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Unit 9 When was it invented 导学案

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Unit 9 When was it invented? 导学案
基本结构:助动词be(was / were)+及物动词的过去分词
A thief was caught last night.
They were asked to speak at the meeting.
肯定式:It was made.
否定式:It was not made.
疑问式:Was it made? No, it wasn’t Yes, it was
Ask the students to be familiar with the words below according to the pictures on computer.
Telephone, calculator, car, personal computer, TV, electric light, light bulb, alarm, clock, microwave oven, electric slipper.
教学 操练1a, 1c, 2c
学生看书本上1a的图画,根据图画,把1a, 1c, 2c中的语言点综合起来,叫学生相互间回答问题。并用刚刚学到的目标句型来操练。最后,抽查几对学生,让他们在全班面前,按要求进行对话。
2)教学1b, 2a, 2b
首先,帮助学生明确本题的要求。接着,听力练习,学生根据录音内容完成1b, 2a and 2b.
Consolidation and Extension.
Ask some students to read about an invention using an encyclopedia or other book from the library, or by looking up information on the Internet. Have the students write up a short report and draw a simple picture of the invention or bring in a photo of it. Ask each students to show the picture and read his or her report to the class.
二 小组探究(二)汉泽英
三 精讲点拨典型例题解析:
1.--What a nice classroom! --It ____ every day.
A. is cleaning B. has cleaned C. must clean D. is cleaned
解析:推测这句话的意思应该是“它每天都被打扫”,考查被动语态的结构be + 动词的过去分词。因此答案应该选D。
2.I know Beijing well. I ____ there three times.
A .will go B. have been C. went D. have gone
解析:推测这句话的意思“我很了解北京,我去过那三次”。表示去过应该采用的时态是现在完成时,因此可排除A和C,区别have been和have gone,have been 去过;have gone 去了(还没回来)。因此应该选择B。
1.--Look at the sign on the right. --Oh, smoking ____ here.
A .doesn’t allow B. isn’t allowed C. didn’t allow D. wasn’t allowed
2. --Will you come to the dinner party? --I won’t come unless Jim ______.
A. can’t be invited B. was invited C. will be invited D.is invited
四 归纳总结梳理知识:本单元主要学习了一般过去时的被动语态,包括其结构与用法。利用几项发明创造练习这一知识,最后用一篇小报告来完成写作练习。

至善中学 九年级 英语 学科导学案
课题:Unit9 Section B 课型:NEW 主备人: 审核人: 授课教师: 编号:
教学目标: 能力目标:1.能在具体语境中正确运用被动语态。2.情感目标:培养爱国主义精神。
Train students’ writing skill with target language
重难点:Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary: ancient legend bush remain notice produce pleasant in this way pie flying throw重点词汇用法及一般过去时被动语态用法。
(2) Target Language: The flying disk was invented by college students.
What/When/Who /How was invented(by)?
错误地 偶然地 根据
1)教学 操练1a, 1c, 2c学生看书本上1a ,1b 完成1a,1b 2)教学2a, 2b ,听一听 填一填 完成2a and 2b. 3)2a,2b 回答问题1. What is this article about? 2. Was it invented on purpose or by accident? 3. When was it invented? 4. Who was invented by? 二.精讲点拨:
1. Potato chips were invented by mistakes. mistake 作名词 “错误” make a mistake 出错e.g. You have made a mistake here. mistake…for… 错把……当作…… They mistook him for his brother. by mistake 错误地 e.g. They sent the letter to me by mistake. 2. Geroge wanted to make the customer happy. make表示“使……怎么样”,其后常带复合宾语。常见结构为:主语+make+宾语+名词/形容词(做宾补) water (产生) a p smell . 典型例题解析:1. Did you know that tea…was invented by accident? by accident “偶然地,碰巧”。同义词组 是by chance,同义词是accidentally, 反义 词组是on purpose. e.g. he found a new way to solve the problem by accident. 2. Although tea wasn’t brought to the western world until 1610, …(1) although 作连词, 意为 “虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句, 我们不能根据汉语习惯, 在后面使用连词but, 不过它可以与yet, still连用;若主从句的主语相同, 且从句谓语含有动词be, 可将从句主语和动词be省略。e.g. Although he is very busy, he always talks with us. (2) not…until 意为 “直到……才”until 引导一个时间状语从句。 I did not go to bed until I finished my homework. 3. According to an ancient Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea…(1) according to 是个短语介词,意为 “根据……;依照……”后接代词,名词或由疑问词以及whether引出的名词性从句。e.g. According to the radio, it will rain tomorrow. (2)discover意为“发现”,指发现的对象是 本来存在的。 find意为“找到”,强调结果。 invent意为“发明”,发明的对象是以前没 有的东西。3. Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time. (1) nearby adj. “附近的“,e.g. He works in a nearby factory. (2)leaf 的复数形式为leaves (3)remain 表示 “继续留在某处” e.g. How long will you remain here? (4) fall into “落入, 陷入”e.g. He was drunk and fell into the water.

三.当堂检测:见助学P135――136 四.巩固测评 Complete the sentences :
1. 这样,发明了世界上最受喜欢的饮料之一。
2. 根据中国古代的传说,神农在室外火炉上烧饮用水时发现了茶。
4. 这种饮料直到那之前的三千多年前被发现。



至善中学 九 年级 英语 学科导学案
课题: Unit 9 When was it invented ? (Self - check ) 课型:新授
主备人: 审核人: 授课教师:______________ 编号:____
基本结构:助动词be(was / were)+及物动词的过去分词
A thief was caught last night.
They were asked to speak at the meeting.
肯定式:It was made.
否定式:It was not made.
疑问式:Was it made? No, it wasn’t Yes, it was
I,独立完成助学P136 翻译探究。
II,预习并完成Self ? check Action 1.
1. Mom added salt but it still wasn’t s enough.
2. She likes c cookies. They are hard, dry and easily broken.
3.-What are you doing? --------I’m reading an (古老的)legend.
4.George Crum is a (厨师).He invented chips by mistake.
5.-Can you show me how to (投)the flying disk? ---------Do like this.
6. I prefer lemons to oranges. I like the s tastes.
7 I don’t like eating chocolate. It tastes too s .
8. Edison i many useful i in his life. The light (invent)by him.
9. The telephone (invent) in 1876. I think ( 最有用的发明) is the light bulb.
10. The battery-operated slippers (被用来) (see) in the dark.
11. These books are used only teachers.请选择(for/as/by/to)
12. The shoes with adjustable heels (被用来) (change)the style of the shoes.


a)Action 1: Get the students to make their own sentences with the words of Action 1 .(10mins)
Ask some groups to give the others their sentences ,and check them
b) 拓展:描述你曾吃过的食品
酸的 甜的 咸的 脆的 辣的 苦味的 bitter
potato chips 2. lemon 3. ice cream 4. tea
c) Action 2 : Find out when these things were invented and then write about them .
三 达标检测:
Potato chips were __________ _______ __________.
The __________ thought the potatoes weren’t ________ ________.
Potato chips ______ _________by a chef ______ George Crum.
He cooked them _____ a long time_______they were _________.
Who ________ tea?
=who was tea _______ _______?
Did you know that tea,the most ______ ________in the world(_______ ________) was invented _______ ________.
__________ tea wasn’t __________ to the Western world ________ 1610 ,the ________ was _________ _________ three thousand years ___________ that.
__________ to ____ ancient Chinese lagend.
Boiling __________ water _________ an _______ fire.
Some __________ from a ______ bush ________ _____ the water and __________ there ______ some time.
完成助学P137 全真考题



至善中学 九 年级 英语 学科导学案
课题:Unit 9 When was it invented? ( reading) 课型:新授
主备人: 审核人:____________ 授课教师: _____________ 编号:____
教学目标:1,Talk about the history of inventions.
重难点: 掌握过去时的被动语态 was (were)+动词的过去分词
1.世纪 在六世纪 2. 积极的,活动的 活动(n.) 3.创造(v.) 有创意的
4. 木制的 木头 5. 发展(v.) 发展(n.) 6. 流行的 流行普及(n.) 7. 金属
8. 低于 9. rise (过去式) (过去分词)
10. 与…─相撞 11 把…分成
读课文, 判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。
( ) 1. Basketball was invented in 1861.

( ) 2. Dr Naismith created the basketball game which was played indoors at first.

( ) 3. Dr Naismith divided all his classmates into two teams to play his new game.

( ) 4. Dr Naismith used the backboard to help the players put the ball into the basket.

( ) 5. Till now, there haven’t been any Chinese basketball players in NBA.

《助学》P136 翻译探究
1:The sport of basketball is a little over a hundred years old. a little与a bit
① 做状语,修饰比较级。例如: He is a little /a bit better tody.
② 做主语或宾语。例如: Please give me a little/ a bit.
① not a little=very not a bit=not at all e.g. He is not a little tired.他非常累。
② He is not a bit tired.他一点儿也不累
③ 前置做定语时后常接of,但a little不接of, 而 a bit of 后的of 不可省略,即a little money =a bit of money
2: It is played by more than 100 million people in over 200 countries including China, where basketball has been played in parks…
(1)It is played by…是被动结构,“被。。。玩耍”。。。
(2)more than=over 超过,多于。。。
(3)including 动词的现在分词作状语
(4)where 引导一个非限定定语从句
(5)has been played 是一个现在完成时的被动句
3,Dr Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams and taught them how to play his new game.
(2)how to play…疑问词加动词不定式=how they played…
4, It is believed that…大家相信。。。It is said that…据说。。。
It is reported that…据报道
5, the number of 。。。的数量,a number of。。。大量的
《助学》P139-144 自主评价
1. They’re making too much noise here. Let’s go ____.
A. somewhere quiet B. nowhere quiet C. everywhere noisy D. anywhere noisy ( )
2. ―Didn’t he go home last Sunday? ―______.
A. Yes, he did B. No, he did C. Yes, he didn’t D. No, he doesn’t ( )
3. ______ on real ice is very exciting.
A. Skate B. Skates C. Skated D. Skating
4. We have ______ our sports meeting till next Monday because of the bad weather.
A. put on B. put off C. put down D. put up ( )
5. ______ the students in the primary school is about three thousand, and ______ of them are girls.
A. A number of, two third B. The number of, two thirds C. A number of, two thirds D. The number of, two third


Unit 9 When was it invented  导学案
