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Unit 4 How do you get to school?(精选2篇)

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Unit 4 How do you get to school?(精选2篇)

Unit 4 How do you get to school? 篇1

  unit 4 how do you get to school

  the fourth period

  i. teaching aims and demands

  1. knowledge objects

  key vocabulary.  oral practice.

  2. ability objects

  listening skills.  reading skills.

  3. moral object

  know about some signs of traffic.

  ii. teaching importance and difficulty

  oral practice using the target language:

  how do you get to school?  --well, i ride my bike to the subway station.

  then i take the subway.

  iii. teaching methods

  listening method.  reading method.  pairwork.  groupwork.  practice.

  iv. teaching aids

  a tape recorder.  a projector.  large chart paper, colored markers.

  v. teaching procudrues

  step i greet the class as usual and check the homework.

  step ii section b 1a

  show some pictures on the blackboard. teach students some key words.

  this is a train station. trains stop here.   this is a bus stop. because stop here.

  this is a bus station.

  step iii group mural

  tape together several pieces of large chart paper and ask students to use colored markers to make a transportation mural.

  step iv 1b pairwork

  first ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.

  sa: how do you get to school?

  well, i ride my bike to the subway station. then i take the subway.

  step v 2b

  first ask a different students to say what kinds of transportation each picture shows. then tell students picture i shows riding a bike to the subway, taking another bus after the subway and walking from the bus stop to the school.

  step vi 2c groupwork

  in this activity let students tell how nina gets to school. ask students to use the pictures in 2b. and write these sentences on the blackboard.

  first she … next she… then she…

  step viii optional activity

  explain the practice of the sentences starters first she…,then, she… by writing the sentences on the blackboard.

  first i get up. next i take a shower. then i have the breakfast.

  step ix summary and homework

  this class we’ve learnt some key vocabulary and had oral practice. after class ask your parents how they get to offices. next class i’ll ask some of you to report to the class.

  step x blackboard design

  unit 4 how do you get to school?

  key vocabulary   target language

  first… next… then…


  听力真的是学生的难点.有了第三单元的经验.我对听力做了相应的调节.我惊喜的发现学生跳一跳就能够的着了. 学生动了.他们有了成功的体验,好.好. 好

Unit 4 How do you get to school? 篇2

  unit 4 how do you get to school?

  section a 1a-2d

  【学习目标】 1.knowing :  本课的16个单词与8个短语。     

  2.practing:  谈论如何到达目的地。





  (1)个人记读单词5分钟        (2)两人一组相互检查读音

  (3)展示:  搭乘________ 地铁;地下火车_______  火车_________  

  散步________ 分钟_________  花费___________ 

  乘地铁____________  骑自行车___________ 乘公共汽车___________ 

  乘出租车___________ 乘船_____________   到达学校_______________                                

  学习任务二:1.学习句型:how do you get to school?

  i ride my bike/take the bus/walk to school.   

  2.听听力,完成1b.         3.小组自主学习,完成1c.

  学习任务三:   1、听听力,完成2a.      2、正确写出数字

  3. 听听力,完成2c.                4.同桌练习完成2d。

  5.要点解惑:it takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus.意为“步行花25分钟,坐车花10分钟”。 此句的结构是it takes sb. some time to do sth.,意为“花费某人多长时间做某事”




  三、系统总结   本课表达交通方式的句型。                                                                       


  1、 用所给词的正确形式填空。  

  1) it___________(take) me half an hour to do my homework every day .                                                                                                            

  2) he___________ (walk) to school every day .

  3) how long does it take you________ _(do) your homework ?

  4) 60____________(minute) is an hour.                                                                                                  


  (  )1. it will take the men half a year ________ the work.

  a. finish  b. finishing  c. to finish  d. finishes

  (  )2. i often go to work ________.

  a. ride my bike  b. by bike  c. by a bike  d. on bike

  (  )3.--________ do you usually come to school in the morning?

  --by bike.        a.what  b.where  c.when  d.how

  (  )4.the old man goes to the park _________ every morning.

  a.by foot  b.by feet   c.on foot  d.on feet                               

  (  )5.--___________ does it take?--it takes about half an hour.

  a.what time b.when   c.how  d.how long 

  (  )6.it takes ________ half an hour ________ on foot.

  a.my, to get to school     b.me, to get to school

  c.my, going to school     d.me, going to school

  (  )7.in south korea, most students get to school ________.

  a.take a subway                b.in the subways

  c.by the subway                d.by subways

  (   )8. ---- how do you usually come to school?  -----______ my father’s car.

  a. by   b. in    c. with    d. for

  (   )9.it ______ me nearly 3 hours ____ my homework every day.

  a. cost; to do    b. spends; doing  c. takes; to do     d. cost; doing

  (   )10. ---- how long does it take you to go to school by subway?

  ---- _______.

  a. two miles  b. two kilometers  c. two hours  d. two years

  (   )11.--- how will you go to beijing?   ---- i ________ beijing.

  a. by plane  b. on the plane to  c. go to  d. will fly to

  五、 【课后反思】(教师寄语: practice makes perfect.)



  第2课时  unit 4 how do you get to school? section a 3a-4

  执教    李永丽         核对 



  2. 句型: how do you get to school?  how long does it take?

  how far is it from his home to school ? 

  3. 熟练运用本课句型谈论交通方式、时间及距离 。

  【学习重点】 继续学习谈论交通的句型,描述路线。



  学习任务一: 1、自读3a短文,理解短文意思。    2、听录音,纠正发音。


  迅速地吃过早饭__________________   前往,“到……去”_______________                              

  骑自行车去…____________________      大约六点半____________________                            

  4、讲解:①“quick”为形容词,意为“快速的”,“have a quick breakfast”也可以说为“have breakfast quickly”

  ②“leave for ”意为“前往……,到…去”,不强调离开哪里, 只强调要去的地方。


  ③“take”为“带去,送去”,与to 搭配,take……to意为把某人某物带到某地去。

  例:早晨妈妈送我去学校。________________________________________________          学习任务二:学习3b。


  2、讲解:how far is it from your home to school?是一个用来询问两地间距离的常用句型,“how far”意为“多远”,回答时要用表示距离的短语。









  (  )1. ----________ is it from your home to school? -----three miles.

  a. how far  b. how much  c. how soon  d. how long

  (  )2、---when do you usually get up,mary?  ---________ 6:30 in the morning.

  a、in  b、on  c、with  d、at

  (  )3、it's about ten __________ walk from here.

  a、minutes' b、minute's c、minutes  d、minute  of

  (  )4、my sister always takes the train __________ home.

  a、in  b、on  c、to  d、at

  (  )5.   i have to ________ my home. my mother asks me to go back at once.

  a.leave        b.leave for      c.leaves       d.leave to

  (  )6._____ is the bridge over the yellow river?   ---- it’s three miles.

  a. how long  b. how far  c. how soon  d. how often

  (   )7. i think it can _______ them about two hours to do the work.

  a.start  b.pay  c.make  d.take


  1、it takes about forty-minutes to get the cinema.(对划线部分提问)

  ___________  __________ ___________  it ________ to get the cinema?                                                                                                           

  2、 my home is about two kilometres from school.(对划线部分提问)

  _____________   ___________ is ________ home from school?                                                                                                      

  3.he often has bread for breakfast. (改为一般疑问句)

  ________ he often ________ bread for breakfast?

  4..some students ride bikes to school every day . (同义句)

  some students            __    school every day                  .

  5. mr wilson goes to work by bus every day. (改为同义句)

  mr wilson ________ ________ ________ ________ work every day.

  6. mr green goes to america by plane every year.(同义句转换)

  mr green ___________ _________ america every year.                                                                                                 

  五、 【课后反思】(教师寄语: no pains, no gains.)



  第3课时unit 4 how do you get to school? section b 1a-2c

  执教    李永丽            核对 



  2. 句型:  a:   how do you get to school?

  b: well, i ride my bike to the subway station.

  then i take the subway.

  3.  运用各种交通工具的表达。

  【学习重点】 运用交通方式的表达。









  2、听对话, 完成2b.



  thomas wants to know what she thinks of the transportation.翻译:



  总结以下句型: (1)住的地方离学校多远(2)怎样到达学校




  (1)i always ride my bike to the bus s_________?

  (2) it  t______ me half an hour  to get to school.

  (3) it takes him ten m________ to go to school .

  (4) my mother  _______(步行)to  work every day.

  (5) what do you think of the t_________ in your city?

  (6) i ride my bike to the s____ station.

  (7) i l____ 5 miles from school.

  (8)lin fei’s home is far a____ from school.

  (9) the bus ride usually t_____ 10 minutes.

  (10)their t________________ was horse.


  my name is tom. there are ___1___ people __2___ my family. they are grandpa, uncle, father, mother, and ___3___ . my grandpa is retired(退休), and he stays at home ___4___. my uncle is a postman, my father is a manager, my mother is a doctor.

  i often ____5___a bus to go to school. my father usually goes to work __6___ 

  car, my uncle often rides a bike to work. my mother often takes the subway ___7____. how ____8___ my grandpa? he usually goes to park ___9___. he likes   ____10___.

  (       ) 1.   a. four     b. three      c. five              d. six

  (       ) 2.   a. at       b. of        c. in                 d. from

  (       ) 3.  a. my       b. me        c. i               d. he

  (       ) 4. a. every hour   b. every day   c. everyday      d. one day

  (       ) 5. a. use        b. take       c. get                d. have

  (       ) 6. a.at         b. on        c. by                 d. in

  (      ) 7. a. working    b. to work    c. at work         d. for working

  (      ) 8. a. is        b. are         c. about       d. to

  (      ) 9. a. on foot     b. on feet      c. by foot         d. by feet

  (      ) 10. a. walk    b. a walk       c. walking        d. to walks

  五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:tomorrow comes never.)



  第4课时unit 4 how do you get to school? section b 3a-self check

  执教     李永丽




  3. 熟练运用本单元短语、句型介绍交通方式。




  学习任务一: 学习3a:




  全世界________________________  乘校车上学 ____________________

  在世界的其他地区 ____________________在大城市 ________________

  更有趣得多____________ 最流行的做……的方式______________________

  乘船到校 ____________________  不同于 ____________________




  绝大多数 _______许多 _______一些 ______ 少量的、很少的______________

  学习任务三: 学习part 4


  二、合作共建(教师寄语:to be, or to be not. )

  1、有关更复杂的ways to get to a place的词汇和对话有哪些?

  2、如何做关于不同地域的ways to get to a place的统计和书面表达?



  步行_______________________________ 骑自行车___________________________

  乘公共汽车__________________________ 乘船_______________________________          

  乘火车_______________________________ 乘地铁_____________________________



  1)they are different ________ the united states.         

  2) in china ,bikes and buses are the most popular means ____ transportation.

  3) in china, it depends ____ where you are.                       

  4)what does she think ____ the plan ?

  5) how do students ______  the world get to school ?

  6) most students go to school _____ the school bus.

  7) students in kaishandao usually go to school ____ boat.                          


  1) the way of ________ (get) to school is popular.

  2) that must be a lot ____________ (fun) than _________ (take) a bus.

  3) when it _________(rain), i take a taxi. 

  4) a small number of ___________ (student) ______ (be) from north american.

  5) don't ___________ (worried) about your english. i can help you.


  1) i live   10 miles  from school .(提问)

  ______  ________  ______ you _______ from school ?

  2) most students   ride bikes   to school .  (提问)

  ________  _____ most students _______ to school ?

  3) the bus ride usually takes   about 25 minutes.   (提问)

  ___________  ________  ______ tha bus ride usually _______ ?

  4) transportation,what,think,you,your,of,town,do ,the ,in (组词成句)____________________________________________________________________

  5) 你不能永远依靠你父母。you cannot _________ ________ your parents forever.

  6) 健康取决于你健康的生活方式。

  ___________  ___________  ______ your healthy lifestyle.

  五、课后反思 (教师寄语: remember to do it from a to z.)





Unit 4 How do you get to school?(精选2篇)
