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I. 重点词汇
interpreter n. 口译员
junior adj, 年少的
leap vi,vt 跳跃
leftover n.剩余物 adj 剩余的
literature n文学
makeup n. 化妆品
migration n. 移居 ,迁移
muddy adj.泥泞的
II. 重点短语
1. be junior to 比... 年少, 比 ... 低级
2. keep it up 保持优秀成绩,继续干下去
3.leap a fence 跳过栅栏
4. leave ... alone 不管,别惹 , 让 ... 一个人呆着
5. make fun of 取笑
6.master's degree 硕士学位
7.in the meantime 在此期间,与此同时
8.meet one's demands 满足某人的需要
III. 佳句赏析
1 . He has overcome all the difficulties he met with
2. He is three years junior to me .
3.She was the teacher who taught us English literature
4. We are closely related as lips and teeth .
IV. 词汇练习
1.President Hu Jintao said the US have common ________ in Taiwan .
A affairs B business C projects D interests
2.It is unnatural for a mother to leave her child ________ to enjoy herself
A alone B lonely C lone D loneliness
3. Her income went up with a __________ ( 猛增 )
4. Matters _________(缓慢) along
V. 短语练习
1.Instead of leading us a hand , he just stood by , ___________ us when we are in trouble .
A made fun of B making fun of C got tired of D getting tired of
2.------ What about inviting Mary to our party ?
------You 'd better not . She prefers to be _______ as far as I know
A tested out B left alone C rung up D turned around
3.Warm-blooded animals live an active life even in freezing winter ,which helps them to ____ their normal body temperature
A build up B keep up C bring up D pick up

IV. 词汇练习 1. D2. A 3. leap 4. jog


