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4A Unit 7 It's late 教案(精选3篇)

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4A Unit 7 It's late 教案(精选3篇)

4A Unit 7 It's late 教案 篇1

  课题: unit 7   it’s late   

  第一课时教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读句型it’s late .what time do you …? i…at …/at … see you /bye .what’s the time? it’s …

  2.会用英语表达非整点的时间。教学重点和难点1.能听懂、会说、会读句型it’s late .what time do you …? i…at …/at … see you /bye .what’s the time? it’s …






  达成情况a  free  talk1.帮助学生复习1―10十个数词。

  2. 1.复习句型what’s the time? it’s …整点时间count the numbers.it’s …。



  bpresentation利用教具钟,拨动时间,问:what’ the time?   出现非整点时间。

  teach: thirty, forty

  2.学习句型what time do you …?  i …at …/at …

  .师拨动教具钟指在六点,边做动作边说i get up at six .( 重复两遍) what time do you get up?


  3.认识句型it’s late .

  师拨动教具钟指向8:00,it’s time to go to school . it’s late .see you .it’s …。跟读句型。学习非整点时间表达法。每小组拿出自制的钟,操练句型what’s the time? it’s ….

  操练句型i get up at …i …at /at …

  what time do you get up ? 生i get up at …/at … 再让学生互相问。学习句子。

  利用教具钟,把单词、句子和图片结合起来,理解和学习本课所学知识。cread and say1.出示a部分插图,生先自己观察图画,明白图意。

  2.       t放录音。

  3.     指名分角色朗读。

  4.角色表演。观察图画,明白图意。listen to the tape.listen and repeat .

  read after the tape.practise in pairs .多种形式朗读。分角色表演。运用多种形式培养学生的朗读能力。d homework1.listen to the tape of part a  three times .

  2. write the sentences two times .1.listen to the tape of part a  three times .

  2. write the sentences two times .说明:1、重点突出板块设计;      2、备课时重点突出教学设计(包括教师与学生活动设计)      3、教学反思在“活动目标及达成情况”栏填写。

  课题:unit 7   it’s late   

  第二课时教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词one  to  ten .

  2.了解整十位数词,其他十位数词,13-19数词的构成规律,并能三会这些数词。3.学习歌曲《this is the way》教学重点和难点1.能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词one  to  ten .






  达成情况a  free  talk1.good morning .boys and girls . 2.count one to ten.3. what’s the time? what time do you … ?4.速读下列号码。

  6791058   6221387    dc021  db681   good morning,miss wang.

  count the number.it’s …i …at… 进行交谈快速说出下列号码利用“快速读号码”这一游戏,及复习了数字,又活跃了课堂气疯。bpresentation1.学习数词1-10



  3.学习整十位数。4.学习其他十位数词的构成方法。师示范twenty-one ,twenty two ,twenty three ,认读、拼读数词1-10。认读、拼读13-19。学生通过观察总结,有关的个位数词词尾加teen .20―90的构成方法:在有关的个位数词词尾加ty .学习twenty, thirty,forty等整十数。学会非整十数的写法。通过学习教会学生归纳、对比的方法。cconsolidation1. say the number before  86….     99….

  2. say the number after    29….    62….

  3.     数字接力。say the number before 86…99…say the number after    29…  62…数字接力。利用“数字接力”游戏巩固学生所学。dsing a songsing a song《this is the way 》1.放录音。2.教歌词。3.再放录音。听录音,欣赏歌曲。学习歌词。学习歌曲。e. homework1.count from one to one hundred.

  2. copy the words .

  one two three four five

  six seven  eight  nine  ten .1.count from one to one hundred.

  2. copy the words .

  one two three four five

  six seven  eight  nine  ten .说明:1、重点突出板块设计;      2、备课时重点突出教学设计(包括教师与学生活动设计)      3、教学反思在“活动目标及达成情况”栏填写。

  课题:unit 7   it’s late 

  第三课时教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型what’s the time,please ? it’s …

  2.能运用句型what time do you …? 了解同学一天的作息时间,完成信息交流的任务。教学重点和难点1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型what’s the time, please ? it’s …

  2.能运用句型what time do you …? 了解同学一天的作息时间,完成信息交流的任务。课前准备:钟面,挂图等





  达成情况a  free  talk1.sing a song 2.围绕本单元句型交谈。what’s the time?what time do you get up/have breakfast/go to school/have lunch/go home/go to bed?

  3.say the number before .。sing a song. 《this is the way 》it’s …i …at… the number before通过自由交谈复习本单元重点句型。bask and answer1.师拿出教具钟, what’s the time, please?引导学生根据画面内容用it’s time to …的句型作补充回答,进行自编对话。

  4.指导学生书写。it’s…practice in pairs师生对话,学生间相互问答。表演对话,并补充it’s time to…书写句子。增强学生运用所学单词、句型编对话的能力。cwork in groups生听口令做动作。get up

  have breakfastgo to schoolhave lunchgo homewatch tvgo  to bed .



  师示范第一栏:t: what time do you get up /go to school …?小组内完成。

  交流、反馈。听口令做动作。认读词组。s: i  get up /go to school …at …

  小组完成表格。交流、反馈。通过制作表格,培养学生小组合作的能力。dhomework1.用what time do you …?的句型了解家人的作息时间。

  2.copy the dialogues .1.用英语了解家人的作息时间。

  2.copy the dialogues .说明:1、重点突出板块设计;      2、备课时重点突出教学设计(包括教师与学生活动设计)      3、教学反思在“活动目标及达成情况”栏填写。

  课题: unit 7   it’s late   

  第四课时教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型what’s the time? it’s …


  3.了解辅音字母n ,p的发音。教学重点和难点1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型what’s the time? it’s …






  达成情况a  free  talk1.greetings

  2.围绕本单元的句型进行交谈:what’s the time?what time do you…?what’s …plus …? 

  4.       数字接力。greetings.sing a song.it’s …i …at…it’s…数字接力。bread and act .1.出示挂图,生认人物,猜故事情节。


  3.师引导学生明白对话大意。(“shall we …”表达婉转的语气,让学生在以后的交际中,尝试着运用。)


  5. act ,practice in pairs .

  6. 指名到前面表演。



  clisten and repeat .1.出示单词、句型、学生认读。


  3.listen and repeat .找出单词中共同音素。



  dlook and read1.       出示挂图,生了解图意。


  3. 分角色朗读。师生间,小组间,

  4.  分角色表演。2.       了解图意。读对话,理解图意。what’s two and three ”与“what’s two plus three”分角色朗读。分角色表演。

  e homework 1.listen to the tape two times .2.copy the words of this unit 1.listen to the tape two times .2.copy the words of this unit.

  说明:1、重点突出板块设计;      2、备课时重点突出教学设计(包括教师与学生活动设计)      3、教学反思在“活动目标及达成情况”栏填写。

4A Unit 7 It's late 教案 篇2


  牛津小学英语4a unit7 it’s late part a


  1. 能听得懂、会说、会读单词和词组breakfast, late, thirty-five, forty, come home.

  2. 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语it’s late. what time do you …? i …at…/at …see you.

  3. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型what’s the time ? it’s …


  让学生从听、说、读、写四方面掌握句型what’s the time, please? it’s …并从听、说和读三个方面掌握句型和表达时间所需要学习的有关数词。








  step 1: warm up

  一、play a game 课前热身游戏

  t: boys and girls , let’s have a relax before the class. i’ll ask two students to come here and stand with one foot. who can do?


  step2: greeting and introduction

  一、make greetings

  t: good morning, boys and girls.

  s: good morning, miss ding.

  t: how are you today?

  s: i’m fine, thank you. and you?

  t: i’m great! nice to meet you!

  s: nice to meet you, too!


  t: today miss ding will take you to a wonderful place disneyland.

  look, it’s here. how nice! if you want to go there, you must get four useful sayings. are you ready? let’s begin.


  step3:presentation and practice

  一、saying 1

  (一) asking the time

  t: what’s the time?

  s: it’s …


  t: do you know another way of asking the time ? let me show you.

  learn: what time is it?

  (学习句型what time is it ?为本课新授句型what time do you…?作铺垫,同时引出本单元新授数字。)

  t: you ask, i answer.

  s: what time is it ?

  t: it’s seven thirty-five.

  s: what time is it?

  t: it’s seven forty.

  (二) learn new numbers

  1.look and find

  t: miss ding knows that you’ve learned the numbers 1 to 20.

  what about the next numbers. please look at the form.

  what can you find?


  s: 十几以内数字结尾是teen


  t: 总结并强调teen|ti:n|与ty|ti|的发音区别。

  t: since you’ve got it, can you read the numbers?

  s: read the numbers.


  t: 强调forty一词没有字母“u”,并且出一组数字让学生快速反应。

  2.fill in the blanks

  11 、12特殊记;







  祝贺学生获取第一则谚语。time is money!


  二、saying 2

  (一) learn the text

  1. watch and choose

  ⑴t: miss ding will show you a video. after watching it, you should choose the right time you hear.


  ⑵watch the video

  ⑶choose and check

  2. learn new words

  ⑴learn: breakfast

  t: what does breakfast mean? guess.

  s: it means:’早餐’

  t: can you read the new word?

  s: bread-break-breakfast.

  t: you’re clever.


  ⑵learn: at

  at +时间:在(时间)

  ⑶learn: come home .

  t: what does come home mean?

  s: it means ‘回家’

  t: yes , what about ‘go home’ ?

  can you tell me the difference between them?

  s: come home 回家来

  go home回家去

  ⑷learn: late

  t: mike goes home at 4:15, but i goes home at 7:30. so i go home very late. what does ‘late’ mean?

  s: it means ‘迟的,晚的’.


  (由late 一词,导入课题unit7 it’s late)

  3. learn the sentence structure

  what time do you …?

  at …

  i … at …

  (此句型为本课重点句型,需加强操练。 )

  ⑴t: i go home at seven thirty. what about you?

  what time do you go home?

  s: at…


  ⑶t: now i’d like to know more about you.

  such as: what time do you get up? …

  please practice in pairs.

  ⑷practice in pairs

  ⑸act out the dialogue.

  4. congradulations

  t : congradulations ! you get syaying 2: time is strength.

  what about saying 3? do you want to know? let’s go on!

  三、saying 3

  ㈠listen and answer

  1.listen to the tape and then answer the questions.

  2.listen and repeat

  3.answer the questions

  4.learn the sentence. see you in the afternoon.

  ㈡read and judge

  1. read the text again and then judge.

  2.check the answers

  ㈢practice and act

  1. practice the text in pairs.

  2.act the text out


  get saying 3.

  四、saying 4

  ㈠complete a dialogue about helen.

  1.read the dialogue in roles.

  ㈡make new dialogues

  1.practice in pairs.

  2.act the dialogues out.



  get saying 4 time is life.

  setp 4 homework

  1. listen to the tape and read the text three times.

  2. do a survey. (用所学的句型调查你身边人的作息时间。)

4A Unit 7 It's late 教案 篇3

  teaching demands:

  1.to understand and say the numbers :one~twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty , seventy ,eighty ,ninety .

  2.to understand and say the structures: what’s the time ,please? it’s …  it’s time to …

  3.to encourage the ss to talk in english.

  teaching points and special difficulties:

  1.the ss can use the numbers and the new structures freely.

  2.the ss can say the numbers correctly.

  teaching aids : the computer ,a clock ,some number cards.

  teaching procedures:

  step1: warming up

  1. greetings: good morning/afternoon. how are you?

  2. sing a song. < number song >

  3. revision

  @.present the numbers :1~12.

  1).read telephone numbers.

  @. present the numbers:13~19.

  2).listen and do .

  t: now, let’s play a number game.i say ,you do .listen carefully. “clap your hands… , stamp your feet…”

  step2: presentation and practice.

  1.  present the numbers :20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90.

  t: who can tell me , 13 plus 7 is ...  ?

  18 plus 12 is ... ?

  2.  present the other numbers such as: 48, 31, 56...

  3.  play a game: find the neighbors.

  4.  present the sentence structures:

  what’s the time, please ? it’s...

  1).show a clock.

  t: what’s the time ,please?

  it’s ...

  2). practice:t―s1,s2,s3...

  3).practice: s1, s2, s3 ...―t

  4).practice in pairs.

  5).present the communion parlance: “it’s time to ...”

  phrases: get up, go to school, have lunch, go home,  go to bed .

  6).ask and answer.

  @.show part c’s pictures.

  what’s the time, please?

  it’s  ... it’s time to ...

  @.look at the other pictures and let the ss to work  in pairs.


  do some exercises.


  1.  red the numbers and try to remember them.

  2.  use the learned structures to make some sentences.

  “what’s the time, please?  it’s… it’s time to …”

  blackboard design:

  unit  7  it’s late

  what’s the time, please?

  it’s  ...

  get up

  go to school

  it’s time to  have lunch

  go home

  go to bed



4A Unit 7 It's late 教案(精选3篇)
