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5A Unit 4 Halloween教学设计(通用3篇)

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5A Unit 4 Halloween教学设计(通用3篇)

5A Unit 4 Halloween教学设计 篇1

  一、教学内容:《牛津小学英语》5a unit4 halloween第一课时。













  教学重点:通过信息技术的展示使学生掌握四会单词a chicken, a duck, a horse, a pig以及句型 do you like...? yes, i do. / no, i don't. i like...

  教学难点:通过信息技术解决所提出的问题,让学生 进一步掌握名词复数的词形和读音的变化,培养学生正确的信息使用的道德情感。


  教学策略:多媒体辅助教学课件因其具有能集成文字、图像、影像、声音及动画等多种信息的功能而愈来愈受到欢迎。实践也证明,多媒体辅助教学可以产生教与学的最佳效果。集图、文、音、像等信息于一体,我自行设计了一个《牛津小学英语》5a unit4 halloween第一课时课件。我还要求学生能利用我们提供的资料参考,积极为自己提供更为广阔的学习资源背景,从而使学生不断地完成新知的建构过程,自觉地养成信息的“获取―内化―提升―再获取”习惯。



  [step 1: greeting and show the title]

  1. s:hello,boys and girls.how are you?

  t:fine,thank you,.and you?

  s:i’m fine,too.

  t:can you sing the song《boys and girls》?

  s:yes ,we can.

  t:le’s sing it together.(课件中封面上的小喇叭按钮)

  2. t:today we will learn new lesson 《unit4 halloween》

  [设计思路]:儿童心理学特征告诉我们,教唱英语歌是一种很好的教学手段。课前一首歌,是组织进行教学的好方法,它能使学生以饱满的精神、激昂的情绪,为上好一堂课作前奏. 小学英语教材每个单元后面都有一首英语歌,教师可以充分发挥其作用。将歌曲放在课堂开始,一来可使学生渐渐进入英语环境,二来也可以活跃课堂气氛。课前先与学生进行简单日常用语的交际,使学生渐渐熟悉课堂,轻松融入学习英语的氛围中,从而揭示新课课题。

  [step 2: presentation1(课件中part1)]

  1. introduce the title“halloween”

  2. introduce the new word“animal mask”

  3.show the names of animals: call the names of animals


  [step 3 consolidation 1(课件中part2)]

  1.t:do you like animal masks ?

  s:yes , we do.

  t:i will show you a place.do you want to have a look?


  t:look! what is it?

  s:it’s a zoo.

  t: shall we go to the zoo?


  2.show some pictures of animals in the zoo.

  t:what can you see in the zoo?

  s:i can see a panda and a tiger.


  [step 4 presentation 2(课件中part3)]

  1. revision

  play a game : listen and guess “which animal is this?”

  2.t:what’s this? 

  s:it’s a pig.. (升降调读,拼读,板演,书空,为后面句子教学铺垫,也可以加上动作)

  3.同法教授单词“a duck, a horse, a chicken”

  [设计思路]:经常性的成功体验,可使人的需要不断地满足,心情舒畅愉快而求索不止,这对英语教学有着不可估量的促进作用。在英语教学中,要努力创设轻松、和谐、教学相长的教学情境。以学生为主体,以趣味活动为主线,以学生心智发展为重点,让学生经常获得学习成功的喜悦,从而培养学生的浓厚的学习兴趣。我借助信息技术中声音素材的导入,让学生听音辨别动物。先呈现学生学过的动物声音,如a dog, a cat等,再引出本课时的新单词。这种循序渐进的方法,不仅符合学生学习的方式,而且也能将信息技术更好运用于英语教学中。

  [step 5 presentation 3(课件中part4)]

  1.show some pictures of the new words.

  t:what can you see in the picture?

  s:i can see some chickens. (介绍名词复数的词形和读音的变化,学生齐读单词复数形式)

  t:do you like chickens?

  s:yes, i do./no, i don’t. i like horses.

  2. pair work 

  do you like…?           yes, i do./no, i don’t. i like …

  [设计思路]:在英语课堂里经常性地开展小组间的各种竞赛,让竞赛促使学生产生成功的体验。我们可以把学生分成若干个小组,每组分别有一个英文名,名字可以就用学生学过的单词。每一次课堂里都会组织一个竞赛,获胜的小组可以累计分数。过段时间再评比一次,看哪一组累计分数做多。学生具有强烈的竞争意识,这也因此激发学生努力争取成功,从而更加扎实的学好英语。我由单词的单数图片过渡到单词的复数图片,为下面的句型do you like…?教学作铺垫,学生通过神气活现的小动物,自然而然便对他们产生情感。这也正发挥了信息技术的情感导向作用。

  [step 6 consolidation 2]

  1.show a picture of the shop.

  t:what can you see in the picture?

  s:i can see some masks.

  t:now ,i’m a shop assistant.

  can i help you?

  s:yes, i’d like some masks.

  t:do you like rabbits?

  s:yes, i do.

  t:here you are ?

  s:thank you. how much is it?

  t:ten yuan, please .

  2. make a dialogue in the shop



  1.do some exercise

  2.show the classwork in the picture

5A Unit 4 Halloween教学设计 篇2


  1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a family,thing,need,a horse

  2、能听得懂、会说、会读单词halloween,tomorrow,mask,pumpkin, lantern,vase,

  3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语what do you need? we need some… what else do you need?..., please. here’s your change. do you like…?yes, i do./no, i don’t. i like… what do you like? i like…





  难点:1、句型do you like masks?中可数名词复数的正确使用。




  step1 greetings

  step2 sing a song《we can sing and dance》

  step3 free talk

  how are you?

  what’s in the classroom?

  is there a…?

  what can you do?

  do you like…?

  are there any…?

  where are they?(相机教授vase)

  step4 presentation

  a. learn “halloween”

  t: today i’ll tell you something about a festival” halloween”(师出示halloween单词卡)

  ss: (齐跟读,个别读)

  b. introduce the festival “halloween”

  t: halloween is on 31st of october.(师介绍halloween相机教pumpkin lantern, mask,horse并用do you like…? i like horse masks.what masks do you like?与学生对话)

  c. learn what do we need? thing

  t: halloween is so interesting. let’s have a halloween party,ok?


  t: what do we need?

  s: we need some…

  t: (相机板书)what else do we need?

  s: we need …

  t: now let’s buy things for a halloween party. thing

  ss: (个别读,齐读)

  t: now i’m the shop assistant. can i help you?

  s: we need some…

  t : what else do you need?

  s: we need some…

  d.s―s practise, then ask a s to be the assistant.t相机教how much are they? here’s your change.

  step5 have a rest

  sing the song《can i help you?》

  can i help you?

  we need a mask.

  what else do you need?

  some flowers ,please.

  how much are they?

  twenty-five yuan.

  here’s the money.

  here’s your change.

  step6 presentation

  a. learn tomorrow

  t: tomorrow is halloween. tomorrow

  ss: (listen and read)

  t: ben and his family are talking about the halloween party. what are they talking about? let’s listen to the tape and answer:

  1.what do they need?

  2.what does ben’s brother ron like?

  3.how much are the things?

  ss: (listen and answer the questions)

  b. listen to the tape and imitate.

  step7 consolidation

  make a dialogue :buy things for a birthday party.

  step8 summary

  step9 homework

  a. listen to the tape and imitate.

  b. copy the four skills words and recite them.

  c. make a dialogue.

  buy things for a halloween party.

  buy things for a birthday party.

  buy things for women’s day.

  buy things for children’s day.

  buy things for teachers’ day.


  unit 4 halloween  date

  what do we need?

  we need some…

  what else do you need?

  how much are they?

  5a unit 4 halloween教学设计 来自第一范文网。

5A Unit 4 Halloween教学设计 篇3


  1.能听懂,会说,会读单词saturday, sunday, cook

  2.能听懂, 会说,会读,会写单词work, with, evening

  3.能听懂、会说、会读句子they don’t work on saturdays and sundays.

  4.能掌握like doing的用法



  1.能听懂、会说、会读句子they don’t work on saturdays and sundays.

  2.能掌握like doing的用法


  1.能掌握like doing的用法









  step 1 warm up

  1. t:class begin.

  s:stand up.

  t:good morning.

  ss: good morning, teacher.

  2.t:look! what’s in my hand?

  s: it’s a mask.

  t: do you like masks?

  s: …

  由该生开始接龙s1―s2,s2-s3,s3-s4,…s-t:yes, i do. i like making masks.

  (引出like doing 用法,复习动词词组,并用i like doing 练习动词变化后的读音。)


  step2 presentation

  1.t: do you like making masks?

  s: yes. /no.

  t: what else do you like?


  t: i like swimming too. i often swim on saturdays and sundays.

  (出示词组on saturdays and sundays)

  t:we can do many things on saturdays and sundays, because we don’t work on saturdays and sundays. (出示该句型)

  2. t:helen’s parents don’t work on saturdays and sundays too. what do they do on saturdays and sundays? what do they like? do you want to know? let’s listen to the  tape.(听小课文录音,回答问题)

  q1: what do helen’s parents like?

  q2: what do helen and mike like?




  step3 assignment





5A Unit 4 Halloween教学设计(通用3篇)
