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中考英语复习学案(八下5---6单元) 篇1



  i 词组

  take away  拿走    make a living谋生   all over the world 全世界

  all the time 一直  let … in  允许某人进入 have a difficult time doing sth.做某事有困难

  in order to improve my english 为了提高英语   get an educatioe  接受教育

  make money 赚钱  give money to向。。。捐款  raise money for charity为慈善机构募捐

  run out of/ use up用完  by the way顺便一提   be interested in 对。。。感兴趣

  far away远离

  ii.  句型

  1 if you go to the party, you will have a good time.

  2 what will happen if they have the party today? half the class won’t come.

  3.and if you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are .

  4 how long have you been collecting shells?

  i have been collecting shells for two years.  同意句:?

  5. the more i learn about chinese history, the more i enjoyed living in china.





  1.if it ______( rain) tomorrow ,i’ll stay at home .

  2.if it _____( be ) fine , we ___________( go) swimming together .

  3.he asked me if i ______( be ) free this sunday.

  4.i don’t know if he ________( come ) tomorrow. if he _________( come) , i’ll call you .

  5.we ‘re_________( leave) for france in a week .

  6.---how long _____________ your father______________ (work) in the factory?

  ---since he ____________ (leave) college

  7 how long _________ you __________ (listen) to music last night?

  8. some of the old buildings are in ________(russia) style.

  9. he is always the first one _________(arrive) at school and the last one______ (leave) school.

  10. we __________(be) friends for the whole ten years.

  11 _____(collect) old coins is my father’s hobby.


  1.  if you don't hurry up, you'll miss the early train.(同义句)

  _______ ______, ____you'll miss the early train.

  2.  he plays sports for a living.(同义句)

  he____  ______  _____by _____  ______.                        

  3.  they had a great time in the park. ( 同义句)

  they ________ __________in the park.

  4.  why don’t you take your id card? (同义句)  

  _______ ________ ________your id card? 

  5. they have been talking for three hours.(一般疑问句)

  _________ they _________ _________ for three hours?

  6. she’s been painting for two years (对划线部分提问)

  ______ ______ _____she __________painting?

  7. he’s been learning chinese history for three years.(同义句)

  he’s been learning chinese history _____ _____  ______ _______



  _______they have the party today, _______the class won’t come.


  if you ________ a __________soccer player, you’ll _______ go to __________. 


  if you are rich, you’ll have ________ ________ time _________who your real friends are.

  4.如果你一曲成名, 人们就会一直关注你, 并到处追随你

  if you ______ _______ _______ a song , people will ______ you _______ _______ _______ and ________

  5. 谢谢你送给我的邮票。

  thank you ______  _______ me the _____.


  ________every bottle of nongfu mineral water we ________, ________of us _______one fen for _________.


  _______ ________i know chinese culture, ________ _______i enjoy living in china.


  1.these are your books. please ________.

  a. take them away  b. take it away 

  c. take away them   d. take away it

  2. if you ______hard, you _______a good grade.

  a. won’t work, don’t get  b. don’t work, won’t get    

  c. work, get             d. will work, get

  3 .do you know if _______back next week? if he ________back, please let me know.

  a. he comes, will come   b. will he come, comes

  c. he will come, comes   d. will he come, will come

  4. if we _______free next week, we ________to the farm to visit you.

  a. will be, will go  b. am, will go 

  c. will be, go      d. be, go

  5. i’ll __________help people if i am a lawyer.

  a. can   b. be able to   c. could   d. able to

  6. why are you against __________the lions?

  a. join   b. to join c. joining   d. joins

  7.he is interested in _______ english songs.

  a. to collect   b. collect   c. collecting   d. collected

  8.he has been listening to music for_________.

  a. one and a half hour  b. one half hour

  c. one and a half hours     d. half one hour

  1. i’m waiting for my friend. ________ , i’ll go shopping alone.(2 008重庆)

  a. if she comes     b. if she  will come

  c. if she doesn’t come   d. if she didn’t come

  2. the more you read, ______ you will get.(青岛)

  a. the less  b. the most 

  c. the more   d. much more

  3. after wenchun earthquake, ______ people got together on tian’anmen square, calling out “come on, china!” (衡阳)

  a. four thousand of   b. thousands of 

  c. several thousands

  4. we have been good friends _____ we joined the same ping-pong team.(陕西)

  a. after   b. for   c.since   d. until

中考英语复习学案(八下5---6单元) 篇2

  下units 7-8-


  i 词组

  1. mind doing sth介意做某事  

  2.  not at all 一点也不

  3. right away立刻in a minute   

  4. turn up/ down the music把音乐音量调低/ 高     turn it on /off 打开/ 关上…

  5. wait in line排队等候    cut in line插队 cutting

  6. break/ obey the rules of etiquette违反/遵守礼仪规则

  7. pick it/ them up把它捡起来

  8. hear of 听说                   

  9. make friends with 与…交朋友

  10. take an interest in对…感兴趣       be/ become interested in

  11. encourage to do sth鼓励…做…

  ii 句型

  1. would you mind (not) doing sth?

  could you please (not) do sth?

  please do sth.提出建议,请求

  你介意挪一下椅子让我过去吗?   翻译:

  2. why don’t you get her a scarf?



  提醒:如果别人向你提建议,肯定回答可用good idea./ ok!/certainly./ of course./ all right. / with pleasure./ i’d love to.等。

  否定回答可用:no, thanks./ i’m afraid not./ no, i don’t think so./ sorry, we can’t.等。

  3. 花费:sth cost sb money -----

  the book cost me 10 yuan.这本书花了我10元.

  it takes /took sb …to do sth. ------

  it took me 10 days to read the book.读这本书花了我十天时间。

  sb spend money/ time doing sth /on sth -----

  i spent 10 yuan buying/ on the book. 我花了10元钱买这本书。

  sb pay money for sth. ----

  i paid 10 yuan for the book.我花10元钱买了这本书。   

  pay sb money付钱给某人

  提醒:过去式:pay-paid  cost- cost  spend-spent take-took

  4. smoking on the bus is not allowed.车上不准吸烟.

  talking loudly in a library is not polite/impolite.在图书馆里大声讲话是不礼貌的.





  the summary of reading on page p66阅读简写.

  why don’t you learn to sing english songs?

  because china will be the host for the olympics, many chinese people are trying _________( improve) their english in different ways. __________(sing) english songs is one way. singers from across china _________(enter) a contest by singing english songs. some of them were able to sing english songs just as ________(good)as native speakers. a winner said singing english songs ________(help) her win the prize and made her more ___________(interest) in learning english. so this kind of contest encourages people in china _______ (spea k) english. and it is a good idea to have fun with english. besides _________(sing) english songs, there are many other fun ways to learn english, like _______(watch) english movies , reading english books, joining an english club and making friends with native speakers. do you have any other good ways ________(learn) english better?

  句型转换新 课标 第一网

  1. would you please do this? (否定句)

  would you ______  ______  ______ this?

  2. i must leave now in a munite. (同义句)

  i _____  _____ leave now ______  ______.

  3. we were too tired to go anymore.(  同义)

  we were ___ _____ ____ we ____go anymore.

  4.i got my camera on my tenth birthday.(对划线部分提问)

  ______ ______ ______ get your camera?

  5. it’s be tter to keep your voice down in public.(同义)

  you _____  _____ keep your voice down in public.



  i _____ a _____ but the waitress got me a hot dog.


  we should try _____ ______be _____.


  this pen doesn’t ______. _____ you _____ showing me _____ one?


  this _____ to me_____ in the school library.

  6.我洗完盘子你能帮我做作业吗?could you____me____my homework____i ____doing the dishes?  

  7.  学习英语最好的方式是与英语国家的人们交朋友。

  the _____ _____ _____ english is making friends _____ people in english-speaking countries.

  9. 在他六岁生日的时候,他收到一份特别的礼品。(翻译)

  he _______ a ______ present _____ his ____birthday.

  10. 他并没去广州,反而去了上海。

  he ____ go to guangzhou. _____, he went to shanghai.

  1.[08宁波]-mike, would yo mind not wearing those old jeans? they look terrible.   --___________.

  a. ok. i’ll put on another pair.

  b. sure. i’ll do it right away.

  c. sorry, i won’t be long.

  d. alright. i’ll do  them in a minute.

  2. [08宾州]- would you mind sweeping the floor?


  a. yes, of course       b. ok. you’re right

  c. sorry. i’ll do it right away    d. not at all. here you are

  3.[07重庆] remember to _______ the lights when you leave your classroom.

  a. turn on    b. turn off    c. turn up   d. turn down

  4.[07连云港]after eight hours’ hard work, the firemen finally _____ the forest fire.

  a. put away    b. put out    c. put down   d. put in

  5.[07 烟台]根据汉语意思完成单词

  i won’t go there with you. i’ll stay here _______(代替)

  6. [07济宁] 根据汉语意思完成单词

  when we meet with difficulties, our teacher always________(鼓励)us to work them out by ourselves.



