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高二英语模块五 Unit1语法教学案

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1. 作主语:The cat said, “To take roller coaster is terrible”.
How long did it take you to finish the task
a) It is + adj. (easy, important, difficult…) + 不定式
b) It is + n. (a pity, a pleasure, one’s duty, a shame) + 不定式
It’s my duty ____________________________. (教你们学好英语)
c) It takes/needs/requires + some time (hours, months, days, patience…) + 不定式
It requires patience ________________________________. (做好这项工作)
2. 作表语:当句子的主语是aim, idea, policy, question, suggestion, wish, task, duty, job, purpose等或者主语是what引导的名词性从句时,后面可以用不定式做表语,用以说明主语所包含内容。
Our most important task now is _____________________ . (制定计划)
The only thing we can do now is _________________ . (等等看)
The cat said “Remember ________________next time!”.(别迟到)
a) 可以直接用不定式作宾语的动词很多,常见的有:agree, afford, tend, ask, decide, determine, expect, fail, hope, learn, intend, manage, offer, plan, promise, refuse, want, wish等。
当不定式短语比宾补长时,往往将不定式放到宾补后,而用先行代词it作形式宾语,常用动词有feel, think, find, believe, consider, make等。
The cat felt it _________________________________ . (躺在草地上很舒服)
b) 不定式一般不作介词的宾语,只有少数介词如but, except等后面可以跟不定式作宾语。一般情况下作介词宾语的不定式都带to,如果but或except所在句子里的谓语动词都是实义动词do, does, did时,通常省略to。
We have no choice ______________________. (只好等)
We can do nothing __________________ . (只好等)
4. 宾语补足语
a) 通常作宾语补语的不定式要带to,常用于以下动词之后:ask, tell, advise, allow, enable, expect, force, get, like, order, teach, want, invite, wish, beg等
You should get them___________________ .(立刻开始工作)
但在谓语动词believe, find, think, feel, consider, suppose, imagine, prove等后面跟to be…作宾补,不跟to do…
They believe _____________________________ . (他诚实)
b) 使役动词let, have, make等,感官动词hear, feel, see, watch, notice等接不带to 的动词不定式,如用在被动语态则加上to
Don’t let the children ________________ . (麻烦你)
I heard someone . (敲门)
He was made early by his father. (上床睡觉)
5. 作定语:
①能带不定式作宾语的动词,其同源名词可以带不定式作定语。常见的有attempt, decision, promise, plan等
He hasn’t kept his promise ____________________________. (经常给他父亲写信)
②常与不定式搭配的形容词,其同源名词一般可以用不定式作定语。常见的有ability, determination, anxiety, eagerness等
His eagerness _________________________________was quite clear.(渴望早点完成作业)
③序数词形容词最高级或被only, last, next等修饰的名词可以用不定式作定语:
She was the only person ______________after the earthquake. (幸存)
He’s always the first to come and the last to leave. 主谓关系
I’ve no time to listen to your excuse. 同位关系
She has a meeting to attend. (动宾关系=attend a meeting)
There’s nothing to worry about. (动宾关系=worry about nothing)
6. 作状语
①to…, in order to …, so as to …(不能放在句首)作目的状语
All these gifts must be mailed immediately _____ in time for Christmas.
A. in order to have received B. in order to receive C. so as to be received D. so as to be receiving
②在so…as to, such….as to, only to …结构中不定式作结果状语,其中only to…用于表示意想不到的结果。
He hurried to the station ___________________________________.(发现火车开走了)
③enough to, too…to结构
The boy isn’t old enough to go to school.
= The boy__________________________________.
④形容词(happy, glad, lucky, fortunate, surprised, angry, anxious, ready, quick, slow, cruel, clever等)+ 不定式结构
I’m glad _________________________.(见到你)
The question is ____________________________.(难回答)
He is hard ___________________________________.(难相处)
7. 作插入语 用来说明说话人的态度、看法、对整个句子进行解释,如to be frank(坦白地说),to be sure(确实)等。
___________________________, I hate you. (说实话)
8. of sb.to do sth/ for sb. to do sth
It is necessary for me to learn English well.
It’s very kind of you to come to see me.
9. tell, know, show, decide, learn, wonder, explain + 疑问词+ 不定式
No one can tell me __________________. (在哪儿找到Tom)
______________________________ is still unknown. (何时考试)
The problem is______________________________ . (怎样筹集足够的钱)
①不定式的进行式由to be + V-ing构成,用来表示谓语动词动作发生时,不定式的动作正在进行。
Some students pretended ________________________when the teacher came in.. (在读英语)
②不定式完成式由to have + V-ed构成,用来表示动作发生在谓语动作之前。
--- Is Bob still performing?
--- I’m afraid not. He is said _______ the stage already as he has become an official.
A. to have left B. to leave C. to have been D. to be left
③不定式的被动式分为一般式被动to be V-ed和完成式被动to have been V-ed。当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者时,不定式要用被动语态。
It is an honour for me _______________________ the party. (被邀请参加晚会)
The book is said___________________________________. (翻译成好几种语言)
All these gifts must be mailed immediately _____ in time for Christmas.
A. in order to have received B. in order to receive
C. so as to be received D. so as to be receiving
1. 动名词的句法功能:动名词由动词加ing构成,与现在分词的形式相同。动名词主要起名词作用,在句中担任主语、表语、宾语和定语。
①作主语 可以直接放在句首,也可以用先行代词it作为形式主语,而把动名词后置。
Seeing is believing. (眼见为实)
__________ is easier than _________.(说起来容易,做起来难)
_________________is a good hobby.(集邮)(单个动名词短语作主语时,动词用单数)
It is no use (good) + 动名词:做某事没有用
It’s no use___________________________ (覆水难收)
There is no + 动名词 (= It is impossible to do sth.)
②作表语 通常是说明主语的内容,注意它与谓语动词进行时的区别
His hobby is collecting stamps. (此句为SVC结构) 可改为:Collecting stamps is his hobby.
He is collecting stamps. (is collecting是谓语动词进行时,此句为SVO结构)
不能改为:Collecting stamps is he.
A. 作及物动词 的宾语(enjoy, mind, finish, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, escape, pratise, suggest, keep(on), miss)
He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk _____ the good opportunity.
A. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost
有些动词(attempt, begin, continue, hate, like, love)后面既可以接不定式作宾语,也可以接动名词作宾语,意义差别不大。通常认为用动名词泛指一般的倾向性,用不定式则表示特定或具体某一种动作。
I like swimming but I don’t like to swim in winter.
I prefer to drive rather than be driven.
I prefer driving to riding.
有些动词,如forget, remember, regret等,后面接动名词表示的动作先于谓语动词动作,不定式表示的动作后于谓语动词。
When asked by police, he said that he remembered _____ at he party, but not ______.
A. to arrive, leaving B. to arrive, to leave C. arriving, leaving D. arriving, to leave
I think it no use_________________________ .(告诉她真相)
We think it no good ____________________ (浪费时间打游戏)
B. 作介词的宾语
Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and ______ jokes.
A. turning up B. putting up C. making up D. showing up
a sleeping car=a car for sleeping a sleeping child= a child who is sleeping
That’s the queen’s full-time job, __________________.这就是蚁后的专职工作――产卵。
Do you minding______________________?(我抽烟)
He was awakened by someone _____________________.(敲门)
___________________________ made Tom angry. (玛丽大笑)
There is no ___________________________________.(工厂盈利希望)
I really can’t understand _____ her like that.
A. you treat B. you to treat C. why treat D. you treating
3. 动名词的完成式、一般式被动和完成式被动。新课标第一网
After___________________________________, he went home. (做完工作)
He attended the meeting without _____________________________.(未经邀请)


高二英语模块五 Unit1语法教学案
