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1.—The movie, The Battle at Lake Changjin, is so wonderful.
—Yeah. It's such ____ excellent movie and I never see ____ better one.
  • A. a;an
  • B. an;the
  • C. a;the
  • D. an;a
2.—Is ____ here? We need to go now!
—No. Mary is still taking photos of pandas over there.
  • A. somebody
  • B. anybody
  • C. everybody
  • D. nobody
3.—We can get some ____ about Youth with You through the Internet.
—Really? Can you tell me more about it?
  • A. information
  • B. discussion
  • C. competition
  • D. question
4.—Why do you dream to be a musician?
—Because musicians are so cool that they can ____ beautiful songs.
  • A. put up
  • B. make up
  • C. stay up
  • D. come up
5.—Does Lisa's new dress look the same ____ yours?
—Not a thing. They have nothing ____ common.
  • A. to;in
  • B. as;in
  • C. to;with
  • D. as;with
6.____ you take the exam, ____ grades you will get.
  • A. The more serious;the more
  • B. The more seriously;the more
  • C. The more serious;the better
  • D. The more seriously;the better
7.They couldn't stand ____ in the rain for a long time and expected the bus ____ earlier.
  • A. to wait;coming
  • B. waiting;coming
  • C. to wait;to come
  • D. waiting;to come
8.—Mum, can I visit the University Studio with my classmates tomorrow?
—Sure. You can go ____ you come back by ten.
  • A. as long as
  • B. as early as
  • C. as much as
  • D. as far as
9.The magician is getting ____. His performance is not ____ in the show, though.
  • A. more creative;more exciting
  • B. more creative;the most exciting
  • C. the most creative;more exciting
  • D. the most creative;the most exciting
10.—How is Mr. Brown's geography class?
—I think it's ____, but Carol thinks it's much too ____.
  • A. enough wonderful;boring
  • B. enough wonderful;bored
  • C. wonderful enough;boring
  • D. wonderful enough;bored
11.  Now you can see a different kind of school in Pakistan (巴基斯坦). It is giving (1)       children a new chance (机会) to study. Sometimes their parents also come to study.
  The (2)       is called Street to School. It started in Karachi in 2014. In Karachi, some parents couldn't send their children to school because of money. (3)       they were working, their children were playing on the street every day. Street to School was founded (建立) for these children.
  Children at Street to School learn reading, writing English and math. They can also learn (4)      to stay healthy and take care of themselves. Also, there are all kinds of sports (5)      and children always have a good time.
  The founder of Street to School says, "We started this program for kids, but we (6)       quickly that the kids didn't get any help at home to do their homework. And they would not bring their homework to school (7)       parents' signatures (签名). Then we (8)       to start a special class for these parents so they could help their kids with homework."
  Uzma is a mother. She joined Street to School last month. She says, "I didn't go to school when was young. I could (9)       read or write. This is why I am here today."
  Tahira Bibi is a grandmother. She has always worked as a clothes maker and never got the chance to go to school. "I was also (10)       in learning when I saw my grandson and granddaughter studying. Learning is really fun," says Tahira.
12.  WeRun (微信运动) is an app in WeChat. It lets users see their everyday step counts (步数). One of its most popular things is a leaderboard (排行榜) among friends. Users can see how their results are compared (比较) with others.
  Now more and more people use WeRun, from the young to the old. We wonder how much we can learn about a person from his step counts. Here let's have a look:
  No more than 50 steps:Anyone who takes no more than 50 steps in one day may be ill or sad. Or he or she is just too lazy to get out of the bed.
  50 — 500 steps:It's easy to have a few hundred steps. For example, going shopping will be enough.
  501 —8, 000 steps: Most students and workers will take between 501 and 8, 000 steps a day. These step counts are often in the middle of the leaderboard. But your parents will always give your step counts a like (It's their job to care about you!)
  8, 001 — 30, 000 steps:Salespeople and P. E. teachers often take so many steps a day, because they are always on the move.
  More than 30, 000 steps:Mostly, these step counts can be on the top of the leaderboard. They are policemen, reporters, cleaners and so on. They are the people who help us live easy and comfortable lives.
13.  You may be a doctor or a police officer one day in your life, but there are always teachers around you. They teach you and help you know who you are. Of course, you want to thank them.
  Teachers' Day is a great time for students around the world to thank their teachers. The festival is on different days in different countries.
  In China, Teachers' Day is on Sept 10th. But in the US, there is a special week for teachers. Teacher Appreciation (感谢) Week is in the first full week of May every year. In the past, kids brought apples to their teachers because they believed an apple a day could help keep the doctor away. Now, they bring gifts with pictures of apples, such as paintings, cups and postcards. Some students also make gifts by themselves. In that week. breakfast and coffee in the school dining hall are free for teachers.
  Teachers' day in South Korea is on May 15th. Many students give their teachers carnations (康乃馨). Cards are also popular. Many students give hand-made cards to favorite teachers.
  Although different countries have different Teachers' Days, there's one day for the world to show thanks to teachers:on Oct 5th each year. UNESCO (联合国教科文组织) started the day in 1994. It wants to tell people the importance of the teacher.
14.  My father was from a small town in the US. He wanted to get out and began a new adventure (冒险). He began that adventure by travelling to different cities in the US before going on to other countries. He took us with him and went anywhere the road took him.
  It's easy to feel lonely (孤独的) when you are on the road. However, my mother kept saying, "We made lots of new friends on our trip —most of them were workers repairing (修理) cars, because we often spent hours in repair shops on the trip. "
  Though there were always fights along the way and we had a hard time with each other, we still learn a lot about forgiveness and became close as before.
  When in Philippines, we drove to Quezon City one day. It took us over three hours because of the bad weather and too many cars. "Did you put all our things in the car?" my father asked my mother when we arrived. "No," she said. "I thought you did." We sat in the car and said nothing most of the time after that. As a result, a seven﹣hour car trip became a sixteen-hour one.
  In situations (情况) like that, we had to learn to let go of anger (愤怒). It was true that sometimes I felt like opening the car door and asking one of my sisters to get out, but I kept my feelings to myself.
  This is why road trips were like further studies to us. It seemed that we got our PhDs (博士学位) in how to be good with other people just by travelling in that old car.
15.  Chinese writer Cao Wenxuan won the 2016 Hans Christian Anderson Award (奖项). He became the first Chinese writer to win this prize for children's books.
  Cao's works are mostly about two themes (主题) — social reality (社会现实) and the world of fantasy (幻想). His novel Bronze and Sunflower, for example, tells readers the lives of two lonely children who make friends with each other.
  Patricia Aldana, president (主席) of Awards team, told Xinhua News, "Cao is great. His works win the heart of thousands of child readers by writing stories about children facing great difficulties."
  In a talk with China Daily, Cao said. "When I was a child, my life was full of sadness and hunger (饥饿). So I hope to help young readers to understand them better by writing stories."
  He also said, "From the difficulties the country had, I got to know how important it was to keep smiling and truly love people around. I believe that's how Chinese people went on with their lives at difficult times."
  Cao not only writes about social reality, he also makes his readers think freely. In A Feather (羽毛), he tells the story of a feather's trip to a mother bird by using the voice (声音) of a child.
  Speaking to China Daily, he said that "quite a few ideas are about where it came from and where it was going."
  Cao's works take us to different places and open our minds in different ways. It's no surprise that his novels are best-sellers.
16.  Just like a movie, a dream has a story to tell. ______ Let's take a look at your dreams. They can open doors into your world.
  Martha, 15 years old, said that last night she had an unusual dream. She dreamed that she was flying. When she moved her arms up and down, she flew higher into the sky. She felt as free as a bird. Flying is a good symbol in a dream. Flying in dreams may mean success (成功) and "being on top of it all".
  Jason, a 14-year-old boy, said that he had a bad dream that kept coming back. He walked out of his bedroom, and a monster (怪物) came out and ran after him. Monsters in dreams often show fears (恐惧). For Jason, the monsters may be the people who he is afraid of. Or it may mean Jason's fears about exams at school and he is very sad.
  More common symbols make your dreams interesting and colorful. For example, fire drives away darkness. People's lives may be full of hope if there is fire in their dreams. Mountains are difficult things, so to dream of climbing to the top of the mountain can show a true feeling of success. Food is a symbol of knowledge (知识) because the body needs it just as our mind needs information. However,       could just be food.
  Dreaming is like a bridge and it brings your life together with your feelings and memories (记忆). You may dream the same things again and again. They will help you know more about yourself.
17.Mike: Hi, I'm doing a survey of the supermarkets in the city. (1)      
Tom: Sure.
Mike: Which do you think is the best supermarket in our city?
Tom: (2)      
Mike: Why do you think so?
Tom: It has clothes with the best quality(质量) the friendliest service.
Mike: (3)       They think Hi-Mart is the best.
Tom: Really? (4)      
Mike: But they are the cheapest in the city.
Tom: I don't care about the price. (5)      
Mike: OK. I see. Thanks a lot.

A. I think good quality is more important.
B. It is the biggest supermarket in the city.
C. I think Blue Moon is the best.
D. I hear that its clothes are not very good.
E. Could I ask you some questions?
F. I think you are right.
G. But many people don't think so.
18.  After spending 40 hours playing the online game King of Glory (《王者荣耀》), a middle school student was seriously ill and almost died. It shows how bad things can be if one becomes addicted (沉迷) to the Internet.
  Among China's more than 800 million Internet users, about 151 million of them are between the ages of 10 and 19, according to the China Internet Network Information Center.
  To stop more teenagers becoming addicted to the Internet, the Ministry of Education (MOE, 教育部) sent a letter to all parents in China on April 20th, 2018. It says they should clearly know their children's online activities.
  It's also important to pay attention (关注) to how much time teenagers spend online. Now almost ninety percent of the students spend around two hours on the Internet a day. To make better use of it, MOE advises (建议) that parents should help cut down the time to less than 1. 5 hours a day. And it can surely be better if students choose to do something they like, such as reading or playing sports.
  Two weeks later, MOE also sent a letter to primary and middle schools, asking them to monitor (监管) students' Internet use. From now on, schools will pay more attention to their students' Internet use and the use of smart phones. If students start being addicted to the Internet, they can get help from their teachers.
19.He broke his arm when he was five. (改为否定句)
He       his arm when he was five.
20.Kids should help parents with housework. (改为一般疑问句)
      kids        parents with housework?
21.Mark is the most hard-working student in his group. (同义句转换)
Mark       harder than        other student in his group.
22.Sally doesn't mind watching talk shows. (对划线部分提问)
      does Sally        watching talk shows?
23.曾经网购在我的生活中起了重要作用. (完成译句)
Online shopping once        an important        in my life.
24.  Ring, ring, ring, the alarm clock sounds. It's school time again! After a relaxing and enjoyable vacation, you need to be ready for the class. In fact, it is not (1)       difficult as you think. But if you are still worried about the schoolwork, here are some ways to help you make the transition (过渡) from vacation to school a little (2)      .
  Make yourself less worried
  It's fine to feel worried on the first day of school. Try to think about your first day in the last term. (3)      will go well when you get into the routine (常规). Just relax and be happy.
  Pack (打包) your school things
  It will make you feel quite comfortable if you have all the things you need at hand. It is better to pack your schoolbag the night (4)       school starts. Make sure you take everything necessary with you, or there will be something wrong with your school life. For example, if you happen to leave your glasses at home, you may have problems seeing the words on the blackboard.
  Back to school fashion (时尚)
  What about (5)       something you like?Maybe you got pretty new clothes or a pair of shoes on vacation. If you have to wear a school uniform, you can also wear your favorite watch or a new hair band to show yourself.
  Embrace (拥抱) the (6)       of a new term
  You will have to change your body clock back, if you (7)       up late and got up late on vacation. Go to bed earlier the week before the new term starts. Also, doing some reading and math exercises before school time are helpful. Playing sports or making plans for the next week are some (8)       good ideas.
25.假如你是 Huang Lei, 进入八年级后, 你的生活与前一年发生了一些变化.请给你的朋友 Larry 写一封信, 告
要点如下:1. 年龄、外貌、性格、习惯等方面的变化;
2. 学校生活的变化;
3. ……
要求:1. 包含以上所有要点, 可适当发挥;
2. 语言流畅, 符合逻辑, 书写规范;
3. 80﹣120 词, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数;
参考词汇:physics 物理 meaningful 有意义的 improve 改进
Dear Larry,
  How is it going with you these days? I'm in Grade Eight now. I'm writing to tell you something different in my life. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  What about you? Can you tell me something about your life?
Huang Lei


