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本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷 (客观题)和第Ⅱ卷 (主观题)两部分。请将第Ⅰ卷答案涂在答题卡上,第Ⅱ卷答案写在答卷纸上。

第Ⅰ卷 (客观题)共85分

第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分



1. What is the man doing?

A. Offering help. B.Expressing thanks. C. Asking for permission.

2. How is the man?

A. He is dying. B. He feels quite well. C. His back hurts.

3. What is the man trying to do?

A. To buy the woman a toothpaste.

B. To sell the woman some products.

C. To give advice on the woman’s looks.

4. Who will go home for lunch according to the conversation?

A. Jane. B. Jack. C. John.

5. What does the man mean?

A. He was too busy to go for it.

B. He was short of money then.

C. He didn’t know about the concert.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5  秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. When did they meet last time?

A. A long time ago. B. A few seconds ago. C. A little while ago.

7. What do you know about the man?

A. He’s getting much heavier.

B. He’s started exercing again.

C. He’s going to join a health club.


8. Who is the lady?

A. She’s likely a clerk in a travel agency.

B. She’s probably a waitress.

C. She’s probably a hairdresser.

9. Where is the man at the moment?

A. In America. B. In Japan. C. In China.

10. What is the man likely going to do?

A. Take a trip to Japan. B. Drive a truck in Japan. C. Work in a Japanese  bank.


11. How does the man feel seeing the woman’s clocks?

A. Excited. B. Surprised. C. Delighted.

12. Which of the following is TRUE according to the conversation?

A. There is something wrong with the woman’s clocks.

B. The woman sets the blue clock ahead ten minutes.

C. The woman always sets the orange clock to the right time.

13. What do you know about the woman?

A. She doesn’t wake up easily. B. She works very hard. C. She is fond of  clocks.


14. What is Mr. Flynn doing?

A. Watching a film. B. Reading a magazine. C. Answering a phone.

15. When does the conversation take place?

A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.

16. Why does Carlos ask so many questions?

A. He has much trouble with his studies.

B. He misses Mrs. Flynn very much.

C. He wants to practice his English.


17. Why is Toluker Prison called an open prison?

A. The prison gates are always open.

B. The prisoners in it can work outside.

C. The prison has no armed guards.

18. What is the biggest feature of Toluker Prison?

A. It doesn’t have any safety measures.

B. Its prisoners are seldom made to work overtime.

C. It is run on the principle of trusting prisoners.

19. How old was Bob Crook when he was put in prison at the beginning?

A. Forty-six. B. Thirty-two C. Fourteen.

20. What is the speaker’s attitude toward this type of prison?

A. Critical. B. Positive. C. Enthusiastic.

第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分35分)

第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. No one has had _____ greater impact on _____ Western civilization than  ____ ancient Greeks.

A. a; the ; the B. a ; / ; the C. the ; / ; the D. / ; the ; /

22. He and his villagers are doing all this in their mountainous villages  in order to ______the poverty and backwardness left over from last century..

A. rid themselves of B keep away from C. break away from D. take off

23. Increasing the public’s awareness of environmental protection is  _______ of improving our eco-system.

A. part and parcel B. cause and effect C. safe and sound D.back and  forth

24. --- May I smoke here ?

--- If you _______, choose a seat in the smoking section.

A. should B. could C. must D. may

25. Under good treatment, she is beginning to and will soon recover.

A. pick up B. wake up C. grow up D. show up

26. Mr. White works as a lawyer now, but he _______ in a company for  several years.

A. worked B. has worked C. had worked D. had been worked

27. I’ll keep the promise _______ I made two years ago ______ I would buy  him a CD after he passed the exam.

A. that;when B. which;which C. which;that D. whether;what

28. _________ achievement, last week’s ministerial meeting of the WTO here  earned a low, though not failing, grade.

A. In terms of B. On behalf of C. As a result of D. In face of

29. In my opinion ,he has done quite well, considering that he is a  new-comer. After all, he is _____ in this field.

A. apple of his parents’ eye B. feet of clay C. green with envy D. a green  hand

30. Now I am getting used to Canadian food. ______, my new favorite food is  steak with mustard sauce.

A. Believe it or not B. Be my guest C. You don’t say D. In turn

31. People should _______cultural differences. Showing ________ is very  important.

A. stand; standing B. tolerate; tolerance

C. endure; endurance D. bear; bearer

32. ---- How is your life in Australia? ---- Oh. Everything ______.

A. is gone smooth B. goes smooth C. goes smoothly D. is gone smoothly

33. The final score of the basketball match was 93-94. We were only  ________ beaten.

A. nearly B. slightly C. narrowly D. lightly

34. In 2003 the Chinese people were always in high spirits , for pieces of  exciting news came to

China _________ .

A. step by step B. one by one  C. little by little D. one after another

35. His words puzzled me so much that I had a hard time trying to ____ what  he really meant.

A. make out B. make off C. make up D. make for

第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


Roberta appeared on the stage. She took a deep breath and began to 36 . Now  she was Portia, a strong–willed 37 in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. The  theater was filled with people. She was speaking with a power she had never  before experienced, the words flowing 38 from her.

39 , Roberta had never acted in her life before the audition (选拔试演). She 40  being in front of other people. She was very 41 at school. She had never thought  she was good enough at anything to 42 much attention. She stayed mostly to  herself, making 43 friends. She had excellent grades, 44 she always thought that  something was missing.

Two weeks before the audition, Roberta’s mother had heard about it and 45  her to join in.

“I can’t think of anyone else better suited to 46 the part. Remember all  the plays you used to act out for us?”

Her mother wouldn’t let the 47 drop. “You’re just a little scared (害怕)  .Everyone gets scared. You know you 48 do it. The trick is to look past the 49  to find the love of what you’re doing.’’

So Roberta had made an appointment with the head of the Drama Club. She had  read the play and found herself excited by the 50 of speaking such rich words.  In secret she practiced Portia’s part, 51 the lines by repeating them over and  over. It wasn’t hard; she 52 every minute of it. Every time she spoke the words,  she had a new 53 of the lines, as if Shakespeare had written Portia on many  levels.

On the day of the audition, she 54 two of Portia’s famous speeches for the  auditors. When she had finished, the head of the Drama Club announced the 55 was  hers.

36. A. sing B. dance C. speak D. report

37. A. member B. actress C. player D. character

38. A. weakly B. rapidly C. smoothly D. slowly

39. A. At first B. In fact C. After all D. In all

40. A. hated B. enjoyed C. appreciated D. regretted

41. A. honest B. shy C. polite D. patient

42. A. avoid B. focus C. pay D. attract

43. A. few B. a few C. several D. many

44. A. or B. so C. for D. but

45. A. forced B. requested C. encouraged D. reminded

46. A. accept B. play C. offer D. learn

47. A. role B. matter C. interest D. grade

48. A. can B. must C. may D. should

49. A. anger B. pain C. sadness D. fear

50. A. severity B. target C. idea D. importance

51. A. memorizing B. organizing C. checking D. improving

52. A. disliked B. loved C. expected D. bore

53. A. consideration B. description C. selection D. understanding

54. A. practiced B. planned C. performed D. delivered

55. A. part B. play C. speech D. position

第三部分: 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



Dior was born in Normandy in 1905, and his family’s original plans for him  included a career in the diplomatic service, but by the time he was  twenty-three, with his parents’ money, he opened a small art gallery in Paris.  By 1931, the money had been used up. Dior’s friends in the art gallery asked him  to draw and he took his first step at designing and drawing. His first job was  with Lucien Lelong from whom Dior learned his craft.

In February, 1947, Dior started the New Look in his first major Paris  collection. He was backed by a famous textile producer. Boussac, who looked  after the dollars, while Dior looked after the fashions. Dior knew nothing about  cutting and sewing, but he was good at fashion design.

The New look started an entirely different look to costume, with a tiny  waist, a rounded shoulder and a shapely bust(胸围), usually with a low-cut  neckline and a long, full skirt. To women who had lived through the war years,  the femaleness of the New Look was a great success, for people were tired of the  extremely plain, wartime restrictive fashions.

It is said that dresses by Dior were “constructed like buildings,” but  young people were attracted to his design, and all over the western world,  manufacturers plunged(投入)into the production of his new style. Dior’s  revolutionary designs lighted up a whole cycle of fashion, rounded, gentle,  feminine, a delight in elegance. A New Look House of Dior opened in 1948,  followed by one in London. Considered as King of Couture(Women’s clothing) for  years, the Dior empire grew until it covered every country in the western world,  and included furs, hosiery(针织品生意), jewelry, perfumes, men’s wear and on and on.  More than 1,000 people worked at the Paris headquarters then.

His sudden death in 1957 when he was 54 years old did not stop the growth  of the House of Dior. Even now, so many years after his death, his name is  closely connected with fashion throughout the world, and indeed is one of the  most recognized names in the world. His first, great New Look, with its long  skirts was an expression of freedom in the late 1940s.

56. What is probably the best title for the passage?

A.The History of the New Look. B.The Growth of the Dior Empire

C.An Expression of Freedom--Dior. D.The Founder of the New Look--Dior.

57. Which of the following designs is close to Dior’s?

A. B. C. D.

58. According to the underlined word “but” in Paragraph 1, in Dior’s life,  he did NOT .

A.make creative fashion designs B.work in a diplomatic service

C.learn craft as his first job D.open a New Look House

59. We can infer from the passage that .

A.Dior and his supporter had different interests in business

B.Dior’s New Look had little influence on people then

C.Dior is only a brand of women’s fashion

D.Dior’s fashion was not accepted at first


My father was a foreman of a sugar-cane plantation in Rio Piedras, Puerto  Rico. My first job was to drive the oxen that ploughed the cane fields. I would  walk behind an ox, guiding him with a broomstick(长柄扫帚). For $ 1 a day, I worked  eight hours straight, with no food breaks.

It was very tedious work, but it prepared me for life and taught me many  lasting lessons. Because the plantation owners were always watching us, I had to  be on time every day and work as hard as I could. I’ve never been late for any  job since. I also learned about being respectful and faithful to the people you  work for. More important, I earned my pay; it never entered my mind to say I was  sick just because I didn’t want to work.

I was only six years old, but I was doing a man’s job. Our family needed  every dollar we could make because my father never earned more than $ 18 a week.  Our home was a three-room wood shack(简陋的小屋) with a dirty floor and no toilet.  Nothing made me prouder than bringing home money to help my mother, father, two  brothers and three sisters. This gave me self-esteem(自尊心), one of the most  important things a person can have.

When I was seven, I got work at a golf course near our house. My job was to  stand down the fairway(球道) and spot the balls as they landed, so the golfers  could find them. Losing a ball meant you were fired, so I never missed one. Some  nights I would lie in bed and dreamt of making thousands of dollars by playing  golf and being able to buy a bicycle.

The more I dreamed, the more I thought. Why not? I made my first golf club  out of guava limb(番石榴树枝) and a piece of pipe. Then I hammered an empty tin can  into the shape of a ball. And finally I dug two small holes in the ground and  hit the ball back and forth. I practiced with the same devotion and  intensity(劳动强度). I learned working in the field — except now I was driving golf  balls with club, not oxen with a broomstick.

60. Which of the following may best summarize the passage above?

A. A bad beginning makes a bad ending  B. Action speaks louder than  words

C. No sweet without sweat   D. Hope for the best but prepare for the  worst

61. The writer learned that_______ from his first job.

A. he should work for those who he liked most

B. he should work longer than what he was expected

C. he should never fail to say hello to his owner

D. he should be respectful and faithful to the people he worked for

62. The word “tedious” in Paragraph 2 most probably means _______.

A. difficult B. boring C. interesting D. unusual

63. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. He wanted to be a successful golfer.

B. He wanted to run a golf course near his house.

C. He was satisfied with the job he got on a plantation.

D. He wanted to make money by guiding oxen with a broomstick.


US space tourist Richard Garriott gives a thumbs-up after putting on his  space suit at Baikonur cosmodrome(宇宙飞船发射场) October 12, 2008.

US video game boss Richard Garriott headed into space aboard a Russian  rocket yesterday watched by his father, a NASA astronaut who went into space at  the height of the Cold War.

The Russian Soyuz TMA-13 spacecraft lifted off in clear weather from the  Baikonur Cosmodrome on the Kazakh grasslands just after 1:00 pm local time.

A video game developer from Texas, Garriott paid $35 million to fly into  space alongside US astronaut Michael Fincke and Russian astronaut Yury  Lonchakov.

Garriott's father, Owen, watched the blast off through binoculars(望远镜) on  an observation platform and Garriott's girlfriend, Kelly Miller, burst into  tears. "I am very happy for him. It is one of the things he really wanted to  do," Miller said as others opened beer to celebrate the successful launch.

"I can see he is really enjoying it like a little kid in the candy shop,"  Miller said.

Space officials said the Soyuz rocket had reached orbit safely and would  dock with the International Space Station (ISS) in about two days.

"He made it, he made it into orbit. It is marvellous," said Owen Garriott,  a physicist who was selected as an astronaut by NASA for his scientific  background. He spent 60 days in space in 1973 and another ten days in 1983.

After 10 days in space Garriott will return to Earth with the ISS's former  crew aboard a Soyuz re-entry vehicle, a three-person capsule which has gone  wrong on its last two flights.

In April, a Soyuz capsule landed 420 km off course(偏离轨道) after explosive  bolts(爆炸螺栓) failed to explode before re-entry, sending the craft into a steep  descent.

Last year, a Soyuz capsule carrying Malaysia's first astronaut also made a  so-called "ballistic"(弹道式) landing, similarly blamed on faulty bolts.

64. What would be the most appropriate title for this passage?

A. Tourists blast off in rocket B. Like father, like son

C. Why not spend money on rocket? D. American Boss blasts off in rocket

65. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Richard Garriott spent 60 days in space in 1973

B. Richard Garriott spent another ten days in 1983

C. Soyuz capsules had gone wrong with landing twice

D. Richard Garriott went into space at the height of the Cold War

66. Which of the following is nearest in meaning to “dock ” in the 7th  paragragh?

A. connect B. land C. harbor D. come

67. Where may this passage be found?

A. In a history book B. On the Internet

C. In a science book D. In a fashion magazine


Millions of youngsters across Europe could suffer permanent hearing loss  after five years if they listen to MP3 players at too high a volume for more  than five hours a week, EU scientists warned Monday.

The scientists' study, requested by the European Commission, attacked the  concept of "leisure(休闲) noise," saying children and teenagers should be  protected from increasingly high sound levels -- with loud mobile phones also  coming in for criticism.

"There has been increasing concern about exposure from the new generation  of personal music players which can reproduce sounds at very high volumes  without loss of quality," the Commission, the EU's executive arm, said in a  statement.

"Risk for hearing damage depends on sound level and exposure time," it  said. More and more young people were exposed to the significant threat that  leisure noise posed to hearing, it said.

Commission experts estimate that between 50 and 100 million people listen  to portable music players on a daily basis.

If they listened for only five hours a week at more than 89 decibels, they  would already exceed EU limits for noise allowed in the workplace, they said.  But if they listened for longer periods, they risked permanent hearing loss  after five years.

The scientists calculated the number of people in that risk category at  between 5 and 10 percent of listeners, meaning up to 10 million people in the  European Union.

Sales of personal music players have risen in EU countries in recent years,  particularly of MP3 players.

Commission experts estimate unit sales between 184 and 246 million for all  portable audio devices just over the last four years, of which MP3 players range  between 124 and 165 million.

Mobile phones used at excessive volume also came under fire from Meglena  Kuneva, the EU's consumer affairs commissioner.

"I am concerned that so many young people ... who are frequent users of  personal music players and mobile phones at high acoustic(声音的) levels, may be  unknowingly damaging their hearing permanently." she said in the statement.

68. What would be the most appropriate title for this passage?

A. EU warns youth B. Turn your MP3 players down!

C. What does harm to people? D. Mobile phones are harmful

69. Which of the following is not mentioned in the article?

A. There has been increasing concern about exposure to music players

B. Many people listen to portable music players daily

C. How to make proper use of MP3

D. Frequent users of personal music players at high acoustic(声音的) levels,  may be unknowingly damaging their hearing permanently

70. By “exceed” in paragraph 6, the author means_________.

A. offend the law B. pass by

C. more than a point D. go beyond a fixed number

71. It can be inferred from the passage that _________.

A. Youngsters could suffer permanent sight loss after five years of  exposure to MP3 players at too high a volume for more than five hours a week

B. Very high volumes may reduce the numbers of listeners

C. The loss of sound quality may lead to the decline in listeners

D. Loud mobile phones were praised in the scientists' study


Going to sleep may seem pretty boring compared with all the fun things  there are to do while you're awake. But there's a lot going on in your mind and  body while you're tucked (蜷曲)under those covers.

Sleep, in fact, is as important to your survival as eating and drinking.  Sleep improves your mood, makes you a better athlete, and helps you remember and  understand what you learned during the day. During sleep your temperature drops.  Your heart rate slows. Down goes the pressure of the blood moving through your  veins. A chemical that controls growth (called a hormone) surges into your  bloodstream. Scientists think sleep restores energy and improves your immune  (免疫) system. We know what happens while we're asleep because scientists study  volunteers who sleep in laboratories. The sleepers are hooked up to machines  that measure brain waves, eye movements and muscle activities.

Sleep is like a school day: it's divided into different periods, or stages.  When you're awake, your brain waves fire rapidly. As you begin to relax and  drift into the first stage of sleep, your brain produces slower-moving waves and  you lose awareness of your surroundings. As you slide to deeper sleep, your body  repairs itself from the normal wear and tear of daily life. Then, as you begin  to drift back up to a lighter sleep, your mind becomes more alert (机警), and your  dreams begin. You're in REM sleep.

REM was names for the "rapid eye movement' that happens while you're  dreaming. During REM sleep, your eyes move back and forth behind your eye lids,  as though you were watching a movie. During other stages, you might move at that  in bed, but during REM sleep you're still. That's probably because if you could  move, your body would act out your dreams. As you get closer to morning, you  spend more time in REM than in deep sleep, so you dream more. Researchers know  that during REM sleep the part of the brain that handles learning and thinking  is very active.

Getting too little sleep can affect your personality. Experts recommend  that children get at least nine hours’ sleep a night. So sleep tight.

72. Sleep has many advantages except _______.

A. improving your mood B. making you strong

C. helping you study D. practicing your eyes

73. Choose the right order: During your sleep, _______.

① your body repairs itself from the normal wear and tear of daily life

② your brain produces slower-moving waves

③ your dream begins

④ you loose awareness of surroundings

A. ① ③ ② ④ B. ② ④ ① ③ C. ④ ① ③ ② D. ④ ③ ① ②

74. Suppose this is the course of your sleep, in which part of the course  do you have dreams?

Notes: (A: light sleep B: deep sleep C: light sleep D: the whole  course)

75. Which of the following is NOT right?

A. Hormone has something to do with your growth.

B. You cannot move while you are in REM sleep, dreaming.

C. The closer to morning, the more dreams you have.

D. You may move around in your bed during your REM sleep.

第四部分 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


76. The young man is standing at a c_____________, as he can’t decide  whether to continue his studies or to accept the well-paid job.

77. The ability to talk distinguishes human beings f___________ many  animals.

78. With the increase of the population, people are afraid that natural  resources will r____________

out some day.

79. Every citizen should be l__________ to his country and its people and  never betray them.

80. Stephen will leave for France next month, so he is eager to  p___________ up his spoken French skills.

81. You should admit that you have a ______________ (更喜欢) for sweet  food.

82. The school building is quite old and ____________ (追溯到) back to the  1920s.

83. The committee has passed the proposal that the representative  ___________ (提到) to in his speech yesterday.

84. The problem is that what he says does not ___________ (和…相符) to what he  does.

85. Nowadays moe and more people are becoming _____________ (意识到) of the  importance of protecting the environment.

第五部分 书面表达(满分15分)








  参考词汇:生活必需品 daily necessities;灾区 disaster-stricken areas




完形填空 36---40 CDCBA 41---45 BDADC 46---50 BBADC 51---55 ABDCA


56-59) DCBA 60-63) CDBA 64-67) DCAB 68-71) BCDC 72-75) DBCD


76. crossroads 77. from 78. run 79. loyal 80. polish

81. preference 82. dates 83. referred 84. correspond 85. conscious/  aware


A possible version.

We often give money to the people in poor or disaster-stricken areas. Some  students don’t think it a good way to help people there .However ,some prefer  helping the unfortunate with money.

In their opinion, money can be used to buy daily necessities and can help  people rebuild their hometowns ,while sometimes the things people there receive  are not what they need actually.

But some other students think that giving used clothing to the people in  those areas is better .Many people ,especially in rich areas and in cities ,have  much clothing they no longer like or need. By giving it away to the people in  need we can make the best use of it . Besides ,we are just students ,and we have  no incomes of our own.

Anyhow ,no matter which way is considered better ,we should try our best to  help those who need help. It goes without saying that money and other donations  can be very helpful. (158 words)





























