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My first Day at Senior High教学案

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My first Day at Senior High案
1、Understand the words correctly in Module 1.
2、Grasp the meanings of the words.
3、Make up the sentences with the words.
4、Use the words exactly.

Tell the meanings of the underlined words and phrases.

1、They were amazed at his achievements(成就).

2、I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class!

3、Some students were embarrassed at first, but everyone was very friendly and it was really nice.

4、His words are strongly impressed on my memory.

5、The article the author wrote disappointed me very much.

6、We should encourage our children to work harder.

7、Spring is coming, the snow will soon disappear and melt.

I wasn’t_____ with the lesson.
The journey home from school was _____ .

I was very _________ in her teaching method.

The computer screen is absolutely _________.

Group work activities won’t make you ___________because you can keep quiet if you want to.






课题:1.1.1 My first Day at Senior High札记
1、Understand the words correctly in Module 1.
2、Grasp the meanings of the words.
3、Make up sentences with the words.
4、Use the words exactly.
3、高考要求:Learn to use the new words.
4、体现的思想方法:归纳和演绎classify and deduction
The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing.
【点拨】amazing adj. 令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的(表示事物或人具有的性质或特征)
1)Tom’s hairstyle is amazing.
2)What an amazing paintings!
3)We listened to her amazing story with attention.
4)This parrot is an amazing mimic(模仿者).
Amazed adj. 吃惊的,惊讶的(表示人的感受或对事物的印象)
1)I was amazed at the extent of Dr Li’s knowledge.
2) The professor was amazed at the colorful vegetation of this tropical forest.
embarrassing, embarrassed; boring, bored; disappointing, disappointed;
interesting, interested; moving, moved; etc.
探究二: impress
The words said by my English teacher at the first class are strongly
on my memory.
A kept B remembered C learned D impressed
【课文原句】Li Kang is very impressed with the teachers and the technology in his mew school.
【点拨】impress 文中意为“使印象深刻”
1.I was very impressed by his story.(v.)
2. My father impressed on me the importance of hard work.(v.)
3. You’ll have to play better than that if you really want to make an impression. (n.)
4. Their honesty and kindness left a very good impression on me.(n.)
1.be impressed by使感动
2.impress on sb sth让。。。。明白。。。
3. make an impression that…留下…印象
4.leave a very good impression留下好印象
1.In other words
You think he should make a positive career move outside this organization---
You think he should leave.
A. in other words B. in one word C. in word D. in words
联想:简言之 遵守诺言
食言 和某人说几句话
注意:word 当“消息”讲时,为不可数名词。
Word came that the price of the house will go down.
联想:v. adj. n.
I’m sorry to you, but I can’t come after all.
A. satisfy B. disappoint C. impress D. move
3.cover v.覆盖;行过路程;采访
The city covers ten square miles.
I can cover twenty miles a day.
I want our best reporters sent to cover the trial.
The exam’s only a month away and we haven’t even the whole course,
never mind started revising.
A. impressed B. covered C. remembered D. moved
4.at the end of
联想:最后 起初开始 到...结束时
5.go to college
6.take part in /join /join in /attend 辨析
The trial will be on the 15th, but you don’t have to if you would prefer not to.
A. attend B. join C. join in D. go to
7. information u.n.

①.I’m with his speech.(bore)
②.He’s very with his friend’s words(disappoint).
③.In this situation, everybody will feel (embarrass).
④.From his face, we can see he is (surprise).
1. My Chinese teacher impressed me the importance of being honest.
A. with B by C on D to
2. The expression on her face suggested she was when she heard the news.
A. amazing ;amazed B amazed ; amazing C. amazed; amazed D. amazing; amazing
3. Doing one thing all day long will come to nothing but to get us .
A. interesting B. interested C. boring D. bored
4. Jenny was when her boyfriend Frank got drunk and made an exhibition of himself.
A. embarrassed B. embarrassing C. amazing D. amazed
5. If you with the film, will go home with you.
A. are bored B bored C. were bored D. bore
6.-----David has made great progress recently.
----- , and (1997上海)
A.So he has; so you have B. So he has; so have you
C. So has he; so have you D. So has he; so you have
7. ----Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?
---- I don’t know, .(1991全国)
A.nor don’t I care B. nor do I care
C.I don’t care neither D. I don’t care also

课题:1.1.1 My first Day at Senior High
☆检测目标☆ 班级 姓名
1、Understand the words correctly in Module 1.
2、Grasp the meanings of the words.
1、Make up the sentences with the words.
2、Use the words exactly.
Translate the following into English paying attention to the bold words or phrases



4.初次相见, 我们都感到有些难为情。







A cloze test
Read the following story and choose a proper word to each blank in the story from the given words in every group and make the story complete both in meaning and structure. On my last day in Nairobi, I decided to visit the game reserve(野生动物保护区). On 1 my hotel, I bought a map and hired a car. On the way I 2 to take photos of many interesting 3 , A little lateral was very pleased when I saw notices 4 :“Be careful: Lions. 5 in your car.” I didn't mean to get out and 6 across a shallow river, I was halfway across when my 7 began to turn round and round without 8 a bit: The car had stuck in the mud.
Full of 9 , I looked round carefully. There was not a lion 10 ,I was soon in the 11 and my clothes got wet and muddy, and there was 12 I could do. The car didn’t 13 though I pushed it hard. There was a 14 quite near. I didn't dare to go there. So I had to get back into the car. I felt very 15 .I wondered how long it would be 16 I was discovered by the lions. The lions would quite 17 a tasty meal of a human being 18 ! I was wild with 19 when, several hours later, a keeper drove up in a jeep and 20 my car onto dry land.
It took me some time to explain to the clerks what had happened to me when I returned to the hotel, but I do not think that anyone really believe me!
1. A. leaving B. reaching C. visiting D. seeing
2. A. stopped B. drove C. rode D. forgot
3. A. keepers B. animals C. cars D. lions
4. A. writing B. printing C. marking D. saying
5. A. Stay B. Eat C. Sleep D. Look
6. A. walked B. drove C. jumped D. stepped
7. A. wheels B. legs C. feet D. home
8. A. shopping B. working C. moving D. turning
9. A. fear B. anger C. surprise D. pleasure
10. A. in the stream B. in my car C. in the distance D. out of doors
11. A. river B. car C. seat D. clothes
12. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing
13. A. move B. rise C. open D. start
14. A. hotel B. village C. forest D. keeper
15. A. worried B. surprised C. safe D. brave
16. A. before B. when C. after D. since
17. A. hate B. enjoy C. thank D. refuse
18. A. dead B. fresh C. alive D. young
19. A. anger B. fear C. surprise D. joy
20. A. pulled B. pushed C. lifted D. carried



My first Day at Senior High教学案
