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1.Next Friday is Tom's birthday. Let's buy a gift for________.
  • A. me
  • B. you
  • C. him
  • D. her
2.We plan to go to Shenzhen________July, and we will take the high speed railway.
  • A. in
  • B. on
  • C. at
  • D. of
3.The volunteers have worked for a whole day, ________ nobody stopped to rest.
  • A. so
  • B. but
  • C. or
  • D. for
4.—Carl, _______ you play the piano?
—No, I can't. But I am learning how to play it.
  • A. can
  • B. must
  • C. should
  • D. need
5.—Tina, ______ do you like reading so much?
—Because it helps me learn about different things.
  • A. when
  • B. why
  • C. where
  • D. who
6.Mount Hua and Mount Huang are both famous in China, but Mount Hua is _______ .
  • A. high
  • B. higher
  • C. highest
  • D. the highest
7.My brother ________ cartoons when I got home.
  • A. watches
  • B. has watched
  • C. is watching
  • D. was watching
8.Tina's grandmother ______for a walk with her tomorrow morning.
  • A. went
  • B. goes
  • C. will go
  • D. has gone
9.Emily usually______her homework at school.
  • A. did
  • B. has done
  • C. will do
  • D. does
10.—Look!What are the children doing on the playground?
—Oh, they ______volleyball.
  • A. are playing
  • B. played
  • C. will play
  • D. have played
11.I________many books on art since last year.
  • A. am reading
  • B. read
  • C. will read
  • D. have read
12.—Jane, could you please tell us______ ?
—I take exercise at least an hour every day.
  • A. how you keep healthy and strong
  • B. how you kept healthy and strong
  • C. how do you keep healthy and strong
  • D. how did you keep healthy and strong
13.An Accident
  After a day of hard work as a construction worker, Kevin's father was happy to return home. His plan was to take a (1)      , and then to relax and enjoy the rest of the day.
  Just as he was finishing his shower, the phone rang. "Dad, it's for you. Hurry up!" Kevin shouted. His father rushed to finish up his shower. As he was getting out of the bath, he slipped (滑倒) and (2)      on the floor.
  Kevin 's dad cried (3)      . He had fallen with the whole weight of his body on his left foot!Hearing the shout, Kevin ran to check and found his dad lying on the floor with his left (4)       twisted (扭曲的) nearly 180 degrees. It looked like it was broken. His father's face turned pale, but he said calmly to his son, "Kevin, call your mum and tell her to come home."
  Kevin punched (按) the numbers nervously, and (5)       to his mum what his dad had just said. His mother worked at a nearby grocery store and was home in less than ten minutes. Together, they helped Kevin's father hop on one leg to the car in the garage.
  Mum drove the car (6)       to the emergency room at the hospital. The doctor checked the foot carefully, and then asked Kevin's dad to hold his breath. All of a sudden, the doctor twisted Kevin's father 's foot to set it back to the (7)       place.
  "Ahhh!" The sound his dad made was terrible. But his left foot was back in its normal position. The doctor explained to Kevin's father that he would need to use crutches to walk for at least three weeks.
  "Slipping on a wet floor or in the bathtub is one of the most common accidents around the home," the doctor said.
  "It can be very (8)      . Some people fall and bump their heads on the edge of a piece of furniture, causing serious concussions (脑震荡)."
  Kevin's mum comforted Dad, "It could be worse," she said. "Next time, don't rush to get out of the bathtub."
14.  What do you argue about at home?We asked three students and their parents.
Andy: My mum and I argue about homework a lot. If I finish my school work early, she would add more exercises. And she won't let me use the computer on my own. She won't let me enter the password myself. I'm not a little boy anymore. Susan: I'm proud of Andy. He's a sweet and smart child. And he often gets praise from his teachers. But he's a bit lazy so I have to be strict with him. I set a password on the computer so he can't use it freely or spend too much time on it. 
Jessica: I love my mum but we argue a lot. She says I'm always late and she says my phone bill is too high! I know she cares about me but I think she sometimes acts like she's my boss. This causes problems between us. Karen: Jessica makes friends easily. She's very popular among her classmates. But she has too many friends, and she spends hours on the phone!I'm not sure if these are the "right" friends for her. I let her go out on weekends but she often comes back late. She has not grown up yet. 
Edward: My dad's pretty cool. I can have friends come over to our house any time. We never argue except that he makes me clean my room. He often says my room is in a mess and things are dirty, but I don't think so. I like the way it is. George: I let Edward bring friends home whenever he wants. He can be messy sometimes. He never makes his bed and he hates tidying his room. He thinks he can find things more easily if they're lying around. 
15.A Dream Comes True
  As a young girl, I always wanted to fly a plane, but back then it was almost impossible for a woman to do that.
  A taste of flying came at last in 2001. I got a chance to ride in a hot air balloon on my birthday. But it was not as exciting as I expected. We went up directly high in the air and right back down moving around very low.
  Later, I wished I could skydive some day! So when I heard there was a chance to let my dream come true, I decided to take it.
  However, my children were very nervous about it. They asked me to talk things over with my doctor before that. When I told the doctor what I was planning to do, he said, "An 84-year-old woman like you could break bones during the landing." But all this could not prevent me from having a try and flying into the air.
  On June 11, 2013, I went up in a plane with my coach (教练). When it reached13, 000 feet high in the sky — a good enough height for skydiving, we threw ourselves out of the plane. When we first hit the air, the wind was very strong. But after a short while, it became better. We were in a free fall for about a minute. Then we opened the parachute (降落伞) and just floated downward for about four minutes. Being up in the clouds and looking at the view below was unlike anything I have ever felt, much better than from the hot air balloon.
  "Don't stop living just because you are too old" is what I'd like to say, "If there's something you want to experience, go for it. If it's something that is possible, make it happen."
16.Pinyin's Sixtieth Birthday
  Pinyin, a system that uses the Latin letters, tells us how to pronounce Chinese characters. What you learned in your first Chinese class in primary school was probably pinyin. The year 2018 marks pinyin's sixtieth birthday.
  In 1958, Chinese linguist Zhou Youguang and his team designed (设计) pinyin.
  Before that, Chinese people used many other methods to denote (标注) the pronunciation of Chinese characters. In ancient China, people denoted Chinese characters using other Chinese characters that had the same pronunciation. Some of the symbols are Chinese character strokes (笔画). For example, a vertical stroke is pronounced as "i" in pinyin. Some people still use this method.
  However, these methods are not as simple to use as pinyin. Because of pinyin, many illiterate (不识字的) people have learned how to read. We use pinyin to type Chinese characters into computers and phones. Pinyin has been useful in other ways too. It helps to promote the use of Standard Chinese, or Mandarin, so people who speak different dialects (方言) can still understand each other.
  Pinyin is not only popular in China. Many people around the world start to learn Chinese by learning pinyin. You might say"nihao"instead of "hello" to a foreign friend. The Oxford English Dictionary includes more than 100 Chinese words in pinyin, such as zhongguomeng for "Chinese dream", and wanggou for "online shopping".
  Pinyin is not only a language tool, but also a cultural bridge that connects China to the world, Guangming Daily noted. Pinyin is still young. But it has been and will still be a useful tool in the future.

17.  Chicken eggs come in many colours, but there are two that we often see at the supermarket:brown and white. Though brown eggs are often more expensive, the colour of an eggshell (蛋壳) says nothing about the quality(质量) of inside. According to scientists, the only difference between brown eggs and white eggs lies in the breed (品种) of the chicken that lays them.
  You may have heard people say that white-feathered chickens always lay white eggs and brown chickens lay brown eggs. While it's true that a chicken's colouring can say something about its eggs, you shouldn't be looking at the feathers only. The colour of a hen's earlobes (耳垂) is actually the best indicator (标志) of what colour its eggs will be. If it's white, the chicken's eggs will likely be white, and if it's darker, they will likely be brown. This trick even works for Araucana chickens, which have green-blue earlobes and lay matching eggs.
  Another wrong idea about eggs is that brown eggs are better for you or more"natural"than the white ones. This may have come from the fact that more expensive organic (有机的) eggs tend to be brown, and brown foods(like whole grain items) are usually healthier than the processed (经过特殊加工的) white versions. But an eggshell's colour has nothing to do with the egg's nutritional value.
  Any difference in labels and pricing on egg cartons comes down to the breed of the chicken. White Leghorn chickens—which lay white eggs—produce more eggs on cheaper diets, so they are favoured by factory farms. Breeds that lay brown eggs, like Rhode Island Red chickens, require higher quality food and lay higher quality eggs. But given the right care and food, white egg-laying chickens can just as easily lay higher quality eggs as the brown egg-laying chickens.

18.Children's Author Beverly Cleary
  You might not be familiar with the name Beverly Cleary, but perhaps you have read one of her books—Ramona the Pest, Dear Mr Henshaw, among many other titles. Cleary is one of the world's most﹣beloved children's authors. By showing that stories about ordinary kids could be interesting, too, she changed the world of children's books.
  As a child, Cleary had trouble learning to read. Even after she had learned to love reading, she still found many books boring. The girl felt like the people she was reading about had little to do with her or her life. She wanted to read funny books about children like herself.
  When she grew up, Cleary became a librarian. One day, some boys leaned across the counter and asked her, "Where are the books about kids like us?" Cleary realized there weren't many books about ordinary kids. So she set out to write some. Her first book, Henry Huggins, tells the story of a boy and the stray dog that he takes in. Huggins is just an ordinary third-grader, but the book soon became a hit.
  Cleary went on to write more books about Huggins and the other children in his neighbourhood. From this neighbourhood, "Ramona the Pest"became Cleary's best﹣known character. Ramona is curious (好奇的) and stubborn (倔强的). She is always getting into trouble. Whenever Ramona gets into trouble, it's often funny, but it's also something most kids can understand. Cleary knew what it really felt like to be a kid.
  Unlike many other children's authors, Cleary liked to focus on real﹣life problems. In several of her books, the parents have money problems or are unhappy with their jobs. Cleary dealt with these situations with a gentle sense of humour and a deep understanding.
  Cleary created over 40 books in all. More than 91 million copies of her books have been sold. The great author died at the age of 104 on March 25, 2021. Although she is no longer with us, her characters and stories will continue to be loved by many for years to come.
20.首先, 你应该严格要求自己.
22.学英语的时候, 有个好老师会有很大影响.
24.根据提示, 用英文写一封意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50词的文段.请不要写出你的校名和姓名.开头已给出, 不计入词数.
人遇误解休怨恨, 物过严冬即回春.
假设你是李华, 在新华中学学习.请以"A Misunderstanding"为题用英语写一篇短文, 向某网站投稿.主要内容包括描述一次他人误解你的经历, 你是如何处理的, 以及你的收获.
提示词语:quarrel, copy, truth, clear up
●What was the misunderstanding?
●How did you deal with it?
●What have you learned?
  I'm Li Hua from Xinhua Middle School. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


