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1.  There was once a famous artist named Wen Tong. He was known for his paintings of bamboo. His (1)      were so good that they almost looked real! But why was he so good at drawing bamboo? Well, he (2)       bamboo! He planted only bamboo in his garden. He even had a few bamboos (3)       his house. He also loved to study bamboo. He studied bamboo to see how it moved and how it grew in (4)       weather.
  One day in spring a storm moved into the village. Everyone (5)       home to get inside. But Wen Tong rushed outside to his bamboo garden. He wanted to see what water on bamboo leaves (6)      . Sure, he got very (7)       but to him, it was all worth it.
  After many, many days just like this, he knew what frozen bamboo looked like. He knew what (8)       bamboo looked like. He knew what newly planted bamboo looked like. He knew what dying bamboo looked like. He knew what bamboo looked like in all (9)      , in all weather, and at all ages. So when it was time to paint, he remembered (10)       he had seen.
 This lamp smells like an orange and it's made from orange peels (皮). Ohmie is a 3 D-printed lamp made by a company from Italy. Each lamp is made from the peels of two or three oranges. It takes about two hours to print the lamp. Now the company is selling the lamp for about $70. 
 Which streets have more shade (阳凉) or a cold drink shop?Now, people in Barcelona can know that the app Cool Walks will help people find the shadiest road between two places when they're walking outside on a hot day. It works out the shade from trees and buildings according to the sun's path, hour by hour, as the sun moves. 
 British bike rider Callum Skinner and scientist Alex Macdonald made a pair of sunglasses. The HindSight glasses can help bikers see behind themselves without turning their head. They only need to change focus (焦点) to see forwards and backwards. It also helps keep bikers safe on the road. 
 Autumn is a great time to see beautiful colors in nature. But color-blind people never get a chance to enjoy them一until now. In the US state of Tennessee, there are special viewfinders (取景器) in many tourist sites. They can help colorblind people see all the colors of autumn. 
3.  These girls ore from a village school. Most girl's at their age go to different clubs dance, paint, play the piano or learn English, but they run on the playground to play football just like boys. Ma Lingqiao is one of them.
  Ma Lingqiao is a "lelf-behind" child in a village in Chongqing. Her parents work in other places, and she lives with her grandparents. Each day after school, she first practices football for two hours. Then she goes home to cook dinner and washes clothes before doing homework. Although Ma Lingqiao is very busy, she works hard with other girls in the club. For them, football is not just about having fun. It's a chance for them to change their life.
  Ma's school is in a poor place and the students can't get good education there. The head teacher heard that some schools in big cities needed young football players, he set up a girls' football team in 2013. He said, "I just wanted to bring these children out of the mountains and into better schools by playing football."
  Thanks to the head teacher, there is a new football playground in the school. Because there's no football teacher in the school, the students sometimes have 1 o practice through videos. Their efforts have paid off. Over the past few years, the team has won several matches. Some of the girls have gone to good schools in Chongqing because of their football talent.
4.  One day, Tian Ji went home feeling sorry for himself because he again lost at the horse races. When his friend Sun Bin know how sad Tian Ji was, he said, "Take me with you next time. Maybe I can help you win!"
  A week later, Tian Ji did just that. Sun Bin quickly learned how the races worked. He saw that the horses were divided into three types according to their speed. He also noticed that each type had a different saddle (马鞍) color. This was to tell the different horses apart. Soon, Sun Bin developed a strategy to help Tian Ji.
  Tian Ji then challenged the king to a race and did everything that Sun Bin told him to do. For the first race, he put the first-class saddle on his first-class horse. The king's first class horse easily beat Tian Ji's third-class horse. For the second race, he put the second-class saddle on his first-class horse. And sure enough, Tian Ji won the second race because his first-class horse was better than the king's second-class horse. Finally, for the third race, he won again by using his second-class horse against the king's third-class horse.
  The king was very surprised and asked Tian Ji how he made it. Tian Ji told the king that it was Sun Bin's strategy. He explained how Sun Bin knew that even when two opponents (对手) were unevenly matched, a strategy could be used to make losses less.
A. Whenever you get a chance, practise.
B. Here are several suggestions for you.
C. But it is a great way to improve your pronunciation.
D. Look at the words while listening to the recording.
E. Don't be afraid of making mistakes when you give a speech.
F. You can't correct your pronunciation when you don't know its rules. 

  It's true that you don't have to make a speech like a native English speaker. However, a good pronunciation (发音 ) helps leave a good impression. (1)      
  Learn the rules.
  (2)       So, my opinion is to start improving your pronunciation by making yourself know about the rules well first.
  Watch while listening.
  Find an article with recording. (3)       In this way, you can learn the relationship between the spelling of a word and the sound, and what words sound like when they're in a sentence together.
  Hearing your own voice can be strange. (4)      If there's a letter or word that you want to improve on, I advise you to record yourself saying it. Then listen to the recordings of native speakers. Find the differences and improve your way of pronunciation.
  Practise every day.
  After learning how to say something correctly, you need to practise often. (5)       Don't be shy. For at least 30 minutes a day, repeat the correct way to pronounce the words. With enough practice, you will improve a lot and communicate confidently.
A. Sandwich got its name from John Montagu, the Fourth Earl of Sandwich. He loved playing cards so much that he didn't want to stop for meals. So he put meat between two pieces of bread. And then it became popular. B. In the book The Wizard of Oz, brave and kind girl Dorothy comes to Oz by accident. She meets the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Lion there. To make their dreams come true, they begin their adventures. 
C. In the book The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway, old fisherman Santiago hasn't caught any fish for 84 days. But he never gives up and finally catches a big one. D. The history of computer printers began in 1938 when inventor Chester Carlson invented a dry printing process. In 1953, the first high-speed printer was developed by Remington-Rand. 
E. Computers are playing an important part in our life and they can do important jobs. It's not strange that a car runs without a driver because it has a computer system to control it smartly. F. Su Bingtian set a new Asian record at the Tokyo Olympics 一 he got a personal best of 9. 83 seconds in the men's 100 m semifinals and became the first Chinese athlete to reach the men's 100 m final at the Olympics. 
7.  Memory is very important to us. Do you want to have a better memory? Many people would say "yes". But how to improve (1)      (you) memory?
  Exercise your brain!For example, you can do new things and change your (2)      (day) habits. If you walk a different way to school or take a different bus, you (3)      (keep) your brain active. You can try to (4)      (memory) something new or learn new skills. Your brain can get more oxygen when you do exercise like a twenty (5)      (minute) walk.
  Live a healthy life!Don't eat too much at (6)       time. You must have a balanced or good diet. This will help your brain become healthier. And you must give your brain enough time to rest. (7)       you get enough sleep every night, you will not remember things well.
  Be happy! If you're happy, your mind will become livelier and your memory will become (8)      (sharp). Don't get too worried, or your brain will slow down .
  So, (9)      (improve) your memory, you should exercise your brain, live a healthy life and stay relaxed. If you follow these, you'll do better (10)       your studies and in your life.
8.某英文报社正就"Love School Love Life"征集校园活动素材, 现请你写一则英语海报宣传你们的英语活动周活动. 内容需包括:
1. 活动众多, 内容丰富;
2. 具体介绍1﹣2个活动;
3. 呼吁大家积极参与.
1. 80词以上, 短文的开头已给出, 不计入总词数;
2. 条理清楚, 意思连贯, 语句通顺, 标点正确;
3. 文中不得使用真实的校名与姓名.
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