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Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.

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M Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.学案
Step 1: Revision
1.I was late for school this morning, because I o_____________________.
2.It’s time for meeting, he came here on t_______________.
3.Because the recorder b_____________ down, I can’t listen to music.
4.After the thief had already stolen the handbag, he r____________ off at once.
5.I woke up late this morning. I had to really r_____________ to work at once.
6.When I got to school, I r_____________ I had left my backpack at home.
Step 2: Grammar Study
get ______ ________ begin ________ _________ leave _________ ________
go ______ ________ oversleep ________ ________ flee ________ ________
break _________ ________ run ________ _______ show _______ ________
ring _________ ________
【学习】过去完成时 ---- 过去的过去
构成:had + 动词的过去分词
1. I went to bed at 10:00 last night. My brother went to bed at 9:00 last night.(合并成一句)By the time I went to bed, my brother had gone to bed.
2. Sally said Jimmy had run out of money.
1.他完成工作后,离开了办公室。After he _________ the work, he ________ the office.
When I ____________ home, mother ________________ cooking.
__________________________, we _____________________ reading five books.
She ____________ me that he _______________________ of the good news.
1.He suddenly remembered he ________________(buy) a coat already.
2.My grandparents never knew that population __________(be) the biggest problem.
3.__________ you ____________(finish) your homework yet?
4.I _______________(live) in Beijing for ten years before I came here.
5.By the end of last year he ______________(learn) 2000 English words.
6.When we __________(get) to the airport, the plane had left.
7.The famous scientist _______________(give) a lecture the day after tomorrow.
8.On the way home, Mr Smith always _______(buy) a box of chocolate for his children.
9.When I got home, my wife ______________(watch) TV yesterday evening.
10.I forgot ______________ (turn) off the lights in the classroom after school.
1.After the party, some of the students picked up all the rubbish that __________ on the floor of the ball.
A. has been dropped B. has been fallen
C. had been dropped D. had been fallen
2.---- Did you see Mr Smith when you were in France?
---- No, when I ________ France, he had gone to China.
A, had arrived to B. arrived to C. had gone to D. got to
3.The pop singers _________ when I got to the music hall last night. What a pity!
A. have left B. were left C. had left D. left
4.They ________ since the factory opened.
A. had worked here B. have worked here C. worked here
5.Before the boss came back, the workers _________ the car.
A. repaired B. has repaired C. will repair D. had repaired
Step 3: Section A
1.take a shower ________________
get in the shower _________________________
拓展训练:take a walk / take a look / take a rest
2.By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.
3.When I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home.
思考:leave / forget的区别
1.By the time I woke up, my father had already gone into the bathroom.
2.Unfortunately, by the time I got there, the bus had already left.
3.come to school late ____________________
4.fortunately ___________________________
5.give me a lift __________________________
6.…yesterday I came very close. ___________________________________
7.I only just made it to my class. _____________________________________
9. go off _____________________
10. wait for him to come out ______________________
11. take a quick shower ______________________
have a quick breakfast ______________
12. run off to the bus stop ____________________
13. get to school on time _____________ 比较:in time _________________
14. come by ____________ = pass by
15. arrive / reach / get的区别
Step 4: Read and recite the passage (P43---3a)
Section B
Step 1: 翻译并背诵
1、穿衣服 ________________ 2、出现、露面______________ _____________
3、精疲力竭的 _____________ 4、邀请某人做事 ________________________
5、倒空 ___________ 装满、充满 _____________ _____________ ___________ 6、感到尴尬 _________________ 7、意识到 __________ 8、熬夜 ____________
9、化妆晚会 __________________
10、Dave愚人节的时候怎么了? ___________________________________________
Step 2: 阅读P45,3a,了解大意,归纳段意
Passage 1: ___________________________________________________________
Passage 2: ___________________________________________________________
Passage 3: ___________________________________________________________
Step 3: 仔细阅读,按要求完成下列各题
1.He described where they had landed and told how they were moving across the United States.
3)特别注意短语across the United States的意思,across可替换为_______________
2.By the time the authorities revealed that the story was a hoax, thousands of people had fled from their homes.
2)归纳by the time的时态要求:从句______________ 主句__________________
4)拓展:三百万________________ 数以百计的_____________________
3.Many people ran to their local supermarket to buy as much spaghetti as they could.
2)替换as much spaghetti as they could :__________________________________
4.She was thrilled, because she really wanted to get married.
1、登陆地球 ____________________ 2、数以千计的 _______________________
3、停止种植 ____________________ 4、全国 ___________________________
5、被卖完 ______________________ 6、曾经被邀请 ______________________
7、和他结婚 ____________________ 8、有一个幸福的结局 __________________
Wells was so convincing that hundreds of people believed the story, and panic set off across the whole country.
1) __________________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________________________
4) __________________________________________________________________
1、联想学过的there be结构:___________________________________________
3、区分reply / answer:__________________________________________________
Step 4: 熟练朗读课文
Step 5: 背诵第一篇文章
Step 6: 阅读下面文章,写出重要的短语搭配
On April Fool’s Day, Nick’s alarm went off. He got up and took a shower. Then he got dressed and went to school. When he got to school, the building was empty. An hour later the other kids showed up. Then he realized that his brother had fooled him. His brother had set his alarm an hour early.
1. __________________________ 2. _____________________________
3. __________________________ 4. _____________________________
5. __________________________ 6. _____________________________
Step 7: 完成单词
1.I was waiting for the school bus but it didn’t come. Then I r_______ it was Saturday.
2.I woke up late this morning. I had to really r____________ to get to school on time.
3.There’s a good TV show tonight but it’s at 1:00 am. I don’t want to s__________ up that late.
4.Sally i______________ me to her birthday party. It’s at her house on Saturday.
5.Do you know where John is? He was going to meet me earlier but he didn’t s_________ up.
Step 8: 强化练习
I’ve n____________ been late for school, but yesterday I came very close. My alarm c____________ didn’t go off, and by the time I w__________ up, my father had already g__________ into the bathroom and I had to w_________ for him to come out. I had to really rush. I t__________ a quick shower, had some breakfast, and then ran o_________ to the bus stop. U______________, by the time I got there, the bus had already left. I started w____________, but I knew I couldn’t get to school on time. L___________, my friend Tony and his dad came b____________ in his dad’s car and they gave me a r___________. When I got to school, the f___________ bell was ringing. I only just m___________ it to my class.


Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.
