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Module1-3 Revision教案(精选2篇)

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Module1-3 Revision教案(精选2篇)

Module1-3 Revision教案 篇1

  book 4    module1-3   revision

  module 1

  1. 谁也说不准,并且猜测也是件冒险的事情。

  2. 在未来,爱护环境将会很重要,因为地球的资源将濒临枯竭。

  3. 我们也将不得不更多得依赖其他能源。例如,太阳能和风能。

  4. 为解决垃圾问题,城市里的人将会把废物装进巨大的宇宙飞船,把这些废物送往太阳。

  5. 警察逮捕罪犯时,将会向罪犯射出网状物而不是用枪。

  6. 未来的城市市内将不允许吸烟。

  7. 每个人在出生时都会领到一个电话号码,无论他们生活在什么地方,这个号码都不会改变。

  8. 所有的娱乐形式都将由该市免费提供。

  9. 所有的汽车都将采用电能,太阳能或风能。只要轻轻一拨开关,汽车就会改变颜色。

  10. 医生在几千英里以外为病人动手术的远程治疗成为常事,因为每个城市都有自己的远程诊所。

  11. 通过系在头上的高科技照相机,行动不便的老年人和身体有残疾的人就能周游世界。

  12. 普通市民遨游太空将会变得很平常。

  13. 不是所有的预言都能成为现实。

  14. 从现在起30年后,人们会穿着纸制的衣服,这些衣服在穿过两三次后会被扔掉。

  15. 我们不喜欢他们的声音,并且吉他音乐即将过时。

  16. 订购             在进行中            由…制成

  module  2

  1. 只要你招招手,马上就会有出租车开过来。

  2. 你得确保出租车有营业执照,并且一定要索取发票。

  3. 公共交通为人们游览北京提供了低价位的出行方式。

  4. 避免在高峰期乘坐公共交通是个好主意。

  5. 公交线1到100路都是仅限于市中心内的。

  6. 你可以好好地看一看变化迅猛的城市。

  7. 不过,也有夜班车,编号在200到300之间。

  8. 如果嫌出租车贵,公交车拥挤的话,在有些地方,你可以乘坐有12个座位的小公共汽车。

  9. 北京有四条地铁线,还有几条地铁线在建设中。

  10. 地铁快捷方便,但是,交通高峰时段情况就可能非常糟糕。

  11. 如果想去老北京的胡同探秘,三轮脚踏车是值得一坐的。

  12. 在世界的任何地方你都有可能被困于交通阻塞中。


  14. it’s enough to drive you mad.

  keep cool!             no way.

  module 3

  1. 尽管这些很重要,但我们并不只是通过口头和书面语言交流。

  2. 和别的动物一样,除非我们感觉到很安全才会放松,否则将一直处于戒备状态。

  3. 如果我们的右手忙着和别人打招呼,就不可能握有武器了。

  4. 亚洲人打招呼是不接触他人身体的,但他们要握手。

  5. 在所有例子中,手都在忙于打招呼,不可能拿武器。

  6. 现在,它是一种很常见的打招呼方式。

  7. 人们通过姿势送出的钱比通过话送出的钱多。

  8. 看看你的朋友和家人,试试你能否读懂他们的心事。

  9. 戏剧之间经常互相竞争。

  10. 你不要经常独自鼓掌或大笑。

  11. 我到底该说什么呢?

  12. 偶然地                                  向……问好              

  打开(灯,无线电等)                    达成协议

Module1-3 Revision教案 篇2

  period i  vocabulary partaim:to revise the words that we have learned part i step 1:greetings      good morning, everyone. today , let’s revise the new words we have learned in the last six modules. now, let’s look at three sentences.       we study at­­­ ________.( school ).     if you are sick, you’ll go to the______. (hospital).     if you want to see a film, you’ll go to a­­­­­_______.( cinema)    now, try to think of what’s the places. ok ,let’s try to revise the places’names in the six modules.step 2: now ,work in pairs. try to think together about the names of places for special use. (teachers walk around to help students)now, let’s have a match between boys and girls, to see which group can give more placesread the words together ,four times for each wordthen try to recite the words(three minutes).step 3: now ,work in pairs. one say a word, the other explain its usage as quickly as you can.and then change the partsthen choose some pairs to show in class. ( three minutes)step4: let students play a game together.                                one explain some place; the other speak out the place name.     for example :  a: it’s a place where boats come in and go out.                   b: harbour. (three minutes)   now,choose some pairs to show in class. part ii  (10 minutes)step 1: now, read the words together and explain the meaning of each word one by one. ( two minutes)step 2: now ,students, work in a group of four, each makes a sentence.    differently.choose some groups to show in class.  ( five minutes)step 3: then chooses ten sentences to write them down on their exercisebooks. ( three minutes)part iii  ( 10 minutes )step 1:now, students, read the words and know the meaning of each word .( two minutes)step 2: group work. ok, now ,take turns to explain the words to each other. ( five minutes)step 3: now ,let’s have a game together. one says english explanation of one word, another speaks out the word. ( three minutes)part iv: (five minutes)       now ,read and recite the words.part v: dictation:  ( three minutes )       dictate the new words.part vi: summary . ( one minutes )       in this lesson ,we have revised words in the last six modules, such as the names of places.  part vii. homework  now, homework, recite the words we have learned.

  period ii  reading and speaking                 aim: 1. learn to express some nouns about careers. 2. read two passages to get some information and learn how to do self-report.step 1. brainstorm     tell the students there are many different kinds of jobs. for example, i’m a teacher , and you are students. what other careers do you know? try to discuss in groups of four and think of as many nouns as you can. allow students two minutes to brainstorm then collect some answers to write on the blackboard.step 2. activity 1here we have so many careers. do you know all of them? we know a librarian works in a library. how about the others? can you explain these nouns just like this. let’s come to activity one on page 64.finish exercise 4 on page 64 and then you can ask the students to explain more words on the blackboard. which job would you like to do when you leave school. firstly i’d like you to think of the sentence patterns that we have learned to express preference:prefer… to …prefer to do rather than do would rather do than do would do rather than do then use the words and sentence patterns to finish the exercise on the book.step 3. readingthere are two students shen xiang and lu wen. they are senior school students. here we have got some information about them. read the two passages carefully and choose one job for each of them then you should tell me the reason. allow the students several minutes to finish the reading and then collect the answers from the students.you have chosen a job for each of them because our text gives you some information about them. lets review these information. read the progress reports again. answer these questions.1.       who did a lot of work for the exam?2.       who is good at translation?3.       who wants to work with computers?4.       which student has more friends?5.       who enjoys studying science?6.       whose work has got better this term?7.       which student works harder?step 4. homework     write a short passage to introduce yourself just like the passages in our textbook and say what kind of job you’d like to do and the reason.

  period iii grammaraim: by doing all the exercises in module 7, revise all the grammars we learned in volumn i.i. activity 1.  module 1  revision of the present tenses          module 4   present perfect tense1.       do activity 12.       check the answers.3.       students’time  no. 2  b3 ----- 一般现在时和现在进行时                 no. 5  b1------现在完成时大观4.do the exercises on student times (no.1 b3, no.5 b1)ii. activity 2 module 3 past tense time expressions1.       do activity 2.2.       check the answers3.       text book page 26------past tense time expressions4.       do exercises.iii. activity 3   module 1  adjective ending in ing and ed           module 3  the ed form1.       do activity 32.       check the answers3.       student times   no.1 b3-----v-ing 和 v-ed 形容词用法大不同                  no.3 b1----解读过去分词作定语4.do exercises on student times  ( no.1 b3,  no.3 b1 )iv. activity 4  module 6 definite and zero articles1.       do activity 42.       check the answers3.       student times no.7 b1 -----简单又复杂的“冠词”(一)定冠词                                            (二)零冠词                                            (三)特殊情况4.do exercises on student times  no.7 b1  -----冠词练兵v. activity 5   module 5 degrees of comparison           module 2 verbs followed by ing                   function―expressing preference1.       do activity 52.       check the answers3.       student times no.6 b 1 ----比较“比较”结构                      ----倍数表达一览               no.2 b1  v-ing 形式作宾语                        “更喜欢“句型4.       do exercisesvi.activity 6 module 6 compound words2.       do activity 63.       check the answers4.       student times   no.7 b1 “合成”名词vii. activity 71.       do activity 72.       check the answers3.       text book page 25  function---being polite      would you mind doing sth.                    if sb. did sth.      do you mind if sb. doperiod iii  reading and speakingaim: 1. learn to express some nouns about careers. 2. read two passages to get some information and learn how to do self-report.step 1. brainstorm    there are many different kinds of jobs. for example, i’m a teacher , and you are students. what other career do you know? try to discuss in groups of four and think of as many nouns as you can. ( allow students two minutes to brainstorm then collect some answers to write on the blackbord.)step 2. activity 1here we have so many careers. do you know all of them? we know a librarian works in a library. how about the others? next you need to explain these nouns just like this. come to activity one on page 64.which job would you like to do when you leave school. firstly i’d like you to think of the sentence patterns that we have learned to express preference:prefer… to …prefer to do rather than do would rather do than do would do rather than do then use the words and sentence patterns to exercise.step 3. readingthere are two students shen xiang and lu wen. they are senior school students. here we have got some information about them. read the two passages carefully and choose one job for each of them then you should tell me the reason. read the progress reports again. answer these questions.1.       who did a lot of work for the exam?2.       who is good at translation?3.       who wants to work with computers?4.       which student has more friends?5.       who enjoys studying science?6.       whose work has got better this term?7.       which student works harder?step 4. homework     write a short passage to introduce yourself just like the passages in our textbook and say what kind of job you’d like to do and the reason.period iv    writingaim: learn to write a true report of the interest, grades, ideal of oneselfstep 1 reading ask the students to read the two reports again and find out from which points a report should include, for example grades, favourite subjects, interest, speciality and so on. the teacher can give some words for help like make rapid progress, be good at, do well in, have a gift for, show great interest in, my great wish is…step 2work in groups of four.1. each of them write a report about the things he is interested in and what he wants to do when he leaves school on himself. don’t put the name on.2. put the reports together. take one of the reports and read it to the group. it must not be your own report. try and guess who the report is about. say why you think this.also the teacher can ask one or two students to read to the class, and get others to guess.step 3 work in groups of four.1. each one chooses a topic, and thinks about at least eight questions about the topic.2. take turns to ask each person in the group your questions. encourage people to talk, and ask more questions if you want. note down the answers. write a report giving people’s answers.3. present the report to the group. ask others to check it .step 4 homeworkwrite a report about a teacher according to the questions



Module1-3 Revision教案(精选2篇)
