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My new teachers单元教案

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My new teachers单元教案
Teaching Aims:
1.Knowledge and Skill
a. Speaking: express one’s attitude or views about their teachers and describe what their teachers look like
b Reading: understand the meanings of certain words in context applying to guessing meaning skills.
c. Writing: develop the ability of using commas
d. Listening: Grasp the ability of listening for specific facts
2.Emotion and Values
a.Improve the relationship between the teachers and the students by comparing the relationship between teachers and the students in other countries.
b.To help them set the correct and all-the-round thinking away, and enforce to control the directions of thinking.
c.To encourage the Ss to be active and cooperative in the class
3. Cross-cultural awareness:
a.To help them learn about different relationship between teachers and students in other countries.
4. Character-building:
a.To help them know more about their teachers and love the teachers deeply in order to make their relationship more harmonious..
b.To let them know the importance of cooperating with others in a group
Difficulties and Importance:
a. Master the usage of ?ing form.
b. Improve the student’s ability of grasping the general idea of the passage.
Teaching Method:
a.Task-based methodology
b.pair-work& group-work
Teaching Procedures:
Period 1
Teaching Content: Vocabulary and listening
Everyday English
Activity 1. Ask the Ss to write”+” for positive adjectives, and “-”for negative adjectives. (Some words will have a positive and a negative meaning, depending on the context.)
amusing energetic funny intelligent kind lively nervous
organized patient popular serious shy strict stupid
Activity 2. Ask the students to describe their teachers they know, using the words given above.
For example: Our science teacher is very energetic and intelligent.
I am fond of Mr. Li’s classes. They are never boring.
Our English teacher is serious but his teaching style is well organized.

Activity 3 Pair work
Discuss the following sentences True or False according to your own experiences. And share your opinions with your partner.
1.All good teachers talk a lot.
2.I think teachers need to be strict.
3.I like teachers who are amusing and can laugh with their students.
4.The most popular teachers are always very kind.
5.Good teachers make sure that everyone in the class understands.
6.Good teachers always return homework quickly.
7.You should be able to ask your teacher questions at any time during a lesson.
8.It doesn’t matter if a teacher is not organized.
Activity 4 Listening.
Listen to Alex, and English student, and tick the sentences above that he agrees with. Compare your choices with Alex and have a discussion with your classmates what makes a good teacher.
Activity 5 Everyday English
a.Make sure the students know the meaning of the following expressions.
Have you got that take a look kids that’s settled a couple of things it’s up to you
b.Complete the conversations with these expressions.
Activity 5 Homework
1.Memorize the adjectives we have learned in the class.
2.You should know some adjectives have positive or negative meanings or both.
Period 2
Teaching Content: Reading and Vocabulary
Activity 1. Warming-up( brainstorming)
Try to find out the positive adjectives to describe the three teachers in the textbook.
Activity 2 Pre-reading(prediction)
Look at the pictures given in the textbook, make predictions about which subject do you think they may teach.
Listen to the text and check your prediction.
Mrs. Li _______________
Mrs. Chen _______________
Mr. Wu _______________
Activity 3 Intensive reading
a.skimming and scanning: Read the text silently and quickly to get the general idea. Then answering the following questions.
1.Which teachers do the students like a lot?
2.Who is a very good teacher but is serious and strict?
b.detail reading: Answer the following questions according to the article.
1.Which paragraphs tell us what the teachers look like?
2.What subjects does each teacher teach?
3.Who is the most popular teacher?
4.Who is the kindest teacher?
5.Which teacher are students most afraid of?
6.Which teachers explain things clearly?
Activity 4 Post-reading
Interview: Interview some of your classmates about which teacher they would like to have and ask them to give specific reasons to support their own idea.
Activity 5. Key points of the passage
1. so…that


so that

e.g. He ran quickly that we couldn’t keep up with him.
Bob is so tall a man that he can almost reach the ceiling.
I’ve had so many falls that I’m black and blue all over.
There was so little water left that only small children and patients were given some.
2. working with her 跟她学习
3. avoid +doing appreciate+doing
enjoy +doing hate +doing
admit +doing mind +doing这些动词常用ing形式做宾语。
4. do not dare to say
I dare say 可能、也许(不肯定)
e.g. I dare say that he’ll come.
I dare to say. 我敢说(肯定)。
e.g. I dare to say that he’ll come.
5. as a result
result…from result…in
e.g. His failure resulted largely from his laziness.
The accident resulted in ten deaths.
6. do well in
He's good at Maths, but he didn't do well in this test.
7. be popular with/to
be popular with受……欢迎 更多人会用be popular with
e.g. Loud music is more popular with young people than with old.
be popular to意思和be popular with差不多,但是用法上有点区别
e.g. If you want to impress your peers (friends) it is generally more popular to show them , (to do this, to say, usage with the verb to be) your cool DVD collection.
Activity 6Homework.
1. Describe two of your new teachers.
name, appearance/character, teaching style, your goal (目标)in the new term
2. Discuss with your partner what a good student should be like
Period 3
Teaching Content: Grammar
Activity 1 Presentation
Listening to the song “Love”by John Denver carefully, then fill in the blank with proper words according to what you hear.
??By John Lennon
Love is real;real is love. Love is feeling;feeling love. Love is wanting to be loved.
Love is touch;touch is love. Love is reaching;reaching love. Love is asking to be loved.
Love is you, you and me. Love is knowing we can be.
Love is free;free is love. Love is leaving;leaving love. Love is needing to be loved.
Activity 2 Show the pictures of song dandan, Jackie Chang, Zhou jielun to the students. Then let them make up new sentences using -ing form.

He/She devotes … to …
He/She is concerned about …
I enjoy…
I am interested in…
Activity 3 Group work.
Talk about your favourite friends or teachers.
He/She enjoys …
He/She is interested in …
He/She dreams of …
He/She hates …
He/She cares about…
Activity 4 Practice Change the form where necessary.
1.The students ______copying from other students.
2.Please ____talking.
3.Have you _____checking your work? It’s time to go home.
4.You need to _____speaking in English to make progress.
5.He ______asking stupid questions.
Suggested answers:
1.dislikes/hates 2. stop/keep 3. finished 4 practise 5. avoids
Activity 5.
Do you remember giving me this shirt for your birthday?
Remember to tell him the news.
Look at the two sentences above carefully. Then answer the following questions:
In the first sentence, have I been given this shirt?
In the second sentence, has he been told about the news?
1. If you can keep ________(read) English newspapers, your English will be improved.
2. I hate _________________(tell) lies!
3. I will never forget __________(go) to Beijing with him last summer.
4. I forgot ________(tell) her the news; so she knew nothing about it.
Activity 6 Work in pairs. Talk about the parts of school life you enjoy most and why.
Some useful sentences may help you:
I’m interested in…
I enjoy…
I’m fond of
I prefer…to…
I’m good at…
Activity 7 homework
Finish the exercise 4 of page 73.
Period 4
Teaching Content Listening and Vocabulary
Function and speaking
Activity 1 presentation.
Before listening, try to understand the meaning of the following words in the box.
Choice exam headmaster headmistress library
period revision translation timetable topic vacation
1.How much revision do you do before an exam?
2.Do you do a lot of translation in your language classes?
3.Do you have any free periods in your timetable?
4.Is the head of your school a headmaster or a headmistress?
5.How much time do you spend in the school library?
6.Do you do different topics in your language classes?
7.Do you have a choice about which language to study?
8.How much vacation do you have?
Activity 2 Listen to a conversation between an English teacher and his students; complete the sentences.
1.this afternoon I’m going to give you a ______.
2.We can either do some ______or we can do some_____.
3.Firstly, have you all got your new_______?
4.At present, you have a free_______ on Tuesday afternoons.
5.The ______wants to see everyone in the school_______.
Activity 3 Pair work
Write answers to the following questions. Use the words provided an add other words where necessary.
1.Would you like to go to the school play tonight?
2.Shall we do some work on vocabulary?
I/ prefer/do/work/grammar
3.Why don’t we study in the library?
4.Which would you rather play, tennis or badminton?
I/rather/play tennis/badminton
5.Who would you prefer to work with, LI Kang or Zhou Kai?
I/prefer/work/Zhou Kai
6.Which would you rather discuss next week, nineteenth-century literature or twentieth-century literature?
I/rather discuss twentieth-century literature/nineteenth-century literature
Activity 4 Work in pairs. Which subject/course would you prefer to have? Give the specific reasons to support the idea.
1. English/Russian 2. physics/chemistry 3. IT/biology
4. Japanese/PE 5. maths/Chinese
Activity 5 Homework
Finish the exercise 11,12,13 of page 76.
Period 5
Teaching Content Culture Corner
Activity 1 Pre-reading
Introduce some colorful pictures about schools, teachers and students downloaded from the net. Ask the questions:
1. What do you think of the relationship between teachers and students?
2. How do you find the school?
Activity 2 Skimming and scanning
1. Scan the passage and find out the answers to the questions.
What kind of difference in schools does the passage describe?
What’s the difference between state schools and public schools?
2. Call back the answers from students.
Activity 3 Detail reading
Read the passage again and fill in the chart in pairs.
Relationship between
teachers and studentsstate schools or
private schools
Northern Europe
France, Germany
Activity 4 Post reading
Talk about the chart in pairs.
Match words and expressions with their definitions .
relationship be suitable for
formal like, the state of being like
discipline order, rules
relaxed connection, having sth. to do with
similarly in accordance with rules
be true of less tight or strict
Activity 5 writing
Look at the position of commas in these sentences.
1.Surprisingly, all the students got good marks.
2.I’m doing maths, chemistry, physics and biology.
3.It’s sometimes difficult for me to understand him, but I do my best.
4.They’re intelligent, hard-working and lively students.
5.It was a difficult problem, I agree.
Activity 6 task setting criteria for a good teacher
Write ten criteria for a good teacher. Give the specific reasons to support your idea.


My new teachers单元教案
