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1.February 6th, 2022 was not______ usual night for China's women's soccer team, because they won______ Asian Cup again after 16 years.
  • A. a;an
  • B. an;the
  • C. a;the
2.If you follow your teachers' advice and keep working hard, I believe you can make great______.
  • A. progress
  • B. encouragement
  • C. decision
3.I ______ in Chengdu for about 10 years. It‘s like my second hometown.
  • A. stayed
  • B. have stayed
  • C. will stay
4.—Do you watch the successful launch (发射) of Shenzhou-14 spaceship on June 5th?
—Yes, of course!I turned on the television______ the live (直播) program started.
  • A. as far as
  • B. as long as
  • C. as soon as
5.The Yangtze River is the second ______ river in the world, but it's ______ than any other river in China.
  • A. longer;longer
  • B. longest;longer
  • C. longest;longest
6.—Our physics teacher shared the story of Yang Zhenning with us in class today.
—I know him. ______his help, some Chinese students get scholarships (奖学金) for a better study environment.
  • A. Thanks to
  • B. In order to
  • C. In the face of
7.—Are you busy on weekends this term, Frank?
— No. My parents have ______ most of my after-school classes and I can do what I'm interested in.
  • A. cut down
  • B. cut out
  • C. cut up
8.—I think it's important to be well-prepared ______ you are in a bad situation.
—Yes. We should"Save for a rainy day (未雨绸缪)".
  • A. when
  • B. after
  • C. before
9.—Can you tell me ______?
—Well, just as President Xi's word, "Keep walking and one will not be daunted (畏惧)by a thousand miles."
  • A. how we can be successful
  • B. when we can be successful
  • C. who can help us be successful
10.—I'll work as a guide in our school next week. I feel so nervous.
—______Things will work out.
  • A. It's not a big deal.
  • B. You're right.
  • C. That's for sure!
11.A: Hey, Eason, what are you doing?
B: I'm reading a book about a climber, Xia Boyu. (1)      
A: Yes, I do. He is a famous Chinese disabled climber, right?
B: Exactly! (2)      
A: That's amazing! (3)      
B: Yes, he made it in 2018. It has been 43 years since his first try. It's hard for a disabled man.
A: (4)      
B: He gave his sleeping bag to a teammate. Then his feet had no feeling.
A: (5)       Anyway, he achieved his dream at last.
B: Yes, we can learn a lot from him.

A. What a shame!
B. Do you know him?
C. Did he succeed at last?
D. How did he become disabled?
E. He tried five times to reach the top of Qomolangma. 

12.  China is a big country with lots of people and many cities. Which city do you think is the most special one?Ellen is a university student, and she shared her opinion in our interview.
Q: Which Chinese city is of great importance both in the past and now?
A: I think Chengdu is one of them. It is old and cultural, and people use"Land of Abundane (天府之国)" as the (1)      of this city.
Q: Is there anything special about its past?
A: Well, Chengdu has never (2)       its name in the past 2,000 years. It has never moved, either.
Q: How about it now?
A: Now, Chengdu has developed very fast and become a( an) (3)      city. The 2021 Universiade will be held in Chengdu. This will be the (4)      time that China has hosted the Summer Universiade since Beijing in 2001 and Shenzhen in 2011. What's more, on Dec. 18 in 2021, Chengdu won the right to hold the 81st WSFC in 2023. Chengdu will become the first city in China and the second in Asia to hold it, (5)       Yokohama, Japan, in 2007.
Q: Do you have something to say to Chengdu?
A: We all believe that the future of Chengdu will be much brighter. We love Chengdu!
13.  What may happen if you have some bad feelings?Your face may be red, right?But Mei Lee, a Chinese-Canadian teenager, (1)      into a big red panda when she feels bad. This is a story in a cartoon film called Turning Red.
  Mei Lee is a straight-A (全优) student, but she still has some (2)       in her life. Her tiger mom is always strict with her, and she feels (3)      all the time. She doesn't know if she should speak up or (4)      her feelings because she's afraid of saying something wrong. Then, she finds that she will become a big red panda (5)      when she feels bad. Luckily, Mei has friends and she often runs (6)      them for help. They are all meeting their (7)      problems as they grow up. With their new abilities, this group work together to solve the different problems (8)      .
  The movie tells us that we don't have to (9)      bad feelings to be like a good girl. Just be able to feel our feelings and remember (10)      we are. Hope you' ll love this big red panda after watching this film.
14.  In 1993, Greg took a trip to Pakistan to climb K2, the second highest mountain in the world. On his way down the mountain, he got lost. Food and water were hard to find, but Greg found a small village. The people there saw that he was in need and helped him. While in the village, Greg watched the children write in the dirt for their school lessons. The village did not have money to build a school or have a teacher. Before he left, Greg decided to return to the village one day and help them build a school.
  Greg went back to the US and wrote to many rich people. He called them up to raise money to build a bridge and a school for the village. That idea didn't work well at first, but finally, enough people heard about Greg's plan and helped him. This was the beginning of the CAI (Central Asia Institute), an organization (组织) that has succeeded in building or helping to build more than 130 schools in small villages so far. In 2019, Greg was given a prize by the government of Pakistan for his volunteering work in that country. And we hope that more people can do things to help others.
15.First Aid Handbook
  First aid is the first steps you can take when someone is injured (受伤) like keeping safe, helping someone feel better and staying calm. Getting help, either by telling an adult or calling 120 is also a part of it. Sept 13 is World First Aid Day. It's time for us to learn about this useful life skill.
  Scientists say that the 10 minutes after an accident is the most important for saving a life. In 10 minutes, knowing first aid can make a difference.
Six steps to saving lives — Dr ABCs
1. Check the place to see that you are not putting yourself in any more danger.
2. Call out to the injured to see if he is awake.
3. If the injured doesn't answer, open his mouth to check the airway.
4. Put your ear to the mouth of the injured tocheck the breathing.
5. Check the circulation (血液循环).
6. Start CPR (心肺复苏术). 
*If someone isn't awake, call 120 quickly.
*Don't leave the injured alone.
*Wait until the doctors' arrive so you canexplain the situation.
*Leave your name and number to the doctor. 
16.  As the 2022 Winter Olympics was held in Beijing, more and more Chinese people went skiing and skating this winter. And now, more than 300 million Chinese people have enjoyed winter sports. At the same time, many of them also become interested in other exciting sports. Here are some popular extreme sports, and are you ready to have a try?
Bungee jumping
Bungee jumping has a history for about three hundred years. In 1979, some people bungee jumped off a bridge in London and made the sport popular around the world. It then came to China in 1996. 
It started in the US in 1970s. BMX bike are small, and riders use their weight and balance (平衡) to jump and do other tricks. good rider can lift a bike about two feet off du ground. The world record is about four feet. 
This became a winter Olympic sport in 1998. People attach (捆绑) their feet to the board with special shoes. They don't use any ski tools. Then, they ride down hills, jump high and do tricks. It has a history for about 70 years. 
This is probably the scariest extreme sport. The first skydiver did in in 1911, and then in 1960s, it became popular. Skydivers jump out of planes about four kilometers up in the sky, and then open a parachute (降落伞) to slow down for a safe landing. 

These sports can bring you excitement but also dangers, so please be careful when you try.
17.W        you will be successful or not one day, be sure you' ve done your best.
18.When you a       stepped on others' feet, you'd better say sorry with a smile.
19.I'm sorry, I don't u       what you said. Can you explain that again?
20.The development of t       has made a big difference to the way we live, like the 3 D printing or VR.
21.For p      safety, all airplanes must be checked for several times before taking off.
22.A: Hey, Liyan. Let's go out for dinner tonight. I want to try the new (1)       restaurant Local around here.
B: Local?I've heard about it. It is said that all the cooks there are from Paris and you can see a small Eiffel Tower in it. It has become a hit these days.
A: Yes, that' true. Many people has (2)       it as one of the top 3 western restaurants.
B: Oh, really?I think I should try it. But today…I'm afraid not, because I'll have a cooking lesson tonight.
A: Cooking lesson? Are you kidding?
B: No, I'm (3)      . I'm learning how to make Gongbao chicken these days.
A: Wow, that's unbelievable. I remembered that you never stepped into kitchen before. Why do you start to cook yourself?
B: A new guideline (指导) for labor (劳动) education has recently come out. Students in Chinese primary and middle schools will have at least one class a week to learn different labor (4)      , such as cooking, sewing (缝纫), etc.
A: That sounds cool. This move can surely enrich Chinese students' life.
B: Yeah, you' re right. And it can improve our (5)       as well. You know, parents always do what they can do to help their kids live more easily.
A: That's true. It's (6)      of Chinese parents to love kids more than their own life. By the way, do all the primary and middle school students have the same labor lessons?
B: No, the guideline (7)       different tasks to each grade. For example, fifth-sixth graders are provided with easy dish lessons, like making fried eggs. But for us middle school students, we have more difficult ones (8)       .
A: I see. How about your parents?Do they just leave you alone and do (9)       but wait for the meals?
B: No, the guideline also calls on families to take part in students' labor education. They have to make housework lists for us before we start to learn.
A: So how do you feel when doing the housework?
B: Honestly speaking, I have a strong sense of (10)       when I successfully do something for my family. I don't just get everything from them.
although because communicate importance include just mark most rule safe show silent 

  At around 6:00 am every morning, daily life begins for Hainan gibbons. They start their (1)      by their own sounds. Come together at the top of certain trees and give their morning greetings. The special sounds break the (2)       of the forests, suggesting a new day's coming.
  Hainan gibbons are one of the (3)      animals in the world. They only live in Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park(热带雨林国家公园). The park has the country's best rainforest. Now, five families, (4)      36 gibbons, live in the park. But in the 1980s, there were (5)       two families and fewer than 10 gibbons.
  (6)      the animals, Hainan has built more than 330 hectares (公顷) of gibbons' living place, and planted around 300, 000 trees. The growing number of the gibbon population in Hainan (7)      China's achievements in environmental protection since 2005.
  (8)       protection work continues, it is not easy to see the gibbons till now. They spend their whole life in the trees, (9)      at the top of the trees.
  As a result, Chinese scientists are using high﹣tech to solve the problem. Gibbons' special sounds are often seen as (10)       of their own places. So scientists now are recording the sounds and then send them to a computer. The computer can tell and analyze (分析) the sounds of the gibbons to learn more about their lifestyles.
24.  Students at a school, with the help of their art teacher, create a telephone hotline these days. (1)       As a result, in just days, the hotline began getting thousands of calls an hour.
  The hotline is available in English and Spanish. (2)       For example, by pressing 3, you can hear a group of kindergarteners(3~6 years old) saying together:"You can do it!Keep trying, don't give up!" If you press 4, you will get the sounds of sixth graders(12~14 years old) laughing — a sound to bring a smile to anyone's face.
  The project had two parts — one was the hotline, and the other was making encouraging posters. First, students working on the hotline thought of what they would like to say. (3)      Later, she separated (分开) the recordings into different parts of the telephone hotline.
  Other students took part in making encouraging posters. Many posters had small pieces of paper around. (4)       And you can tear it off (撕下) and take away.
  (5)      They encourage the adults with great stress, the sick in hospitals, the old in homes, and others who just want to hear the happy voices of children. So if you're having some trouble, you can make a call!

A. When they were ready, the teacher recorded each one.
B. They wrote down their thoughts to help or encourage others.
C. People can call it to get cheerful advice from kids during difficult times.
D. Kids' words in the hotline and posters seem simple but they can mean a lot to others.
E. You can hear the happy voices of children of different ages and shares encouraging messages.
F. For example, one poster"Think of something good"had pieces calling on people to"Be happy". 

  There are some famous buildings that almost everyone knows. When you see a picture of a sports stadium (体育馆) which is similar to a bird's nest, you probably know it is the Olympic Stadium in Beijing. When you see an S﹣shaped slope, which looks like a jade ruyi(玉如意), you'll know that is the National Ski Jumping Center for 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. When you see a picture of a famous building which is like a sailing ship, you probably know it is the Sydney Opera House in Australia. It's a well-known hall to have concerts. Buildings like these are easily known worldwide. They were made to look like other things if people use their imaginations.
  Other buildings do not need any imaginations. They are made to look so much like other things. Here are three museums which are built in this way. The ideas of the buildings' shape have something to do with the objects inside.

  In Guizhou, China, people can visit the Meitan Tea Museum, built in the shape of a big teapot. There is also a second building next door that is shaped like a teacup. From far away, the teapot﹣shaped museum looks like some kind of big work of art. But as one gets closer, the windows make it clear that this is a building.

  People who are interested in guitars might want to visit the Guitar Museum in Tennessee, USA. The building is shaped like a guitar lying on its side. Inside, visitors can see all kinds of guitars as well as learn about how the first guitar came into being and how it changed all the time.

  One of the newest funny-shaped museums is a pottery museum in Gyeonggi, Korea. This museum, built in 2011, is shaped just like a traditional Korean pot. There, you can see many examples of pots and tools first, And then, visitors themselves can make their own pots.
26.假如你是Susan, 你的好友Alan遇到了一些困难, 向你寻求建议.请阅读Alan写的邮件, 并完成思维导图中的两个空格.根据邮件和导图信息, 给Alan作出回信.
Dear Susan,
  How's everything last month, we moved to a new town. I really get into some trouble.
  I made a friend in my new school, Bob. He's friendly and nice to me. But he always copies my homework. I don't know what to do. You know, I am not good at making friends. So I don't want to stop the friendship.
  What's worse, I often fight with my parents these days. I didn't do well in my tests and they give me much pressure. They don't know how difficult it is to study in a new school.
Alan's two(1)______ Your(2)______ 
…copies homework… 1)…copying is wrong… 
…has bad relations with… 1)… 

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2. 注意邮件格式;
3. 文中不得出现真实人名和校名等;
4. 字数:90词左右.


