  用  法




  can能力(体力,智力,技能)允许或许可(口语中常用)可能性(表猜测,用于否定句或疑问句中)can not / cannot /can’t docan…do…?yes,…can.no,…can’t.

  couldcouldn’t do

  may可以(问句中表示请求)可能,或许(表推测)祝愿(用于倒装句中)may not do may…do…?

  yes,…may. no,…mustn’t/can’t.

  mightmight not domight…do…?yes,…mightno,…might not.

  must必须,应该(表主观要求)肯定,想必(肯定句中表推测)must not/mustn’t domust…do…?     to.yes,…must.no,…needn’t/don’t have

  have to只好,不得不(客观的必须,有时态和人称的变化)don’t have to dodo…have to do…?yes,…do.  no,…don’t.

  ought to应当(表示义务责任,口语中多用should)ought not to/oughtn’t to doought…to do…?yes,…ought. no,…oughtn’t.

  shall用于一三人称征求对方意见用于二三人称表示许诺、命令、警告、威胁等shall not/shan’t doshall…do…?yes,…shall.  no,…shan’t.

  should应当,应该(表义务责任)本该(含有责备意味)should not/shouldn’t doshould…do…?

  will意愿,决心请求,建议,用在问句中would比较委婉will not/won’t dowill/would…do…?yes,…will.  no,…won’t.

  wouldwould not/wouldn’t do

  dare敢(常用于否定句和疑问句中)dare not/daren’t dodare…do…?yes,…dare.no,…daren’t.

  need需要,必须(常用于否定句和疑问句中)need not/needn’t doneed…do…?yes,…must. no,…needn’t.

  used to过去常常(现在已不再)used not/usedn’t/usen’t to dodidn’t use to doused…to do…?did…use to do…?yes,…used.  no,…use(d)n’t. yes,…did.  no,…didn’t.ii.情态动词的重点知识表示“能力、许可”的can和may表示能力的情态动词用can/coulda computer_____think for itself; it must be told what to do.a.can’t        b.mustn’t     c.may not    d.might not表示许可时用may/might ,can/could 都可以,但在问句中用could…?或might…? 以使口气委婉客气,其回答一定要用can或may,以使回答口气明确(must表示一定,必须,mustn’t表示禁止,不许可)。①―could i call you  by your first name?   ―yes, you______a.will      b.could    c.may    d.might②johnny, you_____play with the knife, you_____hurt yourself.a.won’t/can’t          b.mustn’t/may c.shouldn’t/must       d.can’t/shouldn’t在肯定句中could不可以用来表示过去某一特定场合的能力,而要用was/were able to。the fire spread through the hotel very quickly buteveryone_____get out.a.had to      b.would       c.could       d.was able to表示“推断、判断”的canmay,must在肯定句中都可以用来表示可能。在含义上must语气最肯定,may表示的是事实上的可能性。peter______come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet.a.must       b.may       c.can         d.will而can表示的是逻辑上的可能性:mary is in poor health. she can be ill at any times.在否定句中只能用can和may。所以can’t时用以代替mustn’t,语气比may更肯定。中文可以翻译为不可能。michael______be a policeman, for he’s much too short.a.needn’t     b.can’t       c.should      d.may在疑问句只能用can,不能用may和must。he may be very busy now.       can he be very busy now?he must be very busy now.       can he be very busy now?


  daredare作为情态动词用时有两种形式:dare和dared两个词形,除了可以用于否定句和疑问句外,还可以用于条件从句或表示怀疑的句子中。if he dare come,i will kick him out.  i don’t know whether hedare say.注意:he doesn’t dare(to)answer the question.(否定句)does she dare(to)enter the dark room?(疑问句)shall用于第一人称:征求对方的意见。what shall we do this evening?用于第二、三人称:警告、命令、允诺、威胁等。you shall fail if you don’t work harder. 警告he shall have the book when i finish reading.允诺he shall be punished.威胁

  should劝告、建议、命令、应该做、道义上的责任。you should(ought to) go to class right away.   i should(ought to) help him because he is in trouble.

  will/would请求、建议,would比will委婉客气。would you pass me the book?表示意志、愿望和决心。i will never do that again.    they asked us if we would do that againwould可表示过去反复发生的动作或某种倾向。during the vacation he would visit me every weekthe wound would not heal.(伤口老是不能愈合)would表示估计或猜想。it would be about ten when he left home.    what would she be doing there?情态动词+have done的用法could+have done:本可以做而实际上未能做。you could have done better, but you didn’t try your best.cannot+ have done:表示对现在或过去行为的否定推测。he cannot have been to that town.can+主语+ have done:表示对过去行为的怀疑或不肯定(用在疑问句中)。can he have got the book?might(may)+ have done:对过去发生的行为不太肯定的推测。he may not have finished the work.if we had taken the other road, we might have arrived earlier.must+ have done:对过去发生的行为肯定的推测。其否定式为:cannot have done。you must have seen the film.you cannot have seen the film.needn’t+ have done:本来不必要做的而实际上又做了。you needn’t have watered the flowers,for it is going to rain.注意:didn’t need to(have to)do:没有必要做而实际上也没有做i didn’t need to clean the windows.my sister did it 2 hours ago.should(ought to)+ have done:本来应该做而实际上又没有做。其否定形式表示某中行为不该发生却发生了。you should have started earlier, but you didn’t.she shouldn’t have taken away my measuring tape,for i worked to use it.注意:he should have finished the work by now.(表推测)


  类   别

  用   法

  例   句


  条件从句与现在事实相反从句动词:过去式(be用were)主句动词:should/would/could/might+doif he were here, he would help us.与过去事实相反从句动词:had+done主句动词:should/would/could/might+have+doneif i had been free,i would have visited you.与将来事实相反从句动词:过去式/should+动词原形/were+to do主句动词:should/would/could/might+动词原形if it should rain tomorrow, we would not go camping.

  省略if的虚拟条件句将虚拟条件从句中的were,had,should放到主语之前,构成主谓倒装①should he come ,tell him to ring me up.②were i you,i would not do it.③had i been free,i would have visited you.


  不同时间的虚拟:各遵守各的规则①if he had listened to me, he would not be in trouble now.②if he had told me yesterday,i should know what to do now.③if i were you, i would have gone to her birthday party.

  虚拟与陈述的混合:各遵守各的规则①he could have passed the exam,but he wasn’t careful enough. ②you should have come earlier.the bus left a moment ago.



  but for+名词表示虚拟条件句子或主句中的谓语动词的形式视具体情况而定。这是考查考生应变能力的最佳试题。---but for your timely warning,we ______ into great trouble.---you know we’re friends.a. would get          b. must have got    c. would have got      d. can’t have got

  without+名词表示虚拟条件without the air to hold some of the sun's heat, the earth at night would be freezing cold.

  动词不定式表示虚拟条件it would be only partly right to follow in this way.


  现在分词表示虚拟条件having known in time ,we might have prevented the accident.要是及时得知的话,我们也许能阻止这场事故。

  过去分词表示虚拟条件given more attention, the tree could have grown better.


  副词otherwise表示虚拟条件i was too busy at that time.otherwise,i would have called you.我当时太忙,否则我就给你打电话了。

  连词but连接的句子表示虚拟条件he _____fatter but he eats too little .a. would become      b. would have become  c. must become       d. must have become


  状语从句as if/as though引导的状语从句中动词用did或had+done或would/could/might+do。注意:as if/as though引导的状语从句中也可以用陈述语气:当说话者认为所述的是真实的或极有可能发生或存在的事实时:it sounds as if it is raining.听起来像是在下雨。

  he talks as if he is drunk.从他谈话的样子来看他是醉了。①与现在事实相反he talks as if he knew where she was.②与过去事实相反he talks about rome as if he had been there before.③与将来事实相反he opened his mouth as if he would say something.in order that/so that引导的状语从句中动词用can/could/may/ might/ would等+doturn on the light so that we can see it clearly.

  宾语从句demand, suggest, order, insist后接的从句中动词为should+dohe suggested that we not change our mind.wish后的从句中分别用过去式,过去完成式和should/would+do表示与现在,过去和将来情况相反i wish i could be a pop singer.i wish i would have gone to shanghai last month.

  主语从句在it is necessary / important / strange that…it is suggested / demanded/ ordered / requested that…等从句中,谓语动词用should+doit is strange that such a person should be our friends.


  句型中it is time that…句型中动词用过去式或should+doit’s high time that we left/should leave.would rather所接的从句中动词用过去式或者过去完成式i would rather you stayed at home now.if only句型中动词常用过去式或者过去完成式,表示强烈的愿望if only our dream had come true!

情态动词 篇3


  情态动词表示说话人的语气和情绪,本身词义不全,不能单独作谓语,后面必须与动词原形一起构成谓语。情态动词没有人称和数的变化,有的情态动词有过去式。常见的情态动词有can, could, may, might, must, have to, shall, should, will, would, ought to, need, dare, used to等。


  (一)can, could的用法

  【完成例句】 [ ]


  his mother can / could speak french.



  (2)man can / could not live without air.


  【结论2】 表示客观的可能性。


  (3)could you wait a few days for the money?


  (4)could you be here at eight o'clock tomorrow morning?


  【结论3】表示请求、建议,用could 比 can语气更委婉(回答用原形)。


  (5)could / can i borrow your reference books?


  (6)you can smoke in the entrance hall.


  【结论4】表示允许、许可,用could 比 can更委婉客气。


  can it be true?

  you can't be serious!

  oh, dear, what on earth can this mean?

  【疑难剖析1】 否定句、疑问句和感叹句中,can表示怀疑、惊异、不相信的态度。


  they were able to put out the fire without any help from the firefighters.

  【疑难剖析2】  表示“经过努力后终于能……”,用be able to。


  you can not be too careful.

  【疑难剖析3】惯用形式“can not (can't)…too / over / enough”表示“无论怎么……也不(过分)”,用来加强语气。


  i couldn't but choose to wait.

  【疑难剖析4】 cannot but do sth. 不得不;只好

  (二)may, might的用法


  may i ask you a question?

  might i close the window?[ ]

  you mustn't speak like that to your mother.

  【结论1】  表示允许、请求。might i …? 比 may i …? 语气更委婉和有礼貌。


  (7) he might come tomorrow.


  (8) he may be very busy these days.


  【结论2】表示可能性,表示“或许,大概”。用于肯定句或否定句中,用might 比 may语气更加不肯定。


  study hard that you may work better in the future.

  they set out early so that they might arrive in time.



  if that is the case, we may as well try.

  now that they were all here, she might as well speak her mind.  

  【疑难剖析2】 惯用形式 may (might)as well+动词原形:不妨做……


  may you succeed!

  may the friendship between us last forever!


  (三)must,have to的用法



  everybody must obey the rules.


  you mustn't speak like that to your mother.

  【结论1】must 表示“必须”。强调主观看法,只有现在时形式,否定式是must not (mustn't),表示“禁止”,“不准”。



  you must be hungry after the long walk.



  (12 )因为他的腿断了,他不得不躺在床上。

  as he had broken his leg, he had to lie in bed.

  【结论3】have to表示“必须,不得不”,着重强调客观需要,能用于更多时态(过去式和将来式)。


  ― how old are you, madam?

  ― if you must know, i'm twice my son's age.

  【疑难剖析】 must有“偏要、硬要”之意。

  (四)will, would的用法


  i will do my best to help you.


  he said that they would help us.





  would you teach me how to drive a car?


  will you please give him a message when you see him?

  【结论2】用于第二人称的疑问句中表示有礼貌的询问和请求,would 比 will更委婉。



  fish will die without water.


  he would come to see me on sunday when he was in beijing.

  【结论3】表示习惯性、经常性、倾向性,意为“总是”,“惯于”。 will指现在,would是指过去。


  that will be the man you want to see.

  perhaps she would be willing to meet us.

  【疑难剖析1】表示说话人的推测,意为“大概,也许”。would 的肯定性不如will强,语气比较弱。


  that will do.

  the machine won't work.

  he tried the door again, but it wouldn't open

  【疑难剖析2】. 表示功能,译作“能”或“行”。


  would 与used to 的区别:

  we would sit in the yard every evening and listen to his story. (过去常有的习惯,但言下之意是现在可能还有这样的习惯。)

  we used to sit in the yard every evening and listen to his story. (过去常有的习惯,但言下之意是现在没有这样的习惯了。)

  there used to be a park here.

  【疑难剖析3】 used to表示过去的某种习惯,现在已经没那样的习惯了;would 表示过去有某种习惯,现在可能还有。表示过去的状态,只能用used to,不能用would。

  (五)shall, should, ought to的用法



  shall i turn off the light?



  (18) you should keep your promise.





  mother should be back by now.

  【结论3】 should表示按常规、常理推测,意为“可能”或“应该”。


  (20) i should think you are mistaken.





  you ought to finish your work before you go home.

  【结论5】ought to表示责任和义务“应该”,语气比 should强;还可表推测。例如:

  you have practiced for a long time. there ought to be no difficulty for you.


  you shall go with me.

  you shall not leave your post.



  why should you be so late?


  how should i know?


  【疑难剖析2】why / how +should结构表示说话人对某事不能理解,感到意外、惊异等意思,意为“竟会”。



  you needn't water the tomato plants now.

  ― need he come now?

  ― yes, he must. / no, he needn‘t. / he doesn’t have to.  

  【结论1】need作情态动词表示“需要”,“必要”。通常用于否定句、疑问句、条件句中,且只有现在时,其他时态用“have to”的相应形式代替。


  (22) the house needs repairing.

  =the house needs to be repaired.




  ―must i finish my homework now?

  ― no, you needn't.

  【疑难剖析1】“must…?”一般疑问句的否定回答要用:no, sb. needn't.



  (23) she dare not go there.


  (24) how dare she do such a thing?


  【结论1】 dare作情态动词表示“敢于”用于否定句、疑问句和条件句中。


  (25) i dare say he is right.


  they've lived here since .

  【结论2】 惯用短语“i dare say”意为“我想,大概”。


  (26) 你敢往海里跳吗?

  do you dare to jump into the ocean?

  (27) 我不敢问她。

  i don't dare (to) ask her.

  【结论3】dare还可以用作行为动词,其变化与一般动词相同。 (在否定句中时,dare后的“to+动词原形”可以省略to)。


  情态动词除各自有自己的词义外,还可以表示猜测和责备(虚拟)等意义。情态动词表推测用法can  / must / may / should这四个情态动词可以用于推测,可以对现在状态、现在正在进行的动作、过去已经发生的动作或对将来发生的动作进行推测。


  1. can


  (28) he is in hospital.  he can't be at school.



  english class has begun. they can not be playing tennis now.



  (30) can he have been to america?



  2. may



  he has a car. he may come by car, but i am not sure.


  they are having pe. boys may be playing basketball.

  【结论1】肯定句:意为“也许,可能”(might 的可能性更小)



  no one comes to answer the phone. he may not be at home.

  【结论2】否定句:意为“也许不 / 没有,可能不 / 没有” (注意与can't 否定猜测时意思的对比)。

  3. must



  the ground is wet. it  must have rained last night.

  【结论】只能用于“肯定句”表示猜测,意为:“肯定,必定”(=i am sure that…)

  4. should, ought to[ ]


  it's spring now. it should be warm.


  the new coat ought to be ready on thursday.


  【结论】 肯定句 “理应,应当”(按常规、常理、风俗习惯等进行推测)。[ ]




  there's no light in the room.  they must have gone to bed.

  【结论1】must have done 一定做过某事。



  he couldn't have lived in the hotel because he stayed with me in my house.

  【结论2】can have done / cannot have done表示对过去所发生的行为的怀疑和不肯定,通常用在否定句和疑问句中。



  you could have done the work better.

  【结论3】 could have done本来可以做而实际上未做。



  he might have given you more help, even though he was very busy.

  【结论4】may / might have done也许 / 或许已经……;本来可能……(但实际上没有发生);本来应该或可以做某事(含有轻微的责备语气)。



  you should / ought to have done the exercise more carefully.

  【结论5】should / ought to have done

  本来应该做而实际上未做。(有“弦外之音,言外之意”。事实上,动作在过去并未发生过。)而ought not to have done; shouldn't have done表示“本来不应该做而实际上做了”。



  today is sunday. you needn't have come to school for lessons.

  【结论6】needn't have done 本来没必要做而实际上做了。


  you must go now, needn't you?

  you mustn't smoke here, must / may you?



  当含有mustn't时,其反意部分用must / may。


  you must be hungry now, aren't you?

  you must have heard about it, haven't you?

  you must have watched that football match last night, didn't you?


情态动词 篇4

  a. may和might


  在口语中可用can, could代替may,但在正式场合用may。表示允许时,也可用might代替,might不表示过去时,而是表示口气比较婉转。

  you may take this seat if you like.


  maycan could might i have a talk with you


  --- maymight i come into the room to see my mother


  --- no, you mustn't. she needs to have a good rest.



  may i ... 问句常见的肯定回答和否定回答。


  yes, please.


  yes, of course.


  go ahead, please.


  no, you can't. (最常见)

  no, you mustn't. (具有强烈禁止的意思)

  please don't. you'd better not.

  i don't think you can.

  i'm sorry it's not allowed.


  your math teacher maymight be in his office.      你们的数学老师可能在办公室里。(一般情况下,might表示的可能性很小)

  the light isn't on. it maymight be broken.


  there may might be some ink left in the bottle.




  can he be at home


  --- can it be true


  --- it may be, or may not be.



  he wants to take a taxi so that he may get there in time.


  i arrived at the airport earlier in order that i might meet him.


  4. 有时可以用于祈使句表示祝愿。

  may you succeed.


  may you be happy.


  may that day come soon.


  b. can和could

  1. 表示能力,可译为“能,会”。

  i can swim. 我会游泳。

  emily can dance well and her mother could dance well when she was young.


  the cinema can seat 1,000 people.


  i could not read such an easy book when i was 7 years old.


  2. 表示允许、许可,常用在口语中。could比can语气上要客气。

  --- could i use your dictionary


  ---yes, go ahead.

  可以,用吧。(或yes, you can. 但不能说yes, you could.)

  could can you tell me how to get to the zoo


  he asked me whether he could take the book out of the reading room.



  can he be ill at home


  can the story be true


  he cannot be at home.


  you mustn't smoke while you are walking around in the woods. you could start a fire.



  how can you be so careless


  where can could they have gone


  he can'tcouldn't be over sixty.



  if i could fly, i should be very happy.

  如果我能飞, 我会很高兴。

  if you had followed my advice, you could have finished it.


  if you had tried harder, you could have passed your exam.


  6.can与be able to的区别

  ①can表示“能力”时,和be able to相当,许多场合都可以互相替换。但当叙述过去经过一番努力才能完成的事情或前面有特殊说明,表示你有能力时,只能用be able to。

  【正】can you speak any foreign languages


  【正】are you able to speak any foreign languages


  【误】the fire spread the building quickly but everybody could escape.

  【正】the fire spread the building quickly but everybody was able to escape.


  【正】the fire spread the building quickly but everybody managed to escape.


  ②be able to 比can有更多形式。

  no one could answer the question.

  没人能回答这个问题。(这里could可用was able to 代替)

  when he grows up, he will be able to support his family.


  frank is ill. he hasn't been able to go to school for one week.


  i'm sorry for not being able to help you in time.


  ③could经常和动词see, hear, smell, taste, feel, remember, understand等连用。

  when we went into the house, we could smell something burning.

  当我们走进屋子时,我们闻到什么东西烧焦了。(不用was able to)

  she spoke in a very low voice, but i could understand what she said.


  ④在谈论说话时发生的动作,用can,不用be able to。

  【误】look! i'm able to swim.

  【正】look! i can swim.


  c.must和have to


  everyone must obey the rule.


  we must do everything step by step.


  teachers must be patient enough with their students.


  2.have to 表示因客观需要促使主语不得不做某事。

  you can't turn right here. you have to turn left.


  my eyesight is very poor. i have to wear glasses for reading.


  you have to pass a test before you can get a driving licence.



  在口语中,我们可以使用have got to来代替have to.

  i've got to work on sunday.


  when has ann got to go


  3.must 与have to的比较。

  must 与have to在表示“必须”这个意思时意义相近,但在用法上有所区别。

  ①must含有说话者的强烈决意(表示主观的看法),have to 则表示外力环境或习惯使然(即表示客观的必要,作“不得不”解)。

  i must study hard.


  i have to study hard.


  you must stay for supper.

  你必须留下来吃晚饭。(because i want you to)

  you have to stay for supper.

  你得留下来吃晚饭。(because there is nowhere else to go)

  ②must只有一种形式,而have to可有多种时态。

  they had to put off the sports meet due to the bad weather.


  these last two days he has had to take a rest at home.


  ③must的否定式和have to的否定式的意思完全不同。

  you must keep it a secret. you mustn't tell anyone.


  you don't have to tell me the secret. 你不必告诉我这个秘密。

  (don't have to意思是“没有必要”= don't need to)

  4.must用于表示推测,它的肯定程度比may, might, could大得多,一般只用于肯定句。

  ①must do (这里的do通常是状态动词或系动词) ,表示对现在状态的推测。

  he must be very lazy for his desk is very untidy.


  carol must get very bored with her job. she does the same thing every day.


  ②must be doing表示对现在动作或状态的推测。

  put on more clothes. you must be feeling cold with only a shirt on.


  ③must have done表示对过去的动作或状态的推测。

  the ground is wet. it must have rained last night.


  i didn't hear the phone. i must have been asleep.



  must表示推测只用于肯定句,否定句和疑问句要用can, could来代替must。

  he's just had his lunch. he can't be hungry already.


  they have just arrived here. they can't know many people.


  leslie walked past me without speaking. he can'tcouldn't have seen me.



  we all must die.


  truth must be out.


  winter must be followed by spring.



  why must it rain today


  when i was taking a nap, a student must knock at the door.


情态动词 篇5



  1. can 用法

  1)表示能力,与be able to同义,但can只用于现在时和过去时,be able to可用于各种时态。

  two eyes can see more than one. 

  注:can you …  ?  yes, i can / no, i can’t.

  2). 表示允许、请求

  用could比can 语气更加委婉客气,常用于could i /you …..? 句型中,若表示同意时,用can回答而不用could.

  could i borrow the book ?  no, you can’t.

  3). 表示推测 “可能”常用于否定句或疑问句中。(can’t表示一定不是)

  it can’t be true.

  can it be true?

  2. may 用法

  1)表允许,请求= can


  注:may i ….? yes, you may.   no, you can’t / mustn’t.

  在回答以may引起的问句时,多避免用这个词,而用其它方式,如yes,  please. / certainly.


  maybe he knows the news. =

  he _____ _____ the news.

  3. must


  we must do everything step by step.  

  注:must i ….? yes, you must / no, you needn’t (don’t have to ).

  --must we hand in our exercise―books now?  

  --no, you needn’t.  / no,  you don’t have to.

  2)mustn’t 表禁止、不允许。 

  you mustn’t talk to her like that.


  he must be ill. he looks so pale.  

  she’s wearing a diamond necklace. she must have a lot of money. 


  there must be something wrong, ____ ____?

  4. need的用法


  1). 用作情态动词,用于否定句和疑问句中。

  a). need i ….? yes, you must / no, you needn’t .

  need we finish the work today ? yes you __?

  a. need  b. can  c. may  d. must

  b). need + do sth . 变否定句:needn’t do sth

  变疑问句:need sb do sth ?

  2). 用作实义动词

  a). need + to do sth .    we need _______(buy) some school things .

  变否定句:don’t /doesn’t /didn’t +need to do sth .

  变疑问句:do / does /did sb + need to sth ?

  yes , … do/ does / did  no, sb don’t / doesn’t /didn’t.

  you don’t need to do it yourself. 

  b). 当主语是物时。sth + need + doing sth =  sth +need to be done .

  the table needs painting.   =the table needs _____ _____ _____ .

  5. had better 的用法

  1). had better + 动词原形  = it’s best to do sth.

  you had better ______ (stay )at home. = _____ ______ ______ stay at home.

  2). had better not +动词原形 

  we had better ________(not play ) the computer games.

  6. must 与have to

  1). 一般情况下,两者可互换。 must = have to

  2). must “必须,应该”表示说话人的主观看法,即说话人认为必须干某事。


  have to “必须,不得不”强调客观需要,即外界因素迫使某人不得不干某事。(外界原因)

  i can’t stop playing the computer games.  for your health, i’m afraid you ______.

  a. can     b. may      c. must      d. had to


  1. 情态动词后跟完成式,表“原本应该干某事,而实际上没干”

  i should have finished the work earlier.  

  he isn’t here. he must have missed the train.  

  2. 情态动词后跟进行式,表示“想必正在……”,“可能正在……”,“应当正在”等意。

  it’s twelve o’clock. they must be having lunch. 

  they may be discussing this problem. 

  he can’t be telling the truth.

  she shouldn’t be working like that. she’s still so weak.


  1. can = be able to

  2. must = have to

  3. needn’t = don’t have to

  4. need do sth = need to do sth .

情态动词 篇6

  1 情态动词的语法特征

  1) 情态动词不能表示正在发生或已经发生的事情,只表示期待或估计某事的发生。

  2) 情态动词 除ought 和have 外,后面只能接不带to 的不定式。

  3) 情态动词没有人称,数的变化,即情态动词第三人称单数不加-s。

  4) 情态动词没有非谓语形式,即没有不定式,分词,等形式。

  2 比较can 和be able to

  1)can could 表示能力;可能 (过去时用could),

  只用于现在式和过去式(could)。be able to可以用于各种时态。

  they will be able to tell you the news soon. 他很快就能告诉你消息了。

  2)只用be able to

  a. 位于助动词后。

  b. 情态动词后。

  c. 表示过去某时刻动作时。

  d. 用于句首表示条件。

  e. 表示成功地做了某事时,只能用was/were able to, 不能用could。

  he was able to flee europe before the war broke out.

  = he managed to flee europe before the war broke out.



  --- could i have the television on?

  --- yes, you can. / no, you can't.


  he couldn't be a bad man.  


  3 比较may和might

  1) 表示允许或请求;表示没有把握的推测;may 放在句首,表示祝愿。

  may god bless you!

  he might be at home.

  注意: might 表示推测时,不表示时态。只是可能性比may 小。

  2) 成语: may/might as well,后面接不带to 的不定式,意为"不妨"。

  if that is the case, we may as well try.


  peter ___come with us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet.

  a. must  b. may  c. can  d. will

  答案b. 表可能性只能用may. 此句意可从后半句推出。

  4 比较have to和must

  1) 两词都是'必须'的意思,have to 表示客观的需要, must 表示说话人主观上的看法,既主观上的必要。

  my brother was very ill, so i had to call the doctor in the middle of the night. 我弟弟病得很厉害,我只得半夜里把医生请来。(客观上需要做这件事)

  he said that they must work hard. 他说他们必须努力工作。(主观上要做这件事)

  2) have to有人称、数、时态的变化,而must只有一种形式。但must 可用于间接引语中表示过去的必要或义务。

  he had to look after his sister yesterday.

  3) 在否定结构中: don't have to  表示"不必"

  mustn't    表示"禁止",

  you don't have to tell him about it.  你不一定要把此事告诉他。

  you mustn't tell him about it.    你一定不要把这件事告诉他。

  5 must表示推测

  1) must用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测,意为"一定"。

  2) must表对现在的状态或现在正发生的事情的推测时, must 后面通常接系动词be 的原形或行为动词的进行式。

  you have worked hard all day.you must be tired.  你辛苦干一整天,一定累了。(对现在情况的推测判断)

  he must be working in his office. 他一定在办公室工作呢。


  he must be staying there. 


  he must stay there.


  3) must 表示对已发生的事情的推测时,must 要接完成式。

  i didn't hear the phone. i must have been asleep. 我刚才没有听到电话,我想必是睡着了。

  4) must表示对过去某时正发生的事情的推测,must 后面要接不定式的完成进行式。

  ---why didn't you answer my phone call?

  ---well, i must have been sleeping, so i didn't hear it.

  5) 否定推测用 can't。

  if tom didn't leave here until five o'clock, he can't be home yet. 如果汤姆五点才离开这儿,他此时一定还未到家。

  6 表示推测的用法

  can, could, may, might, must 皆可表示推测,其用法如下:



  i don't know where she is, she may be in wuhan.



  at this moment, our teacher must be correcting our exam papers.




  we would have finished this work by the end of next december.


  the road is wet. it must have rained last night.




  your mother must have been looking for you.


  5)推测的否定形式,疑问形式用can't, couldn't表示。

  mike can't have found his car, for he came to work by bus this morning.


  注意:could, might表示推测时不表示时态,其推测的程度不如 can, may。

  7 情态动词+ have +过去分词

  1) may(might) have + done sth, can (could) have + done sth 表示过去,推测过去时间里可能发生的事情。

  philip may (might) have been hurt seriously in the car accident.

  philip can (could) have been hurt seriously in the car accident.

  2) must have +done sth,对过去时间里可能发生的事情的推测,语气较强,具有"肯定","谅必"的意思。

  --- linda has gone to work, but her bicycle is still here.

  ---she must have gone by bus.

  3) ought to have done sth, should have done sth


  you ought to (should) have been more careful in this experiment.

  he ought not to have thrown the old clothes away.(事实上已扔了。)

  ought to 在语气上比should 要强。

  4) needn't have done sth  本没必要做某事

  i dressed very warmly for the trip, but i needn't have done so. the weather was hot.

  5) would like to have done sth  本打算做某事 

  i would like to have read the article, but i was very busy then.

  8 should 和ought to

  should 和ought to 都为"应该"的意思,可用于各种人称。

  ---ought he to go?

  ---yes. i think he ought to.

  表示要求,命令时,语气由 should(应该)、had better最好)、must(必须)渐强。

  9 had better表示"最好"

  had better 相当于一个助动词,它只有一种形式,它后面要跟动词原形。

  had better do sth

  had better not do sth

  it is pretty cold. you'd better put on my coat.

  she'd better not play with the dog.

  had better have done sth表示与事实相反的结果,意为"本来最好"。

  you had better have come earlier.

  10 would rather表示"宁愿"

  would rather do

  would rather not do

  would rather… than…  宁愿……而不愿。

  还有would sooner, had rather, had sooner都表示"宁愿"、"宁可"的意思。

  if i have a choice, i had sooner not continue my studies at this school.

  i would rather stay here than go home. = i would stay here rather than go home.


  ---- shall we go skating or stay at home?

  ----which ___ do?     

  a. do you rather  b. would you rather  c. will you rather  d. should you rather

  答案b。本题考查情态动词rather的用法,would rather +do sth 意为"宁愿",本题为疑问句, would 提前,所以选b。

  11 will和would


  1)would like; would like to do = want to 想要,为固定搭配。

  would you like to go with me?

  2)will you…? would you like…? 表示肯定含义的请求劝说时,疑问句中一般用some, 而不是any。

  would you like some cake?

  3)否定结构中用will,一般不用would, won't you是一种委婉语气。

  won't you sit down?

  12 情态动词的回答方式

  问句   肯定回答    否定回答

  need you…?  yes, i must.   no,i needn't

  must you…?           /don't have to.


  1)---could i borrow your dictionary?

  ---yes, of course, you____. 

  a. might b. will  c. can  d. should

  答案c.could表示委婉的语气,并不为时态。答语中of course,表示肯定的语气,允许某人做某事时,用can和 may来表达,不能用could或might。复习: will 与you连用,用来提出要求或下命令。should与you 连用,用来提出劝告。

  2)---shall i tell john about it?

  ---no, you ___. i've told him already.  

  a. needn't  b. wouldn't  c. mustn't  d. shouldn't

  答案a。needn't 不必,不用。 wouldn't 将不, 不会的。 mustn't 禁止、不能。 shouldn't 不应该。本题为不需要,不必的意思,应用needn't。

  3)---don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.


  a. i don't  b. i won't  c. i can't d. i haven't

  答案b. will既可当作情态动词,表请求、建议、也可作为实义动词表"意愿、意志、决心",本题表示决心,选b。

  13 带to 的情态动词

  带to 的情态动词有四个:ought to, have to, used to, be to, 如加上have got to ,(=must), be able to,为六个。它们的疑问,否定形式应予以注意:

  do they have to pay their bill before the end of the month?

  she didn't use to play tennis before she was fourteen.

  you ought not to have told her all about it.

  ought he to see a heart specialist at once.?

  ought to 本身作为情态动词使用。其他的词作为实义动词使用,变疑问,否定时,须有do



  tom ought not to ___ me your secret, but he meant no harm. 

  a.have told b.tell c.be telling d. having told

  答案a。由于后句为过去时,告诉秘密的动作又发生在其前因,此地应用过去完成时,但它在情态动词 ought to 后,所以用 have。

  14 比较need和dare

  这两词既可做实义动词用,又可做情态动词用。作为情态动词,两者都只能用于疑问句,否定句和条件句。 need 作实义动词时后面的不定式必须带to,而dare作实义动词用时, 后面的to 时常可以被省略。

  1) 实义动词: need (需要, 要求)

  need + n. / to do sth

  2) 情态动词: need,只用原形need后加do,否定形式为need not。

  need you go yet?

  yes, i must. / no, i needn't.

  3) need 的被动含义:need, want, require, worth(形容词)后面接doing也可以表示被动: 

  need doing = need to be done

情态动词 篇7


  一、    情态动词的特征和形式

  a. 情态动词的各种形式见下表:







  have to

  ought to







  used to


  may not

  might not

  cannotcan not

  could not

  must not

  do not have to

  ought not to

  will not

  would not

  shall not

  should not

  need not

  dare not

  used not to

  did not use to







  don't have to

  oughtn't to (否定句中to可省略)



  shan't (只用于英国英语)




  usedn't to

  didn't use to

  b.情态动词除ought to, used to等外,后面只接不带to的不定式。


  you shouldn't be so careless. 你不该这样粗心大意。

  jessica told him yesterday she might not go on the trip.


  difficulties can and must be overcome.


  2.情态动词+be doing

  she must be listening to pop music.


  you should be reviewing your lessons.


  my mother maymight be cooking now.


  3.情态动词+have done

  they might have visited the great wall.


  he must have got up very early to catch the train.


  you ought to have come earlier.


  4.情态动词+be done

  this word can also be used as a verb.


  something must be done to stop pollution.


  the work ought to have been finished long ago.


  c. 情态动词第三人称单数一般现在时没有词形变化。

  you ought to wear a raincoat.


  she ought to wear a raincoat.


  plants must have oxygen in order to live.


  a plant must have oxygen in order to live.


  d. 情态动词的时态并不是区分时间的主要标志。在一些场合中,情态动词的现在式和过去式都可以表示现在时间、过去时间或将来时间。

  i'm afraid it might rain tonight.


  could i borrow your thermos


  it's a nice day today. we could go for a walk.


  e. 情态动词是互相排斥的,一般不允许两个意义相近的情态动词连用。

  【误】soldiers must have to obey orders.

  【正】soldiers have to obey orders.


  【正】soldiers must obey orders.


  【误】can i be able to borrow two books at a time

  【正】can i borrow two books at a time


  【正】will i be able to borrow two books at a time


情态动词 篇8

  XX高考二轮复习英语考案: 情态动词和虚拟语气


  1. ―that must be a mistake.  

  ―no, it _____ a mistake.  

  a. must not be  b. needn’t be  c. cannot be  d. would not be  

  2. ―_____ i water the trees on tuesday?  

  ―no, you needn’t.  

  a. can         b. must        c. may       d. shall  

  3. he _____ not pay unless he is punished to pay.  

  a. shall       b. will        c. can       d. would  

  4. i _____ such a mistake again.  

  a. shall never make             b. may never make   

  c. can never do                 d. need never do  

  5. ―_____ i turn on the radio?  

  ―you’d better not. it is noisy enough in this room.  

  a. shall       b. must         c. need      d. do  

  6. let’s go to the library this afternoon, _____?  

  a. shall we    b. will we      c. can we    d. should we  

  7. where are my keys? i _____ lost them.  

  a. ought to     b. should have  c. will have  d. must have  

  8. even if he has time, he _____ shopping in town on sunday.  

  a. won’t go    b. will go     c. won’t go to d. doesn’t go  

  9. he _____ finished earlier.  

  a. shall have   b. ought to    c. could have  d. must have  

  10. in case i _____, i would try again.  

  a. will fail    b. would miss   c. should fail  d. shall miss  

  11. since the road is wet this morning, _____ last night.  

  a. it must rain              b. it must have rained  

  c. it must be rained           d. it must have been rained  

  12. he asked me if he _____ open the window.  

  a. shall        b. would       c. will        d. should  

  13. everyone _____ do his best to make the world safe and clean.  

  a. can          b. may         c. should      d. had to  

  14. _____ to have lunch with us today?  

  a. do you like   b. would you like c. will you like d. have you like  

  15. ―will you lend me your book?  

  ―yes, i _____.  

  a. will         b. need         c. can        d. must  

  16. if i had time, _____ see that new movie at the capital theater.  

  a. i will       b. i may        c. i shall    d. i would  

  17. the english of her composition is too good. she can’t _____ it herself.  

  a. have to write  b. have written   c. write     d. be written  

  18. you _____ the look on his face when he won the lottery.  

  a. would have seen b. can be seeing  c. must see   d. may see  

  19. the light is out in her room; she _____ to bed.  

  a. must have gone b. had gone      c. must be going d. must go  

  20. they _____ that far; but they stopped to have a snack on the way.  

  a. might be gone   b. needed go    c. could have gone d. ought have gone  

  21. he _____ to the farm yesterday.  

  a. need go       b. needed go    c. has to go    d. had to go  

  22. he is so strong that i _____ fight against him.  

  a. dare not      b. did dare not  c. didn’t dare to d. dare not to  

  23. i couldn’t _____ cry while i was watching the movie “to live a. help to       b. help         c. help but to   d. help but 

  24. they asked tom to give him a drink, but he _____.  

  a. hadn’t       b. wasn’t      c. wouldn’t     d. could  

  25. as physics is hard enough, i _____ study it.  

  a. am not able   b. couldn’t    c. am not able to  d. cannot  

  26. you _____ to the meeting this morning if you have something important to doa. needn’t to come                  b. don’t need come

  c. don’t need coming                d. needn’t come 

  27. _____ you fetch me some hot water?  

  a. can            b. may           c. must          d. might  

  28. you _____ get down the bus until the bus has stopped.  

  a. can’t         b. needn’t     c. mustn’t      d. don’t  

  29. ―would you come and join us?  

  ―i wish i _____. i am busy at the moment.  

  a. can            b. could        c. would         d. should  

  30. you _____ right, but i don’t think you are.  

  a. may be         b. could be     c. would be      d. should be  

  31. she looks so sad. she _____ ill.  

  a. can be          b. should be    c. must be       d. will be  

  32. he _____ away. we don’t see him anywhere around.  

  a. may go          b. must go     c. can go        d. must have gone  

  33. he is much richer than what he _____.  

  a. would be        b. must be     c. used to be    d. could be  

  34. the little kid _____ not touch the dog.  

  a. need            b. dare        c. ought         d. could  

  35. i want to go to the hospital, but you _____ with me.  

  a. need to not to go b. do not need go c. need not go   d. need go not  

  36. when he was old, mr smith _____ sit for hours without saying anything.  

  a. would           b. should      c. must          d. will  

  37. mary _____ be in london because i saw her in town just now.  

  a. mustn’t         b. isn’t able toc. may not      d. cannot  

  38. the door is still closed. he _____ the key.  

  a. must have lost   b. must lose    c. need have lost d. can lost  

  39. the bus had left, so we _____ walk home.  

  a. have to          b. ought       c. had to       d. must  

  40. you _____ see her, but i must.  

  a. haven’t         b. cannot       c. mustn’t    d. needn’t  

  41. “ _____ you play baseball?” “ no, i _______”.

  a. can; may           b. can’t; can’t  c. may; can’t   d. can; can

  42. “ ______ i hand in the paper this week?” “ no, you ______. you _____ hand it in next week.

  a. must; needn’t; may                   b. will; mustn’t; ought to

  c. shall; can’t; have to                d. should; didn’t have to; can

  43.there were already 4 people in the car but they managed to take john as well. it ______ a comfortable journey.

  a. can’t be                             b. wouldn’t be

  c. mustn’t have been                    d. couldn’t have been

  44. it’s nearly eight o’clock. they ______ be here at any moment.

  a. must              b. can               c. should         d. need

  45.“ ______ i take the magazine out of the reading room?” “ sorry, you _____.”

  a. may; mustn’t                          b. must; can’t

  c. will; didn’t have to                  c. can; aren’t able to

  46. the boss say to the secretary, “ if you work well, you _____ have a rise.”

  a. shall             b. would              c. must           d. ought

  47.  let’s sing a song, ______ we?

  a. will              b. can’t             c. shall          d. do

  48. “______ you go so soon?” “ no, i ______ go yet.”

  a must; mustn’t     b. shall; won’t       c. can; may not  d. must; needn’t

  49. the book i borrowed from the library isn’t here. who __________?

  a. could have taken it                      b. must have taken it

  c. might take it                            d. should take it.

  50. “ they went to the lecture, but it had been put off.” “ oh, so they _______.”

  a. needn’t have gone                        b. should have gone

  c. mustn’t have gone                        d. don’t need to go

  51. “________ i have a glass of beer?” “ no, i’m afraid you ________.”

  a. can’t; can’t     b. could; won’t       c. may; daren’t    d. shall; may

  52. “ isn’t that tom playing basketball?” “ it ______ be; he fell off the ladder yesterday and got badly hurt.”

  a. mustn’t           b. would rather not     c. couldn’t       d. wouldn’t

  53. “ need he go?” “ yes, he ______.”

  a. need               b. can                  c. may             d. must

  54. tell me how you work out the answer, _______ you?

  a. can                b. will                 c. don’t          d. shan’t

  55. you promised your friend a letter; you ought to ______ days ago.

  a. write              b. be writing           c. have written    d. be written

  56. the teacher demanded that the exam _____ before eleven.

  a. must finish         b. would be finished     c. be finished  d. must be finished

  57. she made the demand that the journalists _____ at once ______ iraq.

  a. leave; for          b. leave; to            c. left; to       d. to be left; for 58. he is talking so much about america as if he _____ there.

  a. had been            b. has been            c. was          d. has gone

  59. the young man insisted that he _____ nothing wrong and _____ free.

  a. did; set                                   b. had done; should be set     

  c. should do; be set                          d. had done; must be set

  60. i suggested there ____ be a kind of language all could understand and use ____

  a. can; it           b. /;  /                c. would; it     d. may;  /

  61. the suggestion has been made _____ the basketball game _____ put off.

  a. for; to           b. that; be          c. which; should be  d. to; being

  62. the order came that the medical supplies _____ to beijing for the sars soon.

  a. would be sent     b. should send       c. be sent           d. must be sent

  63. it is important that we _____ wild animals.

  a. will protect       b. should protect     c. shall protect     d. are protecting

  64. had you listened to the doctor, you _____ all right now.

  a. are               b. were               c. would be          d. would have been

  65. _____ any change about the date, please tell me immediately.

  a. will there be     b. should there be    c. there will be    d. there should be

  66. _____ today, he would get there by friday.

  a. would he leave                          b. was he leaving 

  c. were he to leave                        d. if he leave

  67. should it rain, the crops _____ . 

  a. would be saved                           b. would have been saved     

  c. will be saved                            d. had been saved

  68. you _____ come earlier. the bus left a moment ago.

  a. would            b. should have          c. may             d. have 

  69. he treated me as though/as if _____ his own son.

  a. i am             b. i would be            c. i was          d. i were

  70. i _____ you some money, but i hadn’t any on me then.

  a. would lend       b. would have lent       c. could lend     d. may have lent

  71. a few minutes earlier and we _____ the rain.

  a. have caught                               b. had caught  

  c. could have caught                         d. were to catch

  72. --- “have you ever been to beijing?”             

  --- “no, but i wish i _____”

  a.have              b.will                   c. do             d. had

  73. i’m glad i went over all my notes; otherwise _____ .

  a. i may have failed                         b. i’d fail

  c. i’d have failed                          d. i’ll have failed

  74. --- “what will you do during the summer holiday?”

  --- “i don’t know, but it’s high time _____ something.”

  a. i’m deciding    b. i’ll decide         c. i decided      d. i decide

  75. what should we do if it _____ tomorrow?

  a. should snow       b. would snow          c. snow         d. will snow

  76. if only i _____ my watch!

  a. hadn’t lost       b. haven’t lost      c. didn’t lost   d. don’t lose

  77. you _____ such a serious mistake if you had followed his advice.

  a. may not make                             b. might not make

  c. shouldn’t have made                      d. might not have made

  78. we _____ the work on time without your help.

  a. hadn’t had finished                      b. didn’t have finished

  c. couldn’t have finished                   d. can’t have finished

  79. --- “where have you been?”

  --- “i got caught in traffic; otherwise _____ sooner.”

  a. i would be here                            b. i have been here 

  c. i had been here                            d. i would have been here

  80. if it were not for the fact that you _____ ill, i would ask you to do this right now.

  a. were            b. had been           c. are             d. should be

  81. the teacher demanded that the exam _____ before eleven. 

  a. must finish      b. would be finished   c. be finished     d. must be finished 

  82. she made the demand that the journalists _____ at once ______ iraq. 

  a. leave; for        b. leave; to           c. left; to        d. to be left; for

  83. he is talking so much about america as if he _____ there. 

  a. had been          b. has been            c. was           d. has gone 

  84. the young man insisted that he _____ nothing wrong and _____ free. 

  a. did; set                                 b. had done; should be set     

  c. should do; be set                        d. had done; must be set 

  85. i suggested there ____ be a kind of language all could understand and use ____ . 

  a. can; it          b. /;  /                c. would; it      d. may;  /

  86. the suggestion has been made _____ the basketball game _____ put off. 

  a. for; to         b. that; be          c. which; should bed. to; being 

  87. the order came that the medical supplies _____ to beijing for the sars soon. 

  a. would be sent    b. should send       c. be sent         d. must be sent 

  88. it is important that we _____ wild animals.

  a. will protect      b. should protect    c. shall protect    d. are protecting 

  89. had you listened to the doctor, you _____ all right now. 

  a. are              b. were               c. would be         d. would have been 

  90. _____ any change about the date, please tell me immediately. 

  a. will there be    b. should there be    c. there will be    d. there should be 

  91. _____ today, he would get there by friday.

  a. would he leave                          b. was he leaving 

  c. were he to leave                        d. if he leave 

  92. should it rain, the crops _____ . 

  a. would be saved                          b. would have been saved     

  c. will be saved                            d. had been saved 

  93. you _____ come earlier. the bus left a moment ago. 

  a. would           b. should have          c. may             d. have 

  94. he treated me as though/as if _____ his own son.

  a. i am             b. i would be          c. i was           d. i were 

  95. i _____ you some money, but i hadn’t any on me then. 

  a. would lend       b. would have lent     c. could lend      d. may have lent 

  96. a few minutes earlier and we _____ the rain.

  a. have caught       b. had caught          c. could have caught d. were to catch 

  97. --- “have you ever been to beijing?”             

  --- “no, but i wish i _____” 

  a.have               b.will                c. do               d. had 

  98. i’m glad i went over all my notes; otherwise _____ . 

  a. i may have failed                       b. i’d fail

  c. i’d have failed                        d. i’ll have failed 

  99. --- “what will you do during the summer holiday?” 

  --- “i don’t know, but it’s high time _____ something.” 

  a. i’m deciding      b. i’ll decide      c. i decided      d. i decide 

  100. what should we do if it _____ tomorrow? 

  a. should snow         b. would snow        c. snow          d. will snow 

  101. if only i _____ my watch!

  a. hadn’t lost        b. haven’t lost     c. didn’t lost  d. don’t lose 

  102. you _____ such a serious mistake if you had followed his advice. 

  a. may not make                             b. might not make 

  c. shouldn’t have made                     d. might not have made 

  103. we _____ the work on time without your help. 

  a. hadn’t had finished                      b. didn’t have finished 

  c. couldn’t have finished                   d. can’t have finished

  104. --- “where have you been?” 

  --- “i got caught in traffic; otherwise _____ sooner.” 

  a. i would be here                            b. i have been here 

  c. i had been here                             d. i would have been here 

  105. if it were not for the fact that you _____ ill, i would ask you to do this right now. 

  a. were          b. had been                   c. are         d. should be

  参考答案:1―5 cbbaa 6―10 adacc 11―15 bdcba 16―20 dbaac  21―25 dadcc 26―30 dacba 31―35 cdcbc 36―40 adacd 41-45 badca46-50 acdaa 51-55 acdbc 56-60. caabb 61-65. bcbcb 66-70.caabdb 71―75.cdcca 76-80.adcdc 81-85. caabb 86-90. bcbcb  91-95. caabdb  96―100. cdcca  101-105. adcdc

情态动词 篇9





  i dare not daren't walk through the forest at night.


  --- dare you walk through the forest at night


  --- yes, i dare.


  --- no, i daren't.


  he dare not drive too fast on the rainy day.


  he dared not do it last year.



  i wonder how he dare say such things.


  we don't know whether he dare climb the mountain.



  if the enemy dare enter the village, we'll fight against them to the end.


  if you dare cheat in your exam, i will give you some punishment.



  ① dare可以作为行为动词,多用于肯定句中,但也可用在疑问句和否定句中

  he will dare any danger.


  he dared me to jump over the stream.


  did anyone dare to admit it


  i have never dared (to) go back to take a look.



  he doesn't dare to walk at night.


  he daren't walk at night.


  does he dare to walk at night


  dare he walk at night


  he didn't dare to walk at night fifteen years ago.


  he daren't walk (=dared not walk) at night fifteen years ago.


  will you dare to do the same experiment tomorrow


  dare you do the same experiment tomorrow?

  明天你敢做同样的实验吗? (作情态动词)



  ● i dare say...

  我想, 大概, 可能, 或许……

  i dare say things will improve.


  ● how dare you ...


  how dare you ask me such a question


  ● i dare you ...


  i dare you to tell your parents!




  need 和dare一样,作为情态动词时,主要用于否定句和疑问句,一般不用于肯定句中(在肯定句中常被 must, have to, ought to, should等情态动词取代)。作为情态动词,它的词形只有need一种形式。

  you needn't return the book now. you can keep it till next week if you like. 你现在不必还书,  如果愿意,你可以下周还。(needn't = don't have to)

  need i hand in my homework now


  --- need he finish the article next week


  --- yes, he must.


  --- no, he needn't.

  不,他不需要。(= he doesn't have to)



  plant needs water.


  my shirt needs a button.


  my car needs repairing.


  he has grown up. we don't need to worry about him.


  you don't need to buy so many things for the picnic.


  patience is needed for that job.




  【误】she need do her homework by herself. (need作为情态动词时,不用于肯定句中)

  【正】she needs to do her homework by herself.


情态动词 篇10

  第九章  情态动词



  情态动词是用于表示说话人的某种感情或语气的词类,有自己的词义,但是不能单独作谓语 ,而必须与其他原形动词共同构成谓语。


  经常使用的情态动词有:can, may, must, ought to, will, shall, would, should, need , dare等。它们的不同形式分别表示请求、允诺、愿望、命令、能力、需要、拒绝等情感和态度。


  you may come in now.


  the schoolbag can hold so many books.


  you must be here on time.


  you mustn't make a friend with such a man.



  1.can, could, be able to

  (1)can表示能力,其疑问形式表示请求,其否定形式常表示猜测。can只有现在时和过去时 两种形式,其他时态只能用be able to进行表达。

  can i sit here?


  she could play the violin well when she was a little girl. (表示“过去的能力”)


  they have not been able to beat the brazilian team.

  他们没有能够打败巴西队。(完成时用be able to表示)

  she can't be there now.


  (2)could用于疑问句,表示比can更为客气的语气;could用于肯定句可以表示没有多大把握 的猜测或表示过去曾有过的能力;could还可用于虚拟语 气表示与现在情况相反的假设。

  could i sit here?


  she could be serious, but i don't think so.


  we wish we could go to the moon like the two americans.


  she could type 100 words within one minute in her twenties.


  (3)was (were) able to与could的区别是表示不但有能力,而且曾经做过某件事情。

  he was able to swim across the yangtze river last summer.


  he was able to leave germany for america during the world war 2.


  2.may, might


  you may sit down.


  you may be correct.



  may i take the dictionary away?


  you may not take it away.

  =i don't want you to take it away.


  注意:may引导的疑问句,肯定回答用:yes, you may.否定回答用: no, you mustn't. (no, you can't或no, you had better not.)表示“千万不要”,“不可 以”,“禁止”的意思。

  may i come in?


  yes, please.      no, you mustn't.

  请进。            不,不行。


  i'm afraid it might rain this evening.


  might i ask a question?



  if the boy were older, he might understand.


  if i were you, i might finish it earlier.


  may和 might用于从句中表示目的,意为“以便能……”、“使……可以”。he wrote  down my address so that he might remember it well.他把我的地址写下来了,以便能记住。

  3.must, have to

  must强调个人的意志和主观的决心,意为“一定,必须”; have to侧重于客观上 的必要,强调客观条件作用的结果,意为“务必,不得不”。如果用于过去时或将来时 ,要用have to来代替,但must可用于间接引语,表示过去的必要和义务。

  you must stop smoking.


  you must complete the painting before next friday.


  i have to stop the car and wait for the policeman.


  there was little time left and she had to drive quickly to the airport.


  you'll have to wait for me for a little while tomorrow.


  she said she must do well in her english.


  must构成的疑问句,回答的否定形式经常是needn't或don't have to,意为“不必要”,“不用……”,而不说mustn't(除非特别强调)。

  must i hand it in before five?


  yes, you must.    no, you needn't.

  是的,必须交。  不,用不着。


  he must be at home.


  they must have gone back to their hometown.


  they must be repairing your car at the garage.




  作为情态动词使用,need没有时态与人称的变化,并且多在否定句,疑问句和条件句中使 用,含义为“需要,必须”。

  you need not hand in the exercise today.

  你不必今天交作业。(=i don't think you need hand in the exercise today.)

  need we find time to go into the question?


  (=do you think we need find time to go into the question?)

  if you need repair your car, come to me.


  need 作情态动词时的用法,情态need 表需要,没有时态、数、人称,其后直接跟动词,用于疑问和否定。

  注意:①need作为情态动词,一般不在肯定句中使用。在肯定句 中通常用must, have to, ought to, should等。例如:

  need i tell mr. li about it?


  (否定回答)no, you needn't.


  (肯定回答)yes, you must. you must tell him about it.


  ②这里“need i...?”与“must i...?”在意思上差别不大,因此回答也是一样的,肯定为 must,否定用needn't。

  ③needn't+ have done表示“做了本不需要做的事”。例如:

  you needn't have completed so many exercises.


  she need't have gone there with him.


  need作实义动词(或称行为动词)使用时,其句型变化与其他行为动词一样,要加助动词do , does, did等等。例如:

  i need your help.


  do you need anything to eat?


  she doesn't need to take any medicine.




  this car needs repairing.

  (=this car needs to be repaired.)


  does this shirt need washing?

  (=does this shirt need to be washed?)


  5.should, would



  you should work harder and pass the exam.


  he should brush his teeth before going to bed.


  she should have arrived in hong kong by this time.


  the book is written by a famous professor, so it should be selling well.







  would you like a cup of tea?


  would you show me the way to the post office?


  when even they came to see him, they would bring him a lot of farm products.


  each time he passed the food shop, he would buy some chocol ate for his daughter.


  6.would, used to

  would和used to都表示过去的习惯和过去反复发生的动作,但would只强调过去的情况,后 面通常接表示动作的动词不能接表示状态的动词。而used to强调过去的情况与现在的情况 的对比,说明现在情况不同了。

  each time his mother's birthday came, he would buy her a present .


  my father used to go to the office by bike when he was young.


  when he had a meal at this restaurant, he would sit at the table  by the window.


  he used to drink so much when he lost his job.


  比较:must, may和might用于表示猜测的区别:


  do you notice the way the man speaks? he must be a business man.


  look at the fire over there! something must be happening to mr. cameron's house.


  someone must have told you the news yesterday.



  the opportunity may come at any time.


  go to miss li and she may help you with it.


  your parents may know nothing about it.



  they might be at susan's house.


  your mother might be angry with you.


  mr. cameron might refuse to attend the meeting today.





  the girl dare not stay here alone in this empty house.


  dare you swim across the river?


  how dare you do such a thing?


  i don't know if she dare say that to him.


  三、情态动词+have+ done的用法

  1. must have done与can't (couldn't) have done

  must have done用于表示对过去的肯定推测,只能用于肯定句,表示“一定……,肯定已经 ……”;而can't (couldn't) have done用于表示对过去的否定的推测,用于否定句, 表示“不可能……”。

  look at your school report. you must have made a lot of mistakes in your test papers.


  she suddenly fell down on her way to school, she must have been ill.


  he can't have been in his office this time yesterday.


  she couldn't have seen me because i wasn't there at all yesterday.


  2.may (might) have done

  该结构只用于肯定句或否定句之中,表示对过去情况的猜测,意为“也许”,“已经”,“ 本来可以”等。其否定形式含义为“大概不会”,“可能不是”等。而疑问句形式要用can 或could来 提问。

  he may have arrived in america by now.


  i might have told you about the things earlier.


  i might have lent him more money when he came to me.


  could he have returned it?


  3.ought to have done与should have done


  you ought to have gone into this question earlier.


  they ought to have prepared the work for the meeting more carefully.


  he should have done better in the car race.


  we should have climbed up to the top of the mountain.


  4.needn't have done


  you needn't have done it instead of him yesterday.


  he needn't have given her so much money at that time.


  there were plenty of time, she needn't have hurried.


情态动词 篇11

  XX高考英语备考(考点聚焦+名题导解) 情态动词¯一、考点聚焦 1、  情态动词的基本用法 (1)can、be able to 和could ①can和be able to都表示能力,意思上没多大区别。但can只有现在和过去时,而be able to则有更多的形式。但当成功地完成某一具体动作时,通常不用could而用was/were able to来表示。这时was/were able to 相当于managed to,表示经过一番努力,终于能够完成某事。如: can you use chopsticks? the wounded man still was able to get to the village and was saved in the end. ②can和could can和could都可以表示能力、技能、许可、建议或请求和可能性。但比较委婉客气地提出问题或陈述看法,一般用could,回答时则用can。如: could you help me carry the bag? can i help you? (2)may/might ①may/might表示可能,但may比might可能性大。如:-why isn’t he in class?教学资源,完全免费,无须注册,天天更新!">     he may be sick.(生病的可能性较大)―     he might be sick.(生病的可能性较小)②may/might表示“允许”,may用于现在时或将来时,might常用在间接引语中表过去时,但m 教学资源,完全免费,无须注册,天天更新!">ight也可用于现在时间,表示比较委婉的语气,回答用may。如:he says we may leave. he said we might leave. ③may / might 表示建议或请求,但might比may 更客气,意思更肯定而无过去时态的含义。                                  yes, you can / may. ―may / might i use your bike?    ―                                  no, you mustn’t (3)must ①must表示必须,应该,没有时态变化。如:you must do everything as i do.②must表示肯定的推测。如:the light is still on, so he must be at home.③mustn’t 表示禁止做某事。如:you mustn’t smoke in the office.(4)have tohave to 表示“必须、不得不”,是由于某种外界(客观)原因而“必须”,“不得不”做某事,也可表示经常的或习惯性的事“必须”做。have to的否定形式表示不必。have to可用于多种时态中。如:you will have to clean your own boots when you join the army.i have to be at my office every evening.(5)should / ought to①should和ought to表示应当、应该,前者比后者语气轻。如:you should / ought to work hard.②should / ought to work hard.since she is not here, whe should / ought to be in the classroom.③should / ought to的否定形式表示禁止之意。如:children shouldn’t smoke.④should可表示陈述意见,推出建议或请求;而ought to可以表示劝告之意。如:you ought to respect your parents.h e suggested that they should leave at once.(6)will / would①will 用于各种人称表示“意志”、“意愿”或“决心”等,否定式won’t + 动词。如:i will tell you all about it.tom won’t do such a thing.②will用于疑问句中,常用在第二称时表示说话人向对方提出“请求”或“询问”如:will you please tell her the news when you see her?③will 表示习惯性的动作,有“总是”、“惯于”的含义。如:fish wil l die out of water.④would 表示客气的请求、建议或意愿。如:would you please be quiet?would you like coffee?⑤would 表示过去反复发生的动作。如:when i passed my school i would see my teachers who taught me 5 years ago.(7)needneed 作“必要”讲,既可作情态动词,也可作实义动词。作实义动词时后面的动词不定式要带to,其变化与一般动词相同。如:i need to think it over.―need you go now?       ―yes, i must./no, i needn’t (8)daredare表示“敢”的意思。作为情态动词时,主要用在疑问句和否定句中。dare若作实义动词,后面可带to的不定式,此时to也可以省略。dare与need的用法相似。如:how dare you say that?she doesn’t date(to)ask her father.(9)used toused to表示过去常常发生的动作或存在的习惯,但现在已不复存在了。如:he used to smoke.(10 )shall①shall作为情态动词用于第二、三人称,表示说话人的意愿,有“命令”、“警告、威胁、强制”和“允许”等意思。如:we shall do a s our teacher says.you shall have the book as soon as i finish it.②在疑问句中,shall用于征求对方的意见或请求指示,常用于第一、第三人称。如:where shall he wait for us?shall we go out for a walk?2、情态动词表示推测或判断的用法下表即是表示推测的情态动词使用的场合:




  使 用 场 合

  mustmust + 动词原形must have done肯定句

  may / mightmay / might + 动词原形may / might have done肯定句、否定句

  can /couldcan / could docan / could have done否定句、疑问名(could可用于肯定句)should用来表示一种估计的情况“按理会/估计会”should do/beshould have done肯定句、否定句、疑问句 例如:it must have rained last night.she may not be at home. = it is possible that she is not at home.she can’t be at home. = it is impossible that she is at home.they should be there right now.3、情态动词在虚拟语气中的用法情态动词用于虚拟语气中表示责备的感情色彩,用法如下:(1)should have done表示“本来应该做某事而实际上未做”,而shouldn’t have done则表示“本不应该做某事而实际上做了”。如: you should have told me about it earlier. you shouldn’t have said such words to your parents. (2)ought to have done也表示“本应该……”而ought not to have done则意为“本不应该……”。如: you ought to have told me about it earlier. you ought not to have said such words to your parents. (3)needn’t have done表示“本无必要做某事而实际上做了”。如: you needn’t have walked so quickly since time was enough. (4)could have done表示“本来有可能……而事实上未做到”。如: i could have come on time, but my car broke on the way. ù二、精典名题导解 选择填空 1. i was really anxious about you. you________home without a word. a.mustn’t have               b.shouldn’t have left c.couldn’t have left           d.needn’t have 解析:答案为b。本题考查的是情 态动词在虚拟语气中的用法。题目给出的条件是“我确实非常担心你”,因此后面可知应是责备you不应该没说一句话就离开 了。 2.―are you coming to jeff’s party? ―i’m not sure. i __________ go to the concert instead. a.must           b.would          c.should           d.might 解析:答案为d。本题考查情态动词的基本用法。由题目中“i’m not sure”,表明我可能去jeff’s party,也可能去音乐会,故用might。 3. ―will you stay for lunch? ―sorry, ____________. my brother is coming to see me. a.i mustn’t        b.i can’t          c.i needn’t         d.i won’t 解析:答案为b。本题考查表示请求的英语口语,用will来向第二人称提问的疑问结构,是表示一种请求和意愿,是用疑问的形式来表达较为婉转的祈使语气,意思是“请你……,好吗”,对于这种问句的肯定回答是:suree! gertainly! yes, of course. i’d be glad to 等;否定回答通常是:i’m sorry, i can’t. no, i’m afraid i can’t. i’m sorry, but … i’d like to, but …等。注意情态动词表客气的用法及其在一般疑问句中的问与答。 4.―isn’t that ann’s husband over there?  ―no, it         be him i’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses. a. can’t         b. must not         c. won’t        d. may not 解析:答案为a。本题考查情态动词表推测。问:那边的难道不是ann的丈夫吗?答:不是。不可能是他,我确信他不戴眼镜。 5.you          be tired-you’ve only been working for an hour. a. must not      b. won’t           c. can’t         d. may not 解析:答案为c。本题考查情态动词。句中破折号后的内容对前一句进行解释说明:你只工作了一个小时,所以你不可能累的。表否定推测时用can’t。a项表禁止(不许),b项表未来,d 项表不允许。均不可用,故选c。 6.i often see lights in that empty house. do you think i         report it to the police? a. should     b. whatever       c. whichever     d. whenever 解析:答案为a。本题考情态动词。在空房子里看到灯光,是一件奇怪而令人生疑的事,故问:你是否认为我应当把这事儿报告给警察?应用a。

情态动词 篇12


  一、ought to  应该,应当      其否定 “ought not to” 或 “oughtn’t to”

  (1) 用于第一人称,表有责任或有必要做某事。

  we ought to be more careful with our homework. 

  (2) 用于二、三人称,表建议或劝告。

  you ought to follow your teacher’s advice. 

  she ought not to go alone. 

  (3) ought to+have done: 本该……

  i’m sorry. i ought to have told you this morning.对不起,我本该今天早上告诉你的。

  二、have to / don’t have to / mustn’t

  (1) have to = have got to  必须,不得不   (有人称和数、时态的变化)

  he has to work on the farm all day .  他不得不在农场工作一整天。

  (2)don’t have to  不必……

  you don’t have to buy a computer.

  (3) mustn’t   禁止,不许

  you mustn’t sleep in class!

  三、need 需要,必要(既可以作情态动词,也可以作实义动词,但用法不同)

  (1)作为情态动词,need 通常用于否定句和疑问句

  ①you needn’t buy the book..

  ②――need he do his homework first?

  ――yes ,he must!         (no ,he needn’t)

  (2) need 作为实义动词时,通常用法是:

  sb/sth need to do (表主动)               we need to tell him the truth.

  sb/sth need doing /to be done(表被动) my car needs repairing./my car needs to be repaird

  sb need sth   某人需要……   mary needs your help.

  三、情态动词+have done

  1. must have done    推测过去“肯定……”

  he must have played computer games last night.

  2 may / might have done 推测过去“也许……”

  he might have known the answer to the question.

  3.(1)could have done 用于疑问句时,表示  推测过去“可能……?”

  could he have finished the task? 他可能把任务完成了吗? 

  (2)could have done 用于肯定句时, 表“能够做而没有做”

  i could have finished the work on my own. 我本能够独自完成工作.

  4. (1)should have done 本应该做而没有做

  you should have studied hard.

  (2) shouldn’t have done 本不该做而做了

  you shouldn’t have told lies.

  5. ought to have done: 本该做而没做

  6. needn’t have done  本不必……    本没必要……

  you needn’t have told me the news.

情态动词 篇13


  情态动词主要用来表示说话人的情感、态度等,是中学英语语法的重点,也是高考的热点,是单项填空必考的一个知识点。情态动词在近五年高考中主要考查四点:情态动词表示推测和可能性的用法;情态动词与虚拟语气;情态动词的表达“情感、态度、语气等”,情态动词表示 “必要性”等方面的用法。



  2. 有些情态动词有过去式的变化:

  e.g. will → would , can → could , may→ might ,  dare → dared


  情态动词+ not +动词原形can not: can't , must not: mustn't , need not : needn't


  1. can , be able to    be able to 表示经过努力后, 能够做到; be able to 有多种形式的变化。


  1). 表示体力或脑力方面的能力;

  2). 表示允许、可能性。

  could 是can的过去式, 表示过去有能力及过去存在的可能性 ; 用于疑问句表示委婉地提出问题。

  1) the fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone ____ get out. 

  a. had to b. would  c. could   d. was able to

  2) -will you stay for lunch?   

  -sorry, __. my brother is coming to see me.

  a. i mustn't   b. i can't c. i needn't d. i won't

  2.may 表示询问或说明一件事可不可做; 表示某事有可能发生。might是may的过去式; 用在疑问中比may委婉、客气。

  1) -may i take this book out of the reading-room?

  -no, you mustn't.   ( yes, you may.)

  2) -might i make a suggestion?    -yes, you may.

  3. must

  1). 表示必须要做的事: 必须     

  2) 表示很有把握的推断: 一定, 准是。have (has)to : have (has)got to     必须, 不得不。过去式: had to

  3) -must i get to the station before three o'clock?

  -yes, you must. ( no, you needn't. )

  4) i'm afraid you will have to wait a while.

  5) she must be in the classroom now.

  6) mary ____ be in paris, i saw her in town only a few minutes ago.

  a. mustn't       b. shouldn't      c. can't      d. may not

  4. shall 

  1) 在疑问句中, 用于第一、三人称表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请求。

  2) 用于二、三人称,表示说话人给对方的 命令、警告、允诺等概念。

  1) - shall i place an order with you now? -no, you needn’t.

  -shall he turn down the radio a bit?  -

  yes, please.(no, please don't.)

  2) you shall have the english book as soon as i finish it.

  3) everything that he owns shall be taken away from him.

  4) your brother seldom comes to see you, ____?

  a. does he  b. doesn't he  c. will he d. isn't he

  5) it's a fine day. let's go fishing, ____?

  a. won't we       b. will we     

  c. don't we       d. shall we

  5. should    应该 ; 应当

  1) you should listen to the doctor's advice.

  2) you should study the article carefully.

  6. will, would

  1) 在疑问句中用于第二人称,表示说话人向对方提出请求或询问。用would语气更加婉转。

  2) will 表示现在的习惯性动作或状态; would 表示过去的习惯性动作或状态。

  3) will 用于各种人称, 表示 意志、意愿、决心、允诺; would 表示过去时间的 意志、意愿、......。

  (1) don't smoke in the meeting room, ___ you? 

  a. do youb. will you   c. can you d. could you

  -will you come with me?   -yes, i will.(i am sorry , i can't.)

  (2) -would you tell us something about yourself?  -yes, i will.

  (3) - it's my birthday tomorrow. don't forget to come to my party.

  - _____ .

  a. i don't        b. i won't        c. i can't       d. i haven't

  7. ought to    应该; 应当

  1) you oughtn't to smoke too much.

  2) she ____ for what she has done.

  a. ought to praise    b. ought be praised

  c. ought to have praised  d. ought to be praised

  8. dare   1. dare to come      2. dare come

  1) he dare not tell the truth.

  2) he doesn't dare to come out at night.

  3) i don't know whether he ____ try.

  a. dare b. needs  c. wants  d. is allowed

  9. need  

  1). 作为情态动词:必须     

  2). 作为实义动词: 需要

  a.主语是人  need( to do something ; to be done by somebody) 

  b. 主语是事物    need ( doing; to be done)

  1) -do they need to take any books with them?

  -no, they don't need to.

  2) -need we buy any new equipment?     -no, we needn't.

  3) this farm tool needs repairing.

  this farm tool needs to be repaired.  

  4) -shall i tell john about it ? 

  - no, you ___ . i've told him already.

  a. needn't     b. wouldn't     

  c. mustn't      d. shouldn't

  5) it's a fine day. you ____ take a raincoat with you.

  a. can't        b. mustn't       

  c. needn't       d. may not


  (1) 认真审题,结合所给出的语境,正确把握说话者的语气、情感、态度、观点等。

  (2) 认真思考所给选项中情态动词的基本特征和用法,并结合语境推敲答案。

  (3) 要注意把握时间概念。

  情态动词无论是表达“推测和可能性”,还是表达“虚拟”这一概念,只要是对过去已经发生的事情进行描述,一律用“情态动词+have done”这一结构;对现在或将来的事情进行描述,用“情态动词+动词或系动词原形”。例如:

  (nmet山东,24)thank you for all your hard work last week. i don’t think we ______ it without you.

  a. can manage             b. could have managed 

  c. could manage                d. can have managed

  根据题干中所给出的时间last week可知我们已经做完了工作,已经完成,故排除a、c两项,再结合could have done表示虚拟语气以及与前面的i don’t think…,故说话者想表达的意思是:离开了你,我们本不可能完成这项工作。故答案为b项。



  (1) must表示推测,意为“一定……”,只能用于肯定句中。 must have done意为:一定做过某事或某事肯定发生了。 例如:    

  ―she looks very happy. she ______ have passed the exam.

  ―i guess so. it’s not difficult after all.

  a. should       b. could       c. must       d. might



  (2) should (not) / ought (not) to在中表示根据常规或常识推测,表示“某事应该或不应该发生”,语气比must或can’t / couldn’t稍弱。

  例如:―how’s your tour around the north lake? is it beautiful?

  ―it ________ be, but it is now heavily polluted.

  a. will       b. would     c. should       d. must



  ②there _________ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in the driving school.

  a. mustn’t    b. shan’t    c. shouldn’t     d. needn’t



  (3) can, could表达推测时,一般用于疑问句和否定句中;can用于肯定句中表示一种理论上的可能性,并不牵涉是否真的会发生,在这种用法中can只能与动词原形连用;could用于肯定句中,语气比may/ might更弱。例如:

  ①you ______ be hungry already ― you had lunch only two hours ago!

  a. wouldn’t       b. can’t     c. mustn’t     d. needn’t

  ②she ______ have left school, for her bike is still here.

  a. can’t     b. wouldn’t     c. shouldn’t    d. needn’t

  ③it is usually warm in my hometown in march, but it _____ be rather cold sometime.

  a. must     b. can     c. should          d. would

  ④peter ____ be really difficult at times even though he’s a nice person in general.

  a. shall    b. should    c. can    d. must

  【解析】①② 两个考题中can用于中表示否定的推测,意为:不可能,一定不会; ③④两个考题中can表示理论上的可能性,翻译为:有时候会……。

  【答案】① b ② a  ③ b ④ c

  (4)may (not) / might (not)表达一种不太把握的推测,意为“或许,可能”;might的语气比may较婉转。例如:

  ① liza ___ well not want to go on the trip --- she hates traveling.

  a. will     b. can      c. must      d. may

  【解析】may well为固定搭配,意为:很可能,极有可能。


  ②  although this ____ sound like a simple task, great care is needed.

  a. must      b. may    c. shall      d. should



  ③―i can’t find my purse anywhere.

  ―you __ have lost it while shopping.

  a. may     b. can    c. should    d. would




  对过去的一种结果的假设或虚拟,用情态动词+have done这一结构,常用的有以下几个情态动词:

  (1) should (not) / ought (not) to have done本(不)应该做某事,但却没有做或做了,含有责备或后悔之意。例如:

  ―i’m sorry. i _________at you the other day.

  ―forget it. i was a bit out of control myself.

  a. shouldn’t shout         b. shouldn’t have shouted

  c. mustn’t shout      c. mustn’t have shouted



  (2) could have done本来能够做某事但未做。例如:

  thank you for all your hard work last week. i don’t think we ______ it without you.

  a. can manage             b. could have managed 

  c. could manage              d. can have managed

  【解析】根据题干中所给出的时间last week可知我们已经做完了工作,已经完成,故排除a、c两项,再结合could have done表示虚拟语气以及与前面的i don’t think…,故说话者想表达的意思是:离开了你,我们本不可能完成这项工作。


  (3) needn’t have done本没有必要做某事但却做了。要注意needn’t do则表达“没有必要去做某事”,时间上应该是现在或将来。例如:

  ①―catherine, i have cleaned the room for you.

  ―thanks. you ________ it. i could manage it myself.

  a. needn’t do           b. needn’t have done  

  c. mustn’t do           d. shouldn’t have done



  ② the boss has given everyone a special holiday, so we        go to work tomorrow.

  a. can’t      b. mustn’t     c. needn’t      d. shouldn’t



  (4)would (not) have done本来(不)会发生某事,但却(发生了)或没有发生。常用于虚拟条件句或含蓄虚拟条件引导的虚拟语气,表示对过去所发生事情结果的假设。例如:

  he hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise, he ________ a goal.

  a. had scored       b. scored  

  c. would score      d. would have scored

  【解析】句中otherwise为含蓄条件,相当于if he had not hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball,这是对过去的一种虚拟假设。


  (5) might have done表示“本来可能……”,但实际上没有发生的事。例如:

  what a pity! considering his ability and experience, he ________ better.

  a. need have done             b. must have done

  c. can have done              d. might have done



  (三)表达“情感、态度、语气” 等方面的情态动词

  1. must表达“情感、态度、语气”主要有以下用法:

  (1) 表示主观的义务和必要,主要用于肯定句和疑问句,意思为“必须……,得……,要……”;由must引起的疑问句,肯定回答要用must或have to, 否定回答要用needn’t或don’t have to,意思是“不必”。另外,must与have to都可以表示“必须”这一含义。must表示一种主观的需要,而have to表示一种客观的需要,意思是“不得不”,其否定形式是don’ have to。

  例如: -what sort of house do you want to have? something big?

  --well, it ______ be big--that's not important.

  a. mustn't    b. needn't       c. can't       d. won't   

  【解析】something big?此处意为:must it be big? 回答者的意思是:房子不必太大―那并不重要。


  (2) must的否定形式mustn’t表示禁止,意思是“不能,不许”。例如:

  when i was young, i was told that i ______ play with matches

  a. wouldn't     b. needn't     c. mustn't       d. daren't



  (3) must用于条件句或疑问句中,可以用来表示责备、抱怨的感情色彩,意思为“偏要,硬要、干嘛”。例如:

  ①―may i smoke here ?

  ―if you ____, choose a seat in the smoking section.

  a. should       b. could       c. may       d. must

  ②john, look at the time. ___________ you play the piano at such a late hour?

  a.must       b.can        c.may       d.need


  【答案】① d  ② a

  2. should

  (1) should应该,表示“责任和义务”。例如:

  according to the air traffic rules, you ___ switch off your mobile phone before boarding.

  a. may   b. can     c. would   d. should



  (2) 在虚拟条件句中用以加强假设语气,表示“与将来事实相反的假设”,用 if+主语+ should +动词原形,当“万一(会)”讲。这时可省略if,将should提到句首,变为倒装句式。请看下面的例子:

  if it should rain (=should it rain) tomorrow, i would stay at home.万一明天下雨的话,我就待在家里。再如:

  ________ fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.

  a. would you be               b. should you be  

  c. could you be               d. might you be



  (3) should还可以用来表示说话人对某事不能理解、赶到意外、惊异等意思,译为“竟然,竟会”。例如:

  you can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _____ be so rude to a lady.

  a. might      b. need      c. should       d. would



  3. shall

  (1) shall用于第一和第三人称,常用于疑问句中,用来征求对方意见。例如:

  ①―what’s the name?

  ―khulaifi. _________ i spell it for you?

  a. shall     b. would     c. can     d. might


  (2) 用于第二和第三人称,表示“命令、威胁、警告、允诺、”等。例如:

  ―excuse me. but i want to use your computer to type a report.

  ―you _____have my computer if you don’t take care of it .

  a. shan’t    b. might not    c. needn’t     d. shouldn’t



  (3) shall也用于宣布法律、规定的要求。例如:

  ①―what does the sign over there read?

  ―“no person ________ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette,cigar or pipe in this area.”

  a. will       b. may     c. shall     d. must



  4. can

  (1) can可以用来表示惊异、怀疑、不相信的态度,主要用于否定句、疑问句或感叹句中。例如:

  how ______ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have only covered only part of the article?

  a. can      b. must       c. need       d. may


  (2) can也可以用来表示请求或许可。例如:

  ―mum, i’ve been studying english since 8 o’clock.

  ______i go out and play with tom for a while?

  ―no, i’m afraid not. besides, it’s raining outside now.

  a. can’t      b. wouldn’t     c. may   d. won’t


  (3) can可以表达一般的或永久的能力。be able to也可表达能力,但常用来表达在某件事情中所表现出来的能力,尤指克服困难能够完成某事。例如:

  ①  if it were not for the fact that she ______ sing, i would invite her to the party.

  a. couldn’t        b. shouldn’t         c. can’t        d. might not

  ②  the fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone ______ get out.

  a. had to     b. would      c. could      d. was able to


  5. would

  (1)will与would可表示“意愿;意志 ”。

  例如: john promised his doctor he _____ not smoke and he has never smoked ever since.

  a. might        b. should       c. could       d. would



  (2) would表示过去倾向性或习惯性的动作。used to 也有这一用法,但used to即可用来表达过去的习惯性的动作,也可用来表示过去的状态。例如:

  ① when he was there, he ___ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.

  a. would     b. should     c. had better      d. might

  ② in my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than ________.

  a. that used to be             b. it is used to    

  c. it was used to              d. it used to be

  【解析】第一题would指过去习惯性的动作;第二题it 替代life, used to be 指过去的样子。

  【答案】a d

情态动词 篇14

  XX高考二轮复习英语学案专题七 情态动词和虚拟语气


  1.( 全国卷ii, 8) _______ he had not hurt his leg, john would have won the race.

  a. if           b. since       c. though           d. when

  【解析】a  有题干可知,“若不是他伤了腿,约翰就能赢得比赛了”,运用了虚拟语气,故用if。

  2.(山东卷, 24) thank you for all your hard work last week. i don’t think we ____ it without you.

  a. can manage                    b. could have managed

  c. could manage                  d. can have managed

  【解析】 b 此题考查情态动词表示虚拟意义的用法。i don’t think…是否定前移。意为:我认为没有你我们本不能做成这件事的。此题关键是要根据句意知道是虚拟语气,其基本形式是情态动词(过去式)+have done,所以其他选项皆可排除。


  3(09福建). but for the help of my english teacher, i____the first prize in the english writing competition.

  a. would not win  b. would not have won  c. would win  d. would have won

  【答案】b 虚拟语气。此处虚拟语气表示与过去事实相反,句子谓语动词用would/should/could/might + have done结构,故选b。

  4.(09湖南)― it’s the office! so you _____ know eating is not allowed here.

  ― oh, sorry.

  a. must        b. will               c. may     d. need

  【解析】a 句意为:这是办公室!因此你必须知道吃的不允许带到这里。must表示“绝不”的意思。

  5.(09海南)what do you mean, there are only ten tickets? there _____ be twelve

  a. should       b. would              c. will    d. shall

  【答案】a。 你这是什么意思,只有十张票吗?应该有十二人。should表示“应该,应当”。

  6.(09上海)it_____ have been tom that parked the car here, as he is the only one with a car.

  a. may             b. can                c. must         d. should

  【解析】c 考查情态动词的基本用法。此处表示肯定性较强的猜测,故答案选c。

  7.(09四川)―i don’t care what people think.

  ―well, you _______

  a. could            b. would             c. should        d. might


  8.(09天津)this printer is of good quality. if it _______ break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense.

  a. would             b. should            c. could        d. might

  【解析】b 考查虚拟语气中的情态动词用法。表示对将来情况的虚拟假设,条件从句可以用should+v.原形;

  9.(09重庆)―hi, tom. any idea where jane is?

  ―she_____in the classroom. i saw her there just now.

  a. shall be         b. should have been    c. must be      d. might have been

  【答案】c 考查情态动词表示猜测的用法。由后面的just now暗示现在一定在教室推知对现在情况的猜测,故答案为c.

  10.(09全国2)i can’t leave. she told me that i______stay here until she comes back.

  a. can               b. must                c. will          d. may

  【解析】b  考查情态动词的基本用法。由前面的i can’t leave.推知我必须呆在这里,故答案为b。

  11.(09江苏)11. he did not regret saying what he did but felt that he____ it differently.

  a. could express                           b. would express

  c. could have expressed                    d. must have expressed

  【解析】c 考查情态动词的用法。由前面的后悔表示做过啦,故后面的意思为本能够表达的不同,答案为c符合。










  1.―catherine, i have cleaned the room for you.

  ―thanks. you _________it. i could manage it myself.

  a. needn’t do       b. needn’t have done

  c. mustn’t do       d. shouldn’t have done

  【解析】b 句子的语境是:“我自己能做”,所以“你本不必做的”。选a还是b呢?根据前面一句中的 have cleaned 可知,动作已经发生,所以此处谈论的是一个过去情况,故选 needn’t have done。

  2. this cake is very sweet. you _________ a lot of sugar in it.

  a. should put    b. could have put c. might put          d. must have put


  3. ―the woman biologist stayed in africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.

  ― oh, dear! she _________ a lot of difficulties!

  a. may go through                    b. might go through

  c. ought to have gone through        d. must have gone through


  4. helen _________ go on the trip with us, but she isn’t quite sure yet.

  a. shall          b. must          c. may                  d. can


  5. ―i’ve taken someone else’s green sweater by mistake.

  ―it _________ harry’s. he always wears green.

  a. has to be       b. will be      c. mustn’t be          d. could be

  【解析】d 后文说“他总是穿绿色衣服”,据此语境可推知,这件衣“可能是”哈利的,could表示可能性。

  6. ―do you know where david is? i couldn’t find him anywhere.

  ―well. he _________have gone far―his coat’s still here.

  a. shouldn’t    b. mustn’t    c. can’t      d. wouldn’t


  5. he paid for a seat, when he _________ have entered free.

  a. could         b. would     c. must            d. need

  【解析】a could have done的意思是“本来可以做某事”。句子语境为“虽然他本来能够免费入场,但他买了票”。

  6. ―lucy doesn’t mind lending you her dictionary.

  ―she _________. i’ve already borrowed one.

  a. can’t        b. mustn’t    c. needn’t             d. shouldn’t

  【解析】c 既然“我已经借了一本”,所以“她就没有必要借给我了”。needn’t在此表示“不必”。

  7.the world wide web is sometimes jokingly called the world wide wait because it _________be very slow.

  a. should   b. must   c. will           d. can

  【解析】 d在通常情况下,情态动词 can 表示推测时,只用于否定句和疑问句,不用于肯定句,但有一种特殊情况就是它可以用于肯定句中表理论上的推测或表示“有时”之意,而此题考查的正是can 表示“有时”的用法。

  8. zhang lin was addicted to computer games during his last year in high school , otherwise he____________a student of beijing university .

  a.would have been   b.should be    c.has been         d.had been

  【解析】a otherwise引起虚拟语气的虚拟语气属于含蓄型的,由句意可以得知是与过去的事实相反,主句用 would have done。

  9. ---your sister nearly _______ all her spare time to her study during the three years.

  ----that's right, or she ________ the first place in her school in the college entrance examination.

  a. devoted; wouldn't have taken    b. spent; wouldn't have taken

  c. had devoted; hadn't taken     d. had spent; couldn't take

  【解析】a devote … to 为固定搭配,因此第一个空应从ac选。or 翻译成“否则,要不然”,相当于otherwise,引起句子运用虚拟语气,主句用 would have done。

  10.―any information about your son?

  ―no. if only i ______ those tough words to him.

  a.didn't say                       b.hadn't said

  c.shouldn't have said             d.couldn't have said

  【解析】b if only 引起的句子要用虚拟语气。与wish跟从句用虚拟的规则一样。与过去的事实相反,用过去完成时态。

  11. it is vital that we _____ act out at once to protect the environment.

  a. would          b. should          c. will            d. can

  【解析】b it is vital/important/strange/necessary/natural…that 从句中,从句运用should跟动词原形。

  12. john’s pale face suggested that he ______ill, and his parents suggested that he ______a medical examination.

  a. be, should have   b. was, have   c. should be, had    d. was, has

  【解析】b suggest表示“表明,暗示”时,宾语从句不用虚拟语气,而表示“建议”时,要用should 跟动词原形的虚拟语气。根据句意可以得知,答案为b

  13. but for the leadership of our party and our government, we __________ these splendid results.

  a.have achieved                   b.shouldn’t have achieved

  c.should have achieved         d.would achieve 

  【解析】b but for 相当于without,可以用if 非真实条件句替换。有句意可知时发生在过去,与过去事实相反。

  14. --where have you been?

  --i_______in the heavy traffic. otherwise i______here earlier.

  a. got stuck; would have come        b. got stuck; was

  c. have got stuck; would have come   d. had got stuck; would come

  【解析】a 由句意得知被交通堵塞困住是发生在过去,第一空用一般过去时,排除cd,第二空为与过去事实相反,故选a

  15.he hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he ____ a goal.

  a. had scored         b. scored      c. would score     d. would have scored

  【解析】d 这是otherwise 引出的含蓄虚拟语气,再根据前面的 hesitated 可进一步知道这是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气 .




  5.把握虚拟语气的常用句式; 6.正确辨析混合时间的虚拟语气,如果条件句中的动作和主句的动作不是同时发生,主句和从句的谓语动词的形式应分别根据各自所表示的时间加以调整。

  7.注意虚拟语气中的倒装句,如果虚拟语气的条件从句谓语动词中含有were, had, should,有时可将if省去,而将条件从句的主语置于were, had, should,  之后

  8.分清含蓄条件句,有时为了表达的需要,在虚拟语气中不总是出现if引导的条件句,而通过用其他词来代替条件句,常见词有otherwise, or, but for 和if only等

  9. 掌握在表语从句,同位语从句和主语从句中,表示间接的命令、要求、请求、建议、决定等,主句的主语通常是suggestion, proposal, request, order, idea 等。 从句中的谓语动词是should +动词原型,should 可以省略。


  【专题综合】1. when a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ______.

  a. breaks                           b. has broken

  c. were broken                      d. had been broken

  2. but for the help you gave me, i _______ the examinations.

  a. would have passed                 b. would pass

  c. wouldn’t have passed             d. wouldn’t pass

  3. i forget where i read the article, or i _____ it to you now.

  a. will show         b. would show   c. am going to show     d. am showing

  4. “it looks as if he were drunk.” “so it does. _____.”

  a. he’d better give up drinking      b. he shouldn’t have drunk so much

  c. health is more important than drink d. i wonder why he is always doing so

  5. “mary looks hot and dry” “so _____ you if you had so high a fever.”

  a. do              b. are              c. will             d. would

  6. “he will come tomorrow.” “but i’d rather he _____ the day after tomorrow.”

  a. will come       b. is coming        c. came              d. had come

  7. all the doctors in the hospital insisted that he ____ badly wounded and that he ____ at once.

  a. should be; be operated on           b. were; must be operated on

  c. was; should be operated             d. was; be operated on

  8. ______ smoking, he would not have got cancer in the lung.

  a. was he given up b. had he given up   c. did he give    d. if he gave up

  9. “i still haven’t thanked aunt lucy for her present.” “it’s time you _____.”

  a. do              b. did              c. had              d. would

  10. “do you know his address?” “no, i also wish i _____ where he _____.”

  a. knew, live       b. knew, lives     c. know, lives      d. know, lived

  11. it is hard for me to imagine what i would be doing today if i ____ in love, at the age of seven, with the melinda cox library in my hometown.

  a. wouldn’t have fallen                 b. had not fallen

  c. should fall                           d. were to fall

  12. without the air to hold some of the sun’s heat, the earth at night ____ for us to live.

  a. would be freezing cold                b. will be freezing coldly

  c. would be frozen cold                  d. can freeze coldly

  13. look at the trouble i am in! if only i _____your dvice.

  a. followed        b. would follow       c. had followed   d. should follow

  14. ---- don't you think it necessary that he _______ to miami but to new york?

  ---- i agree, but the problem is ________ he has refused to.

  a. will not be sent; that                b. not be sent; that

  c. should not be sent; what              d. should not send; what

  15. if i____plan to do anything i wanted to ,i’d like to go to tibet and travel through as much of it as possible.

  a.would         b.could            c.had to    d.ought to

  16. ____ fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.

  a. would you be    b. should you be        c. could you be d. might you be

  17. if it were not for the fact that she_______sing, i would invite her to the party.

  a.couldn’t         b.shouldn’t           c.can’t        d.might not

  18. after hours of repair, the driver tried to start the machine but it __________ work.

  a. won’t           b. shouldn’t          c. wouldn’t    d. couldn’t

  19. you ________ pay too much attention to your assignment, for it is that important.

  a. must             b. needn’t            c. cannot       d. need

  20. he _________ another career, but at the time, he didn’t have enough money to attend graduate school.

  a. might choose     b. might have chosen   c. had to choose  d. must have chosen 


  1.【解析】c as if 引导的句子,有时用虚拟语气,有时不用。原则上说,若指事实或可能为事实,不用虚拟语气;若指现在,从句谓语动词用一般过去时(be 用 were);若指过去用过去完成时,若指将来用过去将来时或用 were to do sth.

  2.【解析】c but for 的意思是“若不是,要不是”,用于引出与事实相反的假设,通常与虚拟语气连用。根据句中的 the help you gave me,可知它表示与过去事实相反,故选c.

  3.【解析】b根据上文的语境可知句中的 or 隐含有一个虚拟的条件,即 or=if i didn’t forget where i read the article(要是我没忘记我在哪儿读过这篇文章的话――但事实上忘了)。

  4.【解析】d关键信息是it looks as if he were drunk 中的虚拟语气,句子既然用了虚拟语气,也就是说,“他喝醉了”不是事实,只是他的言行好像是醉了,所以此题的最佳答案是d.

  5.【解析】d 由于空格后的 if 条件状语从句的谓语用的是虚拟语气(这是很重要的信息),所以主句要用 would 而不用 will,即答案应选d.

  6.【解析】c 按照英语习惯,would rather 后接that 从句时,从句谓语通常要用虚拟语气,即用过去式表示现在或将来,用过去完成时表示过去。

  7.【解析】d insist后的从句谓语有时用“should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气,有时不用,具体要看该谓语动词所表示的含义。一般说来,若该谓语动词所表示的动作尚未发生,或尚未成为事实,则用虚拟语气;若该谓语动词所表示的动作已经发生,或已经成为事实,则要用陈述语气。分析上题的句意,可知只有选d最合适。

  8.【解析】b是因为时态前后有矛盾。由于主句谓语是would not have got,这表明是对过去事实作出的假设,所以从句谓语应该是 had given up,而不是像d项那样用一般过去时。另外,当虚拟条件句中有 had, should, were 等词时,通常可以省略 if,并将 had, should, were 提前置于句首。

  9.【解析】b it’s time you did 为 it’s time you thanked aunt lucy for her present 之略。按照英语语法,it’s time 后从句通常要用过去式。

  10.【解析】b第一空填 knew,因为 i wish 后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气(即用过去式表示现在的想法);第二空要填lives,即用陈述语气,因为 where he lives 是一个客观事实,而不是 i wish 的内容。

  11.【解析】b 此题涉及错综时间虚拟条件句,主句与现在事实相反,条件句与过去事实相反。句意为:要不是在七岁时就迷上了 melinda cox 图书馆,我真不能想像我如今会在做什么。

  12.【解析】a without 引出的介词短语为一个与现在事实相反的含蓄条件句。

  13.【解析】c if only 意为“,但愿,要是……就好了”,其后的句子谓语要用虚拟语气,用以表达愿望或非真实条件,同时根据 句意可以得知从句是与过去事实相反

  14.【解析】b本题考查虚拟语气和表语从句。在it is necessary that…句型中,从句中常常用虚拟语气,其形式为“should+动词原型”,should也可以省略。第二空考查了表语从句。that没有实际的意义,只起一个连接的作用。


  16.【解析】 b 本题考查了虚拟语气的倒装。如果虚拟语气的条件从句谓语动词中含有were, had, should,有时可将if省去,而将条件从句的主语置于were, had, should之后。

  17.【解析】c虽然前有虚拟条件句, 后有使用了虚拟语气,但the fact不是与事实相反,而是现在的真实情况, 故不用虚拟语气。


  19.【解析】c can not too...to 是词组,意思是就算怎么样也不过分。

  20.【解析】b可是根据句子的意思。must have chosen  是本来肯定会------,故答案为b。

情态动词 篇15


  目     录

  第一部分  教材梳理


  unit 1  friendship













  unit 2  english around the world













  unit 3  travel journal













  unit 4  earthquakes













  unit 5  nelson mandela―a modern hero














  unit 1  cultural relics













  unit 2  the olympic games













  unit 3  computers













  unit 4  wildlife protection













  unit 5  music














  unit 1  festivals around the world













  unit 2  healthy eating













  unit 3  the million pound bank note














  第二部分 语法专题

  专题一 冠词

  专题二 名词

  专题三 代词

  专题四 数词

  专题五 形容词和副词

  专题六 介词

  专题七 情态动词

  专题八 非谓语动词

  专题九 动词和动词短语

  专题十 动词的时态

  专题十一 动词的语态

  专题十二 句子种类

  专题十三 名词性从句

  专题十四 定语从句

  专题十五 状语从句

  专题十六 倒装句和省略句

  专题十七 强调句

  专题十八 虚拟语气

  专题十九 主谓一致

  专题二十 直接引语和间接引语

  第三部分 高考题型讲练








  第二部分 语法专题


  专题七  情态动词



  一 情态动词基本用法一览表

  情态动词 用法 例句 注意事项


  could 1表许可(和may可互换)、能力


  3 could可表比can更委婉的语气及用于虚拟语气。 1you can/may sit here./he can swim.

  2 he can’t be sixty.

  3 could you come again tomorrow?

  can和be able to都可表能力,但be able to可表达“某事终于成功”,有更多的时态。


  might 1表可以(问句中表请求,might更婉转)


  3表祝愿(用于倒装句中) 1 may/might i use your bike?

  2 he may/might be at home.

  3 may you succeed! 1回答may…do…?的否定用 mustn’t/can’t


  do…?的否定用 can’t/might not

  must 1表必须,应该(表主观要求)

  2表推测(用于肯定句),译为“准是,一定” 1 you must study hard.

  2 she must be tired. 否定式mustn’t表不准,禁止;否定回答用needn’t/don’t/doesn’t have to(不必)

  have to 只好,不得不(客观的必须,有时态人称变化) without help, i had to do it myself. must表主观意识。have to有多种时态。

  ought to 应当(表示义务责任,口语中多用should you ought to obey laws. 否定用oughtn’t 疑问句用ought…to do…?

  shall 1用于一三人称的疑问句,表征询意见

  2用于二三人称, 表示许诺、命令、警告等 1 shall we go now?

  2 the sign there reads, “no person shall smoke here.” 

  should 1表建议或劝告,译为“应该”

  2本该(含有责备意味) 1 you should learn from each other.

  2 you should have given him help. 


  would 1表意志或决心

  2疑问句中用于第二人称表请求,would比较委婉 1 he promised he would never smoke again.

  2 will/would you like some tea? would表示过去的习惯或喜好,不涉及现在; used to表示过去常常做现在已经不再有的习惯.

  dare 敢(常用于否定句、疑问句和条件从句中) he dare not/daren’t sleep alone.

  dare you touch it? 过去式dared;可作实义动词

  need 需要,必须(常用于否定句和疑问句中) you needn’t do the work now. need…do…?的肯定回答:yes,…must. 可作实义动词

  used to 过去常常(现在已不再) he used to play football. 否定式usedn’t/usen’t to do/didn’t use to do; 疑问used…to…do…?did…use to do…?

  二 “情态动词+不定式进行式”和“情态动词+不定式完成式”用法一览表

  句式 说明 例句

  can +不定式进行式

  can +不定式完成式 表示“可能”,用于否定句和疑问句(could 也可能有此用法,只是语气更委婉) he can’t be telling lies.


  he can’t have told lies.


  could+不定式完成式 指过去没实现的动作,表“本来可以” it’s too late. you could have told him earlier.你本来能早点告诉他的。


  may+不定式完成式 表示“可能,也许”,用于肯定句 he may be doing homework.


  he may have missed the train.


  must+不定式进行式 肯定句表示“一定在干某事”

  the light is on. he must be working.


  must+不定式完成式 用于肯定句,表示“准是干了某事” he is sad. he must have failed the exam.他准是考试不及格。

  needn’t+不定式完成式 “本来不必做”,只用于否定句 you needn’t have lent the book to him. he bought it already.


  should/ought to+不定式完成式 肯定句表示“本应该做而实际没做”;

  否定句表示“不应该做而实际却做了” i should have bought it.


  you shouldn’t have scolded him.




  1. i should have been there, but i ____________ find the time.

  2. helen _______ go on the trip with us, but she isn’t quite sure yet.

  3. tom, you ___________ not leave all your clothes on the floor like this!

  4. you can’t imagine that a well behaved gentleman _____________ be so rude to a lady.

  5. it has been announced that candidates_____________ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.

  6. ---lucy doesn’t mind lending you her dictionary.

  ---she ____________. i’ve already borrowed one.

  7. john, look at the time. _______________ you play the piano at such a late hour?

  8. ---__________ this book be yours?

  ---no, it ____________ not be mine. it ___________ be his.

  9. as a girl, she ____________ get up at six every day.

  10. __________ he to clean the classroom after school?

  11. you ____________ be tired after the long trip, aren’t you?

  12. ---what’s the name?

  ---khulaifi. __________ i spell that for you?

  13. you _____________________ (see) the film, haven’t you?

  14. you _____________________ (talk) on the phone at that time, for i couldn’t get through.

  15. they _____________________ (miss) the plane, or perhaps they have been prevented from coming for some reason.

  16. ______________ you pass the college entrance examinations!

  17. he had known the matter before you told him, so you _____________________ (not tell) it to him.

  18. i did not call to make any airline reservation but i ________________.

  19. the light is out. they _______________________ (not work) now.

  20. ---my cat is really fat.

  ---you _____________________ (not give) her so much food.

  答案:1. couldn’t 2. may  3. mustn’t  4. should  5. shall  6. needn’t 

  7. must 8. can; can’t; must  9. would  10. ought 11. must 12. shall  13.must have seen 

  14. must be talking  15. might/might have missed  16. may  17. needn’t have told 

  18. should have 19. can’t be working 20. shouldn’t have given



