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When was he born教案(精选3篇)

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When was he born教案(精选3篇)

When was he born教案 篇1

  when was he born教案

  unit 9

  section a 1a---2c



  2、学会对多长提问(howlong)和对时间提问(when)的用法,when was he/she born?  he/she was born …..

  how long did he hiccup ? he hiccupped for 69 years.

  二、预习目标:自己学会单词,写出下列单词的过去式play       start          

  do        stop       hiccup(现在分词)            



  一位很棒的乒乓球运动员             国际体育明星            在1976年            

  四、导学:停止做某事stop doing sth , stop to do sth停下来去做某事



  1. 世界纪录___________  2. 开始打嗝___________  3. 篮球运动员__________

  4. 一位中国运动员_____________  5. 他哪一年出生?_________________

  6.他打嗝打了多长时间? 69年零5个月_____________________________________.


  1. when ______ deng yaping born? in 1973.

  a. is     b. was  c.were  d.am

  2. he started sneezing _____ january 13. 1981.

  a. in    b. on  c. of  d.  at

  3. ___ did charles hiccup?  about 69 years and 5 months.

  a. hong long  b. how old  c. how many  d. how much

  4. there_____ many people in the library yesterday. but there _____ not many people today.

  a .were; are  b. were; were   c was; are   d. are; are

  5. bill can play _____ basketball. jim can play _____ violin.

  a. the, the  b. a, the  c. /,the  d. the,/

  6. she was born____amrerica____june 2,

  a. on, in   b. in, on   c.in , in   d. on , in

  7._____did he stop running?―in1978

  a. when  b. what c. who  d. why


  1. jim was born in 1981. (画线提问)____________________

  2. he hiccupped for ten years. (画线提问)______________________

  3. he stopped sneezing in 1992.(否定句)________________________

  4. they visited the museum last year. (画线提问) (一般疑问句)

  _______ _______ they ______ last year? 

  ______ they _______ the museum last year?

  5. my sister started learning skating in 1993.(画线提问 )

  ______   _______ your sister _______ learning skating?

  6. i was born in shanghai in 1990(一般疑问句)

  _______ _______ ______ in shanghai in 1990?


  unit 9

  section a 3a-- section 2c

  一、 学习目标:

  掌握p55-56单词,学会词组too..to,write music,ten months old

  start doing sth = start to do sth开始做某事  learn to do sth 学习做某事

  二、 预习目标:


  三、 预习检测:

  译成汉语:you are never too young to start doing things .

  mozart started writing music when he was four years old

  四、 导学:

  1. when he was four years old.=at the age of four

  2. too..to  太。。。而不能。。。,多表示否定,可以与so …that转换

  he is so young that he can’t go to school= he is too young to go to school

  3. spend some time (in) doing sth 花费某些时间做某事

  spend some time on sth 花费某些时间在某事上



  1. 你从不因为年龄太小而不能做些事._______________________

  2. 我四岁时就开始读书了.i ______ _____ _______ ______ ______ ____.

  3. 她因为什么出名? what ______ she _____ ________?


  1. you are too old ________ (swim).

  2. let’s ______ (start) ______ (have) an english party.

  3. i learned _______ (ride) a bike when i was eight.

  4. she ______ (win) a gold medal when she was 17 ______ (years) old.

  5. i know a man ____(call) jim smith. 7.he learned ______(ride) a bike, when he was .

  6. the twins ____ (be) ten years old when they ________(become) movie star in 1981.

  (三) 单项选择

  1. _______sixteen, edison began to sell newspapers on the train.

  a. when the age was  b. at the age of  c. by the age of

  2. as we all know, one is never _____ old ______ learn.

  a. so, that can’t     b. enough, can’t   c. too, to

  3. when did mozart ___music ?

  a. start write      b. start writing    c. started to write

  4. --_____ did you play basketball? --- more than five years.

  a. how long  b. how often  c. how far


  1. 他太胖了而不能跳舞。_________________________

  2. 当我十岁的时候,我第一次参加了一个晚会.______________________

  3. 你们太懒了,没有学好英语._______________________________

  4. he can’t do the work because he is too young.(改同义句)

  5. when he was 17 years old, she became famous around the country.(同上)

  教学后记 :

  unit 9  section a 1a--2c

  预习目标: played   started    did  stopped    hiccupped     

  预习检测:  1.a great pingpong player   , international sports stars  ,   in 1976  


  i.翻译短语   1.the world report       2.start to hiccup   3.basketball players               4.a chinese players       5.which year was he born ?

  6.how long did he hiccup?  sixty-nine years and five months.



  1.when was jim born?  2. how long did he hiccup?  3. he didn′t stop sneezing in 1992?    4.what, did ,do ; did ,visit    5.when did, start     6.were you born

  unit 9   section a 3a--section 2c



  1.you are never too young to start doing things.

  2.started read ing when i was 3.was famous for      


  1.to swim  2.start ,having/to have 3.to ride 4.won ,years 5.called, 6.were,became 7.to ride

  (三)   单项选择 b cba

  (四)  按要求完成句子

  1.he is too fat to dance.     2.i went to my first party at the age of 10.

  3.you are too lazy to learn english well.  4.he is too young to do the work..

  5.at the age of 17, she became famous around the country.

When was he born教案 篇2

  grade 8 go for it         unit 10 i’m going to be a basketball player

  section  a  1a―1c教案




  1.教学内容:本课时的教学内容选自人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书《新目标英语》学生用书 八年级上册,第十单元 i’m going to be a basketball player 中section a 1a-1c。

  2.地位和作用:这是第十单元的第一课时的内容,其中心话题是谈论人生理想。通过本课时的学习,学生对 be going to 这一结构表示“将来”会有一定基本的了解,并能初步运用这一语言结构进行交流,为下一节课的学习打下基础,在教学中的地位是举足轻重的。

  3.重点:目标词汇和be going to + do结构。



    1.认知目标

  (1)掌握本课时的目标词汇和目标语言。(2)学习运用 be going to +do 这种结构来谈论对未来的打算。(3)学会用 what, how与be going to +do结合来提出问题并做出正确回答。

    2.能力目标

      听 能听懂谈论有关人生理想的词汇及表达。

      说 能运用目标语言进行有关人生理想的谈论。

      读 能从课文提供的语言材料中获取有关人生理想的信息。

      写 能运用正确的语言结构写一篇题为 “my future”的短文。

    3.情感目标



  学生已经在unit 3 what are you doing for vacation中学会了使用现在进行时表示计划即将着手去做的事(一定要发生的事),对本单元的教学有所铺垫。本单元主要讲授使用be going to +do结构来表述将来的计划或打算(可能会发生、也可能不会发生的事)。



  学法:合作式学习法、观察发现法 讨论学习法、探索学习法




  本节课抓住初中学生的心理特点,一开始就用他们乐于参与的游戏开局,增强课堂的趣味性、调动学生的积极性和主动性,同时也起到复习的作用。在新职业名称呈现之后,再次引入竞争机制,开展小组竞赛,更进一步活跃课堂,增强生生互动,同时起到新旧知识整合的作用。在目标语言的呈现方面,采用了“以旧引新”的办法,用 want to be结构引出本节课的目标语言be going to + do结构。在听、说能力训练的同时,本节课对读、写能力训练也设计了一定内容(group work、homework).总之,本节课注重初中学生的心理特征,设计了活泼、有趣、参与性强、参与面广的课堂活动;注重师生互动、生生互动;强调新旧知识的整合;在强化听、说能力的同时,也进行了必要的读、写训练,使各项能力平衡发展。



  procedures teacher’s activities students’ activities explanation


  (3 minutes) ask one student to come to the blackboard and act out what the teacher tells him (her) to do. guess what kind of work he (she) does. revise the names of jobs learned before.


  (4 minute) show some pictures to present the new words.  learn the new words: engineer,

  pilot, professional , programmer. 

  task 1 (1a)


  presentation and drill

  (8minutes) ask ss to write down the jobs they know in groups

  present the new target language: what are you going to be when you grow up?  how are you going to do that? ss write down the jobs they   know on the blackboard.

  1. ss answer the question: what do you want to be when you grow up? 2. then learn to answer the question: what are you going to be when you grow up? 3. drill arouse interest about ideal jobs

  use the first question to present the phrase “grow up ” and “be going to + do”

  pair work

  (5minutes) ask ss to make conversations in pairs  ss use the target language to talk about their ideal jobs. use the names of the jobs learned before


  (4minutes) play the tape record. and check the answers. ss listen to the tape and match the items in 1b. 


  (8minutes) ask the ss to make interviews about their ideal jobs. ss make interviews and report. writing and reading practice


  (2minutes) summarize the usage of the structure “be going to +do”. consolidate the usage of “be going to + do”. 


  (1minute) ask the ss to write short passages about their future. write an article named my future. 

  board writing






  grow up what are you going to be when you grow up?  

  i’m going to be a computer programmer.     

  how are you going to do that?            

  i’m going to study computer science.

  i am           

  he/ she/ it is        going to do

  we/ you/ they are the space is for checking students’ answers.


  step  1  revision  (play a guessing game)

  请一位学生到讲台上,老师轻声耳语告诉他(她)某个职业,要求该学生用动作表现出来,教师使用what does he (she) do?向其他学生提问,让学生猜测台上学生所表演的职业,用以复习以前所学职业名称:singer, actor, dentist, basketball player, doctor等。(3分钟)完成任务所需要语言结构:

  is he / she a (an)……

  what does he /she do?

  he /she is a (an)……

  [目的] :复习与本单元的教学内容有关的职业名称和句型。

  step 2.  presentation

  利用新图片继续进行问答,用以呈现新单词professional, programmer,engineer,pilot。完成任务所需要语言结构:

  is he / she a (an)……

  what does he /she do?

  he /she is a (an)……


  step 3. task(1a)



  step 4. presentation and drill

  1. presentation

  设置问题,与学生谈论他们的理想,用以呈现新句型be going to +do。完成任务所需要语言结构:

  what do you want to do when you grow up?

  i want to be an actor.


  what are you going to be when you grow up?

  i am going to be a …… ?

  how are you going to do that?

  i’m going to ……

  2. drill


  [目的]:联系学生的实际想法,鼓励学生积极参与讨论,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生掌握 be going to + do 的用法。

  step 5. pair work (1c)


  what are you going to be when you grow up?   

  i am going to be a ……?

  why do you want to be ……                   


  how are you going to do that?    i’m going to ……



  step 6.  listening

  通过前一阶段的学习和操练,要求学生完成59页的练习1b 的听力训练。


  step 7. practice


  name  what is he / she going to do when he/ she grows up? how is he / she going to do that?

  step 8. summary

  对本节所学的句型结构“be going to do”进行一个的小结:

  i am

  he / she / it is      going to + do

  we / you / they are

  [目的]:使学生通过小结对本课所学习的目标语言进行巩固与强化,达到熟练使用“be going to do”来谈论将来的打算,为下一步的学习打下基础。

  step 9.  homework

  要求以“my future”为题写一篇短文谈论自己的人生理想,以及为实现这个理想要付出哪些努力。


When was he born教案 篇3

  unit 9  when  was  he  born?

  teaching  aims:

  1. learn  how  to  talk  about  exceptional  people  we  admire.

  2. learn  some  expressions  about  occupation.

  3. learn  some  words  about  different  kinds  of  occupations.

  4. learn  to  ask “when  were  you  born?  where  were  you  born?”.

  5. know  more  exceptional  people.

  teaching  difficulties  and  focuses:

  1. the  usage  of  passive  voice, such  as “when  were  you  born?  where  were  you  born?”.

  2. the  usage  of  adverbial  clauses  with  when  and  how  long  questions.

  teaching  contents:  section a  (1a―2c)

  teaching  material:  a  computer,  cai课件

  teaching  design:

  一. create  plots  and  scenes  to  guide  the  new  lesson.

  good  morning, boys  and  girls.  listen carefully, please. have you heard  of  the  song  you  and  me?(students:…)can  you  sing  the  song?(students:…)let’s  sing  together. begin!(students:…)

  very  good!this  song  was  for the olympic games  last  year. last  year was  .  it  was  a  great  year  in  our  chinese  history. why?  because  the  29th  olympic games  was  held  in  beijing.  and  thousands  of  people  all  over  the  world  came  to  china. i  think  it  was  a  chance  for  foreigners  to  get  to  know  china. and  we  were  very  excited  because  we  saw  many  famous  players. now tell  me  the  names  of  famous  players.   volunteer , hands  up! 

  now  look  at  the screen.   

  who  is  he?  (ss…….)  yes, he  is  liu  xiang. when  was  he  born?  he  was  born  in  1984.

  who  is  he?  (ss…….)  yes, he  is  yang  wei.  when  was  he  born?  he  was  born  in  1980.

  二. cooperate  and  intercourse  to  unscramble  and  research.

  the  main  content  in  section a (1a―2c)  is  to  learn  the  target  language.

  who’s  that?

  that’s deng yaping. she  is a great  chinese  ping-pong  player.

  when  was  she  born?

  she  was  born  in  1973.

  how  long  did  charles  smith  hiccup?

  he  hiccupped  for  69  years  and 5 mounths.

  when  did  he  start  hiccupping.

  he  started  in  1922.

  . demonstration

  learn  some  nouns  about  different  kinds  of  occupations  first, then  the  teacher  communicates  with  the  students.

  they  are  all  famous  people. do  you  know  them?  who’s  that?

  he  is  yao  ming. he  is  a  famous  basketball  player.

  how  about  that  man?

  he  is  liu  xiang. he  is  a  famous  running  player.

  do  you  know  how  old  they  are?

  . activities

  show  them  some  pictures  and  get  them  to  practice  conversations  and  communicate  with  each  other:

  when  were  you  born?

  i  was  born  in/on.....

  when  was  he  born?

  he  was  in/on.....

  . experience                                                                     

  1) play  the  tape  of  part 1b, and  get  the  students  to  listen  and  write  the  year  the  sports  star  was  born. finish  the  teaching  task  of  part 1b

  2) play  the  tape  of  part 2a  for  the  first  time, and  get  the students  to  fill  in  “how  long” column  in  the  chart. finish  the  teaching  task  of  part 2a.

  3) play  the  tape  of  part 2a  again, and  get  the students  to  fill  in the “started” and “stopped” column. finish  the  teaching  task  of  part 2b.

  . activities

  1) get  the  students  to  do  pairwork, and  finish  the  teaching  task  of  intercourse  in  part 2c.

  2) get  the  students  to  do  pairwork in  part 2c  and  tell  them  to  use  the  pictures  to  make  new  conversations. finish  the  teaching  task  of  this  part.

  三. sum-up  and  improvement


  1. i  was  born  in  1982. (对划线部分提问)

  ――――  ―――― you  born?

  2. donna  sneezed  for   two   hours. (对划线部分提问)

  ____   ____  ____  donna  ____-.

  3. you  are  too  young  to  go  to  school. (改为同义句)

  you  aren’t  ___  ____  to  go  to  school.

  4. michael  jordan  is  a   famous   basketball  player. (对划线部分提问)

  _____   _____   michael  jordan ?



When was he born教案(精选3篇)
