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Unit 11 The Media教案

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Unit 11 The Media教案
Unit 11 The Media (1)
Lesson 1 World News
A tip: You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success.
Learning Aims: 1.Learn some new words and phrases. (A级)
2.Master the important language points in the first passage.(B级)
Learning important points:
1.Try to grasp the detailed information of the news. (B级)
2.Master some useful words and phrases. (C级)
Learning Steps:
Step 1 词组和短语(A级)
1.肥皂剧 2.时事
3.谈话节目 4.为…做准备
5.中国日报 6.一场历史性的会议
7. 由…组成 8.详细地
9.保健管理 10.世界各地
11.阻止…做… 12.期盼着
Step 2 Read the text “Africa on G8 Agenda ”and do the exercise True or False
1.G8 stands for eight presidents of the world’s wealthiest nations
2.The Group of Eight will be reformed this year.
3.G8 has decided to cancel the debt of Africa.
Step 3阅读短文Africa on G8 Agenda, 回答问题(B级)
1.What does “G8” stand for?
2.Which nations are in the “G8”?
3.Why is this year’s meeting unusual?
4.What are some of the major problems in Africa?
5.How can the G8 nations help Africa’s poorest countries?
Step 4 疑难解析(B级)
1. chat n.&vi.(课本21页Ex.2) 意思为
【归纳拓展】 have a chat with sb 或chat with sb(about sth) 与某人聊天,chat on line 网上聊天,chat (with sb.)about sth. 谈论某事。
2. nation n. 意思
【归纳拓展】the Chinese Nation 中华民族 the law of nations 国际公法 the United Nations 联合国
national adj 国家的,全国性,民族的 nationality n. 国籍,民族
【易混辨异】 country/ nation/ state
A. country 侧重指“疆土”。China is a country rich in resources.
B. nation侧重指“人民”。The president spoke on TV to the nation.
C. state侧重“指政权,政体”。 Education is provided by the state.
3. poverty n. 意思是
【归纳拓展】fall into poverty 陷入贫困 ,live in poverty 生活贫困,a poverty of natural resources 自然资源的缺乏,below the poverty line 在贫困线以下
1)After the earthquake, many people in Sichuan .(陷入贫困)
2)Many elderly people .(许多老人生活在贫困中。)
4. stand for 意思
【经典例句】What does the UN stand for? It stands for the United Nations. 翻译:
【拓展】stand by 站在旁边、袖手旁观、支持、坚持, stand out 显眼、引人注目,stand up 起立、站立,stand up for支持、维护、保卫
(1)Don’t just stand , come and help to push the car.
(2) He is very tall and easily stands in the crowd.
(3) The letters USA stand the United States.
5. detail n. 详情,全部细节
They didn’t give any detail about the game.
v. 详细介绍
The brochure details all the hotels in the area and their facilities
in detail 意思
【经典考题】I know nothing about the project. Can you explain it to
me ?
A.in detail B.in details C.into detail D.detailed
6. demand vt/n. 意思
【例句】This work demands care and patience.
supply and demands 供与求
【归纳拓展】make demands on sth. 要求…
demand sth of/from sb 向某人要求某物
demand to do sth 要求做某事
demand that 从句(should+do)要求……
【经典考题】(1)He demanded that he the place at once.
A.leave B.leaves C.left D.will leave
(2)He demanded that such things from happening again.
A.prevented B.prevent C.be prevented D.were prevented
【导学】A. cancel vt. = call off 意思
翻译:The match had to be cancelled because of the bad weather.
B. so that 在此句中表示
C. prevent… from…意思
【经典考题】(1)What prevented you us last night?
A.from being joined B.joining C.to join D.joining in
(2)This is work of art that once you see it, you’ll never forget it.
A.so good B.such good C.such a good D.so a good
Unit 11 The Media (1)
Lesson 1 World News当堂检测卡(1)
日期: 班级:
姓名: 层次: 评价:
1. 用方框内的词组填空(B级)
provide…for, be responsible for, take care of, stand for, prevent…from
1.You should all the consequences.
2.Nothing can us carring out the plan.
3.A father should the education his children.
4.Her job is to the children.
5.UN the United States.
2. 练一练 单句改错(C级)
1. Use your fingers when you eating chicken.
2. The man you are going to work with him has come to the party.
3. Dinner starts with a small dish, it is often called a starter.
4. The store that selling clothes belongs to my cousin.
5. Children love to read fairy tales, most of them have a happy ending.



Unit 11 The Media教案
