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(人教四年制)Unit 14 Collecting 同步辅导与测试
Unit 14 Collecting(Ⅰ)

1. Hey, Zhao Feng, wait up! I just got this new stamp from Brussels.
wait up 等等
2. Oh, this is cool. 呵,这太棒了。
3. Many didn’t have enough money for food, let alone buy tolls for their children.
let alone = not to mention …更不用说……
4. You name it …你就提名吧…… name: mention, cite
5. 复习动词不定式(to do)

1. Hong Kong is ________ the south of China, and Macao(澳门)is________ the west of Hong Kong.
A. in; to B. to; to C. to; in D. in; in
2. Few of us like him because he thinks ________ of others than of himself.
A. much more B. a little C. much D. much less
3. He used to________ very late, but now he is used to________ early.
A. get up; getting up B. get up; get up
C. getting up; get up D. getting up; getting up
解析:used to do 过去常常做某事,be used to doing 习惯做某事
4. It was very late. She stopped the children from ________TV.
A. watches B. to watch C. watched D. watching
解析:stop sb. from doing 阻止某人做某事
5. Could you tell me________?
A. which room he lives B. which room he lived
C. which room did he live inD. which room he lives in
6. Which of the following does paper burn in?
A. CO2 B.N2 C.O2 D.H2
7. Tom ate nothing this morning.________.
A. Nor Kate did B. So did Kate C. So Kate did D. Neither did Kate
8. ?Mr Green is ill today.
A. OK B. I’m sorry to hear that
C. He is too poor D. I’m sorry
9. ?Would you like to go out for a walk with us?
A. That’s right B. Yes, I’d like C. Of course not D. I’d love to
10. ?Please give my best wishes to your grandfather.
?_______. I will.
A. Not at all B. Thank you C. I don’t think D. Sorry
11. ?What do you say when you are in danger?
A. Please B. Help C. I’m afraid D. 110
解析:help 救命
12. ?Happy Children’s Day, torn.
?_______, Mum.
A. That’s all right B. The same to you C. Oh. Really? D. Thank you
13. ?I’m sorry I broke your glasses.
?Oh. Really? _______.
A. It doesn’t matter B. It’s OK with me
C. I don’t care D. Don’t be sorry
14. ?Can you use MSN to _______ messages on the net?
?Sorry, I can’t, Will you show me how________ it.
A. send; to use B. take; to sendC. give; I use D. make; I do
解析:发送信息send messages,特殊疑问词+to do 作宾语
15. ?_______?
?I’m looking for a present for my daughter.
A. Can you help me
B. What can I do for you
C. What do you want
D. How much is the present
解析:What can I do for you,售货员的特殊用语。

一. 阅读理解
It was half past seven in the morning. The telephone bell rang and Mary went to answer it. “Hello, who’s that? ”she asked.
“It’s me”??Peter.
Peter was a friend of Mary's brother, Johnny.
“Oh, hello, Peter. What do you want?”said Mary.
“Can I speak to Johnny?”
“No, ”said Mary, “you can’t speak to him now. He is busy. He is getting ready for school. He is eating his breakfast. Grandmother is combing his hair, Sister is under the table, putting his shoes on. Mother is getting his books and putting them in his schoolbag. Goodbye. I've got to go now. I have to hold the door open, the school bus in coming.”
What do you think of the story? Are you sometimes like Johnny? If so, you need to change your habits.
1. When did the telephone bell ring in the morning? It rang at_______.
A. 7:00 B. 7:30 C. 8:00 D. 8:30
2. Mary was Johnny's_______.
A. teacher B. friend C. mother D. sister
3. What was Johnny doing at that moment? He was .
A. putting on his shoes B. holding the door open
C. eating his breakfast D. answering the telephone
4. How many people can you find in the story?
A. Three B. Four C. Six D. Seven

We know the time by watches and clock. Switzerland can give the best of them in the world. So it is called “Watch kingdom”. People in the country recently invented a new type of clock?air clock.
This kind of clock needn’t to be wound up(上弦)or put a battery in. Under normal condition, it can keep on going for 600 years. It is sealed(密封)in a box made of a transparent(透明的)plastic film, which expands or contracts according to changing temperatures, the clock goes on and on by itself. The one degree up or down in temperature of Centigrade(摄氏)can keep it running 48 hours.
Now, the Swiss government takes the clock as a national gift to honored guests from other countries.
5. Switzerland is called “Watch kingdom” because .
A. they can make the best watches and clocks in the world
B. there are many watches in the country
C. they can invent new kinds of watches or clocks
D. its government like to give the watches to guests from other countries
6. The new clock________.
A. need to be wound up every day
B. need to be put a battery in
C. need not to be wound up or put a battery in
D. need not to be set in a special place
7. This kind of, new clock has something to do with
A. position B. colour C. size D. temperature
8. Swiss government gives the clock to the guests from other countries because________.
A. it is very new
B. they like to show off(炫耀)
C. it is looked as a national gift
D. it is very expensive
9. The best title for this passage is________.
A. Watch Kingdom B. Switzerland
C. Switzerland and Its Clocks D. Air Clock

(China Daily, March 3, 2003)
The biggest shopping center will open on March 8. Everybody with today’s China Daily will get a small present that day. You are welcome. Telephone: 38990688; Address: No. 6 Xidan Road…
English Newspaper needs a foreign editor. He(she)must have worked in China for more than 2 years. British nationality is necessary. The salary is $ 100, 000 a year. The term is 3 years. In ten days this piece of advertisement will be not useful.
Telephone: 38900666;
Address : No. 6 Xinling Road…
(CHINA FOOTBALL, February 3,2001)
Shanghai Shenhua Team Vs Beijing Guo’an Team
TIME: February 8,Sunday(3:00)
PLACE : Hongkou Stadium
TICKET PRICE;RMB:25 yuan(for adults)RMB: 15 yuan(for students)
NAME : China Cup Football Contest
COACHES: Xu Genbao. Jin Zhiyang…
10. If someone has a China Daily of March 3,2003,he will get a small present________.
A. every day B. from China Daily
C. on March 8,2003 D. On March 3,2003
11. If a British editor has worked in China for 3 years and come to English Newspaper office to ask for the job on April 1, he will________.
A. get the job B. not get the job
C. be a good editor D. be not useful
12. English Newspaper’s editor must be ________working in China for more than 2 years.
A. an Australia B. an American
C. a Chinese D. an Englishman
13. Where and when will the football match be?
A. In Hongkou Stadium on Sunday.
B. In Hongkou Stadium on February 3.
C. In Guo’an on February 8.
D. In Shenhua Stadium on February 8.
14. The British editor will work in the paper office for
A. a year B. over two years
C. three years D. ten days
15. If three adults and six students want to watch the match, the tickets will cost RMB________ yuan.
A. 165 B.135 C.195 D.225
16. Which of the following is not true?
A. The shopping center is at No. 6 Xidan Road.
B. The telephone number of English newspaper is 38900666.
C. The match is between Beijing Team and Guo’an Team.
D. Xu Genbao is a coach.

If you have a problem with speaking, you can do several things. Listen to English as much as possible. You can learn a poem or a song by heart. You can also learn more dialogues. And practise speaking with your friends as much as you can.
Many people find it difficult to listen to English, The answer is, to listen as much as you can. However, don’t do too much at one time. It is better to practise listening for five minutes every day. Don’t sit down and listen for an hour at a time. That's too much! Do choose listening passages that are interesting and not too difficult. Choose tapes on which the people speak clearly and not too fast. Take it easy at first. Success with simple tapes at the beginning is the answer. Later on you can practise with tapes that are more difficult.
Finally, how can you learn to write well? How do you use little words like in, on,of and for? There are two answers to this. First, do some study with new words. Keep a list of verb like look for, look after and so ,on. Second, read as much English as possible. There are many things that can’t be learnt. You must see them in books
many times. Then you’ll be able to use them correctly yourself. So, in order to write well, you must first learn to read much.
17. This passage is about English________.
A. spelling, listening, grammar and reading
B. listening, speaking, reading and writing
C. taking exams, pronunciation, reading and writing
D. pronunciation, reading, listening and writing
18. If you________, you can speak well.
A. learn more dialogues
B. learn a poem or a song by heart
C. practise speaking with your friends as much as you can
D. all above
19. Which of the following is right according to the passage?
A. It’s better to listen to English for a long time everyday.
B. At the beginning, you'd better choose the tapes on which the people speak quickly.________
C. At first you should begin with simple tapes for listening.
D. Few people think it hard to listen to English.
20. Which of the following ways can help you to improve your written English?
A. Buy a book of writing practice.
B. Read as much as possible.
C. Do some study with new words.
D. Both B and C.

The Pope(罗马教皇)flew into New York for a church meeting. He was running very late and decided to take a taxi. He asked the driver if he could drive him from the airport across town in 15 minutes. The taxi driver, having recognized the Pope, quickly agreed.
However, two miles into the trip the Pope noticed that the taxi driver was driving very very slowly. The driver couldn’t concentrate on driving because he was too excited about the Pope riding in his car. Finally, getting very worried and not wanting to be late for his meeting, the Pope asked the driver if he could drive. The driver pulled over and changed seats with the Pope.
The Pope began driving over 100 mph and weaving around to slow traffic to help him gain some time. It wasn’t long before a police officer noticed and pulled the taxi over. As the officer .walked up next to the car, he immediately noticed the Pope and quickly turned back to his own car.
The officer radioed to his captain, “Sir, I have a problem here, I think that I have pulled over someone very very important.”
“ Is it the New York Mayor?” says the captain.
“No, I think this man is more important, ” answered the officer.
“More important than the Mayor? Who did you pull over, the President?” asked the captain.
The officer thought for a second and then answered “No, I think that this man is even more important than the President.”
“Who in the whole world can he more important than the President ”Said the captain.
“Well, sir, I don’t know who he is, but the Pope is his driver.
21. How far is it from the airport to the church?
A. About 25 miles. B. About 50 miles.
C. About 100 miles. D. About 150 miles.
22. Why didn’t the Pope take his own car to the meeting?
A. He didn’t want to be noticed by other people.
B. Something was wrong with his driver.
C. His car was broken halfway,
D. The story didn’t tell us about it.
23. What does the phrase “pull over” mean in the passage?
A. Come up to. B. Stop.
C. Put away. D. Ask to come.
24. Why did the police officer turn back quickly to his own car?
A. He thought he had made a mistake.
B. He wanted to make a report to his captain.
C. He didn’t want to trouble the Pope.
D. He thought the Pope had driven too fast.
25. Which of the following is not true?
A. The driver was too excited to drive fast enough.
B. The Pope changed seats with the driver so that the policemen wouldn’t trouble him.
C. The Pope didn’t know the traffic rules well in New York.
D. The captain didn’t know who the important person was.

二. 词汇考查:
1. The doctor told the patient how to keep h________.
2.1 like ball games very much, but my f________ sport is playing basketball.
3. It’s snowing h________. You must drive carefully.
4. Eating more v________ and fruit is good for your body.
5. Do you know the teacher with thick g________? She reads too much everyday.
6. ?Who’s teaching you skating?
?Nobody. We’re learning it o________.
7. Is there anything to drink? I am very t________.
8. The boy wrote so c________ that he didn’t notice it began to rain.
9. He stood there (安静地)with a smile on his face.
10.1 have a nice clock. It has a________(圆的)face.
11.The speaker told her________(不要出)noise.
12.I________(很)know him because he is my uncle.
13. ?Can you see Helen?
?Yes, she’s over there, standing________(在…中)her many friends.
14. We’ve been there_______(两次)before.
15. All of us felt_______(惊奇的)when we saw such a little girl speak very good English.
16. There are some________(不同)between American English and British English.

三. 动词应用:
Since 1946,one of the most important inventions have been the computer. It has been changing all our lives.
The first computer 1(build)in 1946. It 2 (be)as large as a room and very difficult and slow 3(use)? But since the invention of silicon “chip”(硅片), computers 4(become)smaller, easier and faster to operate. Some computers 5 (be)as small as TV sets. Some can even 6 (make)smaller than a book. And computers 7(get)smaller and smaller all the time. Who knows what the computers of tomorrow 8(be)like?
There 9(be)several reasons(原因)why the computer is useful to us. First, a lot of information(信息)can 10(put)into computers. Second, the computer 11(work)very quickly?thousands of times faster than a man?and it will not be tired. Third, modern computers can be built into other kinds of machines, like radios, cars and planes. So today people can spend less time 12 (do)more work with a computer.

四. 改写句子:
1. A: Tom had no time for breakfast. He went to school in a hurry.
B: Tom _____ to school________ breakfast.
2. A: All the students in our class are Chinese except torn.
B:________ Tom is a________ in our class.
3. A: Jim asked us, “Does Mrs Green enjoy living in China?”
B: Jim wanted to know________ Mrs Green________ living in China.
4. A: Remember to ring me up as soon as you get to London.
B: Make________ to give me a ring as soon as you ________London.
5. A: The factory is not far from here. It only takes you ten minutes by bike.
B: The factory is _____ here. It’s only ten minutes’ ride .
6. A: Everyone should give back his library books on time.
B: Library books should_________________ on time.

1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. C
11. B 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. D 19. C 20. D
21. A 22. D 23. B 24. B 25. B

l. healthy 2. favourite 3. hard / heavily 4. vegetables 5. glasses 6. ourselves
7. thirsty 8. carefully 9. quietly 10. round 11. not to make
12. quite 13. among 14. twice 15. surprised 16. differences

l. was built 2. was 3. to use 4. have become 5. are 6. be made
7. are getting 8. will be 9.are 10. be put 11. works 12.(in)doing

l. hurried(ran), without 2. Only, foreigner 3. whether / if , enjoyed
4. sure, reach 5. near, ride 6. be, returned

Unit 14 Collecting(II)

1. call up 打电话给某人
call back (在对方打电话来以后)打电话去
2. swap 物与物的交换
swap sth. for sth.
3. collect v. 收集
4. create v. 创造,建造
5. They picked up those that turned over and kept them. 他们拾起那些反转的(瓶盖),并保留他们。
turn over 反转
6. Boys would pile up the bottle caps on the ground. 男孩子们把瓶盖堆在地上。
pile up 把……堆起来
7. Pretty soon they started collecting the caps with the coolest pictures on them.
start doing 开始做某事
8. 复习动词不定式(to do)

1. ?Do you know Mr. Green will come ?
?Yes , I think he will come
A. what time B. where C. how D. whether
2. ?It’s time to go to bed , Li Ming.
?Mum, I have a lot of homework to do , I won’t go to bed I finish it .
A. after B. until C. as soon as D . since
解析:not…until… 直到……才
3. ?You can throw the ball like this . It’s easy . Do you a go ?
?Sure , Let me have a try .
A. need B. wish C. hope D. want
解析:want a go 试一试,have a try
4. ?May I use your English-Chinese dictionary?
?Sorry, I it at home this morning
A. forget B. left C. have forgotten D. was leaving
解析:leave 把某物留在某地
5. ?Don’t litter the ground, boy , Look at the sign:: “Rubbish into the dustbin.”
A. has throw B. was throw C. must throw D. must be thrown
6. ?Do you prefer music to drawing?
?No . I like drawing .
A. well B. most C. good D. best
7. ?Would you help me this math problem, Mr. Lin? It’s too hard for me
?OK. Let me try.
A. look after B. work out C. think of D. put on
解析:work out 算出
8. ?What can we call her ?
?Her full name is Lucy Marion King , We can call her
A. Miss Lucy B. Miss King C. Miss Marion D. Miss Lucy Maron
9. ?Which of the signs is often seen in a reading-room?
? .
解析:在阅览室里的标志应是be quiet ,请安静
10. ?I fell and hurt my leg just now.
? .
A. Be careful B. It doesn’t matter C. I’m sorry to hear that D. Nothing serious

一. 完形填空:
Man has invented four kinds of satellites. The first kind of satellites studies the 1 of the earth. They are used to make maps. They also help countries to see where they can 2 oil or gold.
The second kind of satellites is used to 3 ships and planes. A ship or a plane can send a message to the satellite and can find out 4 it is.
The third kind of satellites studies the weather ,These satellites 5 clouds and strong winds moving across the earth. They warn countries to make preparation when very 6 weather is coming. They 7 of the earth from thousands of miles above it and send the photos to weather stations on the ground.
8 kind is used for communication. Telephone calls 9 countries can be sent by these satellites. Some can carry hundreds of calls at one time .The call is to be the satellite then the 10 sends it to a station in the country is being phoned ,These satellites also carry pictures ;they can send about eight programmes at a time.
1. A. physics B. chemistry C. geography D. biology
2. A. find B. buy C. choose D. send
3. A. make B. guide C. carry D. repair
4. A. what B. who C. how heavy D. where
5. A. watch B. drive C. stop D. push
6. A. fine B. cool C. bad D. sunny
7. A. take care B. draw pictures C. have a look D. take pictures
8. A. Another B. The other C. The last D. One
9. A. between B. at C. in D. of
10. A. man B. satellite C. telephone D. caller

二. 阅读理解:
The day was like any other day in his life. Tom walked past the shop on the street corner. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much was still there. Looking down at his old shoes, he felt sorry for himself . He really wanted to have them for his birthday.
He sadly walked away and thought how to tell his mother about it. He knew very well she had little money .He decided not to go home at once , as he looked sad and his mother would notice it . So he went to the park and sat on the grass .There he saw a boy moving a wheelchair with his hands .Tom looked at him and was surprised to see that the boy had no feet. He looked at his own feet . “It’s much better to be without shoes than without feet”. He thought. There was no reason for him to feel so sorry and sad . He went away and smiled, thinking he was happier.
1. Tom passed the shop
A. on foot B. by bike C. in a wheelchair D. by bus
2. Tom stopped in front of the shop because he wanted to .
A. buy the shoes
B. look at the shoes he liked
C. buy a present for his friend
D. get something for his birthday party
3. That pair of shoes Tom liked was .
A. too cheap B. too large for him
C. not sold yet D. not there
4. Why did Tom go to the park ?Because .
A. many nice shoes were sold there
B. he wanted to play there for a while
C. he wanted to see his disabled friend
D. he didn’t want to make his mother worried
5. We can learn from the story that TOM .
A. liked new shoes very much B. loved his mother very much
C. didn’t want to stay at home D. had no feet

There is a saying that the British like a nice cup of tea in the morning and a nice cup of tea at night .And at half past seven ,their idea of heaven is a nice cup of tea. They like a nice cup of tea with their dinner and a nice cup of tea time ,and before they go to bed, there is a lot to be said about a nice cup of tea!
Sometime it seems that no one like tea as much as the British do. But in fact, tea is liked in countries around the world .In China and Japan tea was first used as a medicine ;many years later, people there drank tea as a beverage(饮料)
People in the world like to drink different kinds of tea, green, black or red as some people call it. And tea is served in different ways. But they all know that drinking tea is good for one’s health.
1. The main idea of the first paragraph(自然段)is
A. how many cups of tea the British drink each day
B. that the British like talking about tea
C. that the British can’t live without drinking tea
D. that tea is very important in the life of the British
2. The phrase “their idea of heaven” means .
A. the happiest thing for them
B. their thoughts
C. their God
D. the worst thing for them
3. The sentence ‘there is a lot to be said about a nice cup of tea” means .
A. they enjoy drinking a nice cup of tea B. there is a lot of tea
C. they talk much about a nice cup of tea D. there is a talk while drinking tea
4. From the passage we know tea was used as a medicine many years ago.
A. the world B. British C. many countries D. China and Japan
5. This passage mainly tells us .
A. people in different countries like drinking different tea
B. something interesting about tea
C. how many kinds of tea there are in the world
D. drinking tea is good for our health

Young people can have problems with their minds. Some students become worried because they have to study very hard. Others have trouble getting on well with people like their parents and classmates.
Liu Wei, a Junior 2 student from Hefei, could not understand his teacher and was doing badly in his lessons. He became so worried about it that he started to cut his finger with a knife.
Another student, 14-year-old Yan Fang from Guang zhou, was afraid of exams. She got very worried in one ,and when she looked at the exam paper. She couldn’t think of anything to write.
A recent report from Jiefang Daily says about 18% of Shanghai teenagers have mental(心理的,精神的)problems. Their troubles include(包括)bringing worried and very unhappy , and having problems in learning and getting on with people. Many students who have problems won’t go for advice(劝告)or help. Some think they will look stupid(愚蠢) if they go to see a doctor. Others don’t want to talk about their secret.
Liang Yuezhu, an expert on teenagers from Beijing Anding Hospital has the following advice for teenagers:
*Talk to your parents or teachers often
* Take part in group activities and play sports
*Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy or unwell
1. The students who often become worried or have trouble getting on with others may have .
A. mental problems B. a headache C. knives with them D. no parents
2. Liu Wei cut his finger with a knife because .
A. he was afraid of his teacher B. he wanted to frighten his parents
C. he was so worried about his studies D. his finger was badly hurt
3. Yiang Fang’s problems happened whenever .
A. she studied very hard B. she had exams
C. she talked with her parents D. she thought of something
4. Students who have problems won’t ask others for help because .
A. they won’t let others think they are stupid
B. they don’t think doctors can help them
C. they don’t want to tell their secret to others
D. both A and C
5. Liang Yuezhu’s advice tell us that .
A. it’s better for the students who have mental problems to join others
B. it’s unnecessary for them to be with others
C. only group activities and sports can help them
D. teachers and parents can’t do anything about mental problems

三. 单词拼写。
A. 根据句意字母提示,补全单词,完成句子
1. ?What does a n do?
?She helps doctors look after the patients in hospital.
2. Ted, there are many mistakes in your exercises. Please c them after class.
3. When we say weekend ,we mean S and Sunday.
4. Yang Li wei is the first Chinese to go into the space. All the Chinese people are p of him.
5. At the b of the football match our Chinese team played quite well. But we lost it in the end

B. 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。
6. Miss Wu , today is September 1oth. Happy Day to you !(teacher)
7. He is in science at school. He says he wants to be a scientist in the future.(interest)
8. It will be today, you see there are many clouds in the east.(cloud)
9. My uncle is a very good . I will learn surfing from him. (surf)
10. We are going to have a picnic tomorrow. Now let’s wherever we are going to have it(discussion).

四. 改写句子:
根据A 句的意思完成B句,使其与A句意思一致, 一空限填一词
1. A: They didn’t go there by bike ,They went there by bus.
B: They went there by bus_______ ______by bike.
2. A: My brother joined the army in 2002 .
B: My brother________ ________ in the army since 2002 .
3. A: It took Mary an hour to do her homework last night .
B: Mary______an hour _______her homework last night .
4. A : Do you know when we will visit the Great Wall?
B: Do you know when _______ ________the Great Wall?
5. A: A young man who wore a T-shirt caught the thief on the bus .
B: The thief_______ caught on the bus by a young man _______a T-shirt .

五. 补全对话:
Tom: Excuse me ,Can you tell me the 1 to No.3 Middle School?
Wang Hai: Yes ,I’m a student there, I’m going to school now. You can follow me.
T: Thank you! I’m new in No.3 Middle School. My name is Tom, May I know your name?
W: Wang Hai, Why 2 your parents send you to school for the first time?
T::W ell .I prefer doing things by myself. However I’m 3 today. You are so helpful. Thank you!
W: It’s a 4 ! We are schoolmates now . 5 you please help me with my English?
T: Certainly! I’m 6 in Chinese, Could you teach me Chinese?
W: Sure! Let’s help each other.
T: Good 7 .
W: By the way, 8 do you like Chinese traditional music?
T: Very much! Erhu, dizi and pipa sound really wonderful.
W: There is going to 9 a Chinese traditional music concert at the Capital Stadium. I’ve got two tickets . Would y0u like to come?
T: 10 love to .Thanks so much!
W: Don’t mention it!

六. 短文综合填空
All the students at the beach party were members of the French Club. Before they began to swim or to play games, Miss Barmes wanted them to learn some new w (1).She taught them how to s (2)beach ,sand ,ocean and waters in French., The students repeated the new words and tried to use them in sentences.
A (3)the French lesson, the boys started playing volleyball. Miss Barnes helped them to keep scores in French. The students laughed at their mistakes, but they enjoyed p (4)their number and having fun at the same time.
At a later time , there was m (5)time for those in the group who liked to swim to go into the water. Most of them didn’t swim far. Some waves were quite large and could be d (6)for people who did not swim well. Miss Barnes watched them very c (7).When it was time for l (8),everyone enjoyed sandwiches, potato chips and fruits. While they were eating. Miss Barnes asked each member of the club a question in French. If the students could not a (9)their questions, she taught them what to say .Everyone agreed that the French Club and the beach party would help them to learn French, and they all thanked Miss Barnes for being s (10)a nice teacher.

一. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. B
二. A 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. B
B 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B
C 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A
三. 1. nurse 2. correct 3. Saturday 4. proud 5. beginning 6. Teacher’s
7. interested 8. cloudy 9. surfer 10. discuss
四. 1. instead of 2. has been 3. spent doing(on) 4. to visit 5. was in(wearing)
五. 1. way 2. didn’t(don’t) 3. lucky 4. pleasure 5. Would(Could Will .Can)
6. weak 7. idea 8. how 9. be 10. I’d
六. 1. words 2. say 3. After 4. practicing 5. much 6. dangerous
7. closely(carefully) 8. lunch 9. answer 10. such



