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Chapter 3 Environment(通用2篇)

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Chapter 3 Environment(通用2篇)

Chapter 3 Environment 篇1

  using adjectives teachingaims1.       get the students to continue to learn the use of adjections.2.       get the students to practise using adjections.在上一单元,我们学习了形容词的三大功能(即:定语、表语和宾语补足语)和两个句型(即:it’s + 形容词+ ( for sb) + to do … / 主语 + be + 形容词 + to do…)。我们还学习过形容词的其他用法,如:形容词的比较等级的用法。( 注意:副词也有比较等级,副词的比较等级用法和形容词相同)形容词的比较等级是初中英语的重要语法项目,也是中考的热点问题。现在我们就形容词和副词的比较等级的常考知识点作复习和归纳。 i.  形容词的比较等级:大多数的形容词有三个等级:原级,比较级和最高级。原级即形容词的原形。比较级和最高级的变化,分规则变化和不规则变化两种。(1)       规则变化。单音节词和部分双音节词的变化如下表:





  一般加-er, est







  以 结尾的词,只加-r , -st







  以一个辅音字母结尾,前面的元音读短音时,要双写结尾的辅音字母,再加-er , -est







  以辅音字母加 结尾的词,改y 为 i ,再加-er , -esteasy





  busiest部分双音节词和多音节词,在前面加    或   来构成比较级和最高级:原级                  比较级               最高级slowly                more slowly          most slowlybeautiful              more beautiful       most beautiful(2)      不规则变化如下表:原级比较级最高级good , wellbetterbestbad , ill worseworstmany , muchmoremostlittlelessleastfarfarther, furtherfarthest , farthestoldolder , elderoldest , eldestii. 形容词和副词比较等级的用法:(1)       表示两者之间的比较时,用“形容词比较级 + than”句型。the sun is bigger than the earth.(2)      表示两者以上的比较时,用“the + 形容词最高级( + 名词)+ of(in)… “的句型。my brother is the tallest in his class. (3) 表示两者是同等程度,用“as +形容词原级/ 副词 + as”句型, 意思是“ 和…… 一样”。表示两者不同程度时,用“not so (as) + 形容词原级 / 副词 + as”的句型,意思是“不如……”.它可与比较级互换。this book as good as that one.li ping is not as old as wei fang.swimming is not as interesting as fishing. = fishing is more interesting than swimming.试分析下列练习:1.       my coat is _________ than yours.a. expensive   b. more expensive   c. much more expensive   d. much expensive 2.       shanghai is one of _________ cities in our country.a.large   b. larger   c. largest   d. the largest3.       which subject is __________ , math or english?a.easy   b. easier   c. easyer   d. easiest4.       of all the students in our class, betty write _________.a. very careful   b. the most careful   c. the most carefully   d. more carefully5.       jack doesn’t jump so _________ as his brother.a. high   b. higher   c. highest   d. more high6.  it was ________ cold yesterday.   a. terrible   b. terribly   more terrible    d. most terrible(4) 常用的一些原级比较的结构还有:1. “as many / much as” 意思为“同数量的…… ; 一样多”。    he has as much money as john.    you can sell as many newspapers as i.2. “ as many / long / high … as + 数字”表示“多达 ( 长达、高达)……”.。    i have learned english for as long as 15 yeaars.    the building costs ran up to as much as 20 million yuan.3. the same as / different from / like; 当我们要表达“某一事物与另一事物相同时,用“ a is the same as b”句型。当我们要表达某一事物和另一事物不同时,用“a is different from b” 句型。当我们要表达某一事物与另一事物相像时,用“a is like b” 句型。    my watch is the same as yours.    tom’s coat is different from nick’s.    mr wang’s car is like my father’s.  这三个结构中所使用的动词多为be, 但有时也用look, sound, taste, seem 等系动词。that girl looks like her mother.this song sounds different from the one i like.   the same as 也可分解为the same ……as, same 后面通常跟age, kind, length, colour, height, size, amount 等名词。有时the same … as 也可与as … as 互换使用。      the ruler is the same length as that one. = this ruler is as long as that one.试完成下面的练习:1.       david 和 simon 一样高。david is ____________________ ( tall). =  2.       david 的体重不如simon. david is _____________________(heavy).=3.       我的书不如你的书多。i don’t have __________  _________  _________ as you.4.       格林一家和怀特一家扔掉的垃圾一样多。the greens throw away __________  _________  rubbish ________ the whites.5.       这次事故中多大一百人丧生。__________  __________  __________ 100 people were killed in the accident.6.       一天的费用可高达500 元。the cost of one day can be ________  __________  _________ 500 yuan.7.       这两姐妹看上去一样。the two sisters _________  __________  _________.8.       这条裙子与那一条不同。this skirt is _________  _________  _________ that one.9.       听起来像个好主意。that __________  __________ a good idea.10.   两顶帽子一样。the two hats _________  __________  __________. = 11.   我和你年纪一样。i am __________  __________  _________  _________ you. = 近年来在中考出现的对形容词和副词的比较等级的考查举例如下:考点一:对比较级的考查1.       mike looks _________ than paul, but they are the same age.a. youngest   b. the youngest   c. younger   d. very young形容词后面有than时,应该用形容词的比较级形式。应选c.2.       in the exam, the more careful you are, ____________ mistakes you will make.a. the fewer   b. the fewest   c. the less   d. the least“the + 比较级,the + 比较级”是比较级的一个固定句型,表示“越…… , 就越……”。 由此可排除b, d 两项;又因为mistake 是可数名词,不能用less 修饰,所以选a.3.       i love shenzhen because it is becoming ___________________.a. more and more beautiful     b. beautiful and beautifulc. clean and clean            d. more and clean“比较级+ and + 比较级”也是比较级的一个固定句型,表示“越来越……” ; 如果是多音节的形容词,则用“more and more + 形容词原形”所以选a.。考点二:考查比较级的修饰语4.       “please don’t be angry with me,” said amy laughingly. this make me even _________.a. angry   b. angrier   c. angriest根据题干的逻辑结构和程度副词even 的使用,应填形容词的比较级形式,所以选b。比较级可以被表示程度的副词或短语修饰,这些表示程度的修饰语主要有even, still, far, much, a lot , a bit, a little, any 等。考点三:对形容词最高级的考查5.       beijing, the capital of china, is one of __________ cities in the world.a. the biggest   b. bigger   c. much bigger   d. big“be + one of the + 形容词最高级 + 名词(复数)+ 范围”是最高级的一个固定句型,意为“…… 是最…… 之一”,所以选a.用所给词的正确形式填空:who’s _________ ( tall ) , kitty or mary?the changjiang river is one of the _________( long ) rivers in the world.the chinese people have a much _________ ( good ) life now.

  形容词和副词比较等级专练teaching aimget the students to practise using adjections.i. 根据句子的意思,从括号中选择正确的内容填空,使句子完整,通顺:1.  it’s very cold today, but it seems to be ____________ tomorrow. ( colder, coldest)2. he has _________ homework to do than i today. ( much , more)3. my room is twice _________ than my sister’s .( large , larger )4. this coat is much _________ than that one. ( expensive , more expensive)5. chapter 2 is _________ of all the chapters in this books.6. she is __________ among the girls. ( heavier , the heaviest)7. tom wrote as __________ as ken. ( careful , carefully )ii. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空:exercise one is __________ (easy ) than exercise two.please listen to the teacher __________ ( careful ).i don’t think it is a difficult math problem. he can work it out ( easy).shenzhen is one of  ____________ ( beautiful ) cities in our country.july and august are the _____________ ( hot ) months in a year.he is too tired to go any ______________ ( far ).which jacket is _____________ ( expensive) , the blue one , the green one or the brown one.read this passage as ____________ ( quick ) as you can.there is ________________ (little )milk in this glass than in that one.jack doesn’t jump so __________ ( high ) as tom.iii. 选择填空:which pen do you like _________ , the red one or the black one?a. good   b. better   c. gooder   d. besttom draws _______ . he draws _________ than mike and john. he draws ________ among the three boys.a. good, better, best   b. well, better , best   c. good, good, best   d. well, well, betterhe is __________ enough to go to school.a. older   b. oldest   c. big   d. oldthat was one of __________ moments of that year.a. exciting   b. more exciting   c. the most exciting   d. most excitinglook! he is running __________ .a. faster and faster   b. fast and fast   c. fastest and fastest   d. fastly and fastlydo you get up _________ your parents?a. early   b. earlier   c. as early as   d. as earlier asdo you speak english ____________ your parents?a. best than   b. well than   c. as good as   d. as well aswhich is __________ , a chick, a sheep or a horse?a. heavy   b. heavier   c. heaviest   d. the heaviestiv. 完成下列句子:1.       the girl is now ______________________ (高得多) than she was a year ago.2.       millions of stars are even ______________________ (大和明亮 ) than the sun. they look small only because they are _________________(远得多) away3.       china is __________________ (最大的国家之一) in the world.4.       does mary write ______________________ (一样认真) as betty?5.       this elephant is _________________(强壮) , but that elephant is ___________(强壮一点) than this one.6.       do you think chemistry is ______________________ (有趣)?7.       it’s ___________ (热) today than yesterday.8.       when a piece of ice is taken into a warm room, it becomes ________________________(越来越小) .9.       in summer it’s _____________________ (凉爽) in beijing than in guangdong.10.   my brother _________________________________(跳舞不如我妹妹好).11.   he is ________________________(和我一样高) , but he is ______________________(比我瘦很多).12.   exercise one is ______________________(难得多) than exercise two.

Chapter 3 Environment 篇2

  chapter 3 environment


  date: march 18th ,

  学科:英语     授课年级:八年级     

  teaching material: oxford english 8b

  teaching goals:

  1. knowledge goal

  students are able to have a detailed understanding of the reading text.

  2. ability goals

  (1) know about the effects of the greenhouse effect and destruction of rainforests

  (2) practice speaking through the four main topics in the reading text

  (3) learn to work in groups

  3. emotional goal

  students raise their awareness of protecting the environment as green consumers

  important points:

  detailed understanding of the four main topics in the reading text

  difficult points:

  two environmental problems (the greenhouse effect, destruction of rainforest)

  teaching procedures

  step 1  leading-in

  1. sing a song

  2. watch the video water world and then answer some questions about the video to lead in the new lesson.

  step 2  pre-reading

  raise the two environmental problems

  step 3  while-reading

  1. learn about the first environmental problem: the greenhouse effect;

   brainstorming: is greenhouse effect important or harmful?

   use the key words to talk about the importance and harmful effects of the greenhouse effect

  2. learn about the second environmental problem: destruction of rainforests

   watch a video and raise the topic.

   ask some questions about the topic

  what can trees do for us?

  what may happen if trees are cut down?

  3. talk about the causes of the above environmental problem―bad habits

   free talk: human beings’ bad habits of polluting the environment

   results of the bad habits, raise the phrase- environmentally friendly

  4. a survey about the text

   finish a survey form in a group of four and two students report the results

  step 4  post-reading

  a task: finish a poster in groups

  1. look at the pictures of beautiful scenic spots in shenzhen.

  2.find out different kinds of pollution in shenzhen

  (1) as green consumers, how can we make shenzhen more beautiful?

  (2) students’ presentation.

  step 5  homework

  1. listen to the tape and read the article, and try to imitate the tape.

  2. make a poster ‘how to make shenzhen more beautiful’ individually.

  3.  finish part c&d on page 32&33 in the textbook.



Chapter 3 Environment(通用2篇)
