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网友 分享 时间: 加入收藏 我要投稿 点赞
fail the test 落第
Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母
17 as quickly as possible 尽可能快
as early /soon as possible 尽可能早
18 under some pressure 在压力之下
19 complain +that从句 抱怨…
complain about sth to sb
=complain to sb about sth 向某人抱怨关于某事
20 include ?- including 包括
21 send sb sth =send sth to sb 送某物给某人
22 all kinds of 各种各样
different kinds of 不同种类
23.compare sth with sb 把…跟…进行比较
24 organize activities 组织活动
25 himself /herself /itself -- themselves 他/她/它(们)自己
myself -- ourselves 我(们)自己
yourself ?yourselves 你(们)自己
26 dress oneself up 打扮自己
hide oneself 躲藏
by oneself 由某人自己
enjoy oneself=enjoy doing =have fun doing
=have a good time to do sth
= have a wonderful time 玩得开心
27on the one hand…, on the other hand…
28 an organize group 一个有组织的队伍
29want to do sth 想要做某事
30stay at home =be at home 待在家里
31 play CDs too loud 把机子开得太大声
32.enough money 足够的钱
33.write a letter to sb =write sb a letter 写信给某人
34 go to one’s house 去某人的家里
35 give sb a ticket (to the concert) 给某人音乐会的票
36 ask for sth. 寻求/要sth
37have a problem 有问题
38 be popular 流行的
39 find out 找出 look for 寻找
40 plan sth for sb 为某人策谋
plan to do 计划做某事
41 everyone else 其他每个人
42 be invited/used /polluted被邀请/被使用/被污染
43 start /begin from 从…开始
44 leave sth at home 落下某物
leave for 离开
45 copy sth 模仿某物,抄袭sth.
46 the same ages 相同的年龄
47 be angry with sb 对某人生气
48 talk about sth. with/to sb 和某人谈论关于某事
talk with/to sb about sth 对某人谈论关于某事
49 tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事
tell sth to sb =tell sb sth 告诉某人某事
50 invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事
51say/speak to sb 对某人说
52 get alone well =get on well (with sb) 相处得好
53 nothing new 没创意/没新鲜感
54give sb some advice 给某人一些建议
a piece of advice 一条建议
55 fit into 融入…之中
56 mind him of the book 提醒他关于书
mind sb of sth 提醒某人关于某事
57 ask for some advice 向某人征询建议
58 take the train 乘火车
It take sb sometime to do sth 花费某人时间去做某事
take sb to 把…带到…去
take part in 参加
59 have a walk =take a walk = go for a walk 散步
60 busy (adj)+enough 足够忙碌
enough +n (money) 足够的钱
61 It’s time for sth. = It’s time to do sth . 该做某事的时候了
62 not… until… 直到…才…
63 from …to… 从…到…
64 It seems that从句 =主语 seems to do 似乎
65 one/数词+ more sth 再要一个/多个某物

Unit 3
what were you doing when the UFO arrived?

1 barber shop 理发店
2 UFO =unidentified flying Object 不明飞行物
3 get out (of sth.) 出去,步出…
get out of the door 走出门
get out of the shower 走出浴室/洗完澡
get out of the bed = get up 起床
keep out (of sth) 保持在外/拒绝在外
find out (艰难)找出
leave out 落下
look out 向外看
take out the trash 把垃圾拿出去
4 take off 脱掉
5 train station 火车站
6 run away 逃跑
7 come in 进来
8 Beijing International Airport 北京国际机场
9 hear about 听说
10 take place 发生
11 as…as 像……一样
12 in the barber shop 在理发店
in the bathroom 在浴室
in the bedroom/sitting-room 在卧室/起居室
in the kitchen 在厨房
13 well (adj.) be/look/feel well 看起来/感觉好
(adv) do sth well 做某事很好
be good at = do well in 擅长于
sound good 听起来好
14 run with sb/sth 和…一起跑
run after sb./sth 追赶sb/sth
run up with sb 追上某人
15 cut up 切碎
cut down 砍倒
16 one’s own experience 某人的经历
17 cut hair 剪头发
have a neat haircut 有一个简洁的发型
have sth done 使…被做
have your hair cut short 剪短你的头发
18 land着路 on the land在陆地上
take off the hand 起飞
19 while+进行时 ―― when+从句 当…时候
for a while=for a moment 等一会儿
20 look around/go around 看四周
21 stranger 陌生人
22 follow sb 跟着某人
23 Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吗?
23make sb scared 使某人恐惧
scary + sb/sth 吓唬sb/sth , 使惊吓
24climb up 向上爬
25jump high 跳高
26shout at sb 朝某人呼唤
shout out 喊出
28. not at all 一点也不
29 come in /come into +地点 走入/走进
30 happen to sb 某事发生在某人身上
take place 主语+发生(vt.)
a car accident 一场车祸
31what happened ? 发生了什么事?
32hear from sb 收到某人来信
hear about/of sth 听说sth.
hear +that+从句 听到/听说…
33 on/in the playground 在操场上
34be killed sb/sth 被杀
be murdered 被谋凶
be destroyed 被破坏
35 bright future 光明的未来
bright windows 明亮的窗户
36 ring the bell 按门铃
The bell is ringing 门铃在响
37close ――open 关――开
closed――open(adj) 关闭着――开着的
38.keep silence 保持沉默
39 recent--recently 最近
40 on the earth 在地球上
41 hero (男) ---heroin(女) 英雄
42 in the front of … (内) 在…前面
in front of … (外)
43 sleep late =get up late 睡到很迟
44 cook /make +三餐/dinner 做饭/做晚饭
45 become a national hero 成为民族英雄
46 talk on the phone 在电话中交谈
47 right here 就在这里
48 call the police/TV station 打电话叫警察/ 给电视台
49 have an unusual experience 不寻常的经历
50 be surprised at sth 对…吃惊/吃惊于…
51 at around = about 大约
52 shop assistant 售货员
53 Museum of fight 航天博物馆
54 the news of important events 重大新闻事件
55 in history 在历史上
56 for example 例如
57in modern America history 在现代美国历史上 58 on this day 在这一天
59 in the city 在城里
60 seem +adj 似乎,看起来
It seems + to do 似乎要…
It seems + that从句 = 从句主语+seems +to do
61 at that time 在那时
62 ask sb to do sth 叫某人去做某事
63 tell sb sth = tell sth. to sb . 告诉某人某事
64 walk home =go on foot 走路回家
65 in silence 沉默的
66 in more recent time=recently 最近的
67 the World Trade Center 世贸中心
68 in New York 在纽约
69 be destroyed by terrorists 被恐怖分子破坏
70 have meaning to sb 对某人有意
71not all events/students 不是所有事件
72 walk on the moon 登上月球
73 in more recent history 近代历史
74 the fast China astronaut 中国第一个宇航员 75 in space 在太空
76 flight around the earth 环绕地球飞行
77 last (v.) +小时 持续
78 something +adj 不定代词+adj./…的东西
79 flight to 去……的班机
80 think about 考虑/思考
81 say to sb 对某人说
say to oneself 自言自语
82 next to 在… 隔壁/旁边
83 put sth. in /into… 把…放在/放入…
84 the fireman 消防员
85 crash into 坠毁
86 be broken 受伤的/破碎的/坏的

Unit 4
He said I was hard-working

1direct speech 直接引语
2 reported speech 间接引语
3 first of all 首先
4 pass on sth. to sb . 传递/把sth.传递给某人
5 be supposed to 被期望或被要求
6 do better in 在某方面做得好
7 be in good health 身体健康
8 report card 成绩册
9 get over 克服
10 Peking university 北京大学
11 the Ministry of Education 教育部
12Chinese young pioneer 少先队
13 sea level 海平面
14 open up 打开
15 care for 照顾
16 UNICEF 联合国儿童基金会
=United nations International children’s Fund
=United nations International children’s Emergency Fund
17 WWF =World Wild Fund for Nature
=World wildlife Fund 世界野生动物基金会
18 be mad at sb 对某人愤怒,发疯
19 high school students 高中生
20 in a poor mountain village 在一个贫困的山村 21 sound like +n./a good idea 听起来象…
22 change the life of sb = change one’s life
23 Peking University graduate 北大毕业生
24 as a volunteer 作为一个志愿者
25 on a one-year program 在一年实习中
26 be started by…… 由…开始, 由…创建
27 be sent to do sth. 被送去做某事
27in China’s rural areas 在中国农村地区
28life in the mountains 山里的生活
29a new experience 新的体验
31 2,000 meters above sea level 海拔在2000以上
32 thin air 稀薄的空气
thick fog 浓厚的雾
33 make sb do sth 使某人做某事
34 three time a day 一天三次
35agree with sb 同意某人(的观点)
36good idea 好主意
37need to do sth 需要做某事
38experience different things 不同的体验
39poor person 穷人
40soap opera 连续剧/肥皂剧
41most of/some of …中的大部分/一些
42live in school dormitories 住在学校宿舍
43 work hard = be hard ?working 努力工作
44 be sure 确信
45 read a book(s) 读书/看书
46 the volunteer teachers 教师志愿者
47 be difference between A and B 不同于
= A be difference from B …与…不同
48 feel lucky 感到幸运
49 be able to do(努力后能) = can (本能) 能够做
50 go to senior high school or college 去上高中或大学
51 I can’t do anything about that
=I can’t do nothing about that 我对那无能为力.
52 open up one’s eyes to the outside world 开阔视野
53 give sb a good start in life 使某人在生活中有一个好的开端
54 be a good influence 一个好影响
55 enjoy one’s time =enjoy oneself 玩的愉快
56 very much 非常
57return to=come back to +地 返回某地
return sth to sb 归还某物给某人
58work as a math teacher 作为一个教师
59 in the city of …… 在…的城市
60 Green Peace 绿色和平组织
61 Doctors without Borders 红十字会
62 care for=look after =take care of sb/sth 照顾
63 sick person 病人
64 care for wild animals in ganger 保护濒临野生动物
65 have a surprise party for sb 为sb举办惊喜晚会
66 not anymore =no more 不再
67 do homework /project 做作业
68 pass on message to sb 传消息给某人
call sb with a message 打某人电话留言
leave a message to sb 给某人留信息
take a message to sb for sb 为某人带个消息
69 bring sth to sb 给某人带来某物
take sth to sb 给某人带去某物
70 be well / be in good health 身体健康
71 be sorry to hear 十分遗憾/抱歉听到…
72 have a (serious/bad) cold (重)感冒
73 finish one’s end-of-year exams 完成sb年终考 74 get one’s reporter card 收到成绩单
75 get nervous 不安的
76 do ok=do not bad 做的不错
do well = (be) well-done 做的很好
77 this semester 这个学期
78 be surprised to do sth …使吃惊
79 the worst report 最差的成绩
80 disappointing result 令人失望的结果
81 in history 在历史上
82 do better 做的更好
83 send one’s love to sb 向某人表示关怀
84 last week 上个星期/上周
85 copy my homework 抄作业
86 want to do sth 想要做某事
87 start a bad habit 开始一个坏习惯
88 do one’s own homework 自己做作业

Unit 5
If you go to the party ,you’ll have a great time !

1 take away 拿走
2 clean-up 打扫
3 make a living 谋生
do something for a living 做…以为生
4 all the time 一直
5 make up 组织
7 organization 组织
8take sth away /take away sth 把某物拿走
9school clean-up 校园大扫除
10 a great chance 一个大机会
catch the chance 把握机会
11be injured/hurt in sth 受伤
12 a sincerely friend 一 个真诚的朋友
13 law (n) 法律 lawyer 律师
14 tonight=this evening 今晚
15 explain sth to sb
explain to sb that +从句 向某人解释某事
16 mobile phone 手机
17 dining room =canteen 食堂
18 in order to +不定式 为了…/以致于…
so that +从句 为了…/以致于…
so …that… 如此…以致于…
19 wear jeans (to the party) 穿牛仔裤(去派对)
20 let sb in 让某人进来
ask sb to leave 叫某人离开
21 be late for school/class +n 上学迟到
be late to do sth 做某事迟了
22 be sorry to hear 抱歉听到某事
23 go to the party 去晚会
24 have a great time 玩的愉快
25 be short of 缺乏
26 let him/sb in 让某人进来
27 take a bus 乘公共汽车
28 be late 迟到
29 stay at home 呆在家里
30 be sorry 感到遗憾
31 study for their tests 复习功课
32 help sb organize sth 帮某人组织
33 too early 太早
34 make some food 制作一些食物
35 play party games 玩游戏
36 end of year party 年终聚会
37 the rules for school parties 校聚会规则
38 friends from other schools 其他学校的朋友
39 leave the gym 离开体育馆
40 during the party 在晚会期间
41 run or shout 乱喊乱叫
42 at the party 在聚会中
43old people’s home visit 探望老人院
44school clean-up 校园大扫除
45children’s hospital visit 探望儿童医院
46class party 班级聚会
47on the weekend 在周末
48be bored 厌烦的
49no problem 没问题
50a great soccer team 一个足球队
51get a education 受教育
52make a lot of money 赚大钱
53go the college 上大学
a professional athlete 一个专职的运动员
54seem like 似乎
55a dream job 一个梦想的工作
56be able to 能够…
57 do something you love /want 做你喜欢做的事 58 become famous 变得著名
59 all over the world = around the world 遍及世界
60 know sb 知道某人
61 give money to schools and charities
62 do a lot of work 做许多工作
63 have many problems 有许多问题
64 life blood 生命之源
65 be dangerous 危险的
66 watch sb all the time 一直注视/关注sb.
67 follow sb everywhere 到处跟随sb
68 be injured 受伤的
69 real friends 真正的朋友
70 in fact 事实上
71 disturb others 打扰别人
72 talk about the consequence 谈论结果
73 So + 助/be/情态 + 主语 某人也如此
74 be happy 高兴
75 be sorry 遗憾/抱歉
76 organize a party 组织一个聚会
77 a good time to do sth 做某事的好时候
78 half the class 半个班
79 watch a video 看影碟
80 instead of 代替
81 prefer sth to sth 更喜欢某物
82 Don’t waste time because time lost will never return 不要浪费时间因为时间一去不复返
83 remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事
84 the rules for school parties 学校晚会的规定
85 charity events 慈善活动
86old folks’ home visit 慰问老人院

Unit 6
How long have you been collecting shell?

1 hilltop school 山顶学校
2 run out of 用尽
3 by the way 顺便说说
4 more than 比…多
5 the Olympic games 奥运会
6 a great collection 大收集
7 go skating 去滑冰
8 a pair of sth. 一双/一对/一条
9 anyone else 其他人
10run out of water 用完水
11store sth 储存某物
12in common 共同的
13 thousands of 成千上万
hundreds of 成百上千
14 foreign teacher/language 外教/外语
15 quite a beautiful park 十分漂亮的一个公园
quite +a +adj +n
= a very beautiful park
16 talk to you 向你报告
17 skating marathon 滑水马拉松
18 raise money for charity 为慈善募捐
19 the whole five hours 整整5小时
20 an hour ago 一小时前
21 congratulations on sth. 祝贺某事
22 so far 到目前为止
23 stuffed animals 动物标本
24 five and a half years 五年半
25 other thing 其他东西
26 snow globe of the monster 怪兽雪球
27 in fact 事实上
28 run out of. sth/money/room 用完sth.
29 particularly love 尤其喜欢
30 What…for ? = Why…? 为什么
31which ones 哪一个
32anything else 其他什么东西
33Chinese dynasties 中国的朝代
34famous character 著名人物
35the capital of XX … …的省会,首都
36a very colorful history 一个多彩的历史
37European influence 欧洲影响
38in Russian style 俄罗斯风格
39some of … …的一些
40family history 家族历史
41be surprised 吃惊
42many years ago 许多年前
43 in fact 事实上
44 more than=over 比什么多 超过
45 be welcomed by sb. 受到…欢迎
46 study history 学习历史
47 western history 西方历史
48 very hard to understand 非常难理解
49 be able to 能够…
50 enjoy one’s time 玩得开心
51 be far from 远离
52 be certain=be sure 确信
53 The more …,the more … 越…越…

Unit 7
Would you mind turning down the music?

1not at all 一点也不
2.turn down 调节
3.right away 立刻,马上
4.wait in line 排队等候
5.cut in line 插队
6.has’t=has not 没有
7.keep down 控制
8. at first 首先
9.put out 熄灭
10.pick up 捡起
11.mind doing sth. 介意做某事
mind not doing sth. 不介意做某事
Would you mind(not)doing sth.
回答:1.不介意:Not at all./No./certainly not.
12. not at all 根本不
13 turn down 关小声
turn up 开大声
turn off 关掉/拒绝
turn on 打开(电器)
14 in the yard 在院子里
yard sale 庭院旧物出售
clean the yard 打扫庭院
15 right away=at once = right now 立刻;马上
16 do the dishes 洗盘子
17 a poster of jay 一张周杰伦的海报
18 solve the problems 解决问题
19 wait in line 排队
= stand in line and wait for your turn
cut in line 插队
20 annoy with sb 和某人生气
get annoyed with sb 生气
look annoyed 看起来生气
21 polite-impolite(反) 礼貌――不礼貌
polite-politely(adv) 礼貌的/地
22 return sth to sb 把某物还给某人
return to+地点 返回某地
return back 返回
23 keep down one’s voice 控制某人的音量
= keep one’s voice down
24 normal and polite social etiquette 正常礼貌的社会礼节
25 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事
want sb.to do sth 想让某人做某事
tell sb.to do sth. 告诉某人做某事
be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事
be forbidden to do sth 被禁止做某事
26.keep the rule 遵守规范
break the rule 不服从
27.put out the tongue 伸出舌头
28. look annoyed 看起来生气
29.won’t be long 不会太久
30.be ready in a minute 一分钟就好
31.English speaking country 讲英语的国家
32.seem like 似乎
33.for example 例如
34.stand very close to the person 和某人距离很近 35talk with 和…谈论
36.in our own homes 在我们自己的家
37.talk loudly 大声说话
38.be not allowed 不被允许
39.in public place=in public 在公共场所
40.if possible 尽可能
41.break the rule of sth./etiquette 违反规范
42.one of … 的一个
43.cut in front of you in a line 在你前面插队
44.join the line 排队
45.drop litter 倒垃圾
46.pick up 捡起来
47.be criticized 被批评
48.normal and polite social behavior 正规礼貌的社会行为
49.give sb. suggestion 给某人建议
50.another pair 另一条
51.another pair of jeans 另一条牛仔裤
52.put on 穿上
53.get out 出来
54.at a meeting 在开会
55.finish these tasks 完成这些任务
56.have a long telephone conversation长时间交谈 57.follow sb. around all the time 一直跟随某人
58.get annoyed=be annoyed 生气
59.talk to sb. 与某人交谈
60.happen to sb. 某人发生某事
61.be polite to sb. 对某人礼貌
be friendly to sb. 对某人友好
62.in the future 在将来
63. do the same thing 做同样的事
64.try(not)do sth. 尽力做某事
65. ask sb.to do sth. 叫某人做某事
66.wait for 等待
67.the way to+地点 去…的路上
68.bring sth. For sb. 给某人带某物
69.sales clerk=salesman 售货员

Unit 8
Why don’t you get her a scarf?

1fall asleep=be asleep 入睡
2.give away 赠送
3.the Olympic=the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会
4.the Olympic Committee 奥委会
5.hear of 听说
6.take an interest in 对…感兴趣
7.make friends with 与…交友
8.suggest sb.to do sth. 建议某人做某事
suggest +that+主+should do(虚拟语气)
9.photo album 相册
10.special enough 足够特别
11.fall asleep=be asleep 睡着
Have you fallen asleep? 你睡着了吗
12.instead(独立使用) 代替
He can’t come. Let’s ask Lucy instead.
13.enter =go/come into sth. 进入
enter =take part in the party 参加
enter a contest 参加一个比赛
14.on the stage(of sth.) 在舞台上
on stage 在舞台上
15.be interested in sth. = take an interest in sth
16.make great progress 取得很大进步
17.hear 听到(听的结果)
listen to sth. 听(听的过程)
hear of 听说
hear about 听说(关于…的)
hear from 收到某人的来信
18.besides(包含在内) except (排除在外) 除了
19.get sth. 获得/取得某物
get sb.sth = get sth for sb. 买某物给某人
buy sb.sth = buy sth for sb 买某物给某人
give sb.sth = give sth to sb 给某人某物
20.no way 没门
21.be the host for 成为…主人(主办)
22.try to do sth 试图做某事
23.in different ways 用不的方法
24.across China 中国各地
all over China 中国各地
25. friendly enough 足够友好
26.sing clearly 唱歌明朗清晰
27.be able to do sth 能够…
28. look comfortable 看起来舒服
29. take care of=look after=care for 照顾
30.as well as 与…一样好
31.come from=be from 来自
32.all age groups 各个年龄小组
33. make a meal 做饭
34.the winner of …的胜利者
35.help sb. sth 帮助某人某事
36.win the prize 获奖
37.good enough 足够好
different enough 足够不一样
enough money 足够的钱
38.make sb. do sth 使某人做某事
make her more interested in learning English
39. in China 在中国
40.make progress 进步
41.find out 找出
42.this kind of 这种
a kind of 一种
43. fun ways to do sth 做…快乐方法
44 not far from 不远
45.much better 更好
46 run freely 自由奔跑
47.set sb free 让某人自由
48.advantage of sth …的优势
49.too…to…= not +adj. enough…to…
=so… that… 太…而不能
50.spend time with sb. 和某人一起渡过
51.half way 半路
52.different kinds of gifts 不同种类的礼物
53.a leaf from a tree 从树上摘下树叶
54.give away sth to sb 赠送某物给某人
55.be given away 被送
56.pay for 付款
57.do sth rather than do sth 宁愿做某事也不愿…
58.clean up 清洗
59.dog hair 狗毛

Unit 9
Have you ever been to an amusement park?

1 have a great time 玩得愉快
2 Mickey Mouse 米老鼠
3. Donald Duck 唐老鸭
4 roller coaster 过山车
5.take a ride 兜风
6 end up 结束

7.take a holiday 度假
8 three quarters 四分之三
9 Night Safari 夜间野生动物园
10. all year around 一年到头
11.an amusement park 游乐园
12. have/has been to 去过某地(已回来)
have/has gone to 去了某地(还未归来)
(2) ever (3) already (4)yet (否定) (5)since
(6) just (7)never (8) for+一段时间
(9)for a long time (10) recently (11)so far
14. 两个 neither both between
>两个 none all among
15 have a great time= have fun doing sth
have a wonderful time=enjoy doing/oneself
16 go boating 乘船
17 on board 在甲板上
18 see a film = watch a movie 看电影
19 north 北 northeast 东北
east 东 southeast 东南
south南 southwest西南
west 西 northwest西北
20. There are four seasons in the year.
Spring ?Summer ?Autumn ?Winter
21 be awake /wake sb up 把某人叫醒
22 do something /anything/nobody/anybody + different不定代词+adj
23. an amusement park 一个娱乐公园
water park 水上公园
water city 水城
go to the zoo 去动物园
go to the aquarium 去水族馆
go to the a space museum 去航空博物馆
24 get to+地点
arrive at /in +地点
reach+地点 到达
25.hear of 听说
26.famous characters 著名的人物
27 see sb./sth. in movies 在电影中看到某人某物
28.in fact 事实上
29.Disneyland amusement 迪斯尼乐园
30.around the world 遍及世界
31.a themed park 主题公园
32.be themed with 被…作为主题
33.see sb. doing sth. 看到某人做某事
34.all the time 一直
35.a Disney cruise 迪斯尼巡游
36.huge boats 巨大的船
37.on the boat 在船上
38.several days 几天
39.take different routes 走不的路线
40.in the same place 在相同的地方
41.own island 自己的岛屿
42.go skating 滑冰
43.take the subway 乘地铁
44.an English-speaking country 说英语的国家
43improve one’s English 提高某人英语
46.a small island 一个小岛
44in Southeast Asia 在东南亚
48.a wonderful place 一个极好的地方
49.on the one hand 在一方面
on the other hand 在另一方面
50.simply speak 简单的讲
51. outside of China 国外
52. rather than 胜于
53.foreign country 外国
54.have some problems (in) doing sth. 在…有困难/问题
55.feel brave 感到勇敢
56.an excellent place 一个极好的地方
57.Indian food 印度食物
58.western food 西餐
59.Japanese food 日本料理
60.seem strange 看上去奇怪
61.during the daytime 白天
62. the Hilltop Language school 山顶语言学校
63.be asleep 睡觉
64.come to +地 来到某地
65.change one’s life 改变某人生活
66.say about sth. 讲关于某事
67.the best way 最好的方式
68.be to do 去做某事
69.a fight attendant 一个飞机乘务员
70.the most important requirement 最重要的要求 71. take lessons 上课
72.a tour guide 一个导游
73.want to travel 想要旅行

Unit 10
It’s a nice day,isn’t?

1 look through 浏览
2.get along 相处
get along well with sb. = get on well with sb.
3.be careful 小心,担心
4.Erhu 二胡
5.take an umbrella with sb. 随身带着雨
6.Franklin Lake 富兰克林湖
7.at noon/in the morning/in the afternoon/in the evening
8.in sands 在沙地里
9.Goodbye=Bye=Bye-bye=See you.=See you soon.
10 . look through books in a bookstore/bookshop
11.cross the street 横穿马路
12.in an elevator/lift 在电梯里
take an elevator to go up or go down 乘坐电梯上下楼
13. make friends 交朋友
14.at least 至少
15.cost(物为主语)spend(人为主语) 花费
spend +money on sth. 在某物上花钱
spend +time in doing sth. 花时间做某事
16.take a note(notes) 记笔记
write down the note (notes) 写笔记
send a note(notes) 发送短信
be sent 被发送
17.take a holiday 度假
18. leave for 离开去目的地
19.traffic light 交通灯
a heavy traffic 交通拥挤
20 I want to move somewhere beautiful.
结构:陈述句+ ,+ 助动词/be动词/情态+主语?
回答前后一致。如:Yes,it is.
(1).He is really good,isn’t he?
(2).They have ever been to USA ,haven’t they ?
复习:so/neither+助/情/be +主语 某人也如此
如:He can’t swim,Neither can I.
Don’t look out of the window,will you?
Let’s go to the cinema,shall we?
Let us play basketball, will you?
22. hate doing sth. 讨厌做某事
23.wait for 等待
24. get on 上车 get off 下车
25.have/has been to 去过某地
have/has gone to 去了某地
26.travel around the world 游览全世界
27. tell sb.to do sth 告诉某人做某事
tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事
tell sb. about oneself=introduce oneself自我介绍 28.Would you like something to drink/eat?
Yes,please. / No,thanks.
29.What do think of something?
30.What do you think of the weather?
=How’s the weather like?
31.new kid 新生
32.have a wonderful/good/great time 玩得开心
33.Thanks for doing sth 谢谢做某事
34.feel like doing sth.
like doing/to do
Would you like to do?
35.come along 过来,出现
36.be good at =do well in 擅长于
be good for 对…有益
37.help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事
help sb.do sth
with the help of sb 在某人的帮助下
38.make(keep)+n.+ adj 使…怎样
39.think of sb 想起某人
think about sth 考虑
think sth over 仔细检查
41. in a hurry=hurry up 赶快
40.look through the newspaper for a holiday job.
42.not only…but also… 不但…而且…
43.in autumn 在秋天
44.It takes sb. sometime to do sth.某人花时间做某事
45.in the whole year 在一整年
46 get to=reach=arrive in/at 到达
47with a smile 带着微笑
48 in order to =so that= so as to 为了…
49.like something best=sth is one’s favorite
50 Unit 8 =the 8th unit 第8单元
51.the same to you 同样祝福给你
52.the way to+地 去某地的路上
53 credit card 信用卡

Unit 1 How do you study for a test ?

1 not at all =not in the slightest 根本不
2 end up 结束
3 make mistakes in sth 在某方面出错
4 later on 随后
5 be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事
be afraid of sth/sb 害怕……
6 laugh at sb 嘲笑某人
7 take notes=write down the notes 做笔记
8 make up 组成
9 deal with=do with 处理
10 be angry with 对……感到生气
11 go by (时间)过去、消逝 Time goes by. 时间流逝
12 try one’s best to do sth 尽力做谋事
13 break off 突然终止
14 make/use flashcards 制作使用抽认卡
15 make a vocabulary list 制作词汇表
16 read/speak aloud=read loudly 大声说
play the CD too loud 把CD放开大声sweep the floor clean 把地板扫干净
17 practice the pronunciation 练习发音
18 get the pronunciation right =pronounce right发音准确
19 specific advice/suggestions 详细而精确的建议
20 memorize/recite the words/text 背书
21 read the textbook 读课本
22 English grammars 英语语法
23 feel differently 觉的不同
24 frustrate sb = make sb frustrated 使某人沮丧
find sth frustrating 发现某事沮丧
25 speak quickly/fast 说得很快
26 get/be excited 激动
look excited 看起来很激动
look at sb sadly 伤心地朝某人看
an exciting match/game 一场刺激的比赛 27 spoken/oral English 英语口语
28 full comma 句号
29 regard sth as a challenge 把某事视为挑战
30 impress sb 感动某人 be impressed 被深深感动
be impressed deeply by sb 被某人深深感动
31 have trouble/difficulty(in)doing sth做某事有困难
32 look up the words in a dictionary用字典查阅单词
33 feel/touch soft 感觉/触摸柔软
34 study for a text 为一次数学小测学习
36 work with sb 与某人一起工作
35 listen to tapes 听磁带
listen to the teacher carefully 认真听课
36 ask sb for help 寻求帮助
He is asking for help. 他正在求救
ask sb to do sth 叫某人做某事tell sb about sth 告诉某人某事
37 improve my listening/speaking skills
38 enlarge the vocabulary 扩大词汇量39 watch English news 看英语新闻
40 understand the voices 听懂(说的内容)
41 learn a lot/much 学了很多
42 join an English club 参加英语俱乐部
43 keep a diary in English 用英语写日记
44 review notes 复习笔记
45 write original sentences
46 practice conversations with sb 与某人练习对话
47 do well/OK 做得好
48 get mad at sb 生某人的气
49 the best way to learn English 学英语的最好方法
50 be fair/unfair 公平、不公平
51 on duty 值日
It’s one’s duty to do sth 某人的职责做某事
It’s our duty to distribute to the society
52 be lost/missing 丢失
53 young adults 青少年
54 see a psychologist 看一个心理医生
55 get a lot of practices 得到许多练习
56 end up doing sth 最后做某事
57 become unhappy 变得不高兴
58 behave with sb 与某人相处的方式
59 stay angry 持续生气
60 change problems/troubles/difficulty into challenge
61 solve the problem 解决问题
62 realize sth =sth come true 实现某事
63 make a complete sentence 造一个完整的句子
64 complete/finish doing sth 结束做某事
65 the secret of sth …的秘密 The secret of becoming a good language learner is practicing . 成为一个优秀语言学家的秘密是练习
66 an important part of sth. 最重要的一部分
67 developping country 发展中国家
developped country 发达国家
68 with the help of sb 在某人帮助下
help sb (to) do sth = help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事
69 compare A to B 把A与B进行对比70 physical problems 生理缺陷
71 find a pen pal 找一个笔友
72 in a positive way 用积极的方法
75 last for a long time 持续很长时间
73 first of all 首先
74 to begin with 以…开始
75 make sb laugh 使某人笑
76 help a lot/a little 帮助很多、一点
77 have disagreement 意见不合
78 decide not to do 决定不做某事
79 talk to each other 互相谈话
80 too much + n. 太多…
much too + adj.
81 be strict with sb 对某人严厉
82 regard sth as a challenge 把……视为挑战

Unit2 I used to be afraid of dark .

1 used to 过去常常
He used to be thin .
I used to like riding . I didn’t use to like tests.
2 be interested in =take an interest in 对…感兴趣
3 be afraid of=be terrified of 害怕
4 go to sleep with the light on 开着灯睡觉
5 eat candy [U] 吃糖
6 chew gum [U] 嚼口香糖
7 chat with sb=have a chat with sb 与…聊天
8 Fuzhou Daily Newspaper 福州日报
9 daily life 每天的生活
10 die(u)-dead(adj)-death(n) 死
He died in 1990. He has been dead for 3 years.
He is dying. 他将死./临终
11 afford sth/to do sth 负担得起
He couldn’t afford to pay for his child’s education.
12 cause a lot of trouble (for sb.) 引起很多麻烦
13 get into trouble with the police 陷入警察手里
14 be patient with sb 对…有耐心
15 finally=in the end=at last 最后
16 make a decision on sth/doing sth 决定做某事
=make up one’s mind to do sth=decide to do sth
17 head teacher 班主任
head master 校长
head group leader 组长
monitor 班长
18 It’s necessary to do sth 必须做某事
19 to one’s surprise 使某人吃惊
be surprised at sth 吃惊于…
To my surprise, a phone call changed his life.
20 even though=even if (+让步状语从句) 即使
Even though he is eighty, he looks young and healthy.
21 no longer=not...any longer 不再(延续性)
no more=not…any more 不再(短暂性)
22 take pride in=feel/be proud of 为…而自豪
I take pride in being a Chinese.
I am/feel proud of being a Chinese.
23 pay attention to sth/the grammar 注意语法
24 give up 放弃
Don’t give up. 不要放弃
25 a couple of days 两天
26 look different 看起来不同
look the same 看起来一样
27 waste water 浪费水
waste one’s time 浪费时间
28 wear glasses/contact lenses 戴眼镜/隐型眼镜
29 have a good memory 记性很好
30 have long/straight/curly hair 留着…发型
31 on the swim team 在游泳队
32 People sure change. 人是会变的
33 for a long time 很长一段时间
34 make sb stressed out 使某人筋疲力尽
35 have/like/hate gym class 有/喜欢/讨厌体育课
36 paint/draw pictures 画画
37 be/live alone 独处/单独居住
feel lonely 觉得孤独
38 walk to school=get to school on foot 走路去学校
take a bus=go by bus=go on a bus 乘车
ride a bike=go by bike=riding 骑车
39 worry about sth/sb=be worried about sth/sb. 担心
40 study all the time=study all along 一直学习
41 a six-year-old brother 一个6岁的弟弟
42 spend time (in) doing sth 花时间做某事
43 take sb to a concert 带某人去音乐会
44 hardly ever 几乎不
45 change a lot 改变了许多
46 in the last few years 近几年
47 can’t stop doing 忍不住做某事
48 problem child 问题小孩
49 give sb sth 给某人某物
50 look after=take care of=care for 照顾
51 as…as 与…一样
as well as… 与…一样好,也
as well as she could 尽她全力
52 send sb to+地点 送某人去某地
53 It’s+ adj +to do sth
54 make sb do sth 使某人做某事
55 lose weight 减肥
56 make a diet 节食
57 make terrible noise 吵闹
58 a top student 尖子生
59 take a deep breath 深呼吸
60 shout at the top of one’s voice 高声喊
61 be used to doing 习惯于做某事
The boy is used to telling a lie. 那男孩习惯撒谎
62 be used to do 被使用于
Money is used in many ways.
Wood is used to make paper.

Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to
choose their own clothes .

1 choose one’s own sth. 选择某人自己东西
have one’s own sth.. 有某人自己的某物
2 should do sth. 应该做
shouldn’t do sth. 不应该做
3 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事
be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事
should be allowed to do sth. 应该被允许做sth.
4 get one’s driver’s license 获得某人驾驶执照
5 have/get/find/look for a part-time job


