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第一节:(共5 小题;每小题0.5分,满分2.5分)


1. What will the woman most probably meet the man?

A. At 6:00. B. At 6:15. C. At 6:30

2. Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A. In a theatre. B. In an office C. In a restaurant.

3. Why did so many old people die last month?

A. It was too hot. B. It was too cold. C. They were too old.

4. What will the man do first?

A. Read the operation manual(操作手册).

B Try the buttons one by one.

C. Have the machine repaired.

5. What do we know about the woman?

A She used to work in a car company.

B. She wishes to have a different kind of job.

C She’d like her manager’s opinion on her work.

第二节:(共15 小题;每小题0.5分,满分7.5分)


听下面一段材料,回答第 6至8 题。

6. What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

A .Guard and worker. B .Driver and passenger. C. Employer and employee

7. Why is the man often late for work?

A He cares for his aunt. B He gets caught in traffic. C He doesn’t like his  work hours.

8. What might the man think of the woman?

A . She is unfriendly B .She is unreasonable C. She is understanding

听下面一段材料,回答第 9至10 题。

9. What is a special feature(特征) of New Orleans?

A .Its narrow streets. B Its French Quarter C. Its shops and  restaurants

10. Why do the cars in San Francisco need good brakes(刹车)?

A .There are hills in the city

B. The city has strict traffic rules.

C. There are many travelers in the city.

听下面一段材料,回答第11 至13 题。

11. Where is the man now?

A. At a radio station. B . In a downtown area C . On the scene of an  incident(事件)

12 What is the main aim of the latest attack?

A .The living areas of the citizens.

B. The present site of city leaders

C The main lines of transportation

13 What is the main problem as a result of the war so far?

A. Lack of food. B .A shortage of clothing C. Catching diseases

听下面一段材料,回答第 14至16 题。

14. What does the man notice about the woman ?

A . She is acting tired B . She has gained weight C. She’s in good physical  condition

15. What do we know about a total body workout(锻炼)?

A. It helps to lose weight. B . It takes place outdoors. C . It is mainly  for adults

16. How does the woman continue the exercise after the snow melts(融化)?

A . She takes up a new sport.

B. She uses an exercise machine

C. She does another type of exercise.

听下面一段材料,回答第17 至20 题。

17. What is the speaker mainly telling the listeners about?

A. Vacation arrangements B .College facilities(便利设施)C.  Dormitory(宿舍)management

18. How long will most of the dormitories be closed?

A. For about 5 days. B .For about 10 days C. For about 15 days.

19. What will remain open as usual?

A. The post office and the college office

B. The library and the computer center

C . The college store and the dining halls

20. What do we know about the speaker?

A. He is president of the college

B .He normally lives in Butler Hall

C. He is in charge of general affairs(总务)


21. The possibility that he killed the old lady has been _______ because he  was staying with some of his friends at that time.

A. turned out B. ruled out C. put out D. kept out

22.Jane was _____ moved by what the teacher said. So she decided to work  ___ into the night to finish her task.

A. deep; late B. deeply; lately C. deep; lately D. deeply; late

23.------Did you get a ticket?

-------No. I______ , but there wasn’t any left.

A. had to B. attempted to C. decided to D .managed to

24. During our stay in London, we paid a visit to the hospital founded  ______ the nurse Florence Nightingale.

A. in case of B. in honour of C. in favour of D. in place of

25. A proposal has been put forward ________ a debate ________ between the  boys and girls.

A. which; is held B. that; be held C. that; will be held D. when; to be  held

26. ______ arriving at school, she was _____________ her friends.

A. On; realized by B. With; known as

C. In; approved of D. Upon; recognized by

27. Most of what has been said about the Smiths also true of the  Johnsons.

A.are B.is C.being D.to be

28. It was not ________ she took off her glasses ________ I realized she  was a famous film star.

A. when, that B. until, that C. until, when D. when, then

29. ---You’ve made great progress in you studies of English, haven’t  you?

--- Yes, but much ________.

A. remains to do B. is remained to do

C. remains to be done D. is remained to be done

30. _____ we were worried about was _______ they could manage to control  the pollution.

A. That; how B. That; whether C. What; that D. What; whether

31. --- Haven’t seen you for ages! Do you still work in Nanjing?

--- ________. It is two years since I worked there.

A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I do C. No, I haven’t D. No, I don’t

32. After the long journey, the Smiths returned home, ____.

A. safe but tired B. safely but tired C. safe and tiring D. safely and  tiring

33. —I’m sorry. I ______at you the other day.

—Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself.

A. shouldn’t shout B. shouldn’t have shouted

C. mustn’t shout D. mustn’t have shouted

34. --- This kind of cloth ____ well and____ long, besides, it’s cheap.

--- OK, I’ll take it.

A. washes ; lasts B. is washed; lasts C. washes ; is lasted D. is washing;  is lasting

35. With the speaker’s voice ________, he could make himself ________.

A. raised, heard B. risen, heard C. risen, hear D. raised, hear

36. The advice he gave ________ prove ________.

A. does, correct B. does, correctly C. is, correctly D. is, correct

37. My pocket money _______. I plan to go to my parents to borrow some of  next month’s before I have none in hand.

A. has run out B. is running out C. has been run out D. is being run  out

38. -----What do you think of the girl?

------Not only _______ hard but also_____ very charming.

A. does she work ; is she B. she works ; she is

C. does she work ; she is D. she works ;is she

39. ______wants to stay in a hotel has to sign his name here.

A. Anyone B. The one C. Whoever D. Who

40. That year his total income, with his reward ______, _______ 1500  dollars.

A. added up to; added B. added; added to C. added to; added up to D. adds;  adds up to



When I was a boy, every holiday that I had seemed wonderful. My 41 took me  by train or by car to a hotel by the 42 . All day, I seem to remember, I 43 on  the sands with strange 44 children. We made houses and gardens, and 45 the tide  (潮汐) destroy them. When the tide went out, we 46 over the rocks and looked down  at the fish in the rock-pools.

In those days the 47 seemed to shine always brightly 48 the water was  always warm. Sometimes we left the beach and walked in the country, 49 ruined  houses and dark woods and climbing trees. There were 50 in one's pockets or good  places where one could 51 ice-creams. Each day seemed a life-time.

Although I am now thirty-five years old, my idea of a good 52 is much the  same as it was. I 53 like the sun and warm sand and the sound of _ 54 beating  the rocks. I no longer wish to 55 any sand house or sand garden, and I dislike  sweets. 56 , I love the sea and often feel sand running through my fingers.

Sometimes I 57 what my ideal (理想的) holiday will be like when I am 58 . All  I want to do then, perhaps, will be to lie in bed, reading books about 59 who  make houses and gardens with sands, who watch the incoming tide, who make 60  sick on too many ices...

41. A. teacher B. parents C. nurse D. doctor

42. A. sea B. lake C. mountain D. forest

43 A. played B. slept C. sat D. stood

44. A. moved B. excited C. worried D. nervous

45 A. made B. brought C. watched D. heard

46. A. rolled B. jumped C. turned D. climbed

47 A. light B. sun C. moon D. lamp

48. A. and B. yet C. but D. or

49. A. exploring B. examining C. repairing D. measuring

50. A. sweets B. sand C. ice-creams D. money

51. A. make B. sell C. buy D. offer

52. A. house B. holiday C. garden D. tide

53. A. hardly B. almost C. still D. perhaps

54. A. waves B. water C. hands D. birds

55. A. destroy B. fix C. use D. build

56. A. But B. However C. Or D. Yet

57. A. wonder B. feel C. understand D. believe

58. A. strong B. weak C. young D. old

59. A. children B. boys C. girls D. grown-ups

60. A. herself B. himself C. itself D. themselves



Turning on the TV, a wonderful scene comes to your eyes---- a group of men,  tall, strong and handsome. and women , young, beautiful and attractive, too.  Together they eat in the finest restaurants, traveling everywhere around the  world by luxurious planes and pleasure-ships. They are models.

Do you envy them? What sort of life are model leading? Is it a wonderful  life for a young lady or a young man?

A few models are well-known actors or actresses who can make a big money  only by showing themselves off in commercials. But the majority of them are just  curious to see what it is like. They’d like to be models just because they are  attracted by what they imagine— Models earn a lot of money and lead a glorious  life. This is true for those who are very successful. However, most models find  it difficult to get work.. Very few can earn enough to live on, and for all  models their expenses are high . Their agents claim about 20% of the earnings,  and no model will get very far without a clever agent. Besides, they have to buy  good clothing. They also have to pay to travel to interviews and reach the  places where the work is to be done.

Interviews for a model job are known as cattle-markets in the modelling  world. A top model can choose her work, demand and receive high fees and have  her expenses paid. But for most models, the situation is quite different. An  agent or employer inspects each model much as a farmer inspects cattle at a  market. Intelligence, qualifications and personal characteristics count for  little against good looks and the tight figure. For all except the very few  lucky ones, the life of a model is a continual search for work, trying to sell  herself or himself in the face of fierce competition and, sometimes, not  particularly moral standards on the part of some employers.

Immigration officials at airport look suspiciously at a girl whose passport  shows her occupation as “Model”, and these are men and women of considerable  experience of the world. It comes no surprise to find that some models prefer to  put “Secretary” or “Businessman” as their jobs in their passports.

Modelling is a changeable world with great rewards for a tiny minority but  not for the majority.

61 . For models, their looks and figures are_____ , compared with their  good qualifications and intelligence.

A. more important B. less needed C. less essential D. more looked down  upon

62. Which of the following can lead you to believe according to the  passage?

A. A model ‘s travelling expenses are usually paid by his employer.

B. to be a model ,good looks are the most important qualification.

C. Most models have a fairly easy way of life with high pay.

D. A model can hardly be successful without a good agent.

63. Models often put “Secretary” or” Businessmen” instead of” Model” in  their passports because

A. they want to avoid being stopped to sign their names by fans

B. a person with the occupation of a model is easily attacked by black  societies.

C . models are sometimes looked down upon

D. secretaries and businessmen are free of Customs duty

64. What may be the author’s attitude toward modelling?

A. It is a worthwhile life for a young lady or a young man.

B. He is in favour of young people to try modelling.

C. Before being crazy about a model job ,young people should be aware of  the difficulties.

D. It is a field in which everyone has a great chance to succeed.

65 .The underlined word “suspiciously” can most probably be replaced by  ________

A. doubtfully B. excitedly C .proudly D. sadly


I was being interviewed by a senior manager for a major  insurance(保险业)company. I told him honestly why I wanted the job —I needed to  keep my family in Boston. My wife recently died of a heart attack. A job in  Boston would help me reduce some of the extreme trauma(精神创伤) and pain of the  loss for my 16-year-old daughter. It was important for me to keep her in her  present high school. I could still hardly talk about the loss of my wife. Bruce,  the interviewer, was politely empathetic, but he didn’t probe(彻底调查) any further.  He admitted my loss and, with great respect, moved on to another subject. After  the next round of the interview, Bruce took me to lunch with another manager.  Then he asked me to take a walk with him. He told me that he, too, had lost his  wife. And, like me, he had also been married 20 years and had three children. In  his sharing, I realized that he had experienced the same pain as I had —a pain  that was almost impossible to explain to someone who had not lost a beloved one.  He offered his business card and home phone number and suggested that, if I need  help or just want someone to talk to, I should feel free to give him a call.  Whether I got the job or not, he wanted me to know that he was there if I ever  needed help. When he had no idea if we would ever see each other again, he  helped our family deal with one of the greatest losses. He turned the normally  cold business interview into a caring support for another person in need.

66. The author took part in the interview because _______.

A. he had lost his job and wanted to find a new one

B. he had to support his family in Boston

C. his wife had recently died of a heart attack

D. his daughter needed money for schooling

67. The underlined word "empathetic “in the second paragraph means  _____.

A. rough B. easy-going C. learned D. understanding

68. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the  passage?

A. Bruce invited the author to lunch later.

B. Bruce shared his life experience with the author.

C. Bruce was willing to help the author.

D. Bruce finally gave the job to the author.

69. We can infer from the last paragraph that ________.

A. Bruce and the author saw each other often

B. the author got little help from Bruce

C. the author learned much from the job interview

D. the author had a better life afterwards

70. What is the best title for the passage?

A. An act of kindness B. A pleasant interview

C. The same experience D. An important lesson



There are two types of people in the world. Although they have equal degree  of health and wealth and other comforts of life, one becomes happy, the other  becomes unhappy. This arises from the different ways in which they consider  things, persons, events and the resulting effects upon their minds.

People who are to be happy fix their attention on the convenience of  things. The pleasant parts of conversation, the well prepared dishes, the  goodness of the wine, the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things.  Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the opposite things.  Therefore, they are continually dissatisfied. By their remarks, they sour the  pleasure of society, offend (hurt) many people, and make themselves disagreeable  everywhere. If this turn of mind was founded in nature, such unhappy persons  would be the more to be pitied. The intention of criticizing and being disliked  is perhaps taken up by imitation. It grows into a habit, unknown to its  possessors. The habit may be strong, but it may be cured when those who have it  realize its bad effects on their interests and tastes. I hope this little  warning may be of service to them, and help them change this habit.

Though in fact it is chiefly an act of the imagination, it has serious  results in life since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck. Those people offend  many others; nobody loves them, and no one treats them with more than the most  common politeness and respect. This frequently puts them in bad temper and draws  them into arguments. If they aim at getting some advantages in social position  or fortune, nobody wishes them success. Nor will anyone start a step or speak a  word to favor their hopes. If they bring on themselves public objections, no one  will defend or excuse them, and many will join to criticize their wrong doings.  These should change this bad habit and be pleased with what is pleasing, without  worrying needlessly about themselves and others. If they do not, it will be good  for others to avoid any contact with them. Otherwise, it can be disagreeable and  sometimes very inconvenient, especially when one becomes mixed up in their  quarrels.

About Two Types of People




The happy

fixing their attention on the 72. ________ of  things.


equal degree of healthand73.________ and other  comforts of life

The unhappy

think and speak only of the 74.  ________ things.



Analysis(分析) aboutthe 75.________ 


77. ________

79. ________

souring the pleasure of  society



•havingbadeffectsontheir interestsandtastes.


•noonetreatsthem with 78._______ and respect.

•changethis bad habit.    

•bepleasedwithwhatis pleasing.  

80._______ worry needlessly about  themselves and others.


offending many  people


making themselves

76.  ________


81. This new discovery of oil is of great s____________ to the country’s  economy.

82. Western music is gaining p__________ day by day.

83. Shall all the students enter the classroom together or s_________ ?

84. If it is c____________ to you, will you come to my birthday party this  Sunday?

85. The programme, i_____ to please the visiting guests, was met with cold  silence

86. Technology has made the delivery of information less difficult, thus  making information

(可得到的) to more people..

87. The bus driver is __________ (负责的) for the passengers’ safety.

88. Group A gave ___________(有说服力的)opinions and won the debate.

89. Arriving late won't create a very favorable __________(印象).

90. Led by the general, they won a _____________ (光辉的) victory.


91. 星期四早晨可以吗?我碰巧那时候会在城里。

Thursday morning ? I to be in town then.

92. 老师的幽默感把他的学生强烈地吸引住了。

The teacher’s _______ of humor ________ ________ his students  enormously.

93. 据说销售额已经数额上升了10个百分点。

The _______ figures are said _______ _________ ________ _______ten  percent.

94. 我深信当许海峰为中国获得第一枚金牌时,所有中国人一定感觉非常骄傲。

I am sure the whole of China _______ ________ _________ _________ when Xu  Haifeng won the first gold medal for his country.

95. 被困在废墟中,小女孩依然微笑着,等待被营救。

______ in ______, the little girl still wore a smile, _______ to be  ________.


Captain Ben Fawcett has bought an ____96___ taxi and has begun a new  service. The 'taxi' is a small Swiss aeroplane called a 'Pilatus Porter'. This  wonderful plane can carry seven passengers. The most ____97___ thing about it,  however, is that it can land anywhere: on snow, water, or even on a ploughed  field. Captain Fawcett's first passenger was a doctor who ____98____ from  Birmingham to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains. Since then, Captain  Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual places. Once he landed on the roof  of a block of flats and on another ____99____, he landed in a ____100____ car  park. Captain Fawcett has just refused a strange request from a businessman. The  man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean, but Captain  Fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous.



1—5BCBAC 6—10 CBCBA 11—15 CBACA 16—20BABAC


21—25BDBBB 26—30 DBBCD 31—35 DABAA 36—40 ABCCC


41-45 BAABC 46-50 DBAAA 51-55 CBCAD 56-60 BADAD


61--65 ADCCA

66-70 BDDCA

71.Similarities 72. convenience 73. wealth 74. opposite 75. unhappy

76. disagreeable 77.Results 78. politeness 79. Tips/Advice/Suggestions 80.  don’t


81.significance 82.popularity 83.separately 84.convenient 85.intended

86.available 87.responsible 88.persuasive 89.impression 90.glorious


91.Will do happen

92. sense appealed to

93.sales to have risen by

94. must have felt proud

95.Trapped/Caught ruins waiting rescued


96.unusual 97.surprising 98.flew 99.occasion 100.deserted



