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1.  One day, Michael and his friends talked about who their closest (1)       were. When it was his turn, he said, "My best friend is Susan. (2)      86-year-old woman living in Florida."
  Their friendship came (3)       a game. In the game, Michael and Susan were on the same team. After this game, they became good friends. Michael even told her about his dream of music.
  However, life was hard for Michael at that time. He hardly (4)      time or money to play music. Most of the time, he had to work in a restaurant. He felt that his dream was hopeless (无望的). When he almost lost heart, Susan (5)       him lots of help and supported his dream.
  Two years later, he decided (6)      to New York for his dream. There he held his first concert successfully.
  After the concert, a famous reporter in New York heard of (7)      story. He wanted to know what Susan was like. So he flew to Florida to interview her. To his surprise, the friendship between Susan and Michael was (8)      than he could imagine.
  Later, many people were moved by this story. But Susan (9)      it was nothing. She said, "As friends, we (10)      give a hand when they need."
2.  Three nights is a week. An American high school headmaster goes to work at Walmart near his school. The headmaster's name is Henry Darby. He (1)       there from 10 p. m. to 7 a. m.
  Darby doesn't pick up the (2)       to make money for himself. He knows many students in his school are (3)       and they really need help. So he (4)      to give a hand to the poor students and their families. He started working at Walmart last summer.
  One night, one of his (5)       met him at the supermarket. And he knew he couldn't keep it secret any longer. Many students then knew his good act. They were (6)      and some of them even joined him and started working at Walmart, too.
  After hearing Darby's story, his community helped him (7)       some money. And Walmart also (8)       $ 50, 000 to his school. Mr. Darby was very (9)      . With the money, he could help more students.
  "I will keep on working at Walmart," Darby said. "And I hope my students can learn the (10)      of helpfulness."
3.  Mary has a problem. She wants to have some new friends but she is too shy. She doesn't know what to do. So she feels sad and upset. What should she do?
You can call me up. I'm a shy girl, too. You and I can read books or watch funny TV shows together. Do you think it's a good idea?
You can join a club. There are a lot of new friends in a new place. As for me. I made many of my friends during the activities after school.
You can make new friends on the Internet. Of course. you don't need to know who they are. However you should not me anyone when they want to see you. Dale 
You should try to change your personality. Be more active. Why not talk to other people first?To like friendlier. people are willing to talk with a friendly person. Then you'll have more new friends. Kate 
4.  On September 3, 2003, Eileen Gu was born in the American city of San Francisco, She has an American father and a Beijing born mother. Eileen can speak both English and Chinese.
  Eileen's mother loved skiing. In 2006, she put three year -old Eileen in a ski school in Lake Tahoe. Eileen showed her talent in the sport. She picked up skiing easily. After one year, the mother and daughter could ski together through the forest. She often wore a cute frog helmet (头盔) for her ski lessons. The other kids called her "Frog Princess."
  Eileen worked very hard. On weekends and holidays, she went to Lake Tahoe for skiing. It took eight hours 10 travel to and from training. Eileen learned to eat. sleep and do home﹣work on car rides. When she was skiing, she put all her heart into it. She won her first World Cup event at 15. Eileen finished her four-year high school studies within only three years. In 2022, she will start her studies at Stanford.
  Eileen loves China. Every time she went to China, she felt that she was coming back home. The "Frog Princess"won three medals for China at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. She also wants to get more young people to join in snow sports in China!
5.  When I was 16 years old, I made my first visit to the United Slates. It wasn't the first time I had been abroad. Like most English children, I learned French at school and I had often been to France, so I was used to speaking a foreign language to people who didn't understand English. But when I went to America, I was really looking forward to having a nice easy holiday without any language problems.
  How wrong I was!The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a public telephone to give my friend Danny a ring and tell him that I had arrived. A friendly old man saw me looking like being lost and asked if he could help me.
  "Yes." I said. "I want to give my friend a ring."
  "Well, that's nice." he said. "Are you getting married?But aren't you a bit young?"
  "Who is talking about marriage?" I replied. "I just want to give my friend a ring to tell him I've arrived. Can you tell me where there's a phone box?"
  "Oh!" he said. "There's a phone downstairs.
  When at last we did meet up, Danny explained the misunderstanding to me.
  "Don't worry," he said to me. "I had many difficulties at first. There are lots of words which the Americans use differently in meaning from us British. You'll soon get used to all the funny things they say. But most of the time British and American people can understand each other!"
6.根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.
  What kind of job would you like to do in the future?Students from Dalton Junior High School in the US State of Georgia recently took a skill test. (1)      
  Gracison Saylors, an eighth grader, feels ever more sure of her life goal:becoming a marine biologist (海洋生物学家). "It's always been my dream job." she told The Daily Citicen.
  (2)       "I like to work with people and explore (探索) deeper on what is happening."And that fits marine biology.
  The test told Laney Peterfreund that she "likes finding specific (具体的) answers to problems". This matches her choice of future study. "I want to learn engineering in high school, so I'll know if I really enjoy it before college," she said. (3)      
  Based on his strengths (优势) and interests. Mario Gomez plans to study architecture (建筑). "I really like building and thinking." he said. (4)       "It gets you thinking about what job you want to do. so you don't waste your time." he explained.
  (5)      "My parents were always supportive (支持的), but now they know why I want to do it." said Saylors.
A. Spend time working with other people.
B. Saylors said the test showed her what she already knew about herself.
C. For Gomez. planning his future in junior high school"puts him ahead of the game".
D. "A lot of people go to college not knowing what they want to do. and that's a big reason they drop out (辍学)."
E. Students also talked with teachers and parents about their futures.
F. It gives students advice for their future jobs.
7.在我们做出这个决定前, 必须认真思考.
We must        before we make this decision!
8.多亏有了互联网, 你在家里就能买到你所要买的东西了.
      the Internet, you can do all your shopping from home.
9.他去年常常迟到, 但现在不了.
He        arrive late last year , but now he doesn't.
And anyway, I think doing       is not so difficult.
11.翟志刚说, "在我业余时间, 我喜欢现看电视节目.我这次旅行下载了许多电影"
Zhai Zhigang said, "In my       , I like watching TV shows. I downloaded many moves for this trip.
12.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空, 使短文完整正确.
it, careful, time, boring, forget, be, sweep, go, out, your 

Dear Simon,
  My parents and I (1)      going to Xi an tomorrow. I (2)       to your house just now, but you weren't in. Could you please help me take (3)      of my house when I'm away?
  Please feed my dog and birds every day. The dog food is in the kitchen and the bird food is next to the dog food. Anyway, could you please give my dog water every day?The water bowl is near (4)      food dish. And please take it for a walk and (5)      its bed every day.
  Please water the plants three (6)      a week. Could you please take (7)       the rubbish
on Monday? The cleaners come for it then. And on Tuesday please help me check the mail-box. If you feel (8)      , you can play computer games or watch TV. If you're hungry, have some cakes. They're in the fridge. You can help (9)       to some juice, too.
  Please don't (10)      to lock the door when you leave. Thanks again for your help.
13.阅读下面材料, 根据材料内容, 完成下列各题.
  Hard work is part of the Olympic spirit
  As a middle school student, I was really excited about the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.
  After reading a lot of stories about the Games. I was deeply touched by Su Wenjing, an athlete (选手) of figure skating (花样滑冰). She has a lot of good trails (品质).
  First, Sui is brave. Just 2 months before the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in 2018, she decided to get a surgery (手术). During the surgery, she could hear the sound of the doctors knocking nails (钉子) into her bones. After the operation, she suffered (遭受) with pain for a long time. But still, she kept looking on the bright side, and months later, she pulled through. Because of the surgery, her right foot ached badly during the Olympic Games. She had to bear (忍受) the pain with every move. But she didn't give up and won a silver medal (银牌) together with her partner, Sui is also hard﹣working. None of her achievements (成就) came easy. She trained day and night before each competition. For example, to prepare for the Pyeongchang Games, she didn't waste a minute and started training right after she recovered (恢复健康) from the surgery. It is touching to read about her experiences. She showed me what the Olympic spirit means. I admire her a lot. I want to be a brave and hard-working person, too.
14.根据下面对话中的情景, 在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句, 使对话恢复完整.
A:Jack, I think I made my deskmate mad yesterday.
B: (1)      ?
A:I borrowed his English novel a few days ago, but unluckily I have lost it.
B: (2)      ?
A:Red Star Over China.
B:Oh, it was written by Edgar Snow. I ever saw this novel in a bookstore.
(3)      .
A:Do you know where the nearest bookstore is?
B:Yes, it's on Jing'er road, next to Jia-Mei-Jia Super Market.
A: (4)      ?
B:You can take the No. 17 or No. 8 bus from here.
A:(5)      .
B:You're welcome.
15.目前, 许多中学生利用周末和节假日上课外补习班, 对此人们有不同的看法. 请根据下表内容写一篇短文.
赞成者的观点 1. 能够学得更好, 上更好的高中;
2. 避免花太多时间看电视、玩游戏. 
反对者的观点 1. 学生需要时间休息;
2. 太多压力不利于发展. 
你的观点 1. ……
2. …… 

1. 文章必须包括所有内容要点, 要求语句通顺, 意思连贯;
2. 词数:80词左右:(文章的开头已给出, 不计入总词数)
3. 文中不得提及具体人名、校名及地名.
  Nowadays, many middle school students are taking all kinds of after-school classes at weekends or on holidays. There are two different opinions about it.
  Some people think that ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


