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My Neighborhood单元学案

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第一部分 基础知识
1.赚钱 .
1.It is the same with…
3.where 引导非限制定语从句
He has been living there since 1970
I have been writing letters.
Where have you been? We have been looking for you everywhere.
第二部分 英语知识运用
1. in your city now?
Very hot at noon but very cool at night.
A. How is the weather like
B. What is the weather like
C. How does the weather look like
D. What is the weather
2.Excuse me , Mr Smith, but I have to you with some questions.
A. ask B. bother C. disturb D. admire
3.I hear Betty has gone to Japan for her holiday.
Oh, how nice! Do you know when she ?
A. was leaving B. had left C. has left D. left
4.This is the first time he the beautiful city.
A. visited B. visit C. has visited D. had visited
5.He has been studying French very hard so now he should read it well.
A. quietly B. rather C. pretty D. generally
6.Where for the past few years?
A. are you B. have you been C. have you gone D. did you go
7.What was the party like?
Wonderful. It is years I enjoyed myself so much.
A. after B. when C. before D. since
8.Did you enjoy your holiday?
Yes . It is the best holiday I these years.
A. had B. have had C. had had D. would have
9. to be no time for checking the answer before handing in the papers.
A. There seems B. It seems C. We seem D. What seems
10. number of books have been given to the library. As a result, number of books is becoming larger and larger.
A. A; a B. A; the C. The; a D. The ; the
11.He bought the car because of its price.
A. reduce B. reduced C. reducing D. reduces
12.In doing the work , we can’t the waste of single minute.
A. manage B. afford C. take D. suffer
13. ?
OK. How are you doing ?
A. How is it going B. How do you do?
C. What is up D. What’s the matter
14.Am I too late?
I’m afraid so . We without you.
A. shall begin B. were going to begin
C. had begun D. are to begin
15.Why do you look so sad ?
There are so many problems .
A. remaining to settle B. remained settling
C. remaining to be settled D. are to begin
16.He is very tired working all day. Don’t him waiting outside in the rain any longer.
A. continue B. leave C. make D. remain
17.She went home happily with the money.
A. left B. leaving C. make D. remain
18.I’m sorry to keep you waiting.
Oh, not at all. I here only a few minutes.
A. have been B. had been C. was D. will be
19. the sports meet might be put off.
Yes, it all depends on the weather.
A. I’ve been told B. I’ve told C. I’m told D. I told
20.Who is Jerry Cooper?
? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.
A. Don’t you meet him B. Hadn’t you met him
C. Didn’t you meet him D. Haven’t you met him
1. (本地)calls cost 2 pennies a minute in England. 1.
2.We saw a less (吸引人)side of his personality that day. 2.
3.It’s a pity that his family can’t (担负得起)to send
him to school. 3.
4.The islands attract more than 17,000 (游客)a year. 4.
5.Has anyone ever (劳神) to ask the students for their
opinions? 5.
6.She heard footsteps (接近) from behind. 6.
7.Personally, I think he should get some (专业)help. 7.
8.From talking to former prisoners ,an obvious fact ,is that
they have been (挨饿). 8.
9.She sits on the school’s development 委员会). 9.
10.These plants cannot (存活)in very cold conditions. 10.


3、许多人为摆脱城市的噪音而想在乡村生活。(get away from)

4、由于房价上升,许多人买不起新房。( go up )


“I runned , I swinged and I slided ” is how a fouryearold boy might explain his day in the park. The mistakes he makes show he is on his way to knowing the rules of his language. He already knows that you add “ed” to words when you talk about something you did in the past . What he doesn’t know is that the rules do not apply to all verbs.
In another year ,these childhood language mistakes will disappear . By the age of five, most children can express their thoughts in words. Their thinking may go faster than their mouths at times! This will make them stop and start ,repeat what they say. For example, a child may say,“I want to carry you ” instead of “ .” The parent will often respond by correcting the mistake and saying , “You want me to carry you .” The child knows the parent understands and at the same time is told the correct way to say the sentence. Parents can help children learn language . The can ask children what they are doing or thinking . They can help children repeat what they said in the correct way as children will not see that a mistake has been made. It is better for you to repeat the sentence using the correct words.
1. What might a child of four years old say if he wants to express that he already ate his breakfast? (Please answer within 10 words. )

2. Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases. (Please answer within 10 words.)

3. Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.

4. What’s the general idea of the third paragraph? (Please answer within 10 words.)

5. What is a better way to correct children when they make mistakes when talking and why?(Pleases answer within 20 words.)
Module 4 答案
一、1. survey 2. neighbourhood 3. local 4. suburb 5. attractive 6. fortunate 7. bother 8. district 9. approach 10. gorgeous 11. architecture 12. starve 13. organization 14. occupation 15. professional 16. manual 17. gallery 18. fascinating 19. survive 20. contact
二、 1. high-rise buildings 2. put up
3. so far /up to now /till now 4. get away from
5. a large number of /a great many 6. feel fortunate in doing
7. bother to do sth 8. as a result
9. go up 10. make money
一、1-5 BBDCC 6-10 BDBAB 11-15 BBABC 16-20 BCAAD
二、1. Local 2. attractive 3. afford 4. tourists 5. bothered
6. approaching 7. professional 8. starved 9. committee 10. survive
三、1. His work is approaching perfection.
2. Have you been in contact with him recently?
3. Many people want to live in the countryside in order to get away from the noise in the city.
4. As the price of houses goes up ,many people cannot afford a new house.
5. He is lonely and starving for friendship.
四、1、答案:I eated breakfast .
解析:根据文章的第一句判断,他应该在eat 后面加上字母“ed”
2. 答案:I want you to carry me.
解析:根据文中的描述,小孩的真正意思应该是I want you to carry me ,但是他没有说对。
解析: on his way to doing something 表示“正在逐渐……”。
4、答案:Adults change the way of speaking when talking to small children.


My Neighborhood单元学案
