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Module 2 No Drugs单元学案

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Module 2 No Drugs单元学案
第一部分 基础知识
1毒品 14。联系、关系、关联
2. 癌症15. 违法的、不合法的
3. 香烟16. 治疗
4. 烟草、烟丝17. 可能的
5. (烟草等)上瘾的18. 成人
6. 危险19.不同意、意见不合
7. 上瘾的人、瘾君子20 禁止
8. 针管、针21. 令人不快的、极讨厌的
9. 有力的、有功效的22. 影响、对……有坏影响
10.减少23. 参与者、参加者
11.附近的24. 认识、认知、认出
12.盗窃、盗窃罪25. 慢跑
13.罪行、犯罪行为26. 体操的
二 词组
1.由于……的原因 2。结果
35给某人提出建议 36.征求某人的意见
37建议某人做某事 38.建议做某事
39吸毒 40.列出……的清单
45确定日期 46在未来
47从今以后 48 三个、几个
三 重点句子:
1. During the 1990s, 21 million people died as a result of smoking cigarette.
as a result of… 由于……的结果 The accident happened as a result of carelessness
result in …导致 Carelessness resulted in the accident.
result from… 由……引起 The accident resulted from carelessness.
2. Thirteen people die every hour from illness related to smoking tobacco, such as cancer, bronchitis and heart disease. 每小时有十三人死于与吸烟有关的疾病,像癌症,支气管炎,心脏病。
be related to…与……有关
He’s related to the King.
It’s a matter related to his fame.
The plan related to the project is under discussion.
3. I’m nineteen years old and I used to be a drug addict.我十九岁,曾经是个瘾君子。
4. Users who inject the drug are also in more danger if they share needles with other users.
5. The next day, I broke into a house and stole a television and a video recorder.
break into v.t 闯入,破门而入 ,打断,突然……起来
break in v.i 强行进入,插话,打断
The man found his house broken in when he cane home.
The crowd broke into laughter.
He kept broke in with silly questions.
6. Now I work in a center for drug addicts, helping others to stop taking drugs.
7. Participants learn to recognize smoking triggers (things that start them smoking) and try to
set a date in the future when they will stop smoking.
8. I think it would be good if they banned smoking in restaurants and cafes as well.
9. UK teenagers are taking up two five times more illegal drugs, for example, ecstasy tablets and cannabis, than in other European countries.
10. Do you think you would follow this advice if you were a smoker?
11.Choose a time when you will be relaxed but also too busy to think about smoking.
四 语法: 目的状语
to do
in order to do
so as to do
不定式短语作目的状语,主要用来修饰动词,表示某一动作或状态的目的,逻辑主语通常是句子的主语,为了使目的意义更加清楚或强调,还可在前面加上in order(句首,句末)或so as(句中)
To draw maps properly, you need a special pen.
I’ve written it down in order not to forget.
He shouted and waved so as to be noticed.
The teachers are using new methods for students to make progress.
结果状语从句主要由so that, so…that, such…that等引导。在so…that结构中,so后面跟形容词或副词;在such…that结构中,such后面跟名词。
e.g He made a wrong decision, so that half of his lifetime was wasted.
He told us such funny stories that we all laughed.
1. So+形容词+a/an+单数名词+that
e.g. It was so hot a day that even the crops withered.
2. such+a/an+形容词+单数名词+that
e.g. It was such an interesting film that I saw it twice.
3. So+many/few+复数名词+that
e.g. He had so many things to do that he was busy all day long./
4. So+much/little +不可数名词+that
e.g. He earned so little money that he could barely support his family.
e.g. So loudly did he speak that everyone could hear him clearly.
So quickly did the workmen finish their work that they were given a bonus.
补充:名词词组中的such和so 分类
No such thing has ever happened.
I have never seen such a beautiful place before.
Last time I saw him he was so fat!
He was not so much angry as disappointed.
However did you make such a mistake?
I have never heard of such a thing.
Why are you in such a hurry?
注意:当such前面有no时,必须省去不定冠词a(an),因为no such本身已经包括了不定冠词,相当于not such a(an);例如:
I have no such book. (= I haven’t such a book.)
I have never seen such a tall man.
I have never seen so tall a man.
He is not such a clever boy as his brother.
He is not so clever a boy as his brother.
Such things often happen in our daily life.
Such people are dangerous.
Whales are such smart animals that they communicate with each other.
He made such stupid mistakes that the teacher tore up the whole paper.
Did you ever see such weather?
You can’t drink such hot milk.
She made such rapid progress that she soon began to write articles in English.
so many people / so many students / so few days
so much time / so much money / so little time等。
①I have met many such people in my life.
②I didn’t expect to meet so many people there.
There are so few that I can’t give you one.
This is the girl I have told you so much about.
So much for today.
All such possibilities must be considered.
I need some such cards.
One such dictionary is enough for me.
We have had several such Chinese paintings already.
I hope never to meet with another such accident.
一 单项选择
1. He speaks English well indeed, but of course not_________ a native speaker.
A. as fluent asB. more fluent than C. so fluently asD. much fluently than
2. The flu is believed _________ by viruses that like to produce in the cells inside the human
nose and throat.
A. causingB. being causedC. to be causedD. to have caused
3. The flowers________ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.
A. to smellB. smellingC. smeltD. to be smelt
4. The disc digitally______ in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night.
A. recordedB. recordingC. to be recordedD. having recorded
5. The teacher told him to speak louder_______ by everybody.
A. so as to be heardB. so as to hearC. in order that heardD. in order to hear
6. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier,______ it more difficult.
A. not makeB. not to makeC. not makingD. do not make
7. Harry could do nothing but_______to his parents that he was wrong.
A. admitB. admittedC. admittingC. to admit
8. He let me repeat his instruction____sure that I understood what was_____ after he went away.
A. to make; to be doneB. making; doingC. to make; to doD. making; to do
9. So quickly_______ their work that they were given a house.
A. that finishedB. did they finishC. did they finishedD. they did finish
10. ---Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day?
---________ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.
A. GetB. GettingC. To getD. To be getting
11. We had an informal talk with Mr. Li in_______ with the preparation for this meeting.
A. relationB. relationshipC. connectionD. relating
12. I think we are________ to get a certain offer from him because he is often generous to us.
A. possibleB. probablyC. impossibleD. likely
13. In Britain, sales of cigarettes have been reduced______ 30% in the past ten years.
A. forB. toC. fromD. by
14. Three fifths of the cattle_______ sold abroad in the city.
A. hasB. has beenC. haveD. have been
15. ---I thought I’d try to repair the car myself.
---____! You know nothing about the car.
A. That’ all rightB. You can’t be serious C. Absolutely D. It’s nothing serious
16.---John, how about going for a picnic?
--- I’d love to, but I can’t afford the time. I have to change my plan again which___my boss.
A. agrees withB. disagrees withC. is difficultD. relates to
17. Don’t leave matches or cigarettes on the table within________ of little children.
A. hardB. reachC. spaceD. distance
18. There was________ time_______ I hated to go to school
A. a; thatB. a; whenC. the; thatD. the; when
19. It was________ back home after the experiment.
A. not until midnight did he goB. until midnight that he didn’t go
C. not until midnight that he wentD. until midnight when he didn’t go
20. There are two buildings,________ stands nearly a hundred feet high.
A. the largerB. the larger of them C. the larger one thatD. the larger of which
二 单词拼写
1. Smoking is a ______________________(危险) to health.
2. He was ___________________(严重)injured in an accident.
3. The production of this year has been (减少)__________________by 20%
4. His dismissal has no _________________(联系)with the quality of his work..
5. The thief was arrested for committing__________________(盗窃)。
6. This accident caused many_________________(死亡)
7. The doctor’s _________________(治疗)cured him.
8. There were many scientist all around the world__________ (有关)to the research on finding aliens in outer space.
9. Every year a lot of people die as a result of smoking___________________(香烟)。
10. He is______________________(可能的)to come tomorrow.
三 翻译下列句子:
1. 我不能将他与这起谋杀案联系起来。
6. 气候的突变可能影响你的健康。
8. 桂林是座很美丽的城市,每年都有上千万的游客来参观.
四 阅读表达
“Welcome to come” instead of “Welcome”, “Receives the silver” rather than “Cashier”. These are just two examples of the more than 1,000 mistakes turned up by a recent movement to clean up incorrect English usage in Beijing.
Beijing government is trying to clean up such mistakes in English usage, sometimes called “Chinglish”, before an expected 500,000 foreigners arrive for the 2008 Olympics
“Some of the translations in China aren’t clear or even polite,”. Said Liu Yang , director general of the Beijing Speaks Foreign Languages Program.
In one month about 400 mistakes of English usage were found out and submitted(提交) to the campaign organized by a local newspaper.
“The activity was a good chance for locals to contribute to the Beijing 2008 Olympic games,” said Beijing resident , who pointed out 101 mistakes to the organizing committee. “ At the same time, it also encouraged us to learn more and raise our English level. I hope through our efforts Beijing will be a real metropolis (大都市) to receive visitors from the world during the 2008 Olympic games.”
A group of experts from home and abroad worked on standardizing English expressions in almost all fields, including tourism.
The standard of Beijing taxi drivers’ oral English is also being tackled. Today there are four rounds of English- learning programs on the radio every day for taxi drivers to learn simple English and some training courses are also being held.
1. What’s the best title for the passage ? (Please answer within 10 words.)
2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following sentence?
Through this program local people in Beijing can have a chance to serve for the 2008 Olympics.
3. Please fill in the blanks in the 6th paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence
4. What is Chinglish ? What is your viewpoint towards Chinglish cleaning-up in Beijing ? ( please answer within 30 words.)
5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.

Module 2
词汇答案:1.drug cancer cigarette tobacco addictive danger addict needle powerful reduce nearby burglary crime connection illegal cure likely adult disagree ban horrible affect participant recognize jogging gymnastic
词组答案:1 as a result of , 2 as a result ,3 die of ,4 die from ,5 cause sb. sth.6 Cause sb. To do , 7be connected with ,8 be addicted to , 9 break into , 10in danger , 11out of danger , 12 increase to ,13 increase by ,14 inject sth. into sb. ,15 reduce to (by) ,16 be used to doing, 17 be used to do 18 used to do 19continue doing 20 supply sth. to sb. 21 offer to do 22 share sth. with sb. 23 for the purpose of 24 with the purpose of 25on purpose 26allow sb. to so sth. 27 allow sb. doing 28out of one’s reach 29 ask sb. for … 30 enough to do 31in great pain 32 steal sth. from 33 rob sb. of sth. 34take / follow one’s advice 35give sb. some advice 36ask for sb’s advice 37 advise sb. to do 38suggest doing 39 take drugs 40make a list of 41 refuse to do 42 raise the price
一:答案: 1-5CCBAA 6-10 BAABC 11-15CDDDB 16-20 BBBCD
二:答案:1.danger 2. seriously 3.reduced 4. connection 5. burglary 6. deaths 7. cured 8. related 9 cigarettes 10 likely
1. I just can’t relate him to this murder.
2. He was addicted to Rock Music.
3. The doctor said that his life was out of danger.
4. The children are addicted to computer games.
5. The government is thinking about banning smoking on public transport.
6. The sudden change in climate may affect your health.
7. There was so little food at home that we had to go out to buy some.
Guilin is so beautiful a city that thousands of visitors come to visit it each year.
四 :答案:
1. Beijing cleans up its “Chinglish ”
2. “The activity was a good chance for locals to contribute to the Beijing 2008 Olympic games,”
3. business; transportation
4. Chinglish is the incorrect English used by Chinese people. Cleaning up Chinglish in Beijing can encourage people to learn English and raise their English level.


Module 2 No Drugs单元学案
