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Unit 6 On a farm 说课(精选2篇)

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Unit 6 On a farm 说课(精选2篇)

Unit 6 On a farm 说课 篇1

  本节课是牛津小学英语1a unit6 《on a farm》的第一教时,本单元主要教学内容是“确认动物”及学习特殊疑问句“what’s this ?”和答句“it’s a … ”。我教的是第一课时,主要学习三个动物类单词和一个答句。我以“游戏教学”为主要教学方式,结合“情境教学法”、“tpr”教学法。通过听,说,读,演,唱等一系列教学活动,



  1.能听懂、会说、会认读单词a cow、a pig、a duck,且发音准确。

  2.能听懂、会说、会认读句子it’s a …

  3.能听懂并理解特殊疑问句what’s this ?






  1、能听懂、会说、会认读单词a cow、a pig、a duck

  2、能听懂、会说、会认读句子it’s a …



  step1 warming up


  step2 free talk


  step3 presentation and practice



  3.单词的学习和操练。这部分是重难点,所以我预设要加重“笔墨”来教学。为了刺激学生的多种感官,激发他们的好奇心。我设计了听叫声猜动物的活动。这也为后面学习动物的叫声打好了基础。听是说的前提,只有听的准才能说的好,但我们老师的发音可能不是最标准,最地道,所以我开始不发音而是让学生听电脑里的英语原声。一年级的孩子,往往没有听清就开始模仿,导致日后发音不准且难以纠正,所以我平时注意训练学生一听到我说listen就摆好手势,只听不说的习惯。在学生学习单词的时候我不是充当录音机的角色而是把学习的过程呈现给学生。比如先让学生发准/au/的音,像大口大口吃东西,再教完整的单词cow;教pig和duck时先让学生找一找小尾巴,即单词的尾音,再来学完整的单词。一年级的学生若是一直单调的跟读、个别读,一定会觉得枯燥。所以我设计了各种跟读和个别读的形式。如高低声练读;做一做“ 水波浪”练读升降调;模仿不同的声音来读一读单词;传一传玩具来读单词;做一做动作来读单词等。为了训练学生对单词的整体认读,我除了运用玩具实物、板书上的图片和单词,还利用了字母的变形形象来让学生记忆,如cow中的w像牛角,其他的让学生来观察,启发他们说出k像鸭子的扁嘴巴,g像小猪的卷尾巴。

  3.say a rhyme利用轻松的儿歌,巩固所学单词,让学生戴上他们喜欢的头饰说一说、动一动。

  4.what’s missing?游戏。以游戏的形式吸引学生的注意力,游戏的过程就是继续巩固单词的过程。

  5.看部分猜整体的游戏。由此引出it’s … 句型的学习。.

  step 4、consolidation

  低年级学生的有意注意时间很短,到了巩固环节,若是方法单一,学生定是觉得索然无味,没有兴趣。所以利用学生的好奇心强、好胜心强、节奏感强、喜欢玩具等特点我设计了一些游戏活动来巩固句型和单词。如看动作、听叫声猜句子活动;猜快速跑过的动物游戏;chant and sing;摸奖品等活动。最后还以找朋友即图文配对的活动来巩固和反馈单词和句型的认读。


  我的说课就到这里thanks for listening!谢谢!

  unit 6 on a farm 说课 来自第一范文网。

Unit 6 On a farm 说课 篇2

  unit 6 on a farm (the first period)

  教学目标:1 knowledge: (a)enable students to master the words: swim skate play football play chess.

  (b)enable students to use the structure: “can you --?” “yes, i can. /no, i can’t..”

  2.skills:      improve students’ ability of listening speaking and reading

  3 moral education:(a)after this lesson ,students should know that animals are so lovely,we should protect them.

  (b)ss can be interested in english by games and activities.

  教学重点:1. enable students to master the words: swim skate play football play chess

  .          2. enable students to grasp “can you --?” “yes, i can. /no, i can’t..”

  教学难点:how to use the new words and new structure naturally?

  教学准备:picture cards, word cards, computer


  pre-task preparation

  step warming up

  (a) sing a song <<head and shoulders>>

  (b) say a rhyme<<cookie jar>>


  step free talk


  (b)free talk

  t: nice to meet you!              s1: nice to meet you, too!

  t: how are you?                 s2: i’m fine, thank you.

  t: how old are you?              s3: i’m eight.

  t: i can jump. what can you do?    s4: i can run. (ss say it with actions)

  t: i can sing. what can you do?     s5: i can dance.

  (学生在1a就已学过what can you do?,所以我就以此激活他们已学过的内容,很自然的引入新课)

  while-task procedure

  activity1. present the new words swim skate

  t: i can swim. can you swim? ( t presents the new word with action to make ss understand)

  ss: yes.

  t: yes, i can.

  ss: yes, i can. (with t’s help)

  t present the word card and ss read after t.


  t write “swim” on the blackboard, ss read after t “swim swim s s swim”

  t holds up the picture card and asks ss read it one by one/group by group. t do the action and ss read the word with actions.

  (teach another new word “skate” like this and ask ss to make a rhyme with the new word.)

  activity2 say a rhyme (一年级的孩子有意注意的时间较短,一首儿歌,既是一种调节也是一种提醒)

  activity3. present the new words play football play chess and the new sentence structure

  t: look! what’s this?(出示实物)

  ss: it’s a football.

  (t shows the picture and ss read the word like a baby /an old man/louder/lower. (use several ways to practice reading the word.)

  t: can you play football?(do the action)

  ss: yes, i can.

  t: now please ask miss xu, “can you play football?”

  s1: miss xu, can you play football? (with t’s help)

  t: no, i can’t. (practise reading the sentence)

  (teach another new phrase “play chess” like this)

  activity4. play a game

  t: now let have a competition. i’ll devide the whole class into eight lines. you should ask “can you ----?” with actions one by one. which group finished it fastly, they will win.

  eg: s1: can you play football?

  s2: yes, i can. can you swim?

  s3: no, i can’t. can you jump?----


  post-task activity

  play a game “ hide and seek”

  t hides the picture cards in one student’s desk and invite one student to seek it. if the student walk in the right way ,other ss say the word louder and louder. if the student walk in the wrong way, ss say the word lower and lower.


  pair work

  let ss work in pairs and ask and answer:

  s1: i can play chess. can you play chess?

  s2: no, i can’t. i can play football.

  s3: i can skate. can you skate?

  s4: yes, i can.


  1 listen and read unit 8 part a and b

  2 watch some english cartoons for 30 minutes.

  《unit 6 on a farm》说课 来自第一范文网。



Unit 6 On a farm 说课(精选2篇)
