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1. I think the ________ of work is to live a better life in the future.

A.chance B.pleasure C.purpose D.sense

2. Tony's parents are always hard ________ him and hope he can get the  first place all the time.

A.in B.with C.about D.on

3. Could you tell me the differences between their culture and  ________?

A.our B.we C.ours D.us

4. —Ruby, can you help do the dishes?

—Just a minute, Mom. I ________ the flowers.

A.am watering B.water C.have watered D.watered

5. Mobile phones are so ________ used nowadays that almost every person has  one.

A.completely B.nearly C.suddenly D.widely

6. It's very ________ for students to do some reading in their spare time.  They can learn a lot from the books.

A.convenient B.helpful C.private D.polite

7. —The boss is coming. Are you nervous about the interview?

—No. After all, I ________ lots of time preparing for it.

A.have spent B.spend C.spent D.will spend

8. It's true that more ice-cream ________ in summer than in winter.

A.is eaten B.eats C.is eating D.ate

9. If you continue to steal, you'll ________ in serious trouble.

A.cheer up B.dress up C.get up D.end up

10. —Can you tell me ________ on Mother's Day?

—Well, I wrote a poem for my mother.

A.what you did B.where you went

C.what did you do D.where did you go



Would you like to study in a college with students from different  countries? If so, the United World Colleges (UWC)can be a good(1)________ for  you.

Started in 1962, UWC is a world-wide education movement that(2)________  more attention to experiential(体验式的)learning, community service and outdoor  activities. It tries to unite(团结)people, nations and cultures for peace and  better future(3)________ education. It's believed that education can bring  together young people from all(4)________.

All lessons are given in English. Students here(5)________ as much as  possible about different cultures. They share with each other different ways  to(6)________ the world. Three times a week, a group of(7)________ sit together  to discuss what they have learned. They explore(探究)the "whys" behind everything.  They also have meeting every Monday to share(8)________ news and ideas. They  even have a(9)________ to do farm work in a vegetable garden next to their  school. It's interesting to hear students talking in different languages  here.

After finishing the school here, students may go on with further students  in other world-famous universities or go back to(10)________ home countries. Are  you looking forward to studying in such a school in the future? Study hard and  try your best to make your dream come true!


A.fame B.choice C.ability D.case


A.translates B.pays C.enters D.produces


A.through B.of C.about D.on


A.passports B.laboratories C.advantages D.backgrounds


A.greet B.cancel C.learn D.pull


A.shut off B.pay for C.pass by D.deal with


A.friends B.teachers C.relatives D.students


A.daily B.basic C.awful D.central


A.custom B.chance C.courage D.coach


A.their B.our C.his D.your



Starting around 4,000 BC(公元前), traditional Chinese painting has developed  over a period of more than six thousand years. Ink(墨水)and wash painting, also  called brush painting, was said to be liked by Wang Wei, a famous writer and  painter during the Tang Dynasty.

The paintings are created with only water and ink, but people can enjoy  wonderful works of art. Ink can make different colors. Dark ink takes on(呈现)a  deep black color, while light ink takes on a grey color on the white rice  paper.

Traditional Chinese ink and wash paintings enjoy great popularity even in  the modern world. People love them for their simple lines, black, grey and white  colors, as well as empty space in different shapes. The paintings show a  peaceful world with high mountains, great rivers, lovely birds, flowers and  grass, etc.

Ancient painter chose to leave their during blank(空白的)and used a few lines  to show that no form was better than any form. In their opinion, silence could  speak much more than speech. The well-known paintings Along the River During  Qingming Festival and Dwelling in Fuchun Mountains are two wonderful examples of  ink and wash paintings.

(1)Who was Wang Wei?

A.He was a famous writer and painter.

B.He was a famous teacher.

C.He was a famous king.

D.He was a famous doctor.

(2)Brush paintings only need ________ to be created.

A.pencil and paper B.water and ink

C.brush and paper D.pen and ink

(3)Which one is TRUE?

A.Traditional Chinese painting has developed less than four thousand  years.

B.Ancient painters thought silence could speak much more than speech.

C.Traditional Chinese brush paintings aren't popular in the modern  world.

D.The paintings show a noisy world with high mountains, great rivers,  etc.


In a small village, there used to be two friends whose ages were 5 and 10.  Both lived on the same street. The name of the 5-year-old was Jonny and the  10-year-old was John. John was much bigger and stronger than Jonny.

One day they ran into the forest and played hide-and-seek there. Suddenly  John fell into a pit(深坑). John started shouting for help. Jonny ran to John at  once. Without wasting a minute he got a rope and gave one end to John and tied  the other end to a strong tree, then he asked John to hold on to it. Jonny tried  very hard and finally pulled John out from the pit. Both of them cried, smiled  and then walked towards home.

Since Jonny and John were away for a long time, their parents got worried.  All the villagers started to help search for the children. When Jonny and John  finally arrived back in the village, everyone was excited. Their parents hugged  them and asked where they had gone.

Jonny and John told everyone what had happened in the forest. However,  almost no one believed them.

One person asked Jonny, "How can you help a person who is double your size  and weight?"

Then Jonny replied, "I used a rope."

Everyone laughed, and Jonny's father said, "Don't make up stories."

Among the people was a wise old man. He said that everything the boys said  was true.

A woman asked, "Jonny is only five years old. How was he able to do  that?"

The old man replied, "That's because there was no one there to tell Jonny  'you can't do it'."

(1)Where did Jonny and John play hide-and-seek?

A.In the village. B.In the mountains.

C.On the street. D.In the forest.

(2)How did Jonny save John?

A.By asking villagers for help. B.By pulling him with hands.

C.With a rope. D.With a stick.

(3)Why was Jonny able to save John?

A.Because Jonny was stronger than John.

B.Because he believed he could do it.

C.Because he had been told "you can do it".

D.Because the pit wasn't deep enough.


In order to make LearnEnglish Teens a fun, safe place for teenagers, we  have some house rules. Users who break our house rules will be warned and  punished by the website.



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Ifyourwordsare rude,theywillbe deletedandyouwillbe punishedright away.

Onlyuse English

Rememberthatourwebsite isfor Englishlearnersaroundtheworld.All opinionsmustbeinEnglish,for everyone tounderstand.

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(1)The house rules are made to ________.

A.make the website safe and fun

B.help build more websites

C.make more people speak English

D.help people become polite

(2)The underlined word "rude" means "________" in English.

A.impossible B.not clear C.impolite D.not magic

(3)Users can ________ on LearnEnglish Teens.

A.have over one account B.only use English

C.show their personal information D.learn different languages

(4)You can't ________ on this website.

A.offer any information to anyone

B.share your own ideas

C.add something to your own work

D.share anything that isn't yours


Sayings are used every day. You may ask an unhappy friend why she's  "feeling blue". If you've done only a small part of a big job, you might call it  "a drop(滴)in the bucket(桶)". These sayings don't mean exactly what the words  say. But it's easy to tell why we use them. Blue is a cool, quiet color. So it's  a good for "sad". A bucket holds too many drops of water to count. So just one  drop is very little.

Other sayings are more difficult to understand. When you are about to go to  bed, you are going to "hit the hay(干草)". This saying does not make much sense  unless you know where it came from. It was first used in the 1930s. At that  time, many Americans were out of work. Some went from place to place, looking  for jobs. At night they were very tired. They often made a bed of hay in a field  or barn(谷仓). As soon as their heads "hit the hay", they fell asleep.

Here is another saying. When you are sick, you might say you are "under the  weather". But why? This saying is more than 200 years old. It began in the days  when many people went from place to place by boat. When storm winds rocked the  boat, people often felt sick. The boat was sailing(航行)"under the weather".

Young kids may find old sayings like these hard to understand, and old  people may also have difficulty understanding new sayings. That's why a granny  might not know what you mean by saying "give me five". She might think you're  "off your rocker" which means "out of your mind".

(1)Blue means ________ .

A.worried B.happy C.nervous D.sad

(2)When you are about to go to bed, you can say "_______".

A.hit the hay B.a drop in the bucket

C.off your rocker D.give me five

(3)When did the saying "under the weather" begin to be used?

A.More than 100 years ago. B.More than 200 years ago.

C.More than 400 years ago. D.More than 300 years ago.

(4)From the last paragraph, we can know ________.

A.different sayings should be used correctly

B."give me five" is an old saying

C.new saying is difficult for old people to understand

D.young people like to use old sayings

(5)What is the best title for the passage?

A.How to Use Sayings B.The History of Sayings

C.Old Sayings and New Sayings D.Why to Use Sayings

16. 阅读短文,回答下列问题。

If you want to know how others treat you, the best way is to look at how  you treat others. And if you don't like the way you're treated, there's only one  thing to do—change your own behavior(行为), because you can't change anyone  else's. Here are some important suggestions about how to treat others.

Treat everyone with kindness—not because they are kind-hearted, but because  you are.

One of the greatest gifts we can give others is kindness. If someone is in  need, lend a helping hand. Don't do it only for the people you like—that's  easy—but also for the ones who drive you crazy and those you don't even know.  True kindness lies in the act of giving without the expectation of getting  something in return.

Don't try to make yourself great by making someone else look small.

The moment(时刻)you belittle(贬低)others is right the moment you show you have  no power. People are likely to(可能)make others feel how they themselves feel,  whether it's great or small. If you can't offer help, support, or love, at least  not to hurt them or make them feel small.

Remember everyone has a story.

It may be something they've gone through in the past years or something  they're still dealing with. So try to offer the consideration you'd like to  receive.


(1)If you don't like the way you're treated, you only can ________.

(2)What is the best gift we give others according to the passage?  ________

(3)What does the writer advise us to offer in the last suggestion?  ________




17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

It was July 26th, the(1)________(three)day of our tour to Qinghai province.  That night, we decided to camp by the beautiful Qinghai Lake under the  moon.(2)________ seemed so great to get so close to the natural environment.  However, something(3)________(expected)happened to me.(4)A________ I was walking  around the peaceful lake with my friends outside, I missed my step and stepped  into the lake in front of all the visitors.(5)________ a shame! The water even  went into my mouth, eyes and ears. It happened so fast, before I could shout for  help, a(6)________ sheep keeper quickly jump into the lake and soon pulled  me(7)________ of the cold water. Although I was wet, I was safe and(8)a________.  The kind man(9)________(appear)before I wanted to say "Thank you"! Thanks to the  workers of the(10)n________ restaurant, they offered me a hot shower. Scared and  tired, I fell asleep quickly that night. I'll always remember this unforgettable  day!


18. 将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出。

(1)who, I, in, should, believe


(2)don't, any, leave out, child


(3)relaxed, time, she, free, feels, her, in


(4)I, gave, on my way, a lift, her, home


(5)three, are, bottles, there, on the table, empty



19.  假如你是李华,昨天你看到好友Angela的微信朋友圈,发现她因为使用手机与父母发生了争执,现在与父母沟通存在一些问题。请你针对此事给Angela写一封电子邮件,给她一些建议。


1. What's your opinion?

2. What should she do?


1. 邮件中须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;

2. 邮件中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;

3. 词数80左右。(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)

Dear Angela,

I can fully understand your situation. In my opinion, ________

Best wishes!


Li Hua




































































